The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 286 Meet Ping Liao Hou

The barracks suddenly put some sergeants on leave.

Although I can't figure it out, it may be very good to go home. These sergeants went home happily.

In fact, there is no benefit to go home, all you get is stares.

But when you go home, carry more water, chop more firewood, and pay more attention to the stinky boy at home, even if the mother-in-law doesn't want to see her, it will make everyone happy.

An ordinary official in the military camp, he approved official documents.

Feeling uncomfortable inside, watching these silently, the back of the sergeant who didn't know the situation left, shook his head helplessly.

Others are soft-spoken, but dare not stand out.

If you want to blame, blame these sergeants for their bad background.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, local officials eat land, Beijing officials eat kickbacks, and military officials eat military households.

at the gate of the city.

People come and go.

As soon as the two sergeants left the city gate, they were surrounded by a group of men holding iron bars. Before they could ask any questions, they swarmed up and beat them.

The two unarmed people, how could they be opponents of men with sharp weapons and a large number of people, they were knocked down in one fell swoop.

These men, with iron rods thick as thumbs, ruthlessly landed on the bodies and heads of the two sergeants.

After a while, the two sergeants were lying dying in a pool of blood.

This group of men came and went quickly, and dispersed in a short while. After the matter was over, the gatekeepers of the city gate came out to clean up.

They beat people before, but they didn't come out to stop them.

Such a scene scared the people at the door to change color and hide away.

Who dares to fight even a sergeant?
The common people despise the sergeant, and what they despise is that the life of the sergeant is too miserable. There is no hatred between the two sides. After entering the military status of the guard, they will not be able to get out of the tiger's mouth for generations.

Therefore, the common people are unwilling to deal with military households, and it is even more impossible to marry military households.

Even if there are Lai Han who are willing to sell their daughters for money, they look down on military households, and even Lai Han looks down on poor military households.

"What's going on here?"

The common people were afraid of the gang of fierce men who dared to fight even the sergeants, how dare they come forward to make a rescue, and couldn't help asking.

Someone sneered twice.

"This group of people borrowed money from Master Wen and refused to repay it, and even instigated people to hurt Lahu under Master Wen's subordinates. They are killing themselves."

Master Wen is well-known here.

Generations of people have been lending usury, and their background is sky-high. When they heard that it was this person's hands and feet, the people were even more afraid.

How many people have lost their families in the hands of this person, this is a living Hades.

A discerning person among the people knew that this person must be with those people, so he hurried away with his head down.

Go out to camp in the morning and return to camp in the afternoon.

Except for the two who were left with only one breath, the others were injured in varying degrees.

The rest of the sergeants in the battalion were shocked when they saw this, what's the matter?
Is there any king law?
The sergeants couldn't bear it. If they wanted to go out of the camp, they needed the consent of the officers, so they went to the officers to decide, and the officers would not let them go.

The two sides made a lot of noise, and finally alarmed Wang Guoxing, the commander-in-chief.

Wang Guoxing led his servants to the barracks in person.

"Who hit it?"

Knowing the cause and effect, Wang Guoxing had a face full of righteousness, and angrily reprimanded the military officer under him for not being able to make decisions for the soldiers.

"It's Wen Jun who put ushers in the city."

Seeing the general soldier's attitude, even though they were harsh and enslaved in the past, the sergeants raised expectations in their hearts and shouted one after another.

Without hesitation, Wang Guoxing ordered someone to tie him up.

"I will stand up for you!"

The words of the chief soldier made the sergeants temporarily suppress their inner anger.

Not long.

A middle-aged businessman was brought in by Wang Guoxing's personal guards.

When it came to the murderer, the soldiers, who were so numerous and powerful, couldn't help but want to go up to take revenge, but were blocked by Wang Guoxing's personal guards.

"In front of the general soldier, how dare you wait so presumptuously!"

Hearing the yelling and scolding from the servants, all the soldiers did not dare to disobey, they could only hold back their anger, and all stared at the middle-aged businessman.

As long as the commander gives an order, they will definitely kill this person on the spot.

How many military households have been harmed by this person, not even the family is spared, all the soldiers fear and hate this person.

"Your Majesty!"

The servants shouted loudly, and the middle-aged businessman knelt down immediately without hesitation.

"Why do you dare to hurt my soldiers?"

Wang Guoxing asked.

"Back to Zongbing Wang, isn't it natural to pay back debts?"

The middle-aged businessman asked Wang Guoxing back.

Wang Guoxing nodded.

The middle-aged businessman continued confidently: "They borrowed money from me and didn't pay it back, and even injured the person I went to ask for the debt.

General Judgment, I just returned it. Is there anything wrong? "

The businessman didn't know who gave him the confidence, and under the siege of all the soldiers, he answered Wang Guoxing's question without changing his face.

When Wang Guoxing heard this, his face froze.

A sergeant who was beaten knelt down in front of the general soldier, asking the general soldier to call the shots, with a look of grief and indignation.

"I only borrowed nine taels of principal and interest, and I have paid back ten taels of silver, but in the end I still owed 47 taels? How can this be reasonable.

Moreover, the court has regulations, and I have paid back the principal and interest according to the regulations of the court. "

Wang Guoxing didn't ask how to borrow money, and how to get so much interest.

"The sergeant's salary is not much at all, and they are often in arrears. Why do you have to borrow so much principal? And there are laws in this dynasty.

The monthly interest is not allowed to be three cents, and only one interest per share is allowed. Violators can be whipped forty, and those who take the stolen goods based on the remaining profits will be punished as stolen goods. "

When the businessman heard this, not only did he not show any fear, but he looked proud instead.

"I have a new voucher here, not the original IOU.

Wang Zongbing, I am not afraid to tell you that every month he will be asked to write a new IOU, and the principal and interest will be written together.

I am not afraid of this lawsuit, even if it reaches the capital. "

Wang Guoxing looked helpless.

"You too, if you can't afford it, don't borrow it, what should I do, can I go against common sense.

If you take advantage of the truth, I will seek justice for you without saying a word, but now, alas. "

Wang Guoxing sighed helplessly.

When all the sergeants saw that even the chief soldier was like this, they all became desperate.

They decided not to repay the extra money to this person because someone told the court about the law on borrowing money.

This person sent people to bully and even threaten their family members, so they couldn't help but fight back.

"General, we have been in arrears for three years."

A sergeant began to cry.

"I'm five years in arrears."

And the sergeants were indignant.

Throughout the year, they can only see five qian silver, and they can't even eat enough for themselves, let alone their family members.

Five years!
The soldiers were already desperate, and there was no hope for this day at all.

They not only have to plant land, fetch water, and repair houses for the officers, but also do favors, send them to the officers and gentlemen to carry sedan chairs and do chores.

If you don't obey, you will be beaten, and if you don't obey, you will be beheaded.

It's just that I can bear it, but the salary arrears can't be seen every year, and the family suffers from it and can't feed themselves.


A sergeant knelt down in front of him with tears streaming down his face.

"My mother-in-law can't wait for my money. In order to support the old and the young, she has already done the shameful act of half-opening the door.

Now, not only can I not get the money back, but I also owe debts that will last for several lifetimes. This is forcing me to die! "

The sergeant fell to the ground crying.

The sergeants around looked sadly at their comrades.

None of them are like that.

What evil did they do to end up like this in this life, it doesn't matter if they die, and even their family members will be implicated.

But even if they die, their sons will replace their military status and repeat their suffering.

Who made them hereditary military households?

"kill him!"

Some of the sergeants roared.

More and more sergeants crowded up.

The businessman changed color and couldn't help looking at Wang Guoxing.

Wang Guoxing was furious.

"It's only natural to pay off debts. How dare you commit murder in front of me? This shows your character. Who dares to be presumptuous?"

The majesty of the commander-in-chief made the sergeants who are used to obeying military orders stop.

"You are acting with that businessman, do you think you can hide it from us?"

Some of the sergeants shouted loudly.

"Our small salary has not yet reached our hands, but it has already fallen into the hands of that person. You didn't understand usury before, but you know the court's regulations clearly later.

Really deceive our military households as fools, you are the person behind this businessman! "


Wang Guoxing's eyes turned red, and before the man could speak, he yelled and interrupted the man's words.

"Okay, this is a rebellion against me, even a dog knows how to wag its tail at its owner, but you are fine, and instead yelled at me.

Come, catch this man with me, I will kill him. "

When the servants heard the order from the chief soldier, they immediately rushed into the sergeant fiercely, and the sergeant crowded together.

The servants couldn't squeeze in and cursed loudly.

"Brothers, the law of heaven is not fair, you can't live anymore, it's the other way around!"

shouted one of the sergeants.


Wang Guoxing's face changed drastically.

"You have grievances, I am your superior, I should be the master for you, don't make noise, or you will be severely punished!"

The same general.

Some people give an order, and the sergeant loves them and actively serves them.

But some generals are enemies in the eyes of sergeants.

These sergeants who had endured suffering for generations looked at Wang Guoxing with despair and determination, and the sergeants rushed up in black.

"What are you doing!"

Wang Guoxing roared.

Wang Guoxing, who was born as a hereditary general, thought he was extremely intelligent, and he applauded military household skills.

But he didn't know a reason.

No one in the world is more stupid than anyone else.

Temporary deception can't hide forever.

The sergeants saw the truth clearly, but they couldn't go against the morals of the world. They could only keep their mouths shut and watch Wang Guoxing jump up and down like a monkey.

Now that the sergeants didn't look at it, they decided to do it.

their reasoning.

It's the fist.

A sergeant has big fists.

Relying on his servants, Wang Guoxing didn't take the sergeant seriously before. When the sergeant didn't take him seriously, all his reliance was nothing but castles in the air.

Guyuan mutiny.

Shaanxi was shocked from top to bottom.

People's uprisings in various places turned into uprisings, and they expected to transfer the frontier army to quell the chaos. Unexpectedly, the frontier army themselves became chaotic.

The guards all over Shaanxi not only did not resist, but actively joined the rebel army.

There are even old thieves who have been there for many years, recruiting troops frantically, and causing harm to the countryside.

The new leader in Shaanxi has only been in office for less than a year, and he tried hard to hide it, but now he can't hide it, and Shaanxi is completely trapped.

Liu Xianglian didn't dare to stay longer in Shaanxi because it was too chaotic.

He didn't go back to the capital either, and went directly to Jinzhou to meet Marquis Pingliao.

"Chuangjun? Chuangwang?"

Hearing the information brought back by Liu Xianglian, Tang Qing'an felt a little amazed at the unfamiliar name, but not the unfamiliar name.

I don't know if this King Chuang is the first generation or the second generation.

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