Chapter 26

"That's right, I really didn't expect it. You, a Jiangmituan head, can produce such a wonderful analysis. I really underestimated you before." Jiang Heyan only showed a little surprise, but it was fleeting. He put on that rebellious expression again.

"It's just that you forgot one thing. It was Qi Momo who called me and told me this." Jiang Heyan seemed to want to make Ye Yuhuan angry, so he brought this up on purpose.

Ye Yuhuan was stunned, her eyes suddenly widened.She was just so absorbed in the analysis of the problem that she almost forgot the part that concerned her the most.

Qi Momo, this woman who is chasing her so hard cannot be underestimated.

Because she is not only amazing in appearance, but also seems to have a very good brain.Although Jiang Heyan didn't want to see her, he didn't refuse to associate with her.

I don't know what position Qi Momo holds in Jiang Heyan's company. Isn't she still in school? Has she already joined the company?
Sure enough, people are better than others, and people are pissed off.

When she was still indulging in Jiang Heyan's gentle hometown, and her daily troubles were only to gain a few pounds and complain about the pressure of studies, he had already entered the company to hold an important position.

And just a random phone call can attract her husband's attention.

Ye Yuhuan didn't expect that she and Jiang Heyan would discuss another woman in this place tens of thousands of kilometers away from home.

Thinking about it, I was a little discouraged.

"Don't you want to know why Qi Momo called me? What on earth is she doing?" Jiang Heyan deliberately teased Ye Yuhuan's interest, wanting to see how she looked distraught.

"What is the relationship between the two of us?" Jiang Heyan probed further, as if he would not stop until Ye Yuhuan was convinced.

His tone was calm and forceful, as if these issues were out of his consideration, what Ye Yuhuan cared about was just a gust of wind in his eyes.

Ye Yuhuan really wanted to know the answers to these questions. Her eagerness was like a baby about to burst out of water, and she couldn't delay for a moment.

However, Jiang Heyan seemed to be able to see through her mind. To be honest, this feeling was not wonderful.

This filled her heart with sour jealousy, but this jealousy came from nowhere, and no one would support her after all.

"What's the use of knowing these things, what's the relationship with me, stop being self-righteous." Ye Yuhuan's mouth was stiff, but her heart was beating wildly.

Absolutely cannot admit her thoughts, otherwise Jiang Heyan will nail her to the pillar of shame.

She was a little disappointed. Jiang Heyan would never know about these mental activities.

Besides, he didn't seem to care.Maybe he didn't care what she thought.Even if you care a little bit, it doesn't mean anything.

Jiang Heyan ordered a glass of champagne and invited Ye Yuhuan to drink it.

Waiter is a tall and handsome Caucasian guy with quick response and good service.

In less than a minute, he had offered Jiang Heyan a silver goblet with both hands.

Ye Yuhuan involuntarily approached Jiang Heyan, she really wanted to know what kind of liquid was inside.

Jiang Heyan didn't hide, he gently pushed the wine glass in Ye Yuhuan's direction, and let Ye Yuhuan observe.

"What's so interesting," Jiang Heyan resumed his usual fart look, "isn't it just a glass of wine?"

"You always hurt me, so you are not afraid that I will poison your wine?" Ye Yuhuan decided to fight back.She spoke quickly and retorted in a timely manner, with a bit of a sharp taste.

She's not a vegetarian either, and if a tiger doesn't show its power, you think I'm a sick cat!
"Is it poisonous? It's nothing."

Jiang Heyan didn't take it seriously at all, "What I'm afraid of is that you will give me an aphrodisiac." The corner of Jiang Heyan's mouth curled into a triumphant arc.

(End of this chapter)

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