Ge Shifeng wrote a letter, requesting to return to the army and join the battle. Tang Qing'an agreed to his request. He got the general's consent, bid farewell to the eldest son, and returned from North Korea.

He didn't go anywhere, but only met his sister in a hurry.

"The family feud is today. If I die unfortunately, I have no regrets. You need to take care of yourself and don't be too sad."

Ge Zhu burst into tears like spring water, but he didn't know how to hold back his brother.

Seeing the figure of his brother striding away, Ge Zhu finally couldn't bear it, leaned against the door frame, and cried bitterly.

Hearing the cry of his younger sister behind him, Ge Shifeng let go of his reluctance and did not look back.

In this hundreds of thousands of battles, as a frontline officer, many low-level officers, the death rate will not be low, and he is ready to sacrifice.

With his sister by his wife's side, he can rest assured of his sister's future.

"Father, mother, bless me to avenge you."

Li Rujing has become a general. The current Jinjiang Army is different from the past and cannot be promoted quickly.

At his age, he is now the youngest general.

Seeing his brother Ge Shifeng return, Li Rujing punched him hard.

"I'm still worried that you won't be able to catch up."

Ge Shifeng's eyes were firm.

"Fight the barbarians, I will definitely be there."


I don't know whether it was King Zhongshun who moved first, or the barbarians in Haizhou first.

Thousands of miles of battlefield, the two sides mobilized millions, even nearly tens of millions of people to participate in the scale of the world war.

No one can tell the specific details.

But the war started quietly, not according to the plan of the rulers of both sides, maybe even Huang Taiji or Tang Qing'an didn't know about it yet.

Huangtaiji is still in Shenyang, and Tang Qing'an is still in Jinzhou.

In Jinzhou City, the missionaries brought by Wang Fengsu finally put away their inner arrogance, and stared at this unheard of battle in a daze.

Western countries are conquering the New World.

The Aztec ancient empire in America, a boundless land, an ancient country with a population of nearly tens of millions.

In one blood sacrifice, more than 2 people were killed as sacrifices and used as sacrifices to worship the gods.

In the Inca Empire in South America, it has been established for 500 years, and its territory is so wide that it stretches nearly ten thousand miles from the west coast of South America, from north to south.

The population of this country is said to be only 300 million by the descendants of the colonists who later conquered the Americas.

Soon the figure was denied, and scholars began to debate.

Some scholars believe that 4000 to 300 million is more accurate, but the descendants of the native colonists insist on [-] million.

Some scholars believe that the population of the entire Americas is as high as hundreds of millions.

Similarly, the descendants of the native colonists insisted that the population of the Americas at that time was less than 1000 million.

Whether it is a population of tens of millions or a population of hundreds of millions.

It took 20 Spanish immigrants on Hispaniola Island 1 years to wipe out millions of Indians to only [-].

This matter is clearly recorded, so it also provides one of the sufficient evidences for scholars of later generations to believe that there are hundreds of millions of people in the American continent.

100 years ago, the results of the Spaniards in Hispaniola shocked the Western countries.

Not just that.

Later, Cortes of the Spaniards led twelve ships, more than 600 Spaniards, more than 200 Indians, and some black slaves.

More than ten cannons and more than ten leather horses.

Defeated the Aztec Empire.

A fellow of Coles, Pizarro heard of Coles' achievements and thought he was not weaker than him.

Leading 160 and eight Spaniards, killed by conspiracy, and led tens of thousands of troops to the appointment, the emperor of the Inca Empire.

And killed thousands of Indians.

And of the more than 100 Spaniards he led, none of them died, and not many were even injured.

But everyone's arms were sore, especially the dozens of Spanish riders brought by Pizarro.

Although Spain now has a population of only a few million, it is an empire that spreads all over the world and occupies an area of ​​nearly 2000 million square kilometers.

So, impressed by Spain's incredible feats, Western countries are not afraid of great powers.

Including the subcontinent, the Mongols were recasting the glorious Mughal Empire.

The Mughal Empire is also the Mongol Empire transliterated according to the Persian transliteration.

Even towards the mysterious ancient oriental country, there is no reverence, only greed.

The Spaniards wrote a letter to the king saying that 2 people can conquer the Great Zhou, because of their extreme arrogance.

The current Jinjiang Town doesn't have the extra strength to go out in person and participate in the ocean trade, let alone sending people to immigrate to the New World.

Therefore, it is currently uneconomical to have conflicts with people from Western countries.

But the ignorance and arrogance of Western countries will bring troubles to Jinjiang Town.

That's why Tang Qing'an allowed these Western missionaries to observe this worldwide war, and let the countries recognize themselves through their mouths.

Avoid some unnecessary small troubles, such as provoking Jinjiang Town's ships.

"The countries in the East are different from the ignorant countries in other places."

Young priests, who travel hundreds of thousands of miles, are not fools.

Through Jin Jiangzhen's organizational ability, he recognized the opponent's strength, which was different from those countries in the New World.

For example, when 2 people conquered Dazhou, this plan has long been mentioned by no one.

Now they have a clearer understanding.

Even if the Spanish country gave up all its territory and invaded the Great Zhou with all its strength, it would not be able to defeat the Great Zhou.

"The ignorant people in the New World still use wood and stone weapons, just like the conquered Inca Empire, they use knotted ropes to record events, and they don't even have their own words.

The writings of the Great Zhou Dynasty have been formed for thousands of years. The Tang Dynasty in the records, like rumors, is really strong and brilliant, not just rumors. "

"Their armor is no worse than our country, and their firearms are as powerful as ours, and they also have Mongolian horses that are suitable for long-distance travel and have great endurance.

Their doctors are even more astonishing in terms of medical skills. The illness that even Wang Fengsu was helpless at the beginning was cured by their doctors.

There are only a few million people here, but there are [-] professional soldiers, which is really unimaginable. "

All the priests said the same thing to me, and Wang Fengsu, who was on the side, nodded in satisfaction after listening.

"Only by recognizing others can you do your own thing well."

Wang Fengsu's words made everyone agree.

In this world-wide war in the East, each of them wrote like flying, using their own eyes and thoughts.

In addition to a complete record, and made their own understanding.

There are even missionaries who are good at painting and have already painted many oil paintings, ready to take them back to their country.

For example, an unknown general of Jinjiang Town was riding on a war horse, the armor on his body shining brightly.

Behind him, there are thousands of cavalry.

Inside the team, there are flags of various colors firmly planted in horseback equipment, many door flags, golden drum flags, five-party flags, corner flags, patrol flags, etc.

Although I don't know the meaning of the flag, it represents this cavalry and has a wealth of combat instructions.

There are so many combat orders, which shows that this cavalry is an elite cavalry with rich experience and can deal with various emergencies.

Every cavalryman wears a helmet and fine armor, armed from head to toe.

And brought all kinds of weapons, mace, three-eyed blunderbuss, spear, hammer, riding bow, quiver and so on.

There are also many bags tied to the horse's back. I don't know what objects are contained in the bags and what they are used for.

But with so many details, it shows that this cavalry is equipped with fine equipment and is well prepared for the battlefield.

This oil painting alone can make the knowledgeable generals of the Western countries face up to the military might of the ancient Eastern countries.

If Huayan could see this painting, he would be overjoyed, and insisted on buying it, and then showing it to people everywhere.

And show off to his friends.

"Open your dog eyes and see how majestic I am."

It's a pity he didn't see it.

Tang Qing'an finally left the Jiedu Mansion, took the time to go back to Pingliaohou Mansion, and bid farewell to his family in a hurry.

Without leaving much time for his family, except at home, he left Golden State.

He wrote the statement himself.

"The barbarians in Jianzhou are rebellious. They have been supported by our Great Zhou for hundreds of years, and they have been rewarded by the Great Zhou, allowing them to move from a bitter and cold place to a rich place.

Its tribes were able to cultivate their health and well-being, and their branches and leaves flourished.

And allow the mutual market, so that they can obtain the supplies of the Great Zhou, so that the people of their tribes can live comfortably.

The rest of the barbarian tribes all live in poverty, with scant clothing, drinking blood like hair, and it is difficult to continue the blood.

The barbarians in Jianzhou are different from other barbarian tribes.

It only depends on the Great Zhou, and it doesn't want to report back, relying on the support of the people of the Great Zhou, if it grows a bit, it will annex the other tribes, and finally invade the people of the Great Zhou.

How innocent are the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

The tragic situation of family destruction is indescribable, and it is impossible to look directly at it.

Jinjiang town was born in response to the people's will, gathering millions of people and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all of whom have blood feuds with the barbarians.

Today, I will tell the heavens and the earth to tell my ancestors.

This blood feud, today's newspaper, tomorrow's daily newspaper, later daily newspaper, child newspaper, and grandson newspaper, continued until the Jianzhou barbarians were wiped out.

The people of the previous Great Zhou Dynasty were kind, they didn’t know how to fight, they only knew how to give birth, but they were bullied by others.

Virtue is not afraid of people.

Since life is hopeless, instead of fleeing in all directions and being slaughtered by others, why not fight bravely to the death.

Today Jinjiang Town is fighting against the barbarians.

Anyone who does not take a step back will only fight to the death.

When a soldier dies, the general goes up, when the army dies, the people go up, when the people die, the officials go up, when a man dies, the woman goes up, when a woman dies, the old and the young go up, and fight to the last man.

The emperor can learn from the sky, and the ancestors have eyes.

Those who violate this oath will be outraged by humans and gods, their ancestors will be ashamed, and they will not be able to reincarnate for generations.

This battle is a just one.

Anyone, etc., shall not violate, plunder, offenders shall be beheaded,
Arson is prohibited and offenders will be beheaded.

It is not allowed to do unreasonable things to the people of the surrendered ministries, and those who violate it will be executed.

Enemies are wild beasts, we act like wild beasts, we are human beings, and we will be human beings in a dignified manner for generations to come.

As for wild animals, we should kill them.

For innocent barbarians with good intentions and no blood on their hands, they should be gathered and educated to become human beings.

This person's way also.

We should return the clarity of the world and leave the pure land for our descendants. "

The general's words were vulgar and unreasonable, and the military officer quietly asked if he wanted to polish it, Tang Qing'an shook his head.

The notice was issued to the whole army and the whole town.

Not only the armies everywhere, under the leadership of the generals, burned incense and made oaths, but also many people's homes spontaneously burned incense and made oaths.

Tang Qing'an was outside Jinzhou City, ordering troops and generals.

"Everyone will obey!"


The sound of the armor of the whole army colliding was low and terrifying.

Tang Qing'an suddenly drew out Shangfang's sword, and the blade of the white light pointed to the north.

The eyes of the whole army followed the point of the sword.


Tang Qing'an ordered.

"Tap tap."

The sound of footsteps was loud.

In the direction the sword points, all dissatisfaction will be crushed.

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