In the operating room, after the blood pressure stabilized, a laparoscopic surgery was performed immediately.

Find the bleeding point. If the stone cannot be removed or the blood vessel cannot be repaired, the root of the pancreas can only be cut off.

Laparotomy and exploration revealed hemorrhage in the bile duct and pancreas.

The stone still cut through the pancreatic duct just now!
But fortunately, the surgery was done in time in the operating room and the bleeding could be stopped, so the problem was not serious.

Repair the bile duct. If the pancreatic duct in the pancreas cannot be repaired, the root pancreas can only be removed and then connected to the duodenum.

The pancreatic duct grows inside the pancreas, so it is difficult to repair.

The only way to stop the bleeding is to remove the head of the pancreas.

Another hour passed.

Lin Yi connected the pancreas with its head removed to the duodenum.

The stones were also taken out naturally.

The abdominal cavity was cleaned, the utensils were checked, and the abdomen was closed for abdominal drainage.

Although the blood loss is a bit much, it can only be raised slowly in the later stage.

After all, it is to save a life.

The patient is sent out of the operating room.

The family members outside the door were excited!
"How is it? Was the operation successful? Nothing happened, right?"

Lin Yi nodded: "Don't worry, the bleeding point is caused by stones. Although your daughter's situation is very rare, she has stones at such a young age. You still need to find out the reason."

"See if there's anything wrong with her usual diet, especially those diet pills she took indiscriminately."

"It's best not to eat any more after you're discharged from the hospital. Weight loss never depends on diet pills, but on exercise and a normal diet."

The girl's mother smiled politely and said, "Okay, okay, I will definitely not let her eat those messy things in the future."

On the side, although the girl's father still had a serious face, he also said thank you softly.

In his heart, although this doctor is younger than the doctor at the beginning.

But obviously, this doctor's medical skills are better!

After the operation, the patient was sent to the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery.

But when he returned to the consulting room, his buttocks were still warm.

The door of the consulting room was pushed open, and Lin Yi turned his head to see that a pair of young parents were hurrying towards the emergency room with a little girl over one year old in their arms.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with the child?"

"Doctor! Take a look at the child, he has a fever, 39.8°!"

While talking, the family members took out a thermometer from their bag, and the scale on it showed that it was indeed 39.0.

"Don't worry, just follow me here."

Then Lin Yi turned his head and called Chen Qiang and Wang Qiaoya: "Bring the thermometer again, this kid has a fever."

The body temperature of nearly forty degrees must be taken seriously.

After arriving at the consultation room, Lin Yi asked again:

"Cough? Runny nose? Fever for days? Vomiting? Convulsions? Diarrhea?"

In Lin Yi's sight, there was nothing wrong with this child.

There was also no lung inflammation and no signs of overt infection.

In particular, there is no listlessness, and he looks similar to a normal child.

So Lin Yi actually found it a bit strange that the temperature was nearly forty degrees.

Is it because the child has a fever and is hyperactive?

Or is there another reason?

While Wang Qiaoya took the child's temperature, the child's mother replied:
"Hmm... no cough or runny nose, just a little bit of diarrhea, and the fever has been going on for two or three days, sometimes at 38°C, and sometimes at 40°C.

I'm so anxious, I heard that many children will have convulsions if their high fever persists.

It seems that some are easy to burn children stupid?is that true?

Otherwise, doctor, hurry up and prescribe some medicine for us! "

The family members are very anxious, and Lin Yi can understand.

However, the medicine should not be taken indiscriminately.

Lin Yi asked: "Don't worry, this kind of thing does happen when you have a fever, but you have to know the reason. It's been two or three days since the fever. Did you give your child antipyretics during this period?"

The child's mother nodded again and again: "I ate it, the ibuprofen suspension, but it didn't work, so it dropped a little bit. After getting up overnight and measuring it again, it became nearly 39 degrees again!"

Lin Yi kept the important information in his mind while listening to the family members.

First of all, the child had repeated fevers, which fluctuated around 39°C.

Secondly, the child has no other cold symptoms, only a little diarrhea.

In the end, the child was in a normal state of mind, and he did not have the obvious lethargy after a fever like other children.

Even she knew that this was a hospital, and she also knew that she was afraid of the thermometer in Wang Qiaoya's hand, worried that it was a needle that would prick herself.

Summing up all the information, it really reminded Lin Yi of a disease.

This disease is not an ordinary child with a fever and a cold, but a benign, self-limiting disease.

It is called infantile acute rash, also known as infantile roseola and sixth disease.

It usually occurs in children about two years old.

The fever lasts for 3-5 days, and a rash will appear on the child after the fever subsides.

The appearance of fever and rash is also the most distinctive feature of this disease.

There is no big problem with this kind of disease, just take some antipyretics for children and add physical cooling.

It's best if you can handle it yourself.

Now check the symptoms, it really looks more and more like it.

But the problem now is that the child's fever has not subsided, and the rash has not come out.

Can the family believe this?
After thinking about it, Lin Yi still suggested:

"How about this, I will prescribe another box of ibuprofen suspension for you, drink 4 milliliters first, and then stay in the emergency room for observation tonight, during which time I will ask the nurse to do physical cooling for you.

Because the child is still young, too much medicine cannot be metabolized, and the side effects are also serious.

And I suspect that your child is not an ordinary flu, but another benign high fever disease called acute rash in children, or roseola in infants.

This kind of disease basically only needs to control the body temperature below 38.5, take a small amount of medicine and physically reduce the temperature, and the fever can be reduced in 3-5 days.

After the fever subsides, a rash will appear on the child's body, which is also a feature that distinguishes this disease from other colds.

In fact, there is no need to worry too much about this disease, and you don't need to take too many medicines.

Look at your daughter, how bright her eyes are, and she is very energetic.

The state of those children in the pediatric department upstairs is completely different. "

After Lin Yi finished speaking, the anxiety in the hearts of the young couple sitting opposite did not ease at all.

On the contrary, it got worse!
And the expressions on his face became a little ugly.

The child's father thought to himself, what causes a rash when the fever goes down?What are you talking about!

Isn't it just a cold and fever?Wouldn't it be over after prescribing medicine and infusion?

Why!How unlucky they were!It was such a young doctor who came to the emergency room to see them!

The first time he saw Lin Yi just now, he felt that Lin Yi was too young, and worried that Lin Yi was unreliable.

Unexpectedly, after listening to some words, it is really unreliable!

In short, the child's father didn't really believe what Lin Yi said.

At this moment, he just wanted the doctor to quickly prescribe medicine and infusion to make the child's fever subside.

The child's mother frowned and said:
"What rash, baby roseola? Doctor, didn't I just say that??
I've used ibuprofen, but it doesn't work!Back down and up, back down and up again.

I had no choice but to come to the hospital.

Or give us an infusion!
The infusion reduces fever quickly!

If it doesn’t work, you can just prescribe some children’s azithromycin, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral drugs, and I’ll just take it home and eat it myself. "

"Family, have you ever considered that it's not that ibuprofen is ineffective, but that you didn't take it according to the standard dose, or didn't take it on time?"

The family members were at a loss for words when asked.

He used the dose according to the instructions, and the time...he didn't pay much attention.

Lin Yi continued: "Actually, this disease is not a serious disease, it is different from children's common cold and fever.

The only symptom of this disease is high fever, and there is no cough or runny nose, and the child's spirit is very good.

As long as the body temperature is kept below 38 degrees, your child will be able to reduce the fever by himself in two days.

Then you can see the rash on her body.

And the rash is fine, don't worry about it, it will heal on its own. "

Lin Yi explained again.

But the child's father was really impatient this time!
The young father immediately retorted loudly:

"What are you talking about?? Don't worry about it?? Don't worry about anything. Why do you want your doctor to come?!
I'm really speechless. My daughter has such a severe fever and I feel so distressed. Why do you doctors have such an attitude of not being nervous or serious? !

Such a high fever for such a young child, you still say you don’t need to worry about it?What can I do? ?Do you care if you die? ! "

On the side, the young mother also quickly echoed:

"That's right! Doctor, just prescribe us an infusion or fever-reducing medicine, and just tell me the dosage and time to take it.

Besides, my daughter has such a high fever, what if she convulses or her brain burns out? !

Let me say yes first, I will come to you when the time comes. "

Lin Yi was a little helpless.

After explaining for a long time, they still didn't understand.

In other words, the child's high fever made the two families a little nervous.

Or rather...

These two families still don't want to believe what they said? ?

"Brother Yi, the child's current body temperature is 38.7°."

Just when Lin Yi was about to speak, Wang Qiaoya took out the thermometer.

The temperature dropped?

That means the ibuprofen fed by the family members before is effective.

Lin Yi hurriedly said:
"The child's current temperature is 38.7 degrees, and the temperature can drop to 38.5 or even 38 degrees.

You can take another dose of ibuprofen and stay in the hospital for observation. After five hours, you can check your body temperature. If it is a little higher, you can take another dose of ibuprofen. If it is not high, keep the temperature down physically.

Also drink plenty of water and get through these two days.

Anyway, there are no other adverse reactions to this disease, so I really don’t recommend infusion. "

With this body temperature, Lin Yi completely advocated letting the child fight it by himself.

Take at most a small dose of antipyretics plus physical cooling.

As soon as the words were finished, the child's parents' expressions became even uglier.

The young father stood up and asked loudly:
"It's been two days?! Why is your doctor like this?
38.7 is so high!Just don't give infusions and prescribe other medicines, right? !Be careful and I will sue you!

I have already said that the child has recurrent fevers, and my eldest daughter did the same before, and it will be fine after the infusion!

What a simple matter, why is it so boring? ! "

When Lin Yi heard this, he couldn't help feeling helpless.

It turns out that this person is not only poor in reading comprehension, but also a king of understanding!
What are the two husbands and wives doing in the hospital if they understand so well?

Treat yourself at home? ?
The doctor didn't listen to what he said, and baby roseola didn't believe it either.

Forget it.

Lin Yi didn't bother to say anything.

"Family, it's not that I won't prescribe medicine, I just said that taking ibuprofen plus physical cooling is enough for the child's current temperature, and no infusion is needed.

This is the treatment plan that I consider based on the child's symptoms.

If you don't believe me, you can go to another hospital immediately.

See if other doctors say the same. "

"And I also said that this disease is benign, and there is nothing special about it except high fever.

Since your child's body temperature can drop to more than 38 degrees after you give your child ibuprofen, it means that ibuprofen can control it.

As long as it can be controlled, the fever will subside after another two or three days, and there is no need for infusion and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Your child is only one year and one month old, so try to take as little anti-inflammatory drugs or anti-viral drugs as possible. "

Lin Yi thought that after he explained it again, the family members would listen a little bit more.

Unexpectedly, these two people saw that they were young and felt that their skills were not good.

Still don't want to believe in myself.

The young father picked up his daughter on the chair next to him, then looked at Lin Yi and scolded:

"You wait to be complained, you! With such a high fever, you won't be given an infusion, and you still insist that it's okay, and let my child carry it by himself for two or three days?
Even if it drops to 38 degrees, it is still a high fever!
Can you handle such a high temperature?In case the child burns out, can you take the responsibility?

"Come on, we won't see a doctor here anymore! Let's go to another hospital!"

After finishing speaking, the young father led his wife and daughter out of the consulting room.


Lin Yi stood up, looked at the backs of the family members leaving in a hurry and said:
"I'm doing this for your own good. As long as the disease can be controlled within 38 degrees, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not an ordinary fever!"

It's a pity that the family members didn't listen to a word.

All he thought about was that the child had a high fever, and he had to get rid of the fever quickly, or his brain would burn out.

I have no idea how to deal with the child's fever.

The doctor said it kindly, but he didn't listen.

Forget it, it's a result of the excessive tension of the family members.

Then Lin Yi had no choice but to persuade him.

I just hope the baby is okay in the end.

Afterwards, the couple left in a hurry.

After Lin Yi died, Chen Qiang and Wang Qiaoya didn't say a word.

We all know that Lin Yi will be rejected by his family members at this time, so he must be in a bad mood.

So after the two pushed and shoved each other for a long time, Chen Qiang was pushed out by Wang Qiaoya, and then he tiptoed forward and said:
"Brother Yi, don't be angry, this family doesn't believe you because you are too young."

Wang Qiaoya also nodded and said:

"That's right, it's not easy to find children with acute rash. Even if they go to another hospital, the doctors in other hospitals may not be able to find out."

"The family members are too anxious, don't take it to heart."

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the two in surprise:

"What are you two doing? Comforting me?"

Lin Yi smiled and waved his hands and said:

"Come on, I'm angry I'm angry, but not because they say I'm angry."

"It's just that these two people are too pedantic and don't believe what I say, even if I have a certificate now, they don't believe it!"

"Hey! This completely delays the child's treatment."

"As Wang Qiaoya said, this disease is easily confused with other common fevers."

"It's very difficult for an inexperienced doctor to diagnose."

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