The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 362 Lin Daiyu's Intention

Chapter 362 Lin Daiyu's Intention
Whether it is a general or an official, they are all pawns.

The real chess player is still in the center.

Tang Qing'an, Feng Shengzhi, Gu Yingshi, Li Chengxian, Lin Ruhai and others discussed the next specific strategy.

How to divide the land can satisfy the common people.

Everyone discussed the details and analyzed people's hearts, but Lin Ruhai suddenly asked General Xiang where the future Jiedu Mansion would be.

Hearing Lin Ruhai's question, everyone showed blank eyes.

What's the matter with the sub-field?
Tang Qing'an knew that since Lin Ruhai asked such a question, there must be his reasons, so he pondered for a moment.

Many people are actually concerned about whether the Marquis of Pingliao will leave Jinzhou.

With the geographical advantages of Liaodong, of course Liaoyang is the first choice.

It can border Mongolia and control Nuer Gansi.

With the vigorous construction of the barbarians, Shenyang is now a new choice, not weaker than Liaoyang, if Jinjiang Town successfully conquers Shenyang.

But Tang Qing'an's eyes were not limited to Liaodong. If the Jiedu Mansion was established in Liaoyang or Shenyang, it would be more suitable to be king behind closed doors.

But it is not suitable to intervene in domestic affairs and future development.

If he follows the plan in his mind, staying in Golden State is the first choice.

"Golden State."

Tang Qing'an affirmed.

"The prosperous place in each place is where the political center is located. Since the Jiedu Mansion will not change its location, then it can be allocated according to the current situation."

Lin Ruhai smiled.

Everyone understood Lin Ruhai's thoughts.

Jinzhou was the first city to recover, and the Liao people here were also the first to gather. This time, most of the distribution of land is focused on the people of Jinzhou.

According to the original plan, the fields of Jinzhou were distributed to the people of Jinzhou.

However, if the general intends to move the Jiedu Mansion away, it will affect the interests of the people of Jinzhou instead, and keeping the Jiedu Mansion in Jinzhou will maximize the interests of the people of Jinzhou.

With this strategy, everyone finally decided on the big event of dividing the land.


The news of the division of land in Jinjiang town had been spread for two years, and the people were used to it. Suddenly, they heard the news that they were going to start dividing the land in earnest.

Different from those in China, the people of Jinjiang Town generally still have trust in the officials of Jinjiang Town.

Therefore, even the Liao people who are not old enough to divide the land are also happy for the people who can divide the land, and they pay great attention to it.

The people from other places are inquiring about where the people have obtained the qualifications for allotment of land.

Although it's not their turn yet, they all want to confirm what their future land distribution will be like from the things of the people who can divide the land.

According to the plan, each household will be allocated [-] acres of land, and the soldiers will increase the amount of land allocated according to the previous regulations.

The Military Division has already provided the military roster, and the number of years of service, etc., and handed it over to Feng Shengzhi and others.

According to inference, only the first time the field is divided, it is necessary to allocate millions of acres of fields.

According to the current number of households, there are eight people in one household on average, totaling more than [-] households. In the next few years, all farmland will be completed.

All the allocated acres will reach 600 million acres.

Five households raised one full-time soldier, not counting mules and horses. In fact, the burden on the common people was very heavy.

Therefore, Jinjiang Town had to keep millions of acres of official land, which not only ensured the operation of the government, but also provided military and horse rations.

In addition, Jeju Island's trade, domestic trade, ginseng trade and other interests can make up for the needs of military funds.

The source of raising the army is therefore divided into three parts.

Part of it comes from civilian fields, part from official fields, and part from commerce.

Because Jinjiang Town attaches great importance to people's livelihood.

Therefore, Jinjiang Town's military strategy can advance and retreat freely, and the influence of the outside world will become smaller and smaller.

The barbarians support war because of war.

Therefore, the military strategy of the barbarians must rely on fighting and winning battles to obtain many spoils of war in order to maintain it.

Now the barbarians have shrunk and are unable to attack.

At the same time, there are craftsmen, etc., who must be liberated, as well as the designation of the people, craftsmen, and the months of service each year.

It's all huge and cumbersome, and things that can't go wrong.

And fishery.

It is also a monopoly by the government, which increases the material demand of the people, and provides a huge source for the government and the army.

"Next year, militaryly, we will launch an offensive against the barbarians, with the goal of recovering the entire territory of Liaodong. At the same time, I plan to expand the navy and go to various places along the coast of Fujian to meet the poor people who undoubtedly make a living."

After discussing with everyone, Tang Qing'an told everyone to save up for next year.

It is not easy for everyone to provide the needs of the army and expand the navy, and there is a lot of pressure.

"Everyone knows the terrain of Fujian."

Because of the previous incident of pirates, Jinjiang Town sent naval forces to fight against them, but they couldn't eradicate them, so they discussed the source of the pirates.

Finally, I recognized the long-standing disadvantages of Fujian and collected a lot of information about Fujian.

Fujian has many mountains and little land. With the reproduction of the people, the population has doubled, but the land is still those lands.

The extra people couldn't survive and could only go to sea to make a living.

Fighting against pirates alone cannot eradicate pirates. The only way is to manage people's livelihood and let people have enough food.

"Jinjiang Town has taken away the commercial roads and prevented the pirates from gaining benefits. Of course, they will never die with us, even if they face our strong ships repeatedly suffering losses, they are not afraid.

However, Liaodong has a vast land and can support more people. It is the best way to support these domestic people. "

Everyone has no opinion on what the general said.

The former domestic reinforcements, please transfer the soldiers from the south, also for this purpose, to lay the foundation in advance, these soldiers who have seen the favorable location of Liaodong.

After they return to their hometown, it will spread and make people willing to go to Liaodong.

"I'm afraid it won't go so smoothly."

Lin Ruhai is more aware of the situation and people's sentiments in the Mainland. Theory is theory, but reality often contradicts theory.

Tang Qing'an nodded.

"Everything is difficult, and it is even more difficult to start from scratch, but difficult things must be done and solved step by step."

Isn't it just for the convenience that he wins over the general of Guangdong and even marries him, so he can't give up easily.

Lin Ruhai knew that the general would bring it up immediately, so of course he would not give up. He just pointed out the difficulty, so that the general would not think it too easy.

As a result, difficulties arise when things are imminent. Because he did not expect them, he thinks that officials are not capable. This is also a habit he has developed.

Things to do, but also to complain.

Feng Shengzhi and Gu Yingshi had smiles on their lips. Although Lin Ruhai had become their new colleague, he should not be underestimated.

Lin Daiyu's character is rare.

As a young child, when he took a boat to Beijing and entered Jia's mansion, he knew how to read people's eyes, be cautious in words and deeds, take a step forward, and take a sip of water first to see others' manners.

Even in the original text of the Red Chamber, it gradually became tricky in the end because of the situation.

The servants of the Jia family are the most snobbish.

When her father was still there, she still had someone to rely on. The villains in Jia's mansion did not dare to offend easily, but even the girls in the mansion dared to bully her.

What's more, Lin Daiyu, who became an orphan later.

If she learns from Xichun, ignoring others and allowing the servants to take advantage of her, the final result will only be worse.

At least.

Thanks to her efforts, the servants of Jia's mansion did not dare to offend her easily or speak nonsense in front of her.

At the same time, she is a strong-minded woman.

She guessed Madam's intentions, but she didn't want to do what Madam wanted, not because she had a problem with the general.

The general is young, looks talented, and has established such a foundation.

The servants of Jia's mansion proudly praised the general, and the people in the capital also praised the general, even she who was in the Grand View Garden had heard of it.

Although I have been in contact with the general, I feel that he is a bit casual and does not match his identity, but I think the general has a true temperament.

However, Madam's actions made Lin Daiyu a little nervous, thinking that Madam had belittled her and regarded her as someone.

Although she became the daughter of a criminal minister, she did not despise herself because of this, and her heart was clean.

However, my wife taught me many things when I was young, because of this gratitude, Lin Daiyu did not show it.

After arriving at Pingliao Hou's mansion, when the general came back, she left his wife's place to avoid contact with the general.

Now I came to Xiangling's yard, ready to play with Xiangling.

The general loves children.

Because he is busy with official duties, he doesn't have much time at home. Every time he returns home, every child will accompany him.

But here in Xiangling, less people came, so Lin Daiyu came more.

Zhen Shi finally chose to ask for a house outside, worried that because of her own existence, it would affect the tenderness of the general and her daughter.

By chance, I have never met Lin Daiyu, only heard of her name.

When Xiangling faced her mother and asked the general if he had rested in her yard, and was upset, Lin Daiyu happened to come in with Xueyan, Zijuan, and Chunxian to look for her.

"Whose child is this, born like this."

Zhen's eyes were in a trance, and he couldn't help saying.

Xiangling was worried that her mother's words would offend Lin Daiyu, so she quickly stood up to greet her, pulled Lin Daiyu closer, and introduced her to her mother with a smile.

"Mother, take a closer look, okay?"

Zhen Shi is not an ordinary woman, so she quickly guessed who the other party was, but she asked the question knowingly.

"Okay, that's great. You are more exquisite than the people in the painting, just like the fairy in the legend. I think you are inferior in comparison."

Lin Daiyu guessed that this was Xiangling's biological mother, and hurriedly greeted her, but was hurriedly stopped by Mrs. Zhen, not daring to accept her gift.

The general is an idiot.

Zhen Shi could see clearly that this woman was the most outstanding woman she had ever seen, and she might become the general's roommate at some point.

Although he knew that his daughter had an opponent, but the general was young and vigorous, and his family business was so big, how could he stand against it.

It's better to help your daughter to win over, and you can also help your daughter.

Therefore, he was extremely eager, and he was born in a wealthy family, and his words were polite, which did not disturb Lin Daiyu.

Zhen Shi first asked Lin Daiyu how old she was and where her hometown was, and then Xiangling and Lin Daiyu had a private conversation.

Although Xiangling is married, she has not given birth to a child. She has the same temperament as when she was a girl, and she retains a little innocence, which is one of the reasons why Lin Daiyu likes to come and play with her.

Qingwen and Yinger are both mothers, and I can't get into their topics.

 Brothers and sisters, please ask for a monthly ticket, thank you, I wish you a happy marriage, a happy life and a healthy family.

(End of this chapter)

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