A middle-aged woman came in, she was the little girl's mother.

She first thanked Lin Yi and the nurses.

Afterwards, Lin Yi told her about the situation and discussed the operation plan.


After dealing with the little girl, Lin Yi returned to the consulting room.

After a while, a 35-year-old man walked into the consulting room with a support of an old lady in her [-]s.

The old lady doesn't look in pain, and her mental head is fine.

As soon as she sat down on the chair, his son next to her said to Lin Yi: "Doctor, my mother hasn't been eating well for the past two months. Please check and see what's going on."

It turned out to be a diet problem, which is probably not a big problem.

Lin Yi then asked: "When you eat and swallow, do you feel any discomfort?"

Lin Yi asked this mainly to rule out esophageal cancer.

The symptom of esophageal cancer is progressive dysphagia.

The man said: "My mother has no problem swallowing, but in the past two months, she has always had a slight stomachache, nausea, and occasional vomiting. She always feels that her stomach is full and unable to digest."

Nausea, occasional vomiting, stomach bloating and indigestion, there are many diseases with these symptoms.

It may be chronic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer or poor gastric motility, etc., all of which will occur.

Or liver and kidney function is not good, it is also possible.

Lin Yi saw that the old lady looked good, so he auscultated her heart and lungs, but found no problem.

After a physical examination, the tenderness in the stomach area of ​​the upper abdomen was slightly positive, and there was no rebound pain.

Bowel sounds on auscultation are also normal.

Lin Yi asked again: "For so long, have you done any inspections?"

This time the old lady spoke.

"Doctor, my stomach is gradually distended and I can't digest it. I always feel like I'm in my stomach after eating.

Haven't done a test, but I took morphine, cisapride and omeprazole, but they didn't work.So today I'm checking to see what's wrong with me. "

Judging from the symptoms, Lin Yi felt that the old lady's condition should not be serious.

So Lin Yi asked: "Old lady, did you have an empty stomach when you came here today?"

The old lady nodded.

"I knew I was coming for an inspection, so I didn't eat anything."

"Then let's do this, old lady, in your situation, you have nausea and vomiting intermittently, and the time for abdominal distension is not short.

My suggestion is that you'd better do a gastroscopy directly to see what's going on in the stomach.what do you think? "

The old lady nodded and said, "I'm here today to do a gastroscopy, please write me a checklist."

Lin Yi prescribed a painless gastroscopy for the old lady.

Because it was done in an emergency department, the old lady's gastroscopy was performed very quickly.

When Lin Yi was about to leave work, the old lady came back with the gastroscopy report.

Lin Yi took the gastroscope report and read it, and was slightly taken aback.

This old lady turned out to be gastrolithiasis!

Gastrolithiasis, as the name suggests, is the growth of stones in the stomach.

For example, people often get gallstones and kidney stones, but stomach stones are relatively rare.

Gastric stones are foreign bodies formed by ingesting certain plant ingredients or swallowing hair or certain minerals such as calcium carbonate, barium, secrete, etc. that condense in the stomach.

The components of gastrolithiasis include plant stones, rough stones, lactic acid stones, and iatrogenic gastroliths.

Among them, plant stones are the most common.

Severe gastrolithiasis requires minimally invasive surgery to remove the stones.

In the case of the old lady, the first step is to determine the composition of the gastrolith.

Seeing Lin Yi thinking, the old lady's son asked, "Doctor, I saw stomach stones written on the report. What's going on? Can this disease be cured?"

Lin Yi put down the report card and began to ask about the old lady's condition.

"Old lady, do you usually like to eat persimmons?"

Before the old lady could answer, her son said first: "My mother likes to eat persimmons very much. In the past, she would eat a few persimmons every now and then, and she would eat them on an empty stomach. In the past two months, she stopped eating because of indigestion in her stomach. "

The reason was found.

Persimmon is rich in tannic acid and pectin, these substances are not easily absorbed by the human body, when the function of the human spleen and stomach is weakened, these tannic acid substances will remain in the stomach, and then form gastric stones.

It causes symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, and hyperacidity in the human body.

In severe cases, gastric ulcer and gastric bleeding may also occur.

Therefore, if the gastrointestinal function of the human body is weak, do not eat persimmons to avoid this situation.

In addition, eating persimmons will not cause the formation of kidney stones or gallbladder stones in the body.

People with normal gastrointestinal function can eat persimmons normally.

But not too much.

Especially on an empty stomach.

If the stomach stone is too large, the stone can be removed by gastroscopy.

This method is a minimally invasive treatment with little damage to the human body and good results.

But in the case of the old lady, Lin Yi didn't plan to give her any invasive treatment.

Her stomach stone is an early stone, and it is not big. Lin Yi has a better way to make her recover painlessly.

Lin Yi said: "Old lady, your stomach bloating, stomach pain, indigestion, and inability to eat are caused by stones in your stomach. It is mainly caused by the poor stomach function of the elderly and eating too many persimmons. .”

"I suggest that you don't eat persimmons in the future. If you really like them, then just eat less after meals. Don't eat them as snacks."

"Then how do I get rid of the stone in my mother's stomach? Do I need surgery?"

asked the old lady's son.

Lin Yi said with a smile: "The old lady does not need surgery for the time being. After you go back, let the old lady drink Coke on an empty stomach every day. Drink [-] to [-] milliliters at a time, three times a day for half a month, and then come back for a review gastroscopy.

If the gastric stones are not removed by then, consider minimally invasive removal of the stones if necessary. "

Both mother and son stared wide-eyed.

The man was surprised and said: "Doctor, there is a stone growing in the stomach, can drinking Coke cure the disease?"

Lin Yi explained: "According to the size of the old lady's stomach stones, it can be eliminated by drinking Coke.

If the time is longer, the stones will become hard and bigger, and drinking cola may not be effective. "

"Of course, your mother doesn't have diabetes now. If she has diabetes, this method won't work. You can only consider minimally invasive stone removal under gastroscopy."

The man nodded in understanding.

He somewhat didn't believe what Lin Yi said.

There is a stone in the stomach, how can drinking Coke cure it?

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't prescribe any medicine for his mother, the man led his mother out of the consulting room.

He plans to go back and look online to see if Coca-Cola can cure stomach stones.

Of course, Lin Yi also saw the suspicious look in the man's eyes.

But Lin Yi had already told them the least painful way to treat the old lady.

As for whether they did what they said, it was up to Lin Yi.

It wasn't long before they left.

A middle-aged man in his forties was escorted by two policemen and walked in through the door.

"Doctor, this man is suspected of drinking and driving. After being stopped by us, he was about to go for a blood test, but he said that he took cephalosporin yesterday, and now he has chest tightness and discomfort. Doctor, please check him to see if there is really something wrong with him."

It turned out to be such a thing!

Under normal circumstances, when the traffic police check for drunk driving, they will indeed encounter drunk driving officers who make all kinds of sophistry.

Some play tricks, some don't blow the breathalyzer, anyway, they are reasons for resistance, and there are all kinds of reasons.

And the middle-aged man in front of him is very likely to be pretending to be sick in order to escape legal sanctions.

Of course, judging from the current situation, it can only be predicted that this person is pretending to be sick.

He said he took cephalosporin, so who knows.

But when Lin Yi carefully observed the middle-aged man in front of him, he found something was wrong.

The expression on this man's face doesn't seem to be fake.

He clutched his chest and shouted: "Doctor, I'm stuffy and I can't breathe. Show me quickly. I took cephalosporin yesterday, am I dying?"

The middle-aged man was one meter away from Lin Yi, and he could smell the soaring smell of wine.

I don't know how much I drank, but I dared to drive. I really took the lives of passers-by and didn't take it seriously.

To be honest, Lin Yi himself really hates drunk driving.

Because after drinking, no one can control their behavior.

After driving, the risk factor will increase greatly.

But this middle-aged man was taken to the hospital by the traffic police. As a doctor, Lin Yi had to examine him even though he hated drunk driving.

Since the middle-aged man said that his chest was tight and uncomfortable, Lin Yi led them to the emergency room, and first gave him an electrocardiogram.

This electrocardiogram is completely a routine examination. Any patient who complains of chest discomfort, chest pain and chest tightness must have an electrocardiogram.

Originally, Lin Yi thought that this middle-aged man would have no problems, but when the electrocardiogram came out, he was dumbfounded.

The electrocardiogram actually showed V1 to V5, acute elevation of the ST segment, which is the performance of acute myocardial infarction.

Lin Yi immediately became serious.

He hurriedly called the nurse, looked at the middle-aged man, and prevented him from moving around or getting out of bed.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, contacted the doctors in the intensive care unit and came out to see patients.

The two traffic policemen saw Lin Yi's serious expression, and there were obviously several medical staff coming towards the emergency room.

One of the traffic policemen also asked nervously, "Doctor, is he really okay?"

"There is a problem. He is suffering from acute myocardial infarction now. Contact his family members as soon as possible. We will do emergency PCI for him."

The two traffic policemen were dumbfounded for a moment.

The two traffic policemen glanced at each other, and they both saw disbelief in each other's eyes.

Neither of them thought that this man was really sick. They thought he was pretending to be sick in order to escape legal sanctions.

As a result, when I came to the hospital for an examination, it was still the most severe acute myocardial infarction among heart diseases.

What a coincidence!

This bad luck, how did the two of them meet!
Fortunately, the two of them sent the middle-aged man to the hospital for examination.

If the middle-aged man suddenly died suddenly without coming to the hospital for an examination, but was escorted directly to the prison, then the work of the two of them might be over.

After all, the middle-aged man had found out that he had a real heart attack. The tall traffic policeman hurriedly used his police phone to check the contact information of the man's family, so that his family members could come to the hospital as soon as possible.

After making the phone call, the tall traffic policeman looked at the other traffic policeman and smiled wryly: "Brother, why do you think we are so unlucky? The investigation of drunk driving also found out the accident!
Now it's all right, the driver is not only out of control.Maybe the two of us will get into a show.You said it was bad luck. "

Another traffic policeman also sighed.

"Brother, who said otherwise, fortunately, the two of us brought him to the hospital, otherwise the consequences would be dire!

Fortunately, this doctor is very good at medical skills, so he checked the electrocardiogram directly. In case he suspects that he is pretending to be sick like us, just deal with it casually. I don't think the three of us can escape the responsibility. "

Twenty minutes later, an obese middle-aged woman hurried into the emergency room.

Seeing two traffic policemen standing in the lobby, she hurried over and shouted: "Did you two arrest my husband?

Why does my husband have a heart attack? It must be because you two abused him that he developed a heart attack. Let me tell you, if something happens to my husband.I want to sue you. "

The tall policeman immediately said seriously: "Madam, please pay attention to your words, we are now recording the whole journey.

Your husband broke the law for drunk driving, the evidence is conclusive.He said that he was uncomfortable with chest tightness, and we sent him to the hospital in time.He had a heart attack, which was caused by his own body.What does it have to do with our drunk driving investigation? "

But the middle-aged woman didn't accept his tricks, and still said relentlessly: "I don't care if you check for drunk driving or not, anyway, my husband had a heart attack because you arrested him.

If he has something good or bad, none of you can escape, and I must sue you. "

The middle-aged woman said, left the next sentence, and hurried towards the doctor's office.

Before entering the office, she heard her yelling from afar: "Doctor, doctor. Where is my husband? How is he doing now?"

Hearing the middle-aged woman's shout, Lin Yi frowned slightly.

The quality of this woman is too bad!
Don't know if this is a hospital?yelling
He looked at the middle-aged woman who walked in aggressively, and said: "Your husband is now in the intensive care unit, we have given him emergency treatment, and the next step is to perform emergency PCI on him.

"Don't tell me what P, what I, I just ask you, are you doing this treatment for my husband now?"


"Why didn't you give my husband the surgery you mentioned? Don't you know that life is at stake? If something happens to my husband, can you afford it?"

When the woman came up, she was reprimanded.

Lin Yi was also very helpless for the family members of patients who did not distinguish between indiscriminate and meddlesome.

This kind of unreasonable family member, even if you patiently explain it to her, she will never listen to you at all.

To put it bluntly, it is a question of quality, or from the bottom of my heart, I don't recognize the hospital.

Lin Yi said solemnly: "To perform a coronary stent for a patient requires the signature of the family members. If you didn't come and sign, we couldn't perform the operation."

Upon hearing Lin Yi's words, the middle-aged woman immediately became unhappy.

"Ah, if you dare to watch my husband suffer here, no matter whether you ask me, how did you become a doctor?

The patient is in pain right now, don't you have any sympathy?Why not treat my husband right away? "

Lin Yi didn't want to mess around with this unreasonable middle-aged woman.

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