"But for these three citizens, one is in Dongyang and the other is in Huangjiang. Even if they rush to the blood station as quickly as possible, it will take at least an hour."

"There is also a citizen here who is willing to donate blood, but he is not in the city. He is still on the highway [-] kilometers away. It will take at least an hour to reach the blood station."

"Although it took more than an hour for these three people to arrive, it is already considered rare."

"Doctor Lin, you must stabilize the patient's vital signs so that you can catch up with the arrival of those citizens donating blood."

In Lin Yi's heart, he was already psychologically prepared for this situation, but he was still a little helpless when the situation came to an end.

Lin Yi sighed: "Director Chen, let's try our best, but the patient is bleeding too much, and if the blood is not transfused in time, it is really difficult to stabilize the vital signs. We can only try our best, and it depends on the fate of the patient."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi looked at the man's wife who was guarding the hospital bed.

After this family member got the news, he had just arrived at the hospital not long ago.

For her husband to have such a situation, she was also flustered and confused.

After Lin Yi received this patient, he didn't get any effective information.

Now that the family members have come, Lin Yi simply asked about the man.

Lin Yi led the female family members out of the emergency room and back to the doctor's office.

Let the woman sit down, appease her emotions, and then ask:

"Does your husband have any diseases? Like diabetes, high blood pressure or gastritis?"

After the woman was stunned for a while, she said with red eyes:

"My husband is usually in good health, and he doesn't have high blood pressure or diabetes. It's just that in the past few months, he has always said that his stomach is uncomfortable."

"Sometimes I also take stomach medicine like omeprazole."

"Have you ever had a gastroscopy?"

The woman shook her head and said:

"When he had an upset stomach, he felt much better after taking some omeprazole, and he didn't think about going to the hospital for an examination."

Lin Yi asked again:
"Then when did your husband vomit blood?"

The woman shook her head again.

"I'm not sure about this. When he came to the hospital, I was at work. I came as soon as possible after receiving your call."

The woman paused, then suddenly said:
"However, at noon, he played basketball with his friends, and then he came home and drank a cold can of carbonated drinks."

"Then I went to work and didn't know what happened to him at home."

Hearing what the woman said, Lin Yi finally understood why the man vomited blood frequently.

Obviously, according to the description of the female family members, the male patient had a history of stomach problems.

However, since no gastroscopy was done, we can only consider the possibility of chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer.

It could also be erosive gastritis.

However, after strenuous exercise at noon today, I suddenly drank an iced carbonated drink, which induced gastric mucosal lesions and caused massive bleeding.

Like this common sense, in fact, many people are not very clear.

For example, after strenuous exercise, you can't drink iced drinks or water immediately, you have to take a while to drink some warm water.

And after strenuous exercise, you can't take a bath immediately, you also need to take a while and wait until you completely calm down before taking a bath.

This kind of phenomenon is actually similar to that after a running race, when you reach the finish line, you cannot stop immediately.

Instead, you need to jog for a short period of time before you can slowly stop.

Let the body have an adaptation process
And this man drank iced carbonated drinks after strenuous exercise, which caused gastric mucosal damage and hemorrhage.

So Lin Yi deduced that he had erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis.

And he had erosive gastritis before, but there was no bleeding.

This time the erosive hemorrhage was caused by the stimulation of the iced drink.

He is still mainly in an ischemic state, which belongs to shock.

In the case of gastric erosive bleeding, after the effects of hemostatic drugs and norepinephrine plus ice saline, the bleeding has stopped.

But his blood pressure was still unstable.

Dopamine is needed to maintain blood pressure.

Even if the amount of dopamine used is large, it is only maintained at around 85 and [-].

Still need a blood transfusion as soon as possible.

The only thing that can reassure Lin Yi is that his stomach is no longer bleeding.

Although the blood pressure was maintained with drugs, fortunately, it did not continue to drop, and it should be able to last for two hours before the blood transfusion.

Back in the doctor's office, the patient's wife was still sitting there in a daze.

Her husband suddenly appeared in such a life-threatening situation, and she was completely stunned for a while, not knowing what to do?
Seeing Lin Yi coming in, the woman stood up and asked with a look of worry:

"Doctor, is my husband okay?"

Lin Yi was silent for a while, and then said:
"Your husband's current condition is not stable. His blood pressure cannot go up, and he mainly relies on drugs to maintain it. It's still too early to say that it's okay."

"The main reason is that your husband has type A panda blood. If the blood can be transfused in time, the vital signs will gradually stabilize."

"But the key point is that we have contacted the blood transfusion department and the central blood station several times. Those citizens who are willing to donate panda blood are on their way. You have no other choice but to wait."

The woman couldn't help but fell silent after listening.

Of course she knew that her husband had panda blood.

The central blood station also called her husband and asked him to go to the blood station to register information in case of emergency.

But her husband didn't take it seriously because he was young and in good health.

There is no registration information at the blood bank.

Now that such an urgent need for blood transfusion suddenly appeared, the woman also regretted it for a while.

But it is too late to regret.

I only pray that those kind-hearted people with type A panda blood can rush to the blood bank to donate blood as soon as possible, and then give it to her husband.

Lin Yike didn't know about this man, and he didn't leave any information about him at the blood bank.

He also hoped that the three kind-hearted citizens with panda blood would go to the blood bank to donate blood as soon as possible, and then send it to the hospital.

For citizens with panda blood like this, it is best to go to the blood bank and leave your information.

Not only did they do good people and good deeds, but they were also for unforeseen needs, and they might have helped themselves in the end.

After all, there are very few people with the panda blood type.

No one can predict whether he will need blood transfusion in the future.

Therefore, this kind of registration information is entirely voluntary.

People's blood banks can't force it either.

Looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

The emergency department was brightly lit, and the emergency room was even more busy.

Almost everyone is working around this patient in hemorrhagic shock.

After Lin Yi went in, he said to Wu Jiang:

"Go back first, I'll watch this patient here!"

"I'll be here, Brother Yi, you go back first."

"Don't argue with me, hurry up."

Lin Yi insisted.

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