Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 41 Are You Japanese?

Chapter 41 Are You Japanese?

Aragaki Ayase suddenly became a little annoyed, Uehara Ryo was an ugly monster, why did a handsome and beautiful boy like Xu Cheng suddenly become obscene, are all men like this?

No, there is nothing wrong with the beautiful boy, he must have been spoiled by the old man Ryo Uehara.

Seeing that Xu Cheng was about to be seduced by Uehara's beauty, Ayase Aragaki had no choice but to say, "Mr. Xinghai, although we in the Super Association don't have such good treatment, we have an equal and friendly attitude towards those with abilities. Like the government, it has a dark history."

"Black history?"

Xu Cheng turned his head to look at Shang Yuanliang: "What black history?"

Ryo Uehara looked embarrassed: "Aragaki-san, why bother to bring up the old things? Prime Minister Harada, who made the policy at the time, has stepped down for a long time."

Aragaki Ayase showed a disdainful expression: "It's just changing the soup but not the medicine."

Ryo Uehara smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Aragaki-san still has a lot of misunderstandings about us. If the government is still the same as before, why should us capable people work for him?"

Aragaki Ayase sneered: "You are just being corrupted by money."

Ryo Uehara didn't try to persuade her again. The two sides had deep prejudices, and it was not easy to maintain the current peaceful state.

He looked at Xu Cheng again: "Student Xinghai, the so-called black history is just some wrong policies of the government at the beginning, and it has been completely improved. Don't worry, as long as you join us, you will know the truth of what I said."

Aragaki Ayase also looked at Xu Cheng, waiting for him to make a decision.

Xu Cheng thought for a moment, "Aside from you, is there no third camp of capable people?"

The complexions of Uehara Ryo and Aragaki Ayase changed slightly, it was obvious that Xu Cheng had hit the mark, and there was a third truth, and they were not happy to see it.

Aragaki Ayase gave Ryo Uehara a wink and told him not to talk nonsense.

But one of Uehara’s principles for persuading people with abilities to join the government is honesty, so he ignored Ayase Aragaki’s wink and said frankly: “There is indeed a third camp of people with abilities, and they call themselves the Rebel Army.”

Xu Cheng asked curiously, "What's the situation with this rebel army?"

Ryo Uehara's expression and tone became serious: "They are also composed of capable people, standing on the opposite side of the government, often hurting innocent people, and doing things that violate the law. Just treat them as international terrorists." '

Aragaki Ayase nodded slightly aside, thinking that Ryo Uehara was right.

Ryo Uehara said earnestly: "Student Xinghai, if you don't join us or join the Super Association, that's fine. There are many sporadic ability users who don't want to be restrained in Japan, but don't join the Rebel Army. It's for the good of those with abilities, and their actions will actually destroy the whole of Japan."

"Destroy Japan?"

Xu Cheng wondered: "Could it be that this rebel army has another name called a little boy?"

Ryo Uehara: "..."

Ayase Ayaki: "..."

"Hahaha, just kidding."

Ryo Uehara and Ayase Aragaki were speechless, why are you joking about this? Are you Japanese?

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in terrorists."

Xu Cheng replied: "However, can you let me think about it for a while?"

Uehara didn't think that Xu Cheng would agree right away, and he came here today just to get in touch.

He took out his business card and handed it to Xu Cheng: "Of course, I have already paid the room fee for you for a week, which is regarded as a meeting gift. During this time, you can live here with peace of mind. Think about it carefully. If you want to join us, you can do it anytime." Call me."

Xu Cheng received the business card, and felt that this guy was very good at being a man, and he was not short of money.

Aragaki Ayase didn't expect Ryo Uehara to be so shameless, and she bought her with money as soon as she came up. She also took out her business card and handed it to Xu Cheng, and at the same time took out a pamphlet: "Student Xinghai, you can contact me when you think about it. This is A meeting gift from our Paranormal Association to you."

Xu Cheng took the booklet curiously: "This is?"

Aragaki Ayase smiled slightly: "It's the common sense of some capable people, I think you need this."

In terms of financial resources, the Paranormal Association is of course inferior to the government, but they are not without things that they cannot sell, such as some knowledge about capable people. The government will not spread this knowledge, but the Paranormal Association has no such scruples.

Xu Cheng didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains, and after thanking him, he put away the brochure and business card.

After giving the meeting gift and contact information, Uehara Ryo and Aragaki Ayase both chose to leave without disturbing Xu Cheng.

When he was alone in the room, Xu Cheng also began to think.

The government needs to urgently bring these ability users into management. Even if they can't force them to be guarded, they will at least buy them, so Ryo Uehara's attitude is very enthusiastic.

The Super Association is just a non-governmental organization, and it has no binding force or attraction. People with abilities can come and go freely, one more, no more, no more, so Aragaki Ayase's attitude is more reserved. There is a kind of me to bring the words, You love the feeling of not being able to get in.

The premise of all this is that Xu Cheng can communicate and show mental stability. If he behaves hysterically, or has anti-social and anti-human tendencies, then what greets him is definitely not the enthusiastic Uehara Ryoshi, but the ruthless attack from the government.

I believe that there are many police officers outside the hotel staring at this room.

Xu Cheng took out the brochure that Aragaki Ayase gave him, and was about to flip through it when he suddenly turned his head to look at the balcony of the room: "Who?"

For a moment, he felt that there was a person hiding in the balcony.

Under his gaze, a dark figure slowly rose from the shadows outside the balcony: "Hehehe, you have such a keen sense of smell, you can even spot me."

Xu Cheng stood up, secretly prepared: "Who are you?"

Soi Ying had no intention of coming in, nor did he show his real appearance, so he just stood outside the balcony and talked to Xu Cheng: "Hey, you called us terrorists just now, did you forget it so quickly?"

Xu Cheng asked in surprise, "Are you little boys?"

Shadow: "..."

Are you Japanese after all? Why do you always hold on to the pain of the people?
He corrected: "No, I'm from the Rebels."

Seeing that the other party blew himself up, Xu Cheng sat down on the bed and raised his legs: "You don't want me to join you, do you?"

Of course, otherwise I'm here to tell you a hell joke?

Of course, Sombra would not reveal his intentions so bluntly, he just smiled: "We never force others to join us, we only attract like-minded people."

Xu Cheng yawned: "Then you go, I won't send it off, remember to close the curtains for me."

Shadow: "..."

Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?Shouldn't we first ask about our rebels?

He pretended not to hear, and continued: "Don't be fooled by Ryo Uehara, a lackey of the government. The government has always regarded us with abilities as aliens, and has only one attitude towards us, and that is to kill them all."

Xu Cheng wondered: "Then how can the Super Association still exist? Uehara Ryo said that he would go to socialize with beautiful young ladies every weekend, don't you envy?"

I'll tell you that I'm actually envious to death?
The black shadow said in a deep voice: "These are just to confuse us, because there are more capable people who have not appeared. Once the identities of all capable people are confirmed, the government will wipe us all out."

Xu Chengxin said that this was thought up by the cerebral palsy?As long as the government has a normal head, it will forcefully control the number of capable people if the number is small, and choose to appease and use them when the number is large. Unless it is possessed by a mustache, it will think of making all capable people into soap.

Wait, Japan and Mustache were allies during World War II, maybe they have a common language in making soap.

(End of this chapter)

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