From Jinzhou to Zhenjiang, it is hundreds of miles away, and then into North Korea to Seoul, it is even thousands of miles away.

Later generations once held a long-distance horse riding competition from Beijing to Tianjin, with a distance of 120 kilometers.

Of the 38 Mongolian horses participating, the Mongolian horse that finished the race first took seven hours and 32 minutes.

Among them, the first [-] kilometers took nearly six hours.

This refers to a single day that can exhaust a horse's potential.

In today's era, if you don't change horses halfway, travel long distances, and the road conditions are bad, you can only travel tens of miles a day.

There is a straight road from Jinzhou to Zhenjiang, plus a new-style four-wheeled carriage, and horses can be replaced along the way, so it can be faster.

But no matter how fast it is, it is not as convenient as taking a boat. You can directly enter the Han River and reach Seoul.

The four-year-old eldest son was going to enter the imperial court, other aspects were not mentioned, only the travel plan, Xie Youcheng and Tao Jie discussed and discussed.

Not only the two of them, but the rest of the officials began to argue about this, and these talented people who governed millions of people have not even decided on their itinerary.

Because the eldest son is too young.

Whether it is going to sea by boat or traveling long distances on land, there are risks, and no one dares to take this responsibility.

"Take a four-wheeled carriage and enter North Korea through the straight road."

Tang Qing'an took the initiative to speak, dispelling everyone's concerns, and everyone understood why the general chose this way.

This is true for light travel, not to mention other aspects.

Qin Keqing's eyesight is limited, and he only sees that children are extremely prone to premature death, for example, Lin Daiyu's brother died at the age of three.

Not only children, but even adults can easily die of illness as long as they suffer from one illness, such as Jia Zheng's eldest son.

This is the case with noble families, they can still find doctors and use expensive medicines, let alone ordinary people's families.

Qin Keqing held back her tears and personally selected someone who would take care of Xiaogan and who could make people feel at ease.

It used to be Qingwen, but now Qingwen has a different identity and has a child of her own, so it is impossible to take care of Xiaogan for her.

In the end, she entrusted it to Ge Cui.

Ge Wei also watched Xiaogan grow up, and has been taking care of Xiaogan since she was born. She has a careful personality, and Qin Keqing thinks about it, only she is the most suitable.

Sister-in-law Zhou was in charge of a lot of affairs in the mansion, and she couldn't leave easily, so she finally confessed to Zhou Ji's family.

Then he personally selected other women and maids.

Tang Qing'an was also eager for his son, and when he learned of Qin Keqing's choice, he recruited Ge Shifeng as the leader of the guards responsible for the safety of the small gang.

He and Ge Zhu are brothers and sisters, and it is easy to negotiate internally and externally.

"General, please rest assured, I will definitely protect the eldest son and never let the eldest son have any accidents."

Ge Shifeng said firmly.

Tang Qing'an was speechless and could only pat Ge Shifeng on the shoulder.

"Not only Xiaogan must take good care of you, but you must also take care of yourselves. You will need to be transferred back next year."

Ge Shifeng took the order, turned his head and left, and went back to choose the robe he trusted.

Tao Jie also took the fast boat immediately, and went back to North Korea alone to report to the North Korean king.

Li Zhen was shocked when he heard this.

He Dehe Neng of North Korea dared to let Prince Ping Liaohou enter the dynasty, so he was restless.

He quickly recruited two groups of honorable officials.

When the two classes of honorable officials learned about Marquis Ping Liao's thoughts, they immediately understood Marquis Ping Liao's intentions. This was to dispel their worries.

The reason is very simple.

Telephone communication business is basically easily rejected, but it is difficult to directly refuse when negotiating and communicating with sincerity in person.

So Ping Liaohou sent his eldest son to North Korea. Although he didn't say anything else, the nobles of North Korea dared not refuse.

"We should send envoys to Jinzhou as soon as possible to meet Prince Pingliao in person."

Jin Yan had been a holy envoy before, so he quickly made a decision that he was willing for Prince Ping Liaohou to enter the court.

Not only him, but many of the nobles of the second class were greatly moved when they heard the news.

If you can make peace with the prince of Liaohou, and make friends from childhood to a deep friendship, what promise can be stronger than this.

Therefore, the two classes of nobles in North Korea no longer resisted the originally requested affairs, but shifted their energies to this matter.

North Korea is a small and weak country.

When Ping Liaohou's eldest son entered the court, they felt respect for the first time, instead of choosing to endure because of the strength and persecution of the other party.

Even Kim made the point.

"In order to support Marquis Ping Liao, I am willing to donate to Jinzhou."

This proposal received an enthusiastic response from the North Korean Liangban, which was a reward for Ping Liaohou's respect for them.

Of course, it was also for the sake of making Ping Liaohou a good friend.

Jin Yan is old, and with his current status, it is not easy to leave North Korea easily, and he has long since ceased to serve as a holy envoy.

Park Mingyuan, who was sent to the court before, was entrusted with an important task this time.

He will lead North Korean officials to Jinzhou to meet the eldest son of Marquis Pingliao.

Park Mingyuan readily accepted this appointment, and quickly finished preparations, leading the mission to Jinzhou for the second time.

Tao Jie and Liu Xingzuo gear up.

Now that this matter has been finalized, it is time for North Korea to prepare for the next year's war, deploying [-] soldiers and supplying rations for [-] soldiers.

And it is necessary to support part of the food supplies in Jinjiang Town, etc., which is too heavy for the people of North Korea to breathe.

But how can the two classes of honorable officials in North Korea take care of the common people? They only have a good relationship with Marquis Ping Liao in their eyes.

Since Marquis Ping Liao went to sea, he has fought countless times in seven years, and has never lost a single one. Since he offered to fight against the barbarians next year, none of the North Korean officials thought that Marquis Ping Liao would fail.

If successful, he will be No.1 in Liaodong in the future.

Moreover, Marquis Ping Liao is only in his twenties, so young, his power and influence, from today's North Korean dignitaries, to many people's descendants, will be shrouded in him.

It is about several generations, in the eyes of North Korean nobles, how can they care about the hardships of North Korean people's lives.

The people of North Korea are like leeks, once they have been cut, there will be another crop that will continue to grow, which cannot be cut off and used inexhaustibly.

Therefore, the eldest son of Marquis Pingliao has not yet entered the dynasty, and North Korea has already begun to arrange and prepare for several major events.

Whether it's recruiting soldiers or collecting supplies from the people, it can't be done all at once.

Tao Jie and Liu Xingzuo, one stared at the two classes of North Korean civilian officials, and the other stared at the two classes of North Korean generals, supervising and urging North Korea to advance this matter.

Pu Mingyuan brought the North Korean mission to Jinzhou and was summoned by Ping Liaohou.

Everyone believed that Marquis Ping Liao could win.

Then the Marquis of Ping Liao will have a population whose military strength exceeds that of North Korea, and North Korea's combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of the barbarians.

But Jinjiang Town was able to defeat the barbarians.

Both Pu Mingyuan and the North Korean mission were from two classes of nobles, but the difference is the size of the family.

Seeing Marquis Ping Liao, everyone was more respectful and fearful than last time.

"Everyone came to welcome Xiaogan, you all have worked hard, and I thank you for Xiaogan."

Tang Qing'an looked at the North Korean missions present with a smile.

This is the humility won by strength.

Great Qing is great.

Two or three hundred years later, when I saw the guns of Westerners, I thought they were spells, and used menstrual belts used by women on the battlefield to defeat the enemy.

At this time, the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty was very rebellious, and soon the Westerners used their strength to make the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty see the reality clearly.

Then the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty respected the Westerners.

The defeat of the Ming Dynasty and the accumulation of political abuses have become more and more serious, reaching the point of irreversibility, and the defeat of the Qing Dynasty is related to ignorance and ignorance.

Although both are subjugated countries, they are not the same.

If the former is gone, no matter which new dynasty it is, as long as it controls the country, it will still be the top of the world. If the latter is gone, it will bring about the sinking of the country and bring a heavy burden to all ethnic groups.

The North Korean envoys could clearly see the strength of Jinjiang Town. Faced with the friendship from Marquis Ping Liao, everyone was terrified and excited.

"I waited to welcome the eldest son to enter the court, as it should be, how can I say hard work, for the eldest son to enter the court.

Everyone in our country is looking forward to it. His Highness is personally preparing the bedroom for the Eldest Prince, and the Queen is also personally selecting servants to serve the Eldest Prince. "

Park Mingyuan said excitedly.

He believes that this is the performance of North Korea and Jin Jiangzhen's eternal unity and alliance, which will definitely be recorded in a large number of Korean history books in the future.

I am fortunate enough to be the one who welcomes the prince of Marquis Ping Liao into the court, and my reputation will be outstanding both now and in the future.

How can Park Mingyuan not be excited, how can he not be panicked.

Therefore, even if you walk, you should be careful, not daring to make the slightest mistake, so as not to be recorded in the history books and make people laugh.

"This matter is very good. Envoy Park and I are acquaintances. After the eldest son enters the court, please take care of him."

Tang Qing'an laughed.

"Ping Liaohou's order, foreign officials dare not disobey, and the eldest son enters the court, I must have my heart for the eldest son."

"it is good."

Tang Qing'an nodded.

a few days later.

Three four-wheeled carriages left from Jinzhou, and Zhou Ji's family shared two carriages with other women and maids.

Ge Zhu and Xiao Gan shared a carriage.

Ge Shifeng led dozens of guards on horseback to guard the front and rear of the carriage.

Pu Mingyuan led the North Korean mission and followed in the middle of the team.

A group of more than a hundred people, the size of the team is not large, but it has attracted great attention.

First, it alarmed the cities on the east coast of Changbai Mountain, and finally spread slowly, even the entire Jinjiang Town heard the news.

Although the weather is getting colder, the hearts of the people are warm.

Next year will be a decisive battle with the barbarians, many people, in an endless stream, take the initiative to go to the government to sign up, they are willing to join the battlefield and obey the government's deployment.

Everyone in Jinjiang Town is fighting, and they are willing to pay the price, even their lives.

Tang Qing'an was moved and sighed when he looked at the public sentiments collected by the government from all over the country.

Liaodong, Liaodong.

Liaodong only needs a flag, which can be seen by the Liao people, let them find their way, let them gather together, and combine their strengths.

Da Zhou feared the barbarians like a tiger, thinking that the barbarians were powerful and irresistible, but they didn't know that Liaodong was the easiest way to get things done.

Because Liaodong has the hearts of the people.

The hearts of the people in Liaodong were not defeated by the barbarians, but by the accumulated disadvantages of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

What the North Korean mission saw in the city repaired along the way was the appearance of the people in Jinjiang Town and their enthusiasm for war.

"The Marquis of Ping Liao will surely win."

Pu Mingyuan's younger brother, Pu Zhouyuan, traveled with his brother again to increase his knowledge and wrote a second diary.

He felt the difference between the people in Jinjiang Town and the people in North Korea.

The first time he was jealous, the second time he was envious and moved.

Pu Mingyuan felt helpless towards his younger brother who had no interest in officialdom and devoted himself to learning, but he actually admired his talent, so he did not reject his younger brother's request many times.

Hearing that he didn't object, he also saw what his younger brother saw.

The people in Jinjiang Town are completely different from the people in North Korea.

"Of course Marquis Ping Liao will win."

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