Lin Yi thought for a while, and said to the man, "Don't worry, what medicine do you want?"

"Carbamazepine and Sodium Valproate!"

The man finally said the name of the medicine, and Lin Yi and the doctor on duty breathed a sigh of relief at the same time when they heard the two medicines.

The heart that had just been mentioned was also completely let go.

Because these two drugs are drugs for the treatment of epileptic seizures, they are not contraband at all.

The patient was so startled that Lin Yi almost called the police.

In order to find out the man's past medical history, Lin Yi asked again: "Why do you take these two medicines, did you have any illnesses before?"

The man looked at Lin Yi and said:

"I have been taking these two drugs for more than ten years. I have epilepsy and must take this drug."

"Give me the medicine, I didn't take it yesterday, or I'm worried about having an attack again."

When the man said this, Lin Yi had already deduced from his heart what happened to the man's car accident.

The man's two drugs, because he did not take them in time, had a sudden seizure when he was driving.

Because of this, you will hit someone else's car on an unmanned road. This should be the whole process of the car accident.

It would be easier to figure out what happened and the man's past medical history.

So Lin Yi said to him with a solemn face:
"You just had a car accident, and you have brain damage, so you can't eat for the time being."

"You said sodium valproate, you don't need to take it now, we can change it to injection treatment for you, and after tomorrow's reexamination, if the bleeding on your head does not increase, we will let you take medicine again."

"OK then!"

The man listened to Lin Yi's words.Visibly relieved.

"Hurry up and give me this medicine, I'm always worried about having another attack."

The doctor on duty in the ICU quickly prescribed sodium valproate injections for him.

At this moment, Lin Yi heard Wang Qiaoya shouting at him:

"Doctor Lin, the family members of the patient in the car accident just now are here and want to see you."

So Lin Yi walked out of the ICU, and saw a couple in their 50s standing outside the door.

There is no doubt that this is the parents of the man in the car accident.

Lin Yi took them into the office and was going to explain the man's situation to them in detail.

The middle-aged woman asked anxiously: "Doctor, where is my son? How is he doing now?"

Lin Yi said: "Your son is now in the intensive care unit. He was in a coma when he first arrived, but he just woke up now."

The middle-aged woman didn't speak, but turned her head and wanted to leave the office.

Lin Yi asked:

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to see my son."

Lin Yi hurriedly stood up to stop her.

"Your son is now in the intensive care unit, where family members of patients are not allowed to visit."

"I will explain the patient's condition to you in detail. If you have any questions, just ask me. When your son's condition is stable, he will be transferred out."

The middle-aged woman still looked a little excited, but was held back by her husband.

"Don't worry, listen to the doctor about your son's condition."

Lin Yi asked the two to sit down, and then said:
"Your son rear-ended someone else's car and caused a head injury with brain contusions and a subarachnoid hemorrhage."

"When he first came here, he was in a coma, but after our treatment, he is now awake, but he still has some headaches, and further observation is needed."

The middle-aged woman looked surprised.

"My son is fine, how could there be a car accident?"

This question made Lin Yi very speechless, but he could only say helplessly:

"How did your son get into a car accident? After he recovers, you can only ask him yourself. I am a doctor, and I was not at the scene. I don't know what happened at that time."

But the middle-aged man asked:

"Doctor, my son has a head injury, so is he serious?"

"From the current examination, although there is brain contusion and a small amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage, it is not serious for the time being."

The middle-aged man seemed relieved.

"If it's not serious, we can rest assured."

But Lin Yi said:
"Patients with craniocerebral injuries who were injured in a car accident had mild cerebral hemorrhage when they first arrived, but there is another possibility that the bleeding may continue."

"If the patient's condition changes or the pupils of the eyes are unequal, it is necessary to review the head CT in time. If the amount of bleeding increases, surgical treatment may be required."

The patient's mother immediately said loudly to Lin Yi:
"Why does my son continue to bleed?"

Lin Yi shook his head and explained to her:

"We have applied various treatments including hemostasis to him, and it is only possible to continue to bleed."

"Most of the conditions can still be stabilized, so they need to be observed in the intensive care unit for two days. The condition is completely stable, and they can come out without further bleeding."

After Lin Yi explained in such detail, the patient's mother nodded.

Lin Yi asked casually again:
"Has your son had a history of epilepsy before?"

As soon as Lin Yi's words came out, the middle-aged woman froze for a moment.

Her husband was about to speak, but she stopped him quietly, and immediately said:

"What history of epilepsy? My son used to be very healthy. He didn't have any diseases."

The middle-aged woman flatly denied it.

Ok?What's happening here!
Just now the patient clearly stated that he has a history of epilepsy for more than ten years and must take carbamazepine and sodium valproate at ordinary times, but now his mother categorically denies it.

This made Lin Yi feel suspicious.

Between the patient and his mother, someone must be lying.

So Lin Yi confirmed again:
"Are you sure your son has no medical history? Just now he said that he has a history of epilepsy for more than ten years, and he usually takes medicine."

The middle-aged woman waved her hands again and again, and her expression was quite excited.

"Impossible. My son has always been healthy. How could he have epilepsy? He must have suffered a head injury and is talking nonsense."

"Doctor, you can't listen to him!"

Before Lin Yi could reply, the middle-aged woman hurriedly asked again:

"Doctor, did the car that my son rear-ended parked illegally? Are they also responsible?"

These words completely left Lin Yi speechless.

Their son had a seizure and rear-ended a parked car.

In the end, his mother beat him up and wanted to hold the other car owner accountable.

This is really a refined egoist!

So Lin Yi said directly to her:

"Whether the other party parked illegally or not, I don't know, and it doesn't count if I say so."

"I'm just a doctor, and I'm only responsible for treating patients and saving lives. And the other party has already reported the case, and the traffic police will come to our hospital to take notes soon. You can ask the traffic police when the time comes."

Hearing what Lin Yi said, the middle-aged woman stopped talking immediately.

Indeed, she knew very well in her heart that he was just a doctor, and his task was to see patients and save lives. As for who was responsible for the car accident, he really didn't care.

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