Chapter 24 History of Comics

Comic books in the modern sense were born in the 20s.

It is the product of the combination of two literary forms: popular literature publications and newspaper comic strips.

Prior to this, comic strips were mainly serialized in newspapers, called strips.

Affected by the distribution method of newspapers, comic strips are generally serialized one line per day (the length on Sundays will be longer), and the narrative techniques are relatively fixed.The content and style of comics are diverse, in addition to the well-known humorous "four-frame comics", there are also detective and action themes.

Many well-received four-panel comic strips originated from, or drew inspiration from, popular novels.One of the representatives is "Tarzan of the Apes", adapted from the novel of the same name.Although its plot is not original, compared with purely humorous comics, this kind of comics has made great progress in drama.

However, the emergence of the economic crisis and the Great Depression changed the status quo of comics.

Readers are no longer satisfied with simple humor and funny. The rising crime rate and helplessness towards reality make people look forward to the emergence of stronger and more dominant characters to reverse all this.He will be strong, invincible, and invincible; he will uphold justice, wipe out the evil in the world, and bring hope to the world.

Crimes like "Bonnie and Clyde" are not uncommon, they just aren't as famous.Except for a few fanatical pursuers of criminals, most people are afraid and disgusted by it.

On the way home from get off work on weekends, people have to guard their pay pockets with great care.

Beware of insidious and evil robbery and theft.

In short, people are calling for heroes.

This is also one of the main reasons for the birth and popularity of detective comics such as "Dick Tracy". The "tough guy" private detective who fights against evil has become a projection of the reader's reality, and Dick Tracy strikes at the reader in the comics. The hard-line approach to crime also indirectly vented their dissatisfaction and frustration with real life.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity.

Looking away from the "Dick Tracy" comic in Little John's hand, the vague inspiration in Colin's mind became clearer.

The cohesion of imprints requires the will of [faith], and comics seem to be a good choice.

Unlike the "Courier" in the past, relying on hate speech to absorb some distorted [belief].

Instead, through deliberate guidance, the reader's consciousness [belief] is instilled into the characters of the comics, just like in primitive society, people use everything as a totem to open the way of faith.

Ke Lin also intends to use comics as imprinted patterns to absorb readers' [faith].

So, my identity is actually a missionary?

No, no, I'm neither a pedophile nor a pervert so I'm not qualified to be a priest at all.


Thinking of the way to change the acquisition of [Faith], the expression on Colin's face became a little excited.

Following his train of thought, he began to think seriously about the theme of the comics serialized in the "Courier".

As a traveler who has been baptized in the Internet age of later generations, Ke Lin's choices can be said to be extremely wide, and the contents of various comics, even novels, movies and TV shows are available for him to choose from.

However, such a rich selection of materials, instead of providing convenience for him, has become an obstacle for Colin in a certain way.

How to choose the most favorable story among so many themes as the comics to be serialized in the newspaper is really testing Colin's vision.


An atmosphere of silence prevailed in the Courier Office.

Looking at Colin who suddenly fell into deep thought after asking about the content of the manga in front of him.Little John looked at each other nervously with Old John, who shook his head and signaled him to keep quiet.

No, no, maybe I was thinking too complicated.

Shaking his head and gathering the countless thoughts that came to his mind, Colin began to think about all this from a realistic perspective.

The history of the world is in the period of the Great Depression, so many comics or themes that are too advanced are not suitable for publication in this era. Then, considering the overall social atmosphere of this period and the acceptance of the people, Ke Lin gradually has a feeling in his heart. thought.

Looking at the content of Dick Tracy fighting criminals in the newspaper, the corners of Colin's mouth turned up slightly.

Since, people in this era are shouting and longing for heroes.

Then give them a hero yourself, and be a superhero.

That's right, after Colin's deliberation, he finally decided to make the serialized stories of comics the content of superheroes.

The Great Depression was the initial soil for the birth of superhero comics.

The bad economy has promoted the breeding of high crimes. People living in this era not only have to suffer from economic problems, but also need to endure a more dangerous public security environment and harsh living environment than before, which has caused the public's beliefs to suffer. shaken.

Many non-religious people falsely claimed to be religious in order to get food and shelter provided by the "Salvation Army".

People urgently need a belief and spiritual sustenance to get rid of the difficult life and pain in the real world.

Broadcasting seized this opportunity and ushered in a golden age of take-off, and comics are obviously in the midst of such a special opportunity as well.

In fact, not long after "Dick Tracy" was serialized, some newspapers once serialized a comic "The Phantom (Phantom Man)" who was similar or said to be the prototype of a modern superhero. Wearing a mask and having a secret identity, except that he has no superpowers, is not much different from a superhero in the traditional sense.

These qualities of "The Phantom" inspired many later authors and became the predecessor of superheroes.

Of course, the object that Colin chooses to serialize comics cannot be the so-called "The Phantom" or Phantom Man, Phantom Man or something.

Although this character has a phantom in its name, it is essentially just an ordinary person wearing tights. The storyline is mostly born out of the framework of detective comics. It is not so much a superhero comic as it is a detective comic. variant of

Since he chose superhero comics as the pattern of his [Faith] in the Great Depression, it is naturally impossible for Colin to use an ordinary character without any superpowers as a target.

It is foreseeable that once he chooses "The Phantom (Phantom Man)" to condense [Black Iron Mark], the result will not be much different from using Hoover in essence.

On the contrary, since it is called a superhero.

Then, the character should be called super, so that comic readers will think of the existence of this hero when they hear the name superhero.

Thinking of this, a name immediately appeared in Colin's mind.

Superman - Superman!

(End of this chapter)

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