Chapter 60 March Against Hunger

"This is?!"

Looking at Colin who appeared in the projection, Natasha's inner emotions did not change at all, but she still pretended to be surprised on the surface.

He turned his head and looked at the songbird beside him, seeing the astonished expression on the latter's face.

Undoubtedly, Songbird has some impressions of Colin in Anthony's projection. After all, when they were interviewed by the other party, the level of Colin's performance in that interview was too impressive.

The emotions in Natasha's heart are a little more complicated.

Because, she knows very well.

Colin Luper was not a member of the Resistance.

The contact between the other party and the Dark Avenger was more or less mixed with some unexpected elements.

For this reason, Nick Fury also asked her to investigate whether there was any problem with Colin's identity.

"There is no doubt that Colin Luper is a breakthrough. No matter whether his identity is really a member of the Rebel Army or not, his contact with the Iron Avenger and others is real."

"So, in addition to responding to the upcoming crackdown on 'unregistered superheroes' in New York City, our next task is to search for traces of the Dark Avengers and clues related to them."

"At the same time, Hydera will also cooperate with the actions of the Thunder Special Agents and provide us with the necessary assistance to find out those rebels hiding in the dark."

"Natasha, you are the best at investigating and tracking, and you have had brief contact with Colin Luper."

As he said that, the imitation master looked down at Natasha: "So, the task of investigating Colin Luper is entrusted to you."


Nodding her head, Natasha replied calmly.


Right in the world, inside the Messenger newspaper office.

Unknown to him, his identity had been exposed to members of Thunder Special Agents.

Fortunately, it was handed over to Natasha to take charge.

Colin flipped through the latest newspaper of the day to understand the news events that happened during this period.

In this era of underdeveloped networks, newspapers have become an important channel for him to obtain news.

"...on one of the coldest days of winter, with frigid winds howling from the Northwest, some 3 to 000 workers held signs in front of the Ford plant in Dearborn that read 'Give Us Jobs' , "We Want Bread Not Crumbs" and "Tax the Rich to Feed the Poor."

"The marchers intend to make 14 demands of Henry Ford, head of the Ford Motor Company, including rehiring the unemployed, funding health care, an end to racial discrimination in hiring and promotions, winter fuel for the unemployed, and abolition of the Workers use corporate spies and private police and give workers the right to form unions, etc.”

"Initially, the workers marched peacefully, however, in front of the Ford plant in Dearborn, clashes erupted as Dearborn police tried to stop the march by firing tear gas at the crowd and began beating them with sticks. Marchers. A police officer opened fire on the marchers, and the unarmed crowd scattered across the rocky field, picking up rocks and throwing them at the police."

"The angry marchers regrouped and marched nearly a mile toward the factory. From there, two fire trucks began spraying cold water on the marchers from an overpass, and the police, in conjunction with the factory, opened fire on the crowd. Marchers Joe York, Cole Man Lenny and Joe de Blasio killed, at least 22 wounded..."

"Seeing the seriousness of the situation, the organizers decided to cancel the parade, and the workers began to retreat in an orderly manner. But Harry Bennett, the head of Ford's security department, drove to the scene, opened the windows, and shot at the unarmed crowd. His car Then he was hit by workers with stones, and Bennett was also injured, so he got out of the car and continued to shoot at the retreating crowd. The police and Ford security guards also opened fire on the workers with machine guns to cover Bennett. A 16-year-old teenager, Joe Basel, was shot and dozens were injured."

"Currently, according to the results reported by the police, 48 workers have been arrested, and some of them were even chained by the police on hospital beds."

Detroit "March Against Hunger".

Scanning through the news in the newspaper at a glance, Ke Lin silently retracted his gaze and sighed when he saw the last line of the report.

Detroit, a city full of tragedy, but self-inflicted.

Perhaps the bitter fruit of its future decline has been buried from this moment.

"Senators call for workers whose wage loss is so low that it takes a week's income to sustain a month..."

"National Association of Manufacturers President Egerton believes that paying wages cannot solve the current plight of workers. It should be based on demand and deal with workers' problems in an efficient way. Food and other living must replace wages. At the same time, Egerton also said that he had already fulfilled his social welfare responsibilities in the church and was unable to undertake more social responsibilities.”

Then, in the next paper of Detroit's "March Against Hunger", the news report of Senator and National Association of Manufacturers President Edgerton gave Colin a sense of inexplicable absurdity.

Obviously, in the previous newspaper, the workers in Detroit have launched a big demonstration because of hunger and poverty.

On the latter page of the newspaper, there was a grandiose report that the workers were asked to reduce their wages, or even not to receive wages at all.

The senator and the president of the association who said this should be thankful that they are not in Detroit.

Otherwise, as long as they dare to say these words, they will definitely be torn to pieces by angry workers.

The darkness before dawn is often the hardest.

When it comes to the Great Depression, the world only knows 1929, but they don't know that the moment when the United States was closest to collapse was not 1929, but 1932.

During this period, the market value of all listed companies fell to 1929% of what it was in 11, and investors lost enough money for the United States to fight three World Wars.

People under hunger and poverty, in order to survive, broke out many times of desperate strikes, but the results were not ideal.In the face of the march and strike, Hoover's performance was relatively cold-blooded. At that time, the National Guard and the armed forces of the capitalists worked together to forcefully suppress the strikers.

Many people who did not die in the Great Depression and hunger died in the bullets of repression.

Police armed with tear gas and riot guns locked all the strikers into a makeshift camp, without water, food, or access to the toilet.

After 48 hours of huddling on the cold ground, the protesters were released, singing a song they had just learned: "Arise, hungry and cold slaves. Arise, suffering people all over the world. The blood is boiling." , to fight for the truth..."

The Great Depression, an era of struggle and failure against capitalism.

(End of this chapter)

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