The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 341 Soldiers' Confusion

Jiang Heng is a corps leader.

He joined the Jinjiang Army relatively late. Although he was a student of a military academy, he was not outstanding, so he was not distinctive in the army.

In theory, he was just an ordinary sergeant.

Ordered by the commander of the army, after the army was dispatched in turn, their group became the guides of several foreign monks.

The comrades all thought it was bad luck, Jiang Heng, as the corps leader, could only try his best to comfort the other four comrades, and at the same time complete the task with all his heart.

Wang Fengsu was kind and kind, while the rest of the priests looked arrogant, and their behavior in front of the general caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Even the generals in the army are unwilling to contact them.

Up and down.

So the soldiers didn't have a good look at these foreign monks.

Until the long-term contact down.

The young missionaries gradually erased their arrogance, began to respect each other, and changed their attitude towards Jiang Heng and others.

There is politeness and politeness between words.

So Jiang Heng also changed his attitude. He tried his best to cooperate with the missionaries' demands and played a great role in the missionaries' actions in the army.

The young missionaries lost their arrogance, and when they got serious, they had the knowledge and knowledge of hundreds of thousands of miles away.

In the free time, in the small talk between the two sides, Ling Jiang Heng's attitude also gradually became respectful.

Jiang Heng clearly realized that these foreign monks were learned people.

For people with knowledge, the Han people have been extremely respectful since ancient times, and they learn from each other humbly.

This is not only true of the Han Chinese, but also of the Mongols.

The educated Han people will become interpreters in the Mongolian tribes, and most of them are not only not low in status, but also treated kindly.

Even the barbarians of slavery.

The educated Han Chinese had a much higher status than ordinary Han Chinese.

North Korea and Japan are the same.

These missionaries can endure the loneliness and fear at sea, and experience an unbearable voyage for a year or more.

He has received advanced training since he was a child, and has countless knowledge in his chest.

Therefore, the missionaries who were able to reach the East as far as [-] miles away were all outstanding existences among the Western missionaries.

Missionaries with mediocre qualifications are not qualified to come here to preach.

When the priests were free, they would tell the stories of Western countries to a few soldiers. With their abilities, the soldiers listened with gusto.

When several priests talked about what they had seen and heard about the Jinjiang army, and compared the advantages and disadvantages of Western countries, they were in a detailed conversation.

A few ordinary soldiers only found it a novelty, but Jiang Heng combined his studies in the military academy.So confused.

Sometimes he suddenly realized, and sometimes he became more and more troubled, and he felt uncomfortable thinking about it, a feeling as if he had seen it through, but he didn't see it through.

But here comes the trouble.

A new offensive is about to start, and the atmosphere is solemn again.

Wang Fengsu and others observed the largest war in the East from the beginning to the end, and were shocked by the intensity of the war.

"It's unbelievable."

The young priest was amazed.

Beside him, the rest of the priests were the same. Because of their original prejudices, they had always underestimated the ancient country in the East.

"The way of recording in the ancient countries of the East is different from ours in the West."

Another young priest had some complaints on his lips, which attracted the approval of other priests, and Wang Fengsu also smiled.

Western records of wars are mainly based on specific affairs on the battlefield, and everything is recorded in detail.

After reading ancient Western historical materials, one can clearly understand how the situation of the war unfolded.

As for the scholars in the East, in their writings, the war makes people see it in a cloud, and they can only use their own imagination.

They have come into contact with Eastern books, but they can't see specific records about the battlefield, and they are mostly written in the Spring and Autumn Period.

So they can only imagine.

In spite of their arrogance in the past, they used the ignorant ancient countries in the New World as a reference to judge the combat effectiveness of the ancient Eastern countries' armies.

It wasn't until they came to Liaodong that they got the permission of the nobles of the ancient eastern country and saw the war in the ancient eastern country in person, and then they suddenly realized.

As if exposed to new knowledge, learning and absorbing mesmerizingly.

Their attitudes changed unconsciously, and after listening to their explanations, Jiang Heng kept growing.

At this time, Liu Chengmin's personal guards came.

Find Jiang Heng and tell him that the commander-in-chief dislikes these foreign monks and asks Jiang Heng to escort these foreign monks away from the front line.

The appearance of these Hongyi people is too eye-catching. Everywhere they go, the soldiers are distracted and look at them.

The other generals knew that they were the general's distinguished guests, so even if they felt disgusted in their hearts, they did not dare to neglect them.

Liu Chengmin was not used to them, because they pestered the soldiers to inquire and caused several troubles, so Liu Chengmin ordered them to leave.

Jiang Heng didn't dare to neglect and informed the missionaries.

Everyone knew Liu Chengmin's identity, and they didn't dare to test his bottom line, so they left the front line in despair.

Under the leadership of Jiang Heng, they found Xie Youcheng, the military commander, and asked Xie Youcheng to come forward and allow them to return to the front line and observe Jinjiang Town's military.

Xie Youcheng didn't know the general's attitude, so he didn't agree to the request of these missionaries on the spot, but settled them down first.

While prevaricating them, while looking for an opportunity, he informed the general of this matter.

From Xie Youcheng, Tang Qing'an learned that Wang Fengsu and others were sent back by his second brother Liu Chengmin, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Where are they now?"

Xie Youcheng immediately answered how to arrange them.

There is no time now, and there will be no time in the future, so Tang Qing'an took the time to meet Wang Fengsu.

Wang Fengsu knew that Marquis Ping Liao was not an ordinary person.

The rulers of each country, or nobles, are actually very stubborn in their hearts and are unwilling to accept new changes.

Only Marquis Ping Liao was different.

He is not afraid of changes, and likes to accept new things. Although he strictly controls them, Western missionaries, he does not stop them.

From Ping Liaohou, Wang Fengsu felt the confidence of a strong man.

This confidence.

Wang Fengsu can only feel it from some of the truly learned scholars in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Many years ago, because my wife was seriously ill.

In Wang Fengsu's view, it was impossible to heal. As for the final bloodletting treatment, it was rejected by the general, and a miracle doctor came suddenly.

His medical skills are brilliant and shocking.

Therefore, Wang Fengsu wanted to discuss this matter with him, but he couldn't even meet him face to face.

And later Lin Ruhai, his knowledge is also advanced, and he is also willing to communicate with foreigners like them.

Unlike Gu Yingshi, although Gu Yingshi was willing to contact them, his knowledge did not make Wang Fengsu look up to him.

The knowledge contained in Lin Ruhai's words made Wang Fengsu recognize him from the bottom of his heart as a scholar from the ancient eastern country.

Marquis Ping Liao did not have deep knowledge, but as a nobleman, his broad mind won Wang Fengsu's admiration.

Therefore, Wang Fengsu took the initiative to mention some things they had learned during this period of time.

Wang Fengsu spoke carefully, and Tang Qing'an listened seriously.

"How about this."

He felt that what Wang Fengsu said was very useful and he could get more references, so Tang Qing'an suggested.

"You will follow my army and write down in detail what you have heard and what you think.

When the dust of this war settles, I will have a good talk with you. "

Regarding the exchange proposed by Marquis Ping Liao, Wang Fengsu was happy to see the success, and readily agreed.

Tang Qing'an didn't have much time, so he had a brief contact with Wang Fengsu and let him stay in the Chinese army.

After Wang Fengsu was brought back by Jiang Heng, he began to debate carefully with several missionaries.

If they hadn't seen the great battle, the missionaries would not be willing to accept Tang Qing'an's suggestion, and even if they did, they would not be sincere.

Just because their attitudes changed and they began to respect each other, they cheered up in order not to let others underestimate others' confessions.

Where there is prejudice, there is prejudice.

Unlike other soldiers, who were unwilling to contact them, Jiang Heng served them personally and listened to their knowledge.

The missionaries also let go of their prejudices. In their words, they believed that the Great Zhou was a great country with a military organization far superior to that of the West.

"According to the church's information, the King of Sweden began to establish a military recruitment system three years ago, registering all the young and strong in Sweden.

One out of ten people will be selected to serve in the military for 20 years, and the remaining nine will support and provide equipment. Therefore, the number of the Royal Swedish Army has reached 4, which is the first of our western countries.

The church has also deliberately analyzed and collected information, and believes that the military reform of the Kingdom of Sweden will become stronger and play an important role.

And those of us here should know that this military system has been established for hundreds of years in the Great Zhou Kingdom here, and even in the Ming Dynasty, the country before the Great Zhou Dynasty. "

"It's a shame."

A missionary said desolately, the more familiar with the ancient country in the east, the more he knows the advanced state of the other party.

Even if the other party also lags behind.

But the priest believed that some backward places were not enough to cause trouble, for example, the guns and ships of Western countries surpassed those of Dazhou countries.

This is the backwardness of Da Zhou.

But this kind of partial backwardness, rather than cultural backwardness, can be quickly caught up.

For example, Da Zhou imitated it decades ago, and the bird guns used by Jin Jiang's army are the most advanced matchlock guns in Western countries.

Fujian has already begun imitating the Hongyi Cannon ten years ago, and Jinjiang Town has successfully imitated it.

I also heard that the shipyard in Jinjiang Town will build a bigger dock and make bigger ships.

If what you hear is true.

Then the advantages that the Western countries have finally achieved will be equaled or even surpassed by Da Zhou.

Several missionaries, because of Jiang Heng's existence, in order to take care of this good guy, Wang Fengsu deliberately took care of them.

Therefore, Jiang Heng could hear everyone talking in Chinese.

The other soldiers were only proud, but Jiang Heng became more and more puzzled.

Since several foreign monks praised Da Zhou so much, they believed that Da Zhou's culture was not weaker than that of the West, and even surpassed the West in many aspects.

Then why is Dazhou so poor and weak, so that in the land of Liaodong, hundreds of thousands of troops have been lost successively.

These foreign monks admired the guard system so much that they believed that the Swedish kingdom of Rausch would become stronger because of it.

Then the guard system of the Great Zhou became the object of criticism in the military academy.

Jiang Heng was in pain.

The collision of the two thoughts made him both excited and tired.

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