Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 78 Take a look, this is called a profession

Chapter 78 Take a look, this is called a profession

【Mission: Investigation】

[Difficulty: Easy]

[Content: Assist the female killer Xinyue to sneak into the government construction site and explore the truth below the construction site]

[Whether to accept the task]

Xu Cheng opened his eyes, and found himself in a somewhat familiar street. After taking a closer look, he recognized that he was near his home. He often walked around twice when he went out to buy things.

Xu Cheng first equipped the killer card, and his body, which had been obviously strengthened under the nourishment of the breathing method, was strengthened in an instant.

Xu Cheng originally thought that after loading the character card, the body of the character card replaced his own body.

But after Xiaodai learned the breathing method, Xu Cheng was surprised to find that the character card and the main body did not replace each other, but superimposed each other.

It's just that his previous body was too weak, it's the same with him or without him, it's purely a pendant, so I can't feel it.

Now after learning the breathing method, there has been a significant change in the strength of the body, even if you use a character card, you can feel it.

This means that when the main body's breathing method has also learned the third level, plus the third level of the killer card, the power, energy, and duration of his breathing method will be double that of other three-star killers.

Anyone who takes him for a regular Samsung will be out of luck.

Of course, the appearance will change with the character card. Even if he is so powerful that he can blow a mountain away with a slap, if he uses the appearance of the ability card, he will still maintain the appearance of a thin boy.

【Start of mission】

【You only have five chances to come back, please cherish it】

[Your identity is a one-star killer of the killer organization "Giving the Dead", and the organization sent you to assist the two-star female killer "New Moon" to sneak into the government construction site and investigate the truth inside the construction site. Please remember the assassin's rules. If you are exposed, the task management If the device exists, it is considered a task failure]

[Please leave the alley and go to the intersection to meet the new moon]

[Connection code: Christian bishops, which aspect of Japan do you envy the most]

This task was agreed by the two to meet together. It stands to reason that there is no need to play tricks, but because the killer's disguise technique is too powerful, in order to prevent someone from pretending, they had to agree on a secret code for the meeting.

Qiu Gongyue, who was wearing a fake face, stood under the street lamp and waited. Although she was wearing a mask, she was accosted by several passing men in a short time.

One of them, after hearing her sweet and moving voice, pestered her endlessly, was knocked out by her, and was thrown into a flowerbed by the side of the road.

Qiu Gongyue was holding the mobile phone, and the screen was playing the picture captured by the pinhole camera.

Just ten seconds ago, Xu Cheng entered the bedroom and did not come out.

If he wanted to come to carry out the mission with him, even if he was near home, it would be too late if he came immediately.


At this moment, footsteps came from behind, and Qiu Gongyue subconsciously turned around, stunned.

Xu Cheng, who was supposed to be still in the bedroom, appeared behind her.

Seeing Qiu Gongyue's suspicious expression on her face, Xu Cheng walked over and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"


Qiu Gongyue subconsciously controlled her facial expressions, but the surprise and doubt in her heart did not disappear, instead she thought carefully and feared.

Maybe the window in the bedroom can be disassembled, so he can avoid the pinhole camera in the hallway by coming out of the window.

But why don't you go through the door, but why do you want to go through the window?

And how did he manage to travel thousands of meters to come to her in just thirty seconds?

Unless he awakens some kind of super power that can teleport.

Originally, Qiu Gongyue was quite sure about Xu Cheng's identity, but now she became uncertain again, her little brain was running so fast that it was almost overloaded.

Now she can't wait to rush home and kick open the door to see if the dog landlord is still in the room.

Seeing Qiu Gongyue's strange reaction, Xu Cheng immediately asked the connection code: "Which aspect of Japan do Christian bishops envy the most?"

Qiu Gongyue couldn't hold back any longer.

She also felt that this bastard was the landlord, because he was not Japanese at all, so he kept making fun of it on purpose.

But if you don't say anything, I'm afraid Xu Cheng will suspect your identity. Qiu Gongyue held back for a few seconds before reluctantly choking out a sentence: "The bishops envy the Japanese sky for dropping little boys."

This is simply black and white.


Xu Cheng was highly satisfied with his masterpiece, and laughed unceremoniously in front of Qiu Gongyue, an authentic Japanese, and laughed super loudly.

Qiu Gongyue stood aside sullenly, already ooxx him eighteen times in the small theater in her mind.

Although she also found it funny, she had to hold back her laughter, otherwise this guy would make more progress in the future.

"Have you laughed enough!"

When Xu Cheng laughed endlessly, Qiu Gongyue had no choice but to stop him.

Xu Cheng rubbed the corners of his eyes that were tearing from laughter, and asked, "Your appreciation for that pornographic magazine..."

Seeing Qiu Gongyue's sharp eyes, he changed his words decisively: "How is the arrangement going?"

Qiu Gongyue felt that this guy would probably keep clinging to the black history of sex magazines in the future, and was quite upset: "I have sorted out some useful things, and I will send them to your mailbox tomorrow."

"Then I'll wait, don't send me any weird pornographic emails to frame me, I won't accept that."

"I won't post it if you want, I don't have that kind of weird stuff."

"I see."

Xu Cheng turned his head to look at the construction site in the distance in the night: "Then let's start."

What exactly is in this land has been lingering in Xu Cheng's mind since the Aomori incident came to him, fully arousing his curiosity.

The government, assassins, and unknown forces who hired assassins to assassinate the developers and stood on the opposite side of the government all showed their concern and covetousness for this land.

Today, I finally had the opportunity to go in and find out.

The two performed stealth at the same time, moving quickly in the night, gradually approaching the construction site surrounded by the baffle.

On the way, Xu Cheng was going to tell Qiu Gongyue that the security guards on the construction site were probably pretending to be soldiers, but instead she spoke first: "I have stepped on the spot in advance for the past two days, and the behavior of the security guards on the construction site clearly shows traces of military training." , It is speculated that it is a soldier pretending to be a soldier. There are an average of 200 vehicle entries and exits at the door every day, including transport vehicles for purchasing fresh materials. Judging from the daily consumption and reserves of food materials, the number of people on the construction site is probably between 250-[-]... "

Looking at Qiu Gongyue who was eloquent, Xu Cheng opened his mouth and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth, so as not to be embarrassing.

Look, this is called professional.jpg
Xu Cheng finally understood the reason why Qiu Gongyue was always away from home. It turned out that he would spend a lot of time on site visits and investigations before doing tasks.

As expected, a professional killer is not something that ordinary people can do. As a bastard, he should just lie down and win.

According to Qiu Gongyue's observation, at least one full squadron of the Ground Self-Defense Force was stationed in the construction site, about 50 soldiers, plus more than [-] staff.

It's okay if you carry out investigation or assassination, but it's dangerous if you expose your whereabouts and are encircled and suppressed.

Unless the breathing method can be cultivated to the legendary fifth level, the human body cannot resist rifle bullets or grenades.

Qiu Gongyue said it was very dangerous, but Xu Cheng took it easy, because this is just a simple and difficult task, and it will be over after one death at most.


Qiu Gongyue turned her head and asked Xu Cheng: "Do you have any special information this time?"

She did not forget that the last two missions together, Xu Cheng provided key information, and seemed to have a unique source of information.

Yes, it will be there when I die once.

Xu Cheng coughed: "My informant accidentally died of joy while riding in a convertible, so there is no information for now."

Qiu Gongyue came to her senses, and said angrily: "You have a big brain hole, don't you think I don't understand Chinese jokes?"

Xu Cheng didn't want to go into details, so she didn't ask further.

(End of this chapter)

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