Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 31 It's Not My Mouth Not Working Hard

Chapter 31 It's Not My Mouth Not Working Hard
The race between the landlord and the tenant finally ended with the complete victory of the tenant.

Qiu Gongyue passed Xu Cheng for the last time, but she didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind her. She looked back and saw Xu Cheng was leaning on the wall with one hand, bending over and panting.

When he was not equipped with a killer card, he was just an ordinary person, and he was squatting at home with a back problem. This time he ran down recklessly, and it really killed him.

Seeing Xu Cheng's appearance that he was about to collapse at any time, Qiu Gongyue suddenly realized that his current appearance without sweating was also a flaw.

So her breathing became strange, long and deep, followed by quick and short.

Using the special breathing method inherited by the deceased, Qiu Gongyue became flushed in just a few seconds, her breathing was short of breath, and her sweat was forced out by her special power.

When Qiu Gongyue stopped, she already looked like she had run ten kilometers long-distance, which was even more exaggerated than Xu Cheng.

The two of them leaned against the wall and gasped for breath, then looked at each other with their eyes.

Gradually, both parties felt something was wrong—why is his (her) physical strength so poor?
Qiu Gongyue's observation ability is very strong, she saw that Xu Cheng was not using breathing techniques to pretend at all, but was really tired enough, how far did he run?

With such a physique that is exhausted without even moving twice, if the two fight, Qiu Gongyue is confident that he will surrender in a second.

Since the landlord's physical strength is so poor, it is unlikely that he is the same person as that bastard rookie.

Qiu Gongyue's thoughts began to change. Since they are not the same person, is there a special relationship between the two?
Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue had the same idea, he didn't see Qiu Gongyue's disguise, he just felt that her physical strength was so weak, not to mention being a killer, she even failed to be a technician, she would be defeated in two hits, and surrendered directly .

Maybe it's just the killer's peripheral intelligence personnel?

Sensing Qiu Gongyue's contemptuous eyes, Xu Cheng said indignantly: "What are you looking at? You can't do it after such a short journey, and you're ashamed to say that you are a chef, and you can't even turn the pot?"

Qiu Gongyue took out a tissue to wipe the sweat off her face, and said lightly, "I'm faster than you."

"I'm a writer, and I don't rely on my physical strength for a living."

"I'm faster than you."

"There is a fart soon, and durability is what we should care more about."


It was the first time that Xu Cheng fell into a disadvantage in a bickering, and he immediately hated himself a little bit.

Damn it, I will definitely work hard when I go back, and I will definitely not be pigeon this time.

Seeing that Xu Cheng was speechless, Qiu Gongyue enjoyed the upper hand in terms of tongue for the first time, and immediately felt happy.

She held back the upturned corners of her mouth, straightened her clothes, and said coldly, "I'm going to work, do you want to follow me?"

Xu Cheng nodded: "Yes!"

Qiu Gongyue was choked up, and her beautiful eyes widened: "It's impossible, don't follow me anymore."

After finishing speaking, she flicked her hair, turned around and left, and her high-top sandals stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound of rattling.

She has already discovered that to deal with this landlord, she has to be strong, and she should not give him a chance to stink.

Xu Cheng stared at Qiu Gongyue's leaving back, and said viciously: "Let you be arrogant for a while, and sooner or later, I will let you call 'Ya Die'!"

After resting for a while, he also turned around and went home. After returning home smoothly, he found that his hands were empty, and he didn't know where he had lost the snack he just bought.




"Mr. Xu, thank you for your cooperation."

"It's okay, if you have any questions, you can come to me."

Xu Cheng stood in front of the house, saying goodbye to the two policemen politely.

Five days have passed since the night when the Aomori group was wiped out. Although this was a major event that shocked Tokyo, after all, dozens of people died in one breath.

However, under the deliberate distortion by the authorities, the murderer of the Miemen case turned into a puffer fish, so the tragedy turned into a comedy, and the whole thing was full of humor. ".

Immediately afterwards, the media quickly broke out a scandal about a male star stepping on eight boats, and the public's attention was diverted in a blink of an eye.

Xu Cheng, who likes to mention the title of underworld nemesis, highly praises the official's practice of covering him up, and hopes that they can make persistent efforts and create greater glories.

However, the police portrayed the Miemen case as a comedy on the surface, but the investigation in private was extremely strict.

The two policemen came to inquire about the house purchase transaction between Xu Cheng and Aomori Affairs, but Xu Cheng fooled them with a calm attitude.

Because the Aomori group was wiped out by the "Blowfish" group, there was no leader in the Aomori affairs group, and no one stood up to take charge of the work. The accountant actually took away the cash on the account, and then fled with the girl at the front desk.

And those residents who were originally driven away by the Aomori group using threats moved back to their original residences after knowing that the Aomori group had hit the streets.

The people behind the scenes were so overwhelmed that they couldn't stand up and clean up the mess. They could only watch Aomori's affairs fall apart, and many days of hard work went to waste.

Although the countermeasures department's investigation has stalled, they managed to find a clue.

Aomori Affairs has obtained at least [-] house purchase contracts. The originals and copies were placed in the two places of Aomori Ancestral House and Aomori Affairs. As a result, after being wiped out by the "Blowfish" group, the originals and copies of the house purchase contracts were all missing. fly.

The Ministry of Countermeasures thus suspected that the murderer was most likely one of the tenants who were forced to sell the house, or had a deep relationship with them.

So the police started to investigate. This was the third wave of police officers who came to question Xu Cheng.

It wasn't that they were particularly suspicious of Xu Cheng. On the contrary, the police had very low suspicion of Xu Cheng, lower than other tenants.

Because he is a helpless foreigner, in the eyes of the police, he is completely incapable of committing such a major case of destroying Aomori.

This is actually a kind of deep-rooted discrimination and contempt, which is only covered up by superficial politeness.

After saying goodbye, Xu Cheng smiled and closed the door as he watched the two policemen walking towards the next resident.

If nothing else happened, the chances of the police finding him would be very small. Even if the killer card was exposed, what would it matter to him as a small landlord?
Xu Cheng locked the door, then returned to his room and lay down on the bed.

After seven days, the third mission finally came.

This time, the mission did not appear at night, but in the morning, and it did not act with Killer Crescent.

Moreover, it can satisfy Xu Cheng's longing for awakening ability.

Just a few seconds after lying down, Xu Cheng jumped up from the bed again, turned on the computer, and quickly sent a single chapter to his novel.

"I ran into a robber when I went out to buy supper last night. Although I was not injured, the supper was robbed. I am now being consulted by the police. There is no update today."

He didn't know how long this mission would take. He definitely didn't have time to update it today, so he had to ask for leave first.

It seems that he asks for leave a bit frequently recently, but his reasons for asking for leave today are all real, without any fabrication. I believe readers should be able to sympathize with their own experiences.

After asking for leave, Xu Cheng lay down on the bed and started to do the task.

(End of this chapter)

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