Chapter 90
"That is, there is only one life and death. Meeting is fate. If you offend the dead, you are not afraid of being brought together."

"Objectively speaking, the owner's family has no right to occupy the road. Don't be kidnapped by morality. Obeying the law must be the first priority, otherwise the society will be chaotic. Do not do to others what you don't want."


In the end, the strong dragon couldn't overwhelm the local snake, and the Lu strong men were defeated so badly that they and their car were carried into the roadside field.

Gu Zhien was amazed: "Road rage is not a thing." One day, he will be taught to be a man by the society, and it is estimated that this year will be difficult.

Fortunately, after getting on the expressway, the road went smoothly, but it was getting colder and colder. Gu Zhien took out the quilt that he had prepared a long time ago and wrapped himself up like a pupa: "I'm freezing to death, Buddha bless you, don't get stuck in traffic, I'm afraid Frozen like a dog. Qiao Yaozu, would you like me to drive for a while?"

"Well, you can drive after refueling at the front service station." After driving for more than three hours in a row, Qiao Yaozu was tired, but the traffic rules stipulate that he must rest after driving for four hours in a row, and he must abide by the law.

When refueling, Gu Zhien found that the oil in the mainland is much cheaper than that in the islands. Qiao Yaozu explained: "The islands do not charge highway fees, and they are all included in the oil price."

"That's a disadvantage for people like me who basically only drive in urban areas." I can't get on the expressway a few times a year.

Qiao Yaozu simply closed his eyes and meditated.

Gu Zhien was worried about traffic jams all the way. Fortunately, God is very friendly this time, there are only occasional small traffic jams. It is not too late at ten o'clock at night when I get off the expressway, and I will get home after half an hour on the county and country roads.Because Qiao Yaozu was not familiar with the road, he switched to Gu Zhien after getting off the expressway. As soon as he entered the village, he slammed on the brakes. It was dark at night and there were few street lights. Suddenly, a figure appeared at the T-junction, like a fright in the middle of the night. Someone died, but Gu Zhien made sure that he braked in time and did not hit anyone.

But people just lay down in front of the car, Gu Zhien's heart was pounding and his hands and feet were weak.Qiao Yaozu got out of the car to check, and lying on the ground was an old man with white hair and a cane, moaning non-stop: "Oh, my wife is hurting to death, her back hurts, her legs hurt, her hands hurt, everything hurts all over her body. I need to lose money." Shouting in pain, he hugged Qiao Yaozu's trouser legs, for fear of leaving.

Qiao Yaozu frowned and turned on the flashlight: "Grandma, let go of me first, I'll see if you're hurt anywhere."

The old lady hugged her even tighter: "No, what if I let you go and you run away? Whom should I go to for recuperation? No, you have to pay me, including medical expenses, nutritional expenses, lost work and wages."

Gu Zhien heard the voice very familiar, and after looking at the old man carefully with the light on, he called out: "Grandma Hu?"

Granny Hu squinted her presbyopic eyes and recognized the person: "It's Zhien." Then her waist healed, her legs became sharper, and her hands didn't hurt anymore. Go home quickly."

Qiao Yaozu was stunned by this magical unfolding: "..."! ! !
When I was young, I often ate at Granny Hu's house. Gu Zhien got out of the car and said, "Is there any pain from the bump? I'll take you to the hospital."

Granny Hu poked her crutches on the ground: "No, I'm fine, I don't hurt, you can go back, your parents are definitely waiting for you to go back and have dinner."

"Then get in the car, and I'll take you home." It's cold and snowing at night, it's not safe for an old man to be outside, the car was slow and the brakes were pressed fast, otherwise the whole village would have to eat.

Granny Hu resolutely refused: "No, I'll turn around and go back."

Seeing that she couldn't persuade her, Gu Zhien went to the trunk and took a few bags of candy and coconut flour specialties and stuffed them into Granny Hu's hands: "Then I'll go to see you tomorrow when I go back to the village to see my grandma, so be careful on the way." .”

After getting into the car, Qiao Yaozu said, "There is something wrong with this old lady."

Gu Zhien also noticed it: "Go back and ask my mother."

Soon at the door of the house, Gu Zhien said goodbye after unloading the luggage: "Thank you, be careful on the road."

Qiao Yaozu looked at Gu Zhien like he was looking at a scum girl: "It's midnight, and it's still snowing, and I'm taking you to the door. You didn't even buy me a cup of hot tea. Are you still human?"

After thinking about it, Gu Zhien felt that he was not a human being, and he was really a bit of a scumbag: "Okay, go to my house to warm up before leaving." Turning around and knocking on the door: "Dad, Mom, open the door, your precious daughter is back."

The door was immediately opened by Gu Ma. Seeing that her daughter was finally uplifting, she knew that she had brought someone back. She showed a bright and precious smile, and quickly stepped forward to catch the suitcase in Qiao Yaozu's hand. She treated the guests very warmly. : "Come in and warm up. Old Gu, don't be dazed, go and make a bowl of sugar water. You are hungry, the food is always hot, and you can eat it when it is on the table. Where is the young man? How old is this year?  … "

Facing the questions from the elders, although Qiao Yaozu was cautious, he answered every question: "Auntie, my name is Qiao Yaozu, from Liudu Village, I'm 29..."

No need to listen, Gu Ma already knew it, because I didn’t see it clearly at night when I was behind the light just now, once I entered the room and looked at the person under the bright light, I recognized who it was, after all, every New Year’s Eve Every time I saw him going to the old house to pay New Year greetings to his younger siblings, the smile on his face immediately froze, looking a little fake: "It's Xiao Qiao."

After the words fell, the smile was only polite: "Come, come, let's eat first. Thank you for sending my family Zhien back."

The gap is too big, Qiao Yaozu is a little maladjusted, but fortunately he has been in a high position for a long time to cultivate his energy: "You are welcome, just go along the way."

Gu Zhien saw that it was too late: "Mom, he has to rush back, so he won't eat."

Gu Ma glared at her daughter, she is ignorant, it is best to owe favors on the spot, the longer the delay, the worse: "We still have to eat, it's not too late."

Gu Dad made a cup of hot tea and came over: "Yes, it's not too late, let's eat and warm up first, and take it easy."

Qiao Yaozu practiced kindness, sat down to eat with a bowl, but he didn't know what to eat, and he was wondering why there was such a big difference in his attitude before and after.

Gu Zhien felt extremely happy after eating the familiar and unforgettable hometown food, and the caring little Mian Yao went online: "Dad, it's been a year since I saw you, why are you bald behind my back?" It was obvious that you were only bald last year point.

Father Gu smiled and touched his bald head: "Isn't it very old?"

"Who said that my dad is the most handsome man in the world! No. [-] in the world, I love you the most." Besides, he loves his family and is good to his wife and daughter, which is hard to find in the world.Gu Zhien felt that his mother had a good vision, nine of the ten men were bad, and she got the remaining one good.

Qiao Yaozu suddenly felt that the sweet wine in his mouth was bitter and sour, and he couldn't swallow it.

sweet Nothing!Ms. Hao said with a straight face: "Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep."

Too domineering!Gu Zhien rolled his eyes: "Dad, your wife is so fierce, let's throw her into the trash can."

(End of this chapter)

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