Chapter 85 Poor and Rich

With the middle-aged man left.

The second recruiter walked in quickly.

It's just that compared with the first applicant who mastered professional skills, the later men were even more unsatisfactory in various conditions.Before losing his job, he was just an ordinary assembly line worker without any skills. Even before he came to the Courier newspaper to apply for a job, he didn't even have the experience of working in the newspaper media industry.

"Sorry, sir."

Therefore, after listening to the other party's conditions, Colin simply shook his head and refused.

"Mr. Colin Luper, I beg you..."

However, facing Ke Lin's refusal, the man actually plopped down on his knees, crying and begging: "I haven't eaten enough for a long time, if this continues, I will be starved to death, Once I die, my wife and children will not live..."

The other party's experience is certainly tragic.

But this is obviously not the reason for Colin to recruit him. After all, situations like men can be seen everywhere in the Great Depression.

Even the middle-aged man who was recruited before had the same experience as him.

If Ke Lin recruited him to work in the newspaper just because he sympathized with the other party.Then, almost everyone who lined up outside met his recruitment requirements, including the previous middle-aged man who was rejected by him.

"Sorry, sir, we are a newspaper, not a welfare organization. The purpose of recruitment is to find qualified workers."

"I'm very strong. As long as you order the work, I will definitely do it with all my might!"

"We are a newspaper, not a factory, sir."

The man who applied for the job begged for a while, but found that Colin was still unmoved, and finally gave up hope, gritted his teeth and cursed at Colin in front of him: "You damn capitalists, it is because of you that the Great Depression is caused." Happened, you caused me to lose my job, and now you are pretending to post a job offer, you are the culprit, let the country fall into depression, but let the poor bear all the pain, self-righteously throwing leftovers to us, Consider it a great charity and kindness..."

The Great Depression led to unprecedented extremes of wealth and poverty in the United States.

As the man said, many rich people think that it is a kind of good deed to give the leftovers to their compatriots who have no food to eat.

In Gisco Hill, New York, the Elk Society, a charity founded in 1876, and the Princeton University Diner ordered their servants to send leftovers to the poor.

The Brooklyn Eagle suggested setting up a terminus where charitable citizens could send their leftovers for the poor to share.Even, in order to allow the poor to eat these leftovers, some people have drafted a special plan, calling on the chefs of restaurants, citizen clubs and hotels to put the leftovers into "clean iron drums with a capacity of five gallons, marked with 'meat' inside. , Beans, Potatoes, Bread, etc.'" rate-employees.

But it completely ignores that in times of economic hardship, how many people can waste food like them, except the rich themselves.

Even, because of the issue of giving out leftovers, some people wrote to the president specifically, hoping that he could accept this opinion and reduce the burden on the people.

However, in the end Hoover did not adopt this suggestion.

Judging from the news revealed by the media, the director of the Emergency Employment Committee under Hoover thought that this might cause misunderstanding, so he rejected the plan.

For a president who can say that in New York, a homeless man eats 10 meals a day.

You really can't expect him to have much sympathy with what to do with the leftovers.

The emergence of the Great Depression certainly had time and economic factors.

However, a series of stupid policies followed by Hoover were also one of the reasons why the Great Depression never ended but intensified.

And he said the slogans of "the crisis will end within 60 days" and "the basic affairs of the country are still based on good and prosperous foundations".

It also made more people understand that the "golden 20s" is completely over, and the "golden 30s" will never be realized again.

Ke Lin agrees with the man's thoughts on those capitalists, but this does not mean that he agrees with the other party's offense to him.

"I can understand the despair in your heart at the moment, sir, but this does not mean that you can vent your emotions freely here. You must be clear about one thing, that is, this is a newspaper office, not a charity like the Salvation Army. Institutions, my criteria for recruiting workers is professionalism, not who is pitiful.”

"If you want to seek relief, you can go to those charities and the government instead of going to my newspaper for meaningless moral kidnapping. The Messenger newspaper has no obligation to help you!"

Colin's tough attitude left the man speechless.

He glanced at Colin with a cold face in front of him, opened his mouth to say something, but finally left the newspaper office with his head down under Little John's glaring eyes.

He didn't even dare to make a move, not only because there was a whole family waiting for him in 'Hoover Village', but also because under the gaze of Colin, the man couldn't summon up the courage to do anything.

Fortunately, except for the second applicant.

The following applicants performed fairly well.

Most of them are unemployed white-collar workers or bank workers.

In order to get this job in the newspaper, he showed great sincerity, and the work experience of several of them really moved Ke Lin a little.In particular, one of the white-collar workers used to work in a publishing house before losing his job. He specialized in collecting and arranging European publications for domestic distribution, and has rich experience in publication sales.

After chatting with the other party for a few words, Colin quickly finalized the recruitment of this white-collar named Francis.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Ke Lin, no boss, I will definitely work hard, and I will never let down your trust in me!"

Knowing that he got this job, Francis almost wept with joy and said to Colin.

In the Great Depression, being able to find a stable job was almost everyone's dream.

After being grateful to Colin for a long time, Francis restrained his emotions and walked out of the newspaper office with red eyes.

However, seeing Francis' red eyes from crying, everyone who lined up outside laughed at him, but all showed envious expressions.

If possible, how much they hope that the successful recruiter is themselves.

And as Francis successfully applied for the job, the sense of urgency in the hearts of everyone in the team also increased a bit.

In the team, the successful recruitment of every unemployed person means that their chances are reduced by one point.

No one wants to be the one who gets eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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