Chapter 90 Domineering
Jiang Heyan's voice was deep and terrifying, like a wounded beast, and the words he said were particularly domineering.

The assistant wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Boss, Ma'am, she didn't avoid the cameras in the community. I've already arranged for someone to check her whereabouts. Do you want to go directly?"

Jiang Heyan got up without thinking, but soon he sat down in his seat in frustration.

"Forget it, after you find the location, let me know."

Soon, the assistant came to Jiang Heyan with the results, and all the traces pointed to a community.

It was the neighborhood where she went to look for her last time. If I remember correctly, it was Wen Zisheng who provided her with it.

He was startled, why did Ye Yuhuan go there, did she recover her memory?
The assistant continued to report that Ye Yuhuan had indeed gone to the previous house, but there was still a person in that house whose identity was not yet clear.

Inquiring from the neighbors, there is a man and a woman who always come to this house, and listening to the voices inside, it seems that there is also a middle-aged woman.

"What is the identity of this middle-aged woman, and why did Huanhuan go to her?"

Jiang Heyan seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be asking the assistant in front of him, how could the assistant know what Ye Yuhuan was thinking, Tal could only scratch his head, waiting for him to speak.

But he couldn't guess what Ye Yuhuan was thinking for a while, and he didn't know what he should do. If he went rashly, would Ye Yuhuan be scared and run away from him again.

After thinking about it, she finally let out a long sigh: "Forget it, let her calm down first, and wait until this matter is resolved.

Ye Yuhuan rushed to her mother's residence in a hurry, fearing that Jiang Heyan would follow behind to find her.

Mother Ye was a little surprised why she came here suddenly, with a big bag and a small bag.

"What's the matter, have you been kicked out by the Jiang family?"

Mother Ye didn't mean to blame anything, she was just concerned and curious about the situation, so she also knew that her mother must have no malicious intentions.

But what happened to her and Jiang Heyan was so absurd that she didn't know how to tell her mother.

Mother Ye saw that she didn't seem to want to talk, so she didn't ask in detail, and helped her organize things briefly.

She also chatted with Mother Ye about other topics and wanted to divert her attention: "Mum, you seem to be much better, can you use your strength now?"

"It's almost good, and I can do some work."

"That's good, but don't work too hard. I will accompany you in the future. Let me do any heavy work."

Mother Ye nodded in relief and didn't say anything else.

Ye Yuhuan's heart was always up and down, because she was a little worried that Jiang Heyan would come, and she didn't know how to ease the relationship between Jiang Heyan and her mother.

How to explain the series of absurd things that happened after I lost my memory and regained it.

But she spent today here with Ye's mother safe and sound, and Jiang Heyan hadn't found him yet, which also surprised her. She kept thinking about this matter, so the conversation with her mother was also a little absent-minded.

"Yuhuan, Yuhuan, are you listening to me?"

Ye Yuhuan woke up suddenly, and said apologetically to her mother, "I'm sorry, Mom, I was thinking about something just now."

Seeing her like this, Mother Ye didn't stay silent any longer, and said to her earnestly, "Huanhuan, you've been here this time as if you have something on your mind. Did the Jiang family bully you?"

When Mother Ye asked this, her chest was constantly heaving, as if her emotions were about to surge up.

Ye Yuhuan also saw it, so she stroked her mother's hand, and kept comforting: "It's okay, Mommy. They didn't bully me. Jiang Heyan made up for the previous things and has been making up for me."

Hearing her constantly emphasizing that she was fine, Mother Ye's mood gradually stabilized.

But when she heard that Jiang Heyan had been making up for Ye Yuhuan, she snorted again: "The cat is crying for the mouse, fake mercy."

Ye Yuhuan knew how much her mother hated Jiang Heyan, so she didn't care about what her mother said.

She was just hesitating whether to tell her mother what she had just experienced.

What if the mother's emotions become more agitated after talking about it, it finally got better, she didn't want her mother to fall into agitation again because of some trivial things.

Fortunately, my mother had been cursing Jiang Heyan all the time, so she didn't realize that something was wrong with her.

Before going to bed, Mother Ye seemed to recall the conversation between the two this afternoon, and asked Ye Yuhuan again.

Seeing that her mother's mood seemed to have stabilized a lot, she told her mother all the experiences during this period, including the part when Gu Zhenzhen was forced. After hesitating, she still told her mother.

She thought her mother would be angry again, but she didn't expect that after hearing everything she said, her mother's expression was complicated, as if she wanted to get angry but felt powerless.

Not knowing what to think of, she finally shook her head and said nothing, just let out a long sigh.

Looking carefully at her mother's expression, she didn't know what the sigh represented, but she couldn't take the initiative to ask her mother's deep meaning.

He could only quietly wait for Mother Ye to speak again, but Mother Ye didn't say anything until night, she just covered her quilt and turned to the other side.

Ye Yuhuan knew what her mother meant, that is, some questions should not be asked or asked, no matter how curious she was, she could only

She had something on her mind and couldn't fall asleep, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Jiang Heyan didn't come to her for the past few days, and she has been restraining herself from thinking about this matter. She still has memories of what he did during this period of time.

It must be a lie to say that he has not wavered, but this happened to him and Gu Zhenzhen at this time.

Now her mind is in chaos, she doesn't know how to face her best friend, and she doesn't know how to face Jiang Heyan.

Thinking of her son made her feel even more sad.

Just as she was full of melancholy, the mother beside her turned over again.

After she came back, she slept with her mother all the time, firstly because she had nightmares the first night she came back, and secondly because sometimes it was more convenient for her mother to wake up at night.

But my mother seldom tossed and turned like today, as if she couldn't sleep well.

After deliberating for a while, I opened my mouth cautiously: "Mom, are you asleep?"

The people around her didn't answer her, and she was afraid that Ye Mu would be woken up by her sleepless movement, so she forced herself to close her eyes and fall asleep again.

But at this time, Ye Mu's leisurely voice came from beside her: "I didn't sleep."

For some reason, she felt that there was a tone of determination.

(End of this chapter)

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