Chapter 218 Celebration
The fire from the Hongyi Cannon stopped.

In the camp, Ding Wa, who was eating, felt sorry, and continued to bomb, how good it was to knock down the opposite wall.

Artillery was treated the best in those dog days, better than cavalry.

Ding Wa was really envious and jealous.

No need to eat dried salted fish today.

One pot of rice, one pot of fish soup.

Pour the fish soup into the rice, and he ate three bowls in a row before belching contentedly, and reluctantly put down the empty bowl.

He served in the army for three years and spent two years in the guerrilla zone. He knew that on the battlefield, it is extremely rare to have a chance to eat hot food.

After all, we should cherish it more. When will we have the next hot meal? It's hard to say.

Thinking of this, just as he was about to take another sip of hot fish soup, he saw his sentry officer approaching from a distance with an excited expression on his face.

Seeing this, he lost his appetite.


"Don't eat too much, when the city wall collapses, our battalion will take the lead."

Without looking at other people, Ding Wa hesitated for a while, and touched her stomach subconsciously, only touching the iron piece nailed to the outside of the cotton coat.


Cursed secretly.

"Still eating, eating you to death."

After the sentry officer left, Ding Wa turned her head, staring and cursing.

When he saw that one of his soldiers had already eaten four bowls and was about to continue eating, he obviously rolled his eyes.

Hearing Shi Chang's scolding, the man put down his chopsticks with great difficulty under the corporal's gaze.

Ding Wa was too lazy to explain to the recruits.

In the guerrilla zone, recruits come and die, recruits come and die. They have long been tempered with a heart of iron and blood, and they don't want to invest too much affection for the recruits.

The sentry officer went to the other team. He stood up and stood on tiptoe, trying hard to see the city wall in the distance.

There are two places where people can enter, and they need to climb, so maybe they need to bring some sandbags and ladders to fill in the unevenness.

Three more faltering.

Ding Wa thought that if she was the defender of the city, what would she do in the face of the enemy's cannons?
shook his head.

The situation has changed.

The situation has changed.

Foangku sighed inwardly.

If our side had such a sharp weapon, He Chou Dazhou's city wall and military fort would have been able to crush all the way, even the Shanhaiguan Pass.

But now he is the one defending the city, and it is General Jinzhou who holds such a sharp weapon.

This person.

So knowledgeable.

As a veteran, seeing the current situation of the city wall, he knew that the Jinjiang army would attack soon.

Night battles are possible, but with this advantage, daytime battles are more beneficial to Jin Jiang's army than night battles, so he guessed the opponent's intentions.

On the one hand, the sergeants were asked to collect supplies and arrange them behind the collapsed city wall, rejecting horses and other fortifications, and even arranged them in the ruins under artillery fire.


The artillery fire finally stopped, and the world returned to tranquility, except for the long sound of horns.

There are seven places to attack.

Two of them are collapsed and flat, and you can even pass people directly. The remaining five places either need to be climbed or borrowed sandbag ladders.

For the rest of the places, Foangku deployed manpower, and for the two collapsed places, Foangcourt himself guarded them.

The fortifications are set up, the heavy armored soldiers in front and the archers in the rear, we need to see the quality of Jin Jiang's army.

In the past few years, how far has it grown, and how many casualties can it endure to move forward.

He has confidence in his soldiers.

Although there are seven gaps, he has 300 soldiers, and [-] people in one place are enough to defend, and the remaining half is used for repairs.

The next step is to see which side has stronger combat effectiveness, endurance, and coordination.

He believes that even if the Jinjiang army has been in the army for three to five years, it is far inferior to his own side that has fought for decades.

Ding Wa's team is covering a team of artillery.

Not only him, the artillerymen of various groups mixed into the battalion, carrying the small Fran cannon to the gap in the city wall.

Fu Angku waited for a long time, and when he was wondering, he didn't wait for the soldiers of the Jinjiang Army, but saw his own soldiers change their colors and retreat.

He hurried over on horseback, and sure enough, he saw only the black muzzle of the gun.

"Go out and grab the cannon."

Following his military order, the barbarians did not hesitate, and rushed to the gap to kill one after another.


These small Franco cannons don't have a long range and are not very powerful, but they are used to emit shotguns to wipe out everything in front of them.

One shot down.

The barbarians who were less than 20 meters away fell down, crying and howling.

The archers behind the barbarians shot accurately and were covered by the prepared Jinjiang shield soldiers. Although there were results, they could not change the situation.

And there are groups of blunderbuss soldiers, holding matchlock guns, firing into the fracture row by row under orders.

Fangku was so helpless by the new siege tactics, he wanted to send cavalry to rush out, but saw the pikemen and chariot soldiers behind the blunderbuss soldiers.

The infantry couldn't hold the Franco cannon, and the archers couldn't beat the gunmen on the opposite side at such a short distance, and the opponent prepared spearmen and chariot soldiers to restrain their own cavalry.

The arrangement was very strict, and Foangku saw it, and when the infantry rushed out of the city gate and strangled with the opponent's soldiers, he still ordered the cavalry to attack.

The barbarian cavalry rushed out of the gap and bypassed the infantry on their own side, and they were greeted by a phalanx of spearmen raining like rain.

The barbarian cavalry was skilled in riding. Under the leadership of the cavalry general, taking advantage of the gap before the pikemen's phalanx closed up, they reversed direction and rushed out of the gap.

Like a fish in the water, it jumped out of the infantry phalanx, and while drawing a bow and shooting arrows, it looked for the weak point on the opposite side.

Under the cover of pikemen and chariot soldiers, the blunderbuss and archers of the Jinjiang Army shot at the cavalry one after another.

The battle damage of both sides has increased, and the battle damage of the cavalry has been higher, so the barbarian cavalry circled farther and stopped entanglement and shooting each other.

Just about to enter the artillery position, the cavalry of the Jinjiang Army rushed over.

"Bang bang bang."

The first round was a round of three-eyed guns, which caused a lot of casualties to the barbarian cavalry, and then the Jinjiang Army cavalry was about to entangle the barbarian cavalry.

The infantry phalanx of the Jinjiang Army is pressing towards this area.

As long as the barbarian cavalry is entangled, it won't be long before the infantry phalanx that comes to support them can surround the barbarian cavalry regiments.

The barbarian cavalry knew how powerful they were, and they didn't dare to tangle with the Jinjiang cavalry. One ran ahead and the other chased after.

However, there were many Jinjiang cavalry, and more and more cavalry troops gradually encircled the barbarian cavalry.

The barbarian cavalry had less and less Notten space and fell into a quagmire.

The heavy armored soldiers of the barbarians fought together with the sword and shield soldiers of the Jinjiang army, and they also stuck together, fighting inextricably.

The Jinjiang army's elite soldiers have a high rate of armor. Even if the armor shipped from the capital is rusty and tattered, it will look brand new after being repaired by the Jinzhou Ordnance Institute.

The barbarian archers had no choice but to use heavy arrows to break through the armor of the soldiers of the Jinjiang Army, and they were unable to draw their bows and shoot arrows after a while.

Not to mention the archers of the Jinjiang Army, the gunners were not tired, except that the phalanx was full of smoke, which affected their sight, and they still shot in an orderly manner.

Fangku saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

The details of the Jinjiang Army may not be as good as our own.

But whether it is the tenacity of the soldiers, the arrangement of the various formations, or the cooperation between the sergeants, they are already considered elite.

Not only did he not give him an opportunity to take advantage of it, but because the weapon was more powerful, he actually fell below.

This was something he didn't expect.

He had participated in the battle of Saerhu, and the Jin Jiang army who was fighting with him was no weaker than the elite soldiers of the Saarhu Great Zhou.

Thinking of this verse, his heart throbbed.

The Great Khan brought up to [-] soldiers from Haizhou. If he was defeated this time, he didn't know what would happen if he won the city.

Not too much, the Great Khan only has more than [-] soldiers.

It has fewer troops than the previous battle of Fansarhu.

The Jinjiang Army has tens of thousands of troops, of which the headquarters of the Jinjiang Army is as high as [-].

Then the Jinjiang army will divide its troops, can the Great Khan take advantage of it?

if there is not.

With more than [-] soldiers, the Great Khan attacked Jinjiang with [-] elite soldiers and tens of thousands of reinforcements, and the opponent had incredible artillery advantages.

Foang was sweating coldly.

He can be defeated, but Khan cannot be defeated.


Although the winner hadn't been decided yet, he already knew that he couldn't fight the Jin Jiang army.

The city is not enough.

Five thousand against the Jin Jiang army whose combat strength is more than ten times that of Jifang, and the opponent's weapons are even worse.


A hillside.

The guard battalion is ready.

Tang Qing'an and the other generals looked at the fighting positions under the city wall in the distance. They were worried at the beginning, but now they are relieved.

No matter how Foangcourt reacted, his generals would stand up to each other.

The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing.

The deployment is made in advance, but when the war starts, the generals of the front lines will have to change according to the situation. This is the most testing time for the army.

Those who can maintain stability in the ever-changing environment, play a role in an orderly manner, and do not give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it, are the real elite army.

Let's just say that the barbarian cavalry, if he is allowed to rush out, then the battalion of dozens of miles will eventually allow him to find a loophole.

However, the cavalry on the front line that could force the opponent's cavalry to rush left and right failed, which shows that they are not chaotic in the face of danger and cooperate with each other.

"Wu Zhenmeng's command is good, and the battalions are also good."

Tang Qing'an laughed.

The generals saw it and admired it very much.

Not to mention Jin Jiangjun.

Although the reinforcements sent from the country are not skilled, there are many veterans. I can see how powerful they are, and I admire them very much.

As for North Korea's reinforcements, they were many times worse than Da Zhou's reinforcements. After all, North Korea hadn't fought a war in decades.

Where have I seen such a formation.

Not to mention the pale complexion of the North Korean sergeants, even the North Korean generals have pale faces.

They didn't know how the soldiers of the Jinjiang Army managed to hold the enemy's bow and arrows without fear of death and barbarians shooting each other.

Who is not afraid of death?

If it was their own side, the North Korean generals would be terrified.

I am afraid that the North Korean army will collapse at the first touch.


Crash at a touch.

This is the gap between elite soldiers and recruits.

Tang Qing'an saw the expression of the North Korean general and smiled in his heart.

With this time I saw it with my own eyes.

People with evil intentions in North Korea should think carefully about it.

History books often record four words that can collapse at the touch of a touch.

It is nothing more than the difference between whether a sergeant can not fear death.

For example, the first row of the gun party.

The two sides shot at each other.

The muzzle of the opposite gun was pointing at him, and he was about to start shooting immediately. Knowing this, he had to reload gunpowder and lead in an orderly manner.

In this situation, can recruits or troops who have not experienced war be stable?
If you can't stand it, it will collapse at the touch of a finger.

A small number of recruits can only be maintained if there are enough veterans in the army, under the leadership of veterans.

There are many veterans of the Jinjiang Army. Whether it is the defenders in the rear or the recruits in the guerrilla zone, they all came out of the flames of war.

And military discipline.

The Jinjiang army has always existed.

Experience, fighting spirit, morale, supplies, armor, fields...

Jinjiang Army has everything.

"It seems that we will celebrate Wu Zhenmeng tonight."

Tang Qing'an laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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