The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 269 I am the King of Liaodong

Chapter 269 I am the King of Liaodong

For the general, give up the best policy and choose the worst policy.

Jia Jian is still dissatisfied.

For the subordinate's disapproval, Tang Qing'an did not get angry because of it, and chose to persuade the other party patiently.

If every subordinate who disagrees with him is discarded, he will soon be unavailable.

And these people who can have different opinions, at least they have used their minds to have their own ideas.

Although Jia Jian did not recognize the general, he actually admired the general in his heart.

The former general called thousands of captains to train troops.

He is not a member of the army, and he is very measured. He will never get involved with civilian officials, let alone military officials.


In Jinjiang Town, Jia Jian can be said to be a sole subject.

But the general asked him to see it that day.

He saw it.

that night.

The general didn't go to the army dinner.

Because many captains have reached the point where they want to cut their blood and show their ambitions to repay their kindness.

"That's why I don't want to lead the Liao army to the cholera country before the barbarians are wiped out."

The general told him so.

He laughed without saying a word.

What he saw was the general's unexpected method, which won the hearts of thousands of captains.

The heart of these thousands of captains is in the general.

Then the general will be as stable as a mountain, and no one can shake his position.

Everyone's environment is different, and everyone's cognition is different.

Tang Qing'an couldn't instill his own knowledge in others.

Can change people's cognition.

Only one person has ever done it.

Although he understands, he cannot do it.

Jia Jian is in charge of confidential affairs. He must understand his own mind in order to deal with various matters according to his own ideas.

So during these days, Tang Qing'an often called him to analyze his ambitions.

The will of the people, the will of the army, everything is invincible!

People often think that Liaodong cannot accomplish anything, but in fact it is a big mistake.

As long as the Liao people can eat a mouthful of hot food and develop a little strength, countless people will kill the barbarians regardless of their lives.

There are also countless righteous people from all over Liaodong.

However, these righteous people did not stay in the history books, but only in a few miscellaneous notes.

These volunteers, who were unarmed, had no supplies or food, fled and scattered all over the place, unable to form a response.

Many righteous people will never surrender in the Changbai Mountains, even if the barbarians are surrounded by ten or ten times, there is nothing they can do.

The righteous people in countless places, relying on their fists to prevent the barbarians from destroying them, ended up starving to death in large numbers because of food.

The court of the Great Zhou Dynasty provided support wherever possible.

Only relying on these righteous people can make the barbarians retreat.

As long as who can bring food and who can provide them with weapons, these people not only have no ambitions, they will fight for power and profit with others.

Instead, it will become the sharpest weapon in this person's hands.

Liao Army.

Tang Qing'an has always avoided this title.

In his mind, the Jinjiang Army is definitely not the Liao Army.

In the future, we must stand in front of the people of the whole country with the attitude of a savior, instead of using martial arts to create chaos and win the country with martial arts.



I'm sorry for the millions of Liao people who trusted him and entrusted their lives to him.

The general is indeed not a warrior.

It is a great talent with a big picture!
Jia Jian was convinced.

But the general was a little too benevolent.

"It's too late, the general is so benevolent, will the imperial court appreciate it?"

"I didn't expect the court to appreciate it."

Tang Qing'an knew what Jia Jian was worried about.

The cunning rabbit dies like a dog.

As long as anyone who has read the book knows this truth, many people will start to take precautions when they reach this point.

Jinjiang Town needs to guard against the imperial court.

Because the imperial court is dealing with Jinjiang Town.

Jinjiang Town has no savings.

According to the plan of the Jiedu Mansion, Jinjiang Town will have surplus savings next year.

And this time he will dispatch tens of thousands of troops.

Squeeze out Jinjiang Town's limited potential.

Then it will definitely affect Jinjiang Town's plan for next year and delay Jinjiang Town's time to accumulate strength.

And time is running out.

Jinjiang Town is located between the imperial court and the barbarians, what is lacking is time.


Many people are opposed to sending troops this time.

The same is true of Jia Jian.

The civilian officials objected in their hearts, and they could just follow the rules and regulations, and the generals objected, but with his military order, the army could be dispatched.

Only Jia Jian.

He travels all over the world and collects confidential affairs from all over the place. He needs to act decisively and has great power.

So Tang Qing'an was worried about Jia Jian.

The court is still the court in people's hearts, which is the general trend.

The barbarian is still the same barbarian, and it is still strong and cannot be underestimated.

It's Jinjiang Town.

Every year, we walk on the steel wire with cut off materials, but if there is an accident, the situation will be irreversible and there is a danger of overturning.

intermediary time.

Liao people can only choose to give up some of them.

Some Liao people are in the millions.

It is easy to ask God to send God away, and this is something that anyone in Jinjiang Town would be afraid of.

Whether it will lead to civil unrest in Jinjiang Town, no one can guarantee.


Everyone knew that Jinjiang Town lacked time.

So many people don't understand why the general insists on going his own way.

Tang Qing'an is well aware of the situation and is not afraid of the barbarians or the court.

But other people can't do it.

"You should know that I am very concerned about the affairs of Shaanxi, and you also know that people in all parts of Shaanxi are living in dire straits, not just in Shaanxi.

The people in the country are living in extreme hardship, but Shaanxi is even more difficult, and many people have gathered together.

So I think the situation in Dazhou is worrisome, and it just lacks a spark. "

Although Jia Jian admired the general's prestige in Jinjiang Town, he did not agree with the general's words.

The general didn't think that the imperial court could deal with Jinjiang Town, and the reason was that this matter was too absurd.

"Civil chaos has never stopped from ancient times to the present. It is too long to mention it. In the early Ming Dynasty, civil chaos has continued since the founding of the country.

The same is true of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and these years are worse than those of the Ming Dynasty, but the civil unrest cannot make a climate. Looking at the history of thousands of years.

Only a few times of civil unrest destroyed the rule of the country. Why did the general believe so credulously that the civil unrest in Shaanxi could destroy Dazhou? "

"Because it's not just civil unrest, but also military unrest."

Trouble in the army has always been from top to bottom, because of the ambition of the generals.

Only Da Zhou is different.

The many military riots across the country in the Great Zhou Dynasty were all spontaneously instigated by soldiers at the bottom, and they were forced to rebel from the bottom.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire."

Tang Qing'an said.

Jia Jian was taken aback for a while, but still didn't dare to agree.

"The general puts his hope on the civil unrest. This matter is too mysterious, so what if the civil unrest does not turn into a climate?"

Tang Qing'an looked at Jia Jian seriously.

"Then I will be the king of Liaodong. I will conquer Liao in five years, conquer Japan in 20 years, and conquer east and south in another 20 years. I will die of old age on the journey."

Human beings are constantly growing.

before crossing.

Tang Qing'an has gradually grown from a playful boy to a head of the family who is dedicated to taking responsibility for the family.

This is his growth.

After crossing.

After all, he is not really a great man, he has no courage, no confidence to change this era, and change the Confucianism that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This requires a group of people who are determined to hold the torch high, and even the land is full of blood.

He doesn't have the ability.

Knowing the truth doesn't mean you can do it.

If you can do it if you know the truth, then the world will not be like this.

So from the time of crossing, he wanted to stand out and worked hard in this area, but after arriving in Liaodong, he was in blood and tears.

He established Jinjiang Town.

The Jin Jiang army is conscious and is a powerful army in the world.

And in the misery of Liaodong Fengyun, he is also growing.

The pursuit of each stage is different.

The trust of millions of Liao people is the invisible "whip" that guides him on the right path.

Jia Jian was stunned.

He never thought that the general would be so ambitious.

It turned out that I misunderstood the general.

As long as there are generals in ancient and modern times, it is possible that the goal is to occupy the Central Plains, and various strategies have been extended from this.

It turned out that this was the purpose of the general not wanting to make peace with the barbarians, even if Jinjiang Town had no savings, he wanted to squeeze out his savings to interrupt the progress of the barbarians.

He chose to give up the best policy, and he didn't want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but ended up personally, using the potential of Jinjiang Town to help the court.

The general's goal is not to occupy the Central Plains, but to defeat the barbarians.

Then everything can be explained.

Jia Jian couldn't calm down.

His inner emotions are indescribable.

Is the general the benevolence of a woman, or a man of lofty and lofty stature.

He can't judge.

Because in history, no one seems to have made such a choice as a general. For the time being, he can't think of whether it is good or bad.

King and loser.

This sentence was stuck in his throat, and he didn't want to say it.

Tang Qing'an looked at Jia Jian seriously.

"If the civil unrest in Shaanxi fails to come to fruition, it means that the people in Dazhou are still living and working in peace and contentment on the whole.

If this is the case, the millions of soldiers and civilians in Jinjiang Town will definitely not bear the notoriety of cholera among the people in the country.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for their hardships over the years, and I'm even more sorry for their trust in me. "

There is no ordinary person who does not want peace.

Millions of Liao people trust the general to lead them out of chaos, wipe out the barbarians, and let their families live and work in peace and contentment.

For the living space of the nation in the future, Tang Qing'an can lead the Jin Jiang army on overseas expeditions.

Of course, he also wants to take over the Central Plains and rule all over the country.

But definitely not to break the peaceful life of the domestic people
"The general is a man of benevolence and righteousness."

a long time.

Jia Jian said complicatedly.

"You should know my heart, I hope you will take it seriously."

Jia Jian left with a heavy heart.

Day two.

The horses of the Jiedu Mansion rushed to various places with the first military order.

Grain and grass were sent to Gaizhou, Xiuyan and Fengcheng from all over the country.

Not really much.

But the warehouses are empty.

When the market opened in Jeju Island, Tang Qing'an ignored it and handed it over to Li Chengxian.

Groups of Jinjiang troops, armed with blunderbuss, broadswords, hammers, shields and other weapons, rushed to the front line aggressively and fearlessly.

Yingkou, the army poured out.

Standing obliquely, the army poured out.

Wide Xun, the army poured out.



Ge Shifeng knelt down in front of Tang Qing'an.

The thin and weak boy back then has grown into a young general with a strong face, a vigorous face, and a murderous look all over his body.


Tang Qing'an knew what Ge Shifeng was asking for.

Ge Shifeng kowtowed, got up, wiped his tears, and left the guard camp resolutely.

Ge Shifeng took the lead.

He has a bloody revenge to avenge.

his brothers.

Li Rujing, Xu Jufei, Zhao Xueyan, Pan Xun.

These juniors in the army are willing to help him, willing to follow him to the dangerous battlefield, and give up the personal guard camp, which is the best place for promotion.


Tang Qing'an said softly.

The young eagles of Jinjiang Town.

It's time to leave the nest.

(End of this chapter)

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