Chapter 142 Toughness
"Name, family name, place of origin...guarantor."

In order to prevent spies from the barbarians, all refugees will be registered, and they will bring their families with them. Those who have clan villages can guarantee each other.

Each village will be arranged together. Although the clan is not easy to manage in groups, in this era, it is also inseparable from the clan.

Comparing the two, clans are easier to govern than scattered people.

Before Tang Qing'an traveled, he had read many books introducing clans in the Ming Dynasty, so he knew that in a feudal society, clans were conducive to the stability of the rule.

Before the first heavy snow fell, these people were organized by clans and original villages, organized into lijia and sent them to Shijing, where they were received by the local patrol roads.

The population of Shijing is enough, and then it will be sent to the next Changshan. If there are enough people in Changshan, it will be sent to Beijing.

For the sub-road officials, there are advantages and disadvantages to this arrangement.

The disadvantage is that the small surplus needs to be used to settle these refugees. The advantage is that to survive this year, a larger population can cultivate more acres, and it is easier to achieve results.

As for reporting false information, regardless of the reason, all of them will be sent to the mine for mining.

At present, Zhenjiang's administrative capacity is unable to find out what happened, so it is a one-size-fits-all approach.

There are also those who are alone, and those who are not registered in the village list reported will be handed over to Li Chengxian to take over and arrange them to reclaim farmland on various islands in North Korea.

In this way, even if someone is sent by the barbarians, a spies with evil intentions will not be able to turn the tide.

So even if Tang Qing'an's territory doubled several times, the barbarians still found nothing when they probed for information about Zhenjiang.

As for the businessmen who came to do business and bring the needed materials to Jinzhou, whether they were from Jinling or other places, they all disembarked at Lushun Port behind Jinzhou.

Even Leng Zixing's caravan stayed in Lushun.

Gu Yingshi gasped, ran into the room, walked straight to the fireplace, stretched his arms and legs to warm himself up.

Even though the room was already warmer than the outside, he still felt bitingly cold.

"It's getting colder every year. It wasn't so cold last year. This year, I only went a few steps outside, and I was freezing."

The outside room was full of officials and scribes who were on business. When they saw Gu Yingshi coming in, some came forward to take off his coat, some brought hot tea, and some brought stools.

"Yes, the general once said that it will be colder in the future."

"The general has the ability of Zhuge, and he can observe the weather."


Everyone laughed, and then Gu Yingshi went to the inner room, where the general handles official duties.

This place used to be the yard of a large family in this area. The owner has long since disappeared, so the yard was requisitioned.

It connects with the government office next door that seems insufficient, and becomes one.

After some renovations, several fireplaces were built to keep the huge house warm.

According to the general's request, a small door was also opened in the inner room, but it was closed all the year round.

"What are you talking about outside?"

When Tang Qing'an saw Gu Ying, he put down his pen, looked at him and smiled.

"People outside boast that the general has the ability of Zhuge, who can observe the time of the sky and predict the weather."


Tang Qing'an laughed and cursed before asking about the business, "How many?"

"No less than [-]."

Hearing so many people, Tang Qing'an couldn't laugh anymore, neither could Gu Yingshi.

No one expected that a snowfall would force out all the refugees hiding in the Changbai Mountains.

In the Changbai Mountains, the cold is secondary, and the lack of food is the problem.

It's not easy hunting for a living.

The hunters are struggling, not to mention the people who used to farm.

Tang Qing'an could understand these refugees who escaped from the barbarians and didn't trust the government, and didn't let them go because of their distrust.

Zhenjiang originally had enough supplies, but with the sudden influx of more than [-] people, the supplies are far from enough.

All localities were unable to deal with these people, so they were all sent to Zhenjiang, and Zhenjiang was also unable to deal with them.

"There are only a few shallow shoals along the coast of Jinzhou that will have sea ice, which will not hinder the movement of ships, but here is different. Sea ice is everywhere, and ships cannot pass."

Gu Yingshi sighed.

On the frozen sea, the thickness of the ice varies. The ones in the front can step on a horse, while the ones in the back just fall into the sea with one foot.

"There is no hope of transferring supplies from Jinzhou, and in this weather, people will freeze to death outside."

Tang Qing'an got up with a serious expression, frowned, paced back and forth, walked to the window, and looked at the thick snow outside.

Tens of degrees below zero.

This is the invisible knife, killing without blood.

"A tough battle!"

Tang Qing'an sighed.

Hearing what the general said, Gu Yingshi knew that the general had made up his mind.

"These people need to save themselves, and we need to help them save themselves!"

"North Korea?"

Gu Yingshi reminded.

"North Korea has to ask for help for food, clothing, and coal. This is one of them. Try to place these people in the homes of ordinary people.

I guess the house is still not enough, organize them to build a house, collect firewood for heating, live together, and centrally heat. "

With the order of the general, the whole Zhenjiang moved.

Knowing Zhenjiang's difficulties, the lord of North Korea agreed to Zhenjiang's request for assistance, but Zhenjiang needed to pick it up, and North Korea was not responsible for the transportation.

In this kind of weather, people will freeze to death outside.

Li Jing didn't have the prestige to be able to accomplish this.

There was no snow for three days. Although the sun did not come out, the weather was much better than before. The transportation team organized by Zhenjiang was about to set off when heavy snow fell from the sky.

"Set off."

The order has not changed and is issued as usual.

A huge transport team composed of civilians and sergeants.

A trailer assembled from sledges and sleds.

Man is the most endurable spirit of creation.

When the mules and horses and dogs are not enough, people replace the mules and horses, and the dogs start to pull and push, moving the vehicle forward slowly.

As far as the eye can see, there is snow.

Lakes, fields, roads, and potholes were all buried under the snow.

The sergeant who was exploring the way ahead, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, inserted his wooden stick into the snow after taking a step, and only dared to move forward when it fell on a hard place.


"Hello? Hello?"

The north wind is blowing.

Zhang Yi, the sentry officer in charge of the transport team, saw his soldier fall, and came forward to inquire.


"Get in the car."

It's dead even if you carry it into the car, what you need now is to go indoors and use firewood to keep warm.

The corner of the Liao man's mouth twitched, and finally he and the others silently carried the sergeant into the carriage without saying a word, and covered him with a thick layer of cotton coat.

The general personally chose himself, and Zhang Yi had a look of determination.

For this trip, he already knew how dangerous it was. Feeling his unconscious ears, he suspected that his ears might freeze off.

"Keep going!"

The ear caps didn't help at all, Zhang Yi cursed secretly.

Like a start, one by one people lose consciousness.

When the team finally arrived in Daoyi Prefecture, Ping'an, the North Korean officials specially sent to respond were stunned.

"I want livestock."

"Without an order, I can't give it."

Zhang Yi looked at the North Korean official coldly.

"Okay, but after you go back, you have to tell your generals to make up this official document. I'm also like my superior."

Even in the house, North Korean officials felt the severe cold of the general in front of them.

He really couldn't figure out how this pedestrian got here in this kind of weather.When he received the order, he always thought that the pedestrians had already turned around.

It is so difficult to come here with an empty car, and it is of course even more difficult to go back with a full car.

As for livestock, not many survived.

In the end, Zhang Yi lay on the snow plow, covered with several layers of quilts, and returned to Zhenjiang in a coma.

He has to be in charge of the entire transportation team, and consumes more energy.

The same is true for Zhenjiang.

But it was better than Zhang Yi and his party, at least they could go back indoors to keep warm at any time.

But even so, more and more people went bankrupt in Zhenjiang.

But no one complained, and probably there were, but not against the general, because the general sent troops out to tide them over.

A tree that is frozen in winter is harder than iron if you want to cut it down.

There are bonfires everywhere in the camp, and people who have reached their limit come running, but they dare not approach them all at once, and keep warm from a distance.

When the weather cleared for seven or eight days, another convoy set off for North Korea.

So many rounds.

Zhenjiang finally passed this difficult winter.

Those who survived were all in a bad mood.

And with the warmth of spring and the blossoming of flowers, Zhenjiang's actions caused countless Liao people to flee to Changbai Mountains.

Zhang Yi, Wang Ben, Chen Yu.

The three sentries stood straight.

"The three of you are all good. You have made great achievements in saving [-] people. The king of North Korea praised you, saying that you are brave warriors who are not afraid of life and death.

Your behavior has spread the power of our Zhenjiang army to foreign countries, and I am very happy. "

Tang Qing'an looked at these military officers with a smile.

These people are very excited, some look forward to it, some are proud.

The general has always distinguished rewards and punishments.

Although they didn't make military achievements this time, the general will definitely not treat them badly.

"Zi, Sheng Zhangyi, Wang Ben, and Chen Yu are the three who will try to control you."


As the general spoke, everyone raised their chests and raised their heads.

"Currently, Zhenjiang has no plans to expand the army, but you can rest assured that when the army expands, you will be fully staffed, but you can't be complacent.

It's completely different from being a sentry officer. Although you have merit, if you can't lead the first battalion in the future, I will still demote you. "

Tang Qing'an was not joking.

There are 90 sentry officers in one sentry, and 450 sentry officers in the first battalion with five sentries.

The capabilities required are quite different.

The perseverance of these three people is enough, and they are extremely good sentry officers, but Tang Qing'an will wait and see if they can do a good job in general.

"Don't worry, general, I will live up to the general's expectations."

Zhang Yi is a Liao people.

Since joining the army, he has never been afraid of life and death. Even if he became a sentry officer, he still takes the lead.

He doesn't know how to lead the first battalion well, but he knows, kill the enemy and take revenge!
Gu Yingshi and other officials stood behind the general, smiling all over their faces.

Since the beginning of the new year, the population of Zhenjiang has risen sharply, and the refugees who came out of the Changbai Mountains are all rare and strong laborers.

The old and the weak cannot survive in the Changbai Mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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