Chapter 51
After getting off the boat and taking a bus, I fell asleep as soon as I got on the bus.

When Gu Zhien was drowsy, she was woken up by Su Taohua and complained: "Honey, I can't live through this day. My mother-in-law went to the bank just now and found that there was no penny left in the card. I checked it and found out that there is no money left in my card." Knowing that it was taken by my father-in-law to reward the anchor, he became the top brother! Now that the two old ones are fighting, I don’t even want to start a fight.”

Big Brother!What kind of magical power is this, even the coffin is not left.

"You'd better fight. Think about it. If you are injured, you have to spend money to be hospitalized. If you are killed, the cemetery is precious now. The coffin is gone. Are you sure you can afford it?"

Su Taohua was so angry that she didn't even want humanity anymore: "Bury a fart, drag him out to feed the dogs! If he dares to die, I'll throw his body away!"

It was so cruel, Gu Zhien couldn't help but shuddered: "You can start a fight for the sake of your old Wang's kindness to you."

Su Taohua's head burst into flames: "No, I just want to pass the kitchen knife! Old Wang should be nice to me. It's only right and proper to marry a man and marry a man to dress and eat! If he dares to be unkind to me, I will let him His family will lose all children and grandchildren!"

It's a werewolf!

Gu Zhien thought for a while, and said about the pregnant woman: "Look, if you compare it this way, have you fallen into the nest of fortune? Go and fight, don't make a good or bad fight."

It took Su Taohua a lot of strength to pull the two of them apart. The old lady's hair was messed up like a chicken coop, she sat down on the ground, patted her thigh and cursed: "You are so old and shameless, You're not ashamed to watch a little girl dance at an old age! You're a bloodthirsty..."

This Su Taohua knows that men are really dedicated, no matter how old they are, they like 18-year-old girls!
At the end of the scolding, the old lady burst into tears: "Now that you have lost the coffins of both of them, what will you do afterward?"

The old man who kept his head down and kept silent when being scolded replied: "Just dig a hole and roll up a mat and bury it. Just bury it behind the old house. There is no money for your own land."

"Do you want your son to be a man forever? If you really want to bury people in the village like this, you can drown them..."

Su Taohua told Gu Zhien how the old man was buried: "I'll bury him like this after he's dead! I'm not afraid of rumors, I'm not afraid of scolding."

Gu Zhien didn't dare to persuade her old classmate who was so angry that she was going crazy and began to blacken, so she had to divert her attention: "I'll treat you to dinner at night."

"No, I've been attacking a big client for the past few days. She weighs over 200 kilograms. My husband thinks she's too fat for a married life. I think she's very tempted and interested in buying meal replacement powder. I have to take her down now. ..." Now that the family is empty, how can I survive without working hard to make money.

Just as he was comforting his old classmate, Pang Da’s mother went online: “Zhien, there are some bad boys in the community who scratched and damaged more than ten cars with knives. I went to see your car just now. It wasn’t scratched but it was scratched. I didn't leave a phone number for you, and I went to the property to check it for you, and the property said that you parked the car in a dead corner of the surveillance, and it was not photographed, so we can't find out who did it."

Gu Zhien wanted to cry but had no tears, he might as well have been scratched, at least he could find someone to accompany him.The car was scratched at the corner, and the person ran away again, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.Angrily, he forwarded the photo sent by Pang Da's mother to Qiao Yaozu: "Show me how much it will cost to repair the car after it's broken like this."

"Your little broken car is worthless, it won't cost you a few dollars to repair it, and it costs a thousand dollars." Qiao Yaozu took the opportunity to educate: "I asked you to buy an underground fixed parking space a long time ago!"

Of course, Gu Zhien also knows that underground fixed parking spaces are good, but the problem is that a parking space is 20 yuan, and there is a monthly management fee of 90 yuan, while the open-air parking spaces on the ground only need to rent 120 yuan a month to the property management company.

Qiao Yaozu broke his heart: "Parking underground is also a kind of protection for the car. Parking in the open air is easy to damage the car. It is also convenient to buy an underground parking space. No matter how late you come back, there is a place to park. In case you wander around the neighborhood and can’t find a parking space, you have to go to the commercial street outside. The high fees are not guaranteed, and the parking space will increase with the value of the house. It’s generally not a loss if you buy it. You see, when I bought it, it only cost 15 , and now it has risen to 20. If you don’t buy it early, you can’t afford it anymore. Now there are more and more car owners in the community, and the parking spaces are getting tighter and tighter..."

It makes sense, Gu Zhien was persuaded and wanted to buy it too: "But I have no money."

Good guy, I immediately received a transfer of 20 yuan: "Lend you, no interest charged. The parking space at No. 108 is good, the place is large, and it is independent. You are not afraid of being scratched. It happens to be near my parking space..."

All right, I borrowed one million, and the two hundred thousand is not bad. Anyway, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if you have too many debts, you don't worry, so Gu Zhien bought a parking space online.

The money is spent by the uncle, and the property service attitude is very good: "Miss Gu, don't worry, the procedures will be completed for you tomorrow, and our staff will come to you to sign..."

After being an uncle, he began to share gossip with Pang Da's mother, and pulled the Taobao chain over.

Pang Da's mother suddenly realized: "No wonder I saw that her parents don't go to work. Her mother wears gold and silver and wears famous brands all over her body. She drives luxury cars, and the husband and wife each have one car. It turns out that the daughter is amazing. She is craving for the old, and they are gnawing at her." Little..." After solving the case, she expressed envy: "I also want a granddaughter like this. You don't even know how difficult my peaches are to get. They grow as long as her mother has, with toad mouths and mung bean eyes. I'm afraid of her with small eyes. Can't see the way, eyes smaller than Li Ronghao, Zhien, do you think you can get married in the future? I'm afraid I'll hit my hand!"

He and Pang Da's mother have been walking dogs for five years. Gu Zhien was afraid that the dog friend would be worried, so he quickly comforted: "No, I will definitely marry." Speaking with facts: "If you think her mother will marry her father Well."

Speaking of her son, Pang Da's mother wanted to beat her: "That's my son's blindness! What a girl I've set his sights on. She's straight and has a big butt, so she's sure to have a son."

Gu Zhien immediately stopped the dog friend's dangerous thoughts: "Auntie, you are wrong, you are also a woman, how can you despise women? Besides, you are also a female director, how can you have feudal thoughts?"

"I would also like to be an old lady with avant-garde thinking, but if I don't have a son on our island, I will be laughed at, bullied, and even wiped out. There is one family in our village, because only After giving birth to a daughter, the roots were cut off, and the son-in-law killed the whole family and took over the family property, and now they are living a happy life." Pang's mother was deeply worried, and the more she spoke, the more worried she became.

"Now that the country has opened the door to having a second child, it is enough for Mommy Taozi to have another child. There is a half-to-half chance of her being a grandson."

Pang Da's mother really regretted it. She should have survived her son's stalking at that time: "Do you think I didn't give birth? But my daughter-in-law just doesn't want to dare to have a baby. She is afraid that she will have another daughter who looks like her. She said that it was hard for her to get married, and one daughter is already worried about marrying, and the other one will be bald."

(End of this chapter)

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