The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 110 Missionary into the Golden State

Chapter 110 Missionary into the Golden State

Leng Zixing was about to leave.

Tang Qing'an saw him off in person. Before leaving the General Military Mansion, Tang Qing'an asked Leng Zixing if he would do business with Jinzhou.

Leng Zixing looked happy.

He was originally a businessman and had Tang Qing'an's relationship, so of course he wanted to borrow some money.

There are currently [-] soldiers in Jinzhou, and these people are all paid by the army. Tens of thousands of families need not only oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, but also cotton cloth, linen cloth, silk cloth, tea, accessories and so on.

These [-] soldiers with military pay, plus the craftsmen, fishermen, gentlemen, officials, officials, etc. in Jinzhou City, and now there is no shortage of food in Jinzhou, and the rations for the common people have also increased.

In this way, the market demand has risen.

With a population of 40 and a class of [-] to [-] with salaries, the combined market is not bad in the customs.

"Jinling is of good quality and cheap. Jinling can buy all the materials that Jinzhou needs. I went back and rented a boat and hung it under the flag of the Jinzhou Navy. I bought materials from Jinling and went directly to Jinzhou. This can save a lot of money. Big cost."

The business tax is very low, and the terrible thing is the checkpoints along the road.

Just talking about Caohe, which has the lowest transportation cost, has countless checkpoints, large and small, and the tolls can exceed the cost of the goods. In addition to hidden expenses such as bribes, this is the most difficult part of doing business.

If you want to do business in Dazhou, you can't do it without a certain relationship network.

The scale of a business depends not on commercial means, but on how deep the heel behind it is.

Leng Zixing got a little bit of light from Jia's house, relying on doing things for Jia's house, so he got involved with several families in Jinling.

So the business was doing pretty well, and among his peers in Jinling, people also called him Master Leng, otherwise he wouldn't be qualified to call him a brother and brother with Jia Yucun who was dismissed at the time.

"In the name of the Xue family."

Tang Qing'an pondered, and smiled, "I'll write a letter later, you go back to Jinling and bring it to the second master of Xue's residence."

Any name is fine, Tang Qing'an's current status is enough to let the second master of the Xue family sell this favor.

From Jinling to Jinzhou, the saving of passing money alone can make Leng Zixing make a lot of money.

As soon as Leng Zixing was sent away, Tang Qing'an received a letter from Jia Lian.

This letter is not easy.

Entrusted General Yuehai to use the post station to go to Yingtianfu in Jinling, Jia Yucun, the prefect of Yingtianfu, changed hands, used the post station to go to Dengzhou, and finally went to Jinzhou with the ship.

In the letter, Jia Lian told him what he had heard along the way, and made friends with a missionary, who helped persuade the Hongyi chief in Macau, and gave him two plans.

The first one is to sell the cannons of the Hongyi people, and ignore the rest.

The second is not only to sell the cannons of the Hongyi people, but also to send an interpreter and dozens of Hongyi cannon masters to train gunners for the generals of Jinzhou. The condition is that missionaries are allowed to come to Jinzhou to preach.

"Wang Fengsu."

Tang Qing'an put away the letter, chanting the name.

This old man is not simple.

In the original historical time and space, after the death of Matteo Ricci, the leader of the Jesus Church in Daming.

Historically, Xu Guangqi was No. 1 in the Ming Dynasty who opened his eyes to see the world, and was a pioneer of cultural exchanges between China and the West.

Xu Guangqi studied Western culture under the tutelage of Matteo Ricci, and was also baptized by him.

He was still wondering why he had never heard of Matteo Ricci, but now that he heard Wang Fengsu's name, he knew that foreign countries had not changed, the change was that Ming became Great Zhou, and Xu Guangqi disappeared.

Of course, choose the second option.

The Portuguese built a gun factory in Macau. Tang Qing'an not only wanted guns, but also wanted the Portuguese to help build gun factories, gun factories, and shipyards.

The Portuguese are different from the Spaniards, they don't have the arrogance of the Spaniards, and dare to propose a plan to conquer Ming Dynasty with 2 people.

So the Portuguese are the ones that can be wooed.

But don't worry, the Italian old man will definitely come to Jinzhou in person, and the two can talk in detail when they meet.

It turns out that in history, this old man set sail for Daming at the age of 35. When he was in his 50s, he was attacked by conservative literati in Nanjing, tortured and humiliated, and was driven out of Nanjing.

Ordinary people have given up long ago after being humiliated like this.

But he did not give up, changed his name and continued to return to Daming to preach, traveling all over Daming from north to south.

Taking advantage of the Shanxi famine in the seven years of Chongzhen to help the victims, so as to attract the people to join the religion.

Although it has a purpose, it has saved many people in the end.

As the great man said, it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.Tang Qing'an will not be so narrow-minded, he feels that as long as he enters China, it belongs to China.

No matter where it was originally produced, as long as it is good technology, good science, good ideas, etc., as long as it comes to China, he will recognize it as Chinese.

As for the Great Zhou's sea ban, Tang Qing'an didn't take it very seriously, this was the benefit of being alone overseas.

As long as it is not too much, the court can't control it.

Moreover, this old man has always been smart in history. He strictly abides by the strategy of Matteo Ricci, who has been dead for many years, and wins over Confucianism to suppress Buddhism and Taoism, so as to improve the teaching of Jesus.

So Tang Qing'an was not worried that this person would be resented by Confucian scholars when he came to Jinzhou, and he would ruin his own affairs by doing so.

This person can come and go in Daming several times, and it has been windy and windy for decades, so it is not easy to win over Confucian scholars.

Soon, Zuo Shu was flying back and forth in the hall.

General Jinzhou originally played.

Jinzhou is a dangerous place. We need to build forts, build big guns, strengthen the city, and defend against barbarians. We ask the imperial court to send people to the south to purchase Hongyi cannons.

It turned out that no one in the imperial court was willing to go, and it was not worthwhile to spend such a great deal of effort without much credit, so the discussion was shelved, and only an official document was sent to Guangdong to deal with the matter.

Unexpectedly, when Guangdong came up to make a memorial, it had already reached an agreement with Hongyi. Therefore, the cabinet decided to allow Guangdong to invest in the purchase of Hongyi cannons and send them to Jinzhou.

The Chief Secretary of Guangdong received a reply from the cabinet, and even wanted Guangdong to pay for it himself, so he was unwilling, and whoever wanted to do it would do it.

General Guangdong Hai was rejected by the chief secretary, but there was nothing he could do.

In the end, it was said by the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate that Jinling will contribute the money and Guangdong will contribute.Jinling did not refuse, Jia Lian returned to the capital, then went to Jinzhou, and was assigned another errand.

With the help of Tang Qing'an himself, he took a boat from Jinzhou to Jinling, and from Jinling to Guangdong.

Jia Lian put the blame on his face, but his attitude was very contradictory. It is not known how much of the Hongyi woman's thoughts are in it.

Carrying the title of nobility, and being young and rich, Jia Lian really had a happy time in Macau.

The Hongyi woman was different from the Dazhou women, and Jia Lian couldn't bear to go back because of her tricks, so she agreed with a bitter face, and when she turned around, she happily boarded the boat.

After half a year of coming and going, finally the cannons, gunners, translators, and a missionary of the Hongyi people passed through the tank boat all the way to Dengzhou after all the hardships.

Thirty red cannons,
Each door weighed several thousand catties at every turn, and it was transported from the southernmost to the easternmost part of Dazhou. It took a lot of manpower and material resources along the way.

Only halfway through, there will be impeachment, which is a waste of money and people.

It's already halfway there, so why don't you just abandon it? The elders of the cabinet won't be so stupid, so they still urge the local government.

When these cannons and people arrived in Jinzhou, it was already March of the second year.

It took ten months from when Jia Lian went to sea in May of last year to now.

It far exceeds the time it took for Ming literati to go to Macau to buy guns in history.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Tang Qing'an dragged the cannon out to test the cannon just after it arrived in Jinzhou.

Randomly selected four cannons, and after only one round of test firing, all the generals present shut up, stunned and unbelievable.

No one doubted the general whether it was worth spending so much energy on this thing.

"Is this still a cannon?"

A general was dumbfounded, and subconsciously went up to touch it, but was scalded and hugged his hand and screamed.

The generals were used to seeing the Francophone, and thought that it was already the sharpest weapon that the artillery could shoot at the furthest distance.

Wan did not expect that this new Hongyi cannon not only shoots farther, but also has greater power. It is a sharp weapon for defending the city and fighting against cavalry.

The Fron machine has its advantages. First, it has a fast rate of fire. Because of the separate design of the shells, one is equipped with three sub-cannons, so the first three guns have a very fast rate of fire.

The disadvantage is that the design is inherently deficient. The fatal factor that cannot be improved at present is that the airtightness between the sub-cannon and the belly of the gun is not good, so the range is short, which is not enough to suppress the high-speed charge of the cavalry.

The Hongyi cannon is a product of improved technology, and its range is twice that of the Fran's machine. However, although this thing is powerful, it is too cumbersome. It was originally a naval gun, and its mobility is not as strong as the Fran's machine.

Although the Frang machine has design flaws, it is a breech-loading gun, while the Hongyi cannon is a front-loading gun.

As far as the comparison between the two is concerned, one has a short range, fast rate of fire, low power, and is easy to pull, while the other has a long range, slow rate of fire, high power, and is not easy to pull.

Therefore, it is serious to use the two in combination. In the early Qing Dynasty, only the Hongyi cannon was superstitious and the Franji was abandoned. This was a wrong military strategy and missed the opportunity for the development of breech-loading cannons.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, even the Hongyi cannons became rare objects. Facing the firearms of foreigners, they even used women's objects to ward off evil spirits, thinking that artillery was evil.

It can be seen how deep the Qing Dynasty's strategy of fooling the people was, and how regrettable it was to mislead the luck of China.

Although the Ming Dynasty banned the sea, but when it came into contact with the prestige of Hongyi's sharp weapon, the science of thought, and the wealth of sea trade, it had already been actively switched on in Longqing.

In the Ming Dynasty, many officials studied the missionary culture, received baptism, and learned Western learning, but the financial system of the Ming Dynasty was really weird and congenitally deficient.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, many foreign priests remained in the country, but they were all expelled later, and this door was closed.

Now that he had these thirty Hongyi cannons, Tang Qing'an was finally relieved and could march northward.

"Mr. Wang, I am very clear about your purpose. I have no objection to your walking around Jinzhou, but you should know the Confucianism of Dazhou, right?"

Tang Qing'an received this tough old man at the General Military Mansion.

Wang Fengsu made careful preparations for this meeting.

His predecessor, Xavier came to the East 60 years ago and tried his best, but it was still ineffective, and then the priest Matteo Ricci.

Although through various means, or giving gifts, or communicating in the name of learning, they all ended up regretting.

Fortunately, I found the nobleman of Dazhou, and through his relationship, I finally met the general of Jinzhou.

At present, foreign priests are the highest-level officials of the eastern powers who have formally contacted them.

A general with a population of 40.

40 million ah.

The entire Italian region, including Genoa, Venice, northern Italy and southern Italy, has a combined population of only 700 million.

Wang Fengsu's breathing became rapid.

(End of this chapter)

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