The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 152 The Disciple from Jinling

Chapter 152 The Disciple from Jinling
Tang Zhanwang, Leng Zixing, Liu Chengmin, Zhou Ji, Li Dun and several people in charge of the mansion, how could they talk to the wife outside the corridor without mentioning it.

Tang Zhanwang and Leng Zixing brought a precious gift for Xiaogan without mentioning it.

Jinzhou officials visited Tang Zhanwang without mentioning it.

Day two.

The three family members Liu Chengmin, Wu Zhong, and Wu Shun, led Leng Zixing, and Tang Zhanwang, who came to Jinzhou for the first time, took a group of more than a dozen personal guards, and the group traveled happily.

The terrain of Jinzhou is gentle, and there are Xiaosha River, Luoma River and Chengsha River among the big rivers in the territory, and there are more other small rivers and lakes.

Because of the favorable geographical location and water sources, it can become the place with the most acres of fields in the various guards of Liaodong.As far as the radius of each city is concerned, Jinzhou is not ahead.

There is only a small hill in the east of the city, which is a protruding piece extending from the skeleton of Xinjin Daheishan.

The mountains are not high and the land is not steep, it is actually a rare highland in Jinzhou.

It turned out that there was a small temple here, but it was abandoned later. I don't know when it started, and a few monks came again.

Arriving here, Liu Chengmin was curious to see that there were many monks in the temple.

"I don't know where the monks in this temple went before. The barbarians attacked Jinzhou before, and the temple was destroyed. Now where the monks come from and when they were repaired, I don't know."

Wu Zhong said with a smile.

"I heard that it is a monk from Jinling Dabaoen Temple, under the seat of Wuji Shouyu, a disciple of Master Xuelang Hongen.

Gu Gong agreed, and wrote a letter to Zhenjiang to inform the general, and the general replied without objection. "


Wu Zhong and the others from Liaodong didn't know how to be smart, but Liu Chengmin, Tang Zhanwang, and Leng Zixing were shocked.

"What? I heard that the Dabaoen Temple is very famous, everyone's reaction? Did I underestimate him?"

From everyone's reactions, Wu Zhong guessed that this temple has an unusual background.

"Brother is not from the south of the Yangtze River, so I don't know about this festival. The Great Baoen Temple has a great reputation in Jinling.

Jinling is respected by everyone from noble families, officials and warriors to traffickers and pawns, and there is an endless stream of people who burn incense and visit it every day. "

Tang Zhanwang explained.

"No wonder."

Wu Zhong suddenly realized, no wonder the general was a little polite to this small ruined temple, it turned out to have such a big background.

A group of people went around the temple. The scale was small, and the former one was destroyed. Although it was newly built, it was nothing to see.

The presiding officer of the temple, although said to be a disciple and grandchildren, is not young, so he complimented everyone very well, and enthusiastically kept everyone in the temple for fasting.

Everyone shirked the blame and joked that they had just eaten.

After the group came out, they climbed to the top of the mountain in less than half an hour.

Although the mountain is not high, it has an unobstructed view of the city of Jinzhou. You can see the gates, pedestrians and carriages coming and going.

Several sheds were also built outside the city gate to provide food, drink and accommodation for people entering and leaving the city.

"Although it is not as good as Jinling, it is still rare."

Tang Zhanwang commented.

Liu Chengmin pointed to a city wall.

"The barbarians fought against Jinzhou the year before last, and my eldest brother and I fought there personally. The battle was extremely tragic."

"It's really dangerous. I was following Mr. Gu in the city to organize civilian husbands to deliver supplies. When I heard about it, I was in a hurry. I put down my errands and rushed there.

Gu Gong refused to let me go, saying that it was useless for me to go, it would be better to do the errands well, which would be the greatest help to Jinzhou. "

Wu Zhong sighed.

"Mr. Gu's mature words."

Liu Chengmin laughed.

"Everyone performs their duties, and they are united to win this victory. Chaos in a hurry is more likely to make mistakes."

Everyone joked.

"It has only been a few years for Jinzhou to have such a scale, and it is also a big city in Guanzhong.

And Jinling is one of the best in the world, and the only city that can compare with Jinling is the capital city. "

Leng Zixing brought up the topic. He and Tang Zhanwang had important things to do when they came back to Jinzhou.

"That's right, the capital is the most expensive city in the world, and Jinling is the richest city in the world. To deal with the merchants in Shanxi, you can only attract merchants from Jinling, so they can fight against them."

Several people stopped, or found a raised stone to take a breath, or leaned against a big tree, while Liu Chengmin was in high spirits.

The guards he brought also scattered around, it was a good place to talk.

"Businessmen in Shanxi were not very unusual in the past, relying on business outside the customs, although the profits are not small, they are still not as good as those in Jinling.

In recent years, it has become more and more powerful year by year. Compared with Yangzhou, the richest city in Jinling, it is not at a disadvantage.

I'm still a little puzzled, how did they gather so much financial resources, if it wasn't for Chen Deyan who was in the capital, to inquire about the news of his return.

Who would have thought that King Zhongshun was behind them. "

Leng Zixing sighed.

Everyone looked awe-inspiring.

King Zhongshun is the emperor's uncle.

Those people in Shanxi, doing extra-export business, smuggled ginseng and fur trade with the barbarians these years, turned out to be the emperor's secret pocket.

That's creepy.

Power and power.

Both people and wealth are indispensable.

The eldest brother wants to deal with those businessmen in Shanxi, but what he actually has to deal with is King Zhongshun, and Allah is the emperor.

No wonder the eldest brother dare not act rashly.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhanwang looked at Leng Zixing, just as Leng Zixing was also looking at him, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Merchants to merchants.

The only ones who can fight against the Shanxi merchant gang are Jinling merchants.

They came to Jinzhou suddenly, and it was the eldest brother who called them to discuss this matter.

The ginseng trade cannot be placed in the territory, not to mention the profit, the movement is too sensational, and it is not suitable for Jinzhou today.

Jeju Island.

In fact, it belongs to the eldest brother, but it is still North Korea in name.

"I heard that Jeju Island in North Korea is one or two thousand miles away from this place. The risk of sailing on this vast sea is extremely high. Do you think about it?"

Tang Zhanwang reminded.

Whether it is fields or business, water is needed.

The banks of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River have supported countless people, and it is also the place where merchants thrive.

Land transportation is difficult and costly.

Although there is the Yellow River in the north, it can only be used from spring to April and May.

The rest of the merchants still use the combination of land and water, and Jiangnan, which is rich in waterways, mostly relies on water transportation, so it has the wealth of Jiangnan.

And the canal between the north and the south supported Huizhou merchants and Jiangnan merchants.

But shipping is different.

For merchants in Jinling, this is a familiar but unfamiliar field.

Wu Zhong happened to be in charge of this matter, so he said.

"The sea and land from Lushun Port to North Korea's Jeju Island have already been explored. Starting from Lushun Port, we will first go to Zhangzi Island for repairs.

If the supplies are sufficient, they will sail to Baeknyeongdo in Jeolla-do, North Korea, and then from Baeknyeongdo to Jeju Island.

According to what the experienced ship boss said, it is like traveling on a sea ship, with one watch every sixty miles, and ten watches a day and night.

In addition to the renovation of the two islands and the operation of the port on the way, there may be side winds or tailwinds on the way, and it takes eight or nine days to go back and forth.

This sea area is different from the open sea. North Korea and my country block the wind from the ocean, so the waves in this sea area are quite gentle.

On the way, there are islands that can be repaired. The big brothers of each island have sent people to build piers and set up water barriers. Therefore, as long as you don’t take the risk of running into rocks in unfamiliar waterways, there is nothing else. "

Wu Zhong finally managed to take charge of the major affairs alone, and couldn't help showing off.

"This island is the largest of the nearby islands. Not only is it huge in size, but the land is also very fertile. You can harvest three or four stones of grain per mu. Compared with two or three grains a year in the south, it is not surprising, but it is extremely rare in the north."

"There are only a few places in the south that can grow three species a year. This island can harvest three or four stones per mu, which is already very good."

Tang Zhanwang sighed.

Hearing this, Wu Zhong wanted to express himself even more, and laughed again.

"There is also Jeju Island, which is several times larger. It is [-] miles long from east to west and [-] miles wide from north to south. Not only is the land fertile and the vegetation is lush, it was used to raise horses in the Yuan Dynasty.

North Korea is so short-sighted that it is only used to exile criminals.

Now this island is ours, which solves our plight of having no place to raise horses. My elder brother has already told my eldest cousin Wu Quande and Ding Shengan that the horses smuggled from Mongolia in the future will be put on this island for free-range breeding. "

"This island has been ours since ancient times. It was the same in Tang and Yuan Dynasties. It is not wronged by North Korea."

Leng Zixing laughed.

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Jinzhou and Zhenjiang are becoming more and more prosperous every year, and now that they have horse breeding land, they will not be controlled by others because of the lack of horses in the future.

They are different from others, and they are all family members like the general, and they have long regarded this place as their family's foundation.

After staying in Jinzhou for two days, Leng Zixing and Tang Zhanwang boarded the Jinzhou Clippers and were sent to Zhenjiang by Zhou Ji himself.

The clipper sailed along the coast, and Zhou Ji proudly pointed to the shore.

"All the way to that shore, they were ruled by generals, and now there are 50 people in Lushun, Jinzhou, Xinjin, and Jinzhou islands.

Please look at the second master and Master Leng, starting from the Guifu Fort that they passed by in the morning, they were divided into ten lands by the master, and there are 30 people in total. "

"So, doesn't the elder brother already have 80 people under his rule?"

Tang Zhanwang sighed.

"It's only been a few years of hard work, it's incredible."

Leng Zixing had been to Jinzhou before, and seeing the Jinzhou back then, his heart was actually more moved than that of Tang Zhanwang.

I feel more and more proud of my decision to invest all my family business in Jinzhou.

"It's just that."

Seeing the expressions of the two, Zhou Ji smiled.

He was originally just a small banner of Donghai Fort, fighting and making meritorious service was a way, but he and Li Dun were unwilling.

For one thing, they knew they didn't have the skills. The first 800 people in the Donghai Camp went to sea, not to mention Chen Kaiwu and the others, there were only a few people who could reach Liu Tong's position.

Second, they are more willing to follow the general and become the general's family members.

As the saying goes, the seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister, they are the general's butlers, and they will not give them face in Zhenjiang, Jinzhou.

So the greater the general's power, the more excited and proud he is.

"There are still more than 4 people in Zhenjiang, and there are North Korean islands. Li Chengxian also relocated [-] to [-] people."

While Leng Zixing and Tang Zhanwang were excited, Leng Zixing also showed concern.

"The nephew's letter asked us to come to Zhenjiang to discuss Jinling's business affairs. He also revealed a thing or two, saying that the Supreme Emperor sent people to Zhenjiang. Didn't we all see the scene here?"

Was worried about this.

Of course, there is no peace of mind to rule over a million people.

Zhou Ji laughed.

"How can we see that, that person's route is different from ours, because he was in a hurry to find the master, so the second master followed him and did not entertain him in Jinzhou.

We greeted this person in Lushun, and then sent a boat to sail directly from Lushun Port, and arrived at Zhenjiang after a detour. "

(End of this chapter)

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