Chapter 82 Overtime
"Warning, warning, all personnel wear anti-virus equipment, the toxin smoke will be released in three minutes..."

In the Hydera base, the rapid alarm sounded continuously.

'Reborn' lab, inside the console.

Scott looked at the dense circuit boards in front of him, took a deep breath, and came to the device representing storage.

"Form formation, all right, guys let's go!"

Through the brain wave device in the helmet, the ants are controlled to take their positions.

Following Scott's order, Anthony crawled to his side, turned around and pouted his belly, aimed at the memory and fired the cracker.

Falling on the memory, the "Pym particles" acting on the cracking device instantly failed, and a weak current flashed through.

"Start cracking."

Tony's frivolous voice rang in Scott's ear.

"Cracked successfully, copying data..."

The cracking device made by Howard started to operate, and most of Scott's mission was basically completed.

All that remains is to wait until Tony copies all the data in the laboratory, and then go out from Hydera's base.

Looking up at the progress bar displayed on the device, Scott glanced at the situation outside the laboratory through the hole in the cooling vent.

Because of the alarm, all the researchers in the entire laboratory have left the room.

At the same time, most of the passages in the laboratory are still completely blocked, including the vents used by Scott before.

"water pipe."

However, in such a tight blockade, Scott still found a loophole.

The sink in the laboratory seems to be prepared for the daily cleaning of the researchers, but now it has become an escape channel for Scott to connect to the outside of the base.

After determining the escape route, the only time left is to copy the data.

Turning his head and seeing that one-third of the copying speed had passed on the progress bar, Scott suddenly felt relieved.

"Sure enough, you're the best, Scott!"

Under the helmet, the smug expression on Scott's face hadn't yet formed, but the alarm sounded in the base in the next second made his expression change instantly.

"What, toxin smoke, is it necessary to do this to this extent!"

"I'm only here to steal!"

I never thought that an ordinary infiltration operation would actually be designed to release toxins.

Inside the console mainframe, the expression on Scott's face suddenly changed drastically.

Hearing the continuous countdown in the siren, he looked up at the progress bar that was still moving slowly on the cracking device, and his heart became extremely impatient in an instant.


Stand on the roof.

[Super Hearing] He also heard the crisis on Scott in the base.

Using [Super Perspective], Colin could clearly see the people wearing gas masks in the Hydera base.

"It's really dangerous."

Seeing this scene, Colin couldn't help sighing.

Fortunately, he had observed the situation before entering the base, otherwise he would have re-entered regardless, not to mention that Scott hadn't been rescued, even he might have been in danger.

Facing the situation in the base, Colin's first choice was naturally to find an unremarkable member of the base, snatch a gas mask from him and put it on himself.

[Stealth] ability, although it has various flaws, but fortunately, the range of influence of the ability is sufficient.

There will be no embarrassing situation where he can use it only after he takes off his clothes.

However, compared to this first option, Colin himself prefers another method.

"It just so happens that tomorrow is the publication day of the "Courier". It seems that I have to go back and work a little bit early."

While talking, Colin closed his eyes.

In the Hydra base, the rapid sirens and Scott's anxious self-talk continued to sound, but Colin's consciousness began to dive continuously with his eyes closed.

In the end, he entered the familiar world surrounded by countless green lights.


Facing the world, Colin opened his eyes.

The urgent siren in the ears no longer sounded, replaced by the silence on the street outside the house.

Turning over and leaving the bed, he picked up the white shirt next to him and changed it on. When he came to the cabinet, his eyes swept over the Superman dolls on the table.Muscle-filled blue bodysuit, red cape, a large "S" on the shield on the chest, and signature red tight shorts at the crotch.

This is the final Superman figure that Colin and Fisher discussed.

And the one in his room is the doll prototype made by Fisher-Price Toy Workshop.

Next, the Superman dolls produced by the factory will use this image as a reference.

Putting on a white shirt and trousers, and taking out a formal suit from the cupboard, Colin didn't go out directly, but walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen there was a bit of beef stew and potato cubes left over from last night.

Pour the potato cubes into the stew and add other vegetables into it. Ke Lin looked at the pot of stew, his eyes were slightly red with high-temperature light beams shooting out of them. , The stew that was still solidified began to emit white smoke and became boiling hot.

Putting away the [thermal vision] in his eyes, Colin pointed it at the slice of bread and stayed for about two seconds.

Spread butter on the slices of bread with burnt edges, and Colin ate a delicious meal of beef stew mixed with vegetables.

Although the [thermal vision] of the real world cannot be as powerful as Superman in the comics.

But it was also enough for Ke Lin to heat up a pot of hot soup to fill his stomach.

After eating the bread in his hand, he was almost [-]% full.After tidying up the tableware on the table, put the soup pot into the sink.

"Perhaps, I should design a special ability for cleaning."

Looking at the piles of tableware in the kitchen sink, Ke Lin couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

He put on his top hat and tidied up his grooming.

Turn the handle and push the door open.

The cool breeze swept over Colin's body, and the two extremes of the biting cold wind were completely formed a few months ago.

The coldest winter in New York has passed, but for the people in the Great Depression, their winter is far from over.

In fact, according to the estimate of "Happiness" magazine in February, there were more than 2 cases of street deaths recorded in New York alone in 1931, and most of them were starved to death or frozen to death .

Stepping onto the street, the street in front of me was silent, only the dim street lamps on both sides provided faint light.

He took out his pocket watch from his pocket and checked the time.

It's only around five o'clock in the morning, and there is still a little time before dawn, but the weakened version of [Super Hearing] can hear the sound coming from the other side of the street.

 Thanks to book friend 20210126142303372 for the reward of 100 starting coins, and Wolf King Yabo for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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