Chapter 92 No Fate (Part [-])

Qi Huan was still not at ease when he returned to Qixia Garden, so he made a special trip to An Xuetang first.

After making sure that both Yang Shi and Qi Yuanchen needed her help, they went back to their side.

And Qi Yuanchen ran wildly outside with Qiao Yue all afternoon, thinking that he was exhausted, and he was not clingy at all when he came back, so he asked Mama Liu to take him to the wing to sleep.

Yun Niangzi helped Yang Shi take off her coat, and helped her take off her hairpins and jewelry, and massaged her scalp to relieve fatigue.

Yang Shi smelled the obvious smell of medicine on her body, and couldn't help teasing: "Looking at the second room today, he is obviously full of displeasure, but he didn't even dare to say a few serious words to me, I think he smelled it. With this smell of medicine on my body, you think I'm going to die, don't you?"

Lady Yun knew that she was not the kind of person who was sad about spring and autumn, so she also laughed: "After soaking in the medicine bath, madam feels more relaxed?"

Yang thought about it carefully: "On weekdays, you can just take a hot bath and feel more comfortable. For the time being, I don't think it's anything special. You may have to sleep and wake up to see the effect."

She didn't have any special expectations for Dr. Hu's medical skills.

But because it was Qi Huan's filial piety, after seeing Dr. Hu, he was always very grateful.

With such a mention, Miss Yun naturally thought of Gu Zhan's mention of asking the imperial physician for help in the Hu's courtyard, so she hesitated and said, "I met that Gu Shizi in the Hu's medical center today, and my maidservant mentioned it to you before. He has taken good care of our girl several times these times. It is said that this young man has a good heart, so he is not so careful... Didn't our girl say anything to you in private? "

When Yang heard this, she immediately opened her eyes.

She is the mistress of a big mansion, socializing and socializing on weekdays, seeing a lot of honorable children and wives of officials and officials, what kind of children are the most cultivated, or the most kind-hearted children, she has a clear heart .

People who are simply kind-hearted and kind to everyone are usually soft-hearted and have no opinions.

But Gu Zhan--

He speaks and does things with restraint, and he is a military commander who went to the battlefield at a young age. After returning to Beijing, he is even more able to take charge of the imperial errand. He can't be that kind of bad guy.

She was not blind, so she could see the kindness deliberately shown by the elder son of the Gu family to her family.

Who is this for?

It can't be aimed at her, or this Changning Hou Mansion, which has nothing to do with the Gu family, right?

"Sister Huan took the initiative to mention that child to me once, and today I tried to test it on the way back. Look... she doesn't seem to have any thoughts about that child." Yang privately Talking to Miss Yun, she didn't hide it, "At my age, I can always see her little girl's mind accurately."

Lady Yun also thought about it seriously: "Is it because of this family status? Our girl is a transparent mind. Originally, the Duke's Mansion was of the highest family status, and we still have a marriage contract with the Qin family. , if the girl has this concern in her heart, it is unavoidable."

Speaking of this family difference, Miss Yun felt sorry for Qi Huan from the bottom of her heart.

As he said that, he couldn't help sighing: "Although the elder son doesn't often show up in the capital, I have seen him a few times, and I really think he is a humble and polite person. He is only older than the Qin family. One year old, but he is much calmer and more steady, the Qin family is really incomparable with him."

Yang only smiled as he listened to her, obviously he had never thought of Gu Zhan as a future son-in-law at all.

After Madam Yun sighed, seeing her face in the mirror, she couldn't help being a little surprised: "Do you not like this son?"

Could it be that there are some hidden secrets in private?

"It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, it's just that it has no destiny with our family." Yang said, "Let's not talk about the difference in family status. It doesn't match at all. When Sister Huan retires later, it will be an extra. It's a bit worse. What's more..."

As Yang said, her expression became completely serious at this moment, and she sighed: "His family is a general. In the generation of the Duke of Pingguo, there is only such a single seedling. But the eldest daughter of the Gu family even entered the palace as a child." The queen has given birth to a prince. His family has been out of control for a long time now, just because of the queen and the prince, he must also be in charge of the military and go to the battlefield for the rest of his life."

She turned her head and glanced at Lady Yun.

Lady Yun then understood, and knew that as a mother, she might have been thinking about it for a lifetime when she discovered the benefits of that Gu Shizi.

Miss Yun fell silent, having nothing to say.

Yang turned her eyes away again, and then closed her eyes, but continued with a bit of unfinished thought: "My aunt is married to a general. Although my uncle is proud and looks at the scenery on his face, she is the kind of heartless person like Yu. Only then will I feel that this is the best marriage, so good that even a mother like her is jealous. If I were her, my uncle would be stationed at the border all the year round, begging for life in the shadow of swords, lights and swords, and I am afraid that this day would be uneasy for a moment."

When it comes to Yu's wonderful work, Miss Yun is even more speechless.

But according to Yang's mind, she understood very well——

Not to mention that the eldest lady of the family and the elder son of the Gu family are already mismatched in terms of family status and identity, even if the Gu family and the royal family don't mind this, the Yang family should and indeed do not think highly of the elder son of the Gu family.

In fact, Yang really thought so too.

She has saved enough dowry for her daughter to spend the rest of her life in prosperity and wealth, but she doesn't want her to marry a military general on the border and live in fear all day long.

Fortunately, seeing Qi Huan like that, he probably didn't think much about that kid from the Gu family.

and so--

With this matter on her side, she naturally hoped that it would be best to stop here.

And her biggest expectation at the moment is still Yang Qingyun's high school in one fell swoop, no matter what, she has to step into the officialdom first.

Lady Yun pressed her head, waited for her to change into her pajamas and lie down, then turned off the lights and left the room.

Yang shi slept all night, but this night she slept surprisingly peacefully.

Qi Huan came to see her early the next morning, and he obviously felt that she was much better: "Mom, you look better today. It seems that Dr. Hu has seen the right symptoms? Has she adjusted a prescription for you?"

Mrs. Yang had already got up at this moment, and walked over after cleaning her face: "I really feel more relaxed, and my body is not as tired as it was a few days ago. She didn't give me the prescription, saying that she didn't know about my previous medicine, no It’s good to write prescriptions casually to avoid collisions. In addition to the tight schedule yesterday, I was in a hurry to come back, so I didn’t bother to talk to her.”

Qi Huan also washed his hands, sat down and waited to eat: "Then I will go to her place later, you ask Aunt Yun to find me all the prescriptions you have taken before, and I will show her, and ask later How should you treat this disease?"

Because after Dr. Hu looked at it, it was really effective, and Yang naturally had no reason to object, so she called Lady Yun to find a prescription.

After a while, Qi Yuanchen also got up and washed up.

The mother and son finished their meal together, and Aunt Yu, mother and daughter also arrived.

When Qi Yuanchen heard that Qi Huan was going to Tongji Medical Center, he immediately stuck to it.

Yang said with a smile: "Yesterday I saw him having a good time with sister Yue from the medical center."

Now that they come and go frequently, she is also very relieved to let Qi Huan take Qi Yuanchen alone.

However, today Qi Huan was in a dilemma.

Qi Yuanchen was like a human being, seeing her hesitation, he hugged her hard and said, "I want to go out with sister!"

Yang Shi noticed something, and gave Qi Huan a questioning look.

Qi Huan smiled indifferently: "Then let's go together. But let's talk first, sister will go to another place later, and then you will wait in the medical hall and play with Miss Qiao's family. Ok?"

Qi Yuanchen probably didn't want to agree, but felt that if he didn't agree, Qi Huan would definitely not take him, so he reluctantly nodded after a while.

At this moment, Yang's heart became suspicious, and asked Qi Huan again: "What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing serious, I'll talk to my mother when I get back." Qi Huan was sloppy, and just blurted it out.

Qi Huan had already changed his clothes when he came over, so he took Qi Yuanchen to the wing room to change his clothes for going out, and then led him away.

Xing Luo and Yun Xi had already prepared the car and waited at the carriage house.

The siblings got into the carriage and went straight to Tongji Medical Center.

Dr. Hu did not expect her to come here again today, but he was a little surprised: "Are you in a hurry? I still have two patients here. If you are not in a hurry to go back, just wait for me to finish watching."

"No rush. You go ahead, I'll just wait." Qi Huan gave her a smile.

After all, this is a medicine hall, and the people who came to see the doctor were somewhat anxious. It was not easy for her to wander around the room, so she sat in the corner and helped Qiao Yue pick out herbs.

Qi Yuanchen never ran around alone, so he picked them together with the two of them.

Qiao Yue is still the same, he doesn't like to take the initiative to chat with people, but this day, seeing Qi Huan's subordinates' more and more proficient movements, he commented very pertinently: "You are quite smart."

Being praised, Qi Huan naturally smiled.

Her eyes turned into crescent moons when she smiled, and she pinched the little girl's fat cheeks affectionately: "It's still not as good as you."

Although the little girl was very cold, she was still just a child, and she didn't reject her kind approach, but proudly raised her chin high.

Among Dr. Hu's two patients, one was troublesome. He had an accidental cut on his body, and the pus and blood from the wound needed to be treated.

She took him to the cubicle for diagnosis and treatment, and wasted some time. When she came out again, there were two more patients waiting in the pharmacy.

Qi Huan then clapped his hands and stood up: "Either you are busy first, and I have something else to do first, and we will talk about it when we come back."

As soon as the words fell, Chi Yunchuan, who had finished drying the herbs in the backyard, came in slapping the grass clippings on his body.

Seeing Qi Huan, his eyes flickered immediately, and he raised his voice and said to Dr. Hu: "That... I have an appointment with a patient..."

Last night, Gu Zhan had already returned to the palace, and after handing over the errand in the Tribute Court, he must be very free at the moment, and when a ready opportunity came to his door, he had to hurry to inform and call someone over to strike while the iron was hot.

"I have something to say to Huan Niang, don't be lazy, come and help me for a while." Dr. Hu knew him quite well, and immediately made a decision on him.

Chi Yunchuan really didn't dare to commit crimes against the wind in front of her, he laughed dryly, rubbed his chin and obediently went to see a doctor.

Doctor Hu washed his hands and led Qi Huan to the backyard.

The weather was fine, and the two sat directly at the stone table in the courtyard.

Dr. Hu brought a pot of herbal tea from the kitchen and poured a cup for each of them.

Qi Huan took a sip, it was a bit bitter, but when she tasted it carefully, it had a sweet aftertaste. She didn't dislike the taste, so she took another sip while it was hot, and then said: "I came here to ask about my mother's condition. , After your diagnosis and treatment yesterday, she got up today and said that she is much better. I also took a few prescriptions for the medicine she took in the past, please help me take a look."

She took out the prescription and handed it over.

Dr. Hu went on to unfold them one by one to look at them.

After reading it, she asked Qi Huan first: "Do you suspect that there will be problems with these prescriptions?"

"It's unlikely that there is something wrong with the prescription. My mother has used him for more than ten years, so she knows the whole thing." Qi Huan didn't think that Dr. Chen would blatantly harm the Yang family. With Shi pinched in his hand, he has to be scrupulous, "But my mother trusts him. Most of the time, he gave the prescription, but he also prepared the medicine and took it to the girl in the room to fry. My mother's pulse yesterday. I have also been diagnosed, I can trust you, and please tell me directly if you have anything to say."

She said this partly because she didn't trust the doctor at home.

Dr. Hu had the bottom line in his heart, and then he said seriously: "I have checked Mrs. Shizi's pulse, and I also asked her about some specific conditions yesterday. With all due respect, your grandparents were relatively old when she was born, and they are very old. After giving birth, Mrs. Shizi looks healthy at first glance, but her physical condition is not as good as that of the children born in the prime of life. These are hidden hidden dangers. Later, her newly-married miscarriage hurt her vitality again. The root cause of the disease has been fixed. This is a tendency to be strong from the outside, but she has worked hard all these years... There is no problem with these prescriptions. I checked her pulse, and at least the medicines taken within the past one or two months are all symptomatic. It’s just that our doctors have a saying that medicine is three-point poison. Madam’s disease is always suppressed with soup and medicine, which is not a long-term solution. This time she suddenly fell ill, and you have been alerted. Her body is already weak. You should pay more attention to maintenance and rest. It is really not suitable to work any more. As for the decoction...if she does not get sick, my suggestion is to use it sparingly. If it is convenient, you can bring her to my place every seven days Once, I will relax her meridians, or take a medicinal bath, which will also be good for her."

"Okay." Qi Huan happily agreed, "My mother has been too much work these years. I will persuade her and tell her to take care of her body. Is it convenient for you? Or every few days, I will ask someone to pick her up. Are you going to our house?"

Doctor Hu laughed: "I'm nothing, but there is a doctor in your house, if I often go to see Mrs. Shizi, I'm afraid he will think too much."

"That doctor is raised by my family with a lot of money. I haven't heard of any shopkeeper who depends on the guy's face." Qi Huan tapped the porcelain cup on the table with his fingers, and started a half-truth with her. A joke.

Although Dr. Hu said that those prescriptions were fine, he didn't realize that Yang's recent medication was wrong.

But according to what she said, Yang's problem should be taken care of, so that Dr. Chen has been prescribing and filling her with medicine since then, is it just unintentional or intentional?

It is true that Qi Huan would not analyze these doubts with Dr. Hu, an outsider.

After agreeing on Yang's matter and confirming that Yang's health will not be serious for the time being, Qi Huan felt relieved, so he stood up and said, "I'm going to do something somewhere. If you like to play with your sister Yue, can you ask sister Yue to help me bring a few hours?"

"All right." Dr. Hu has always been easy to talk, "Yueyue is always bored in this medicine hall by himself, if you trust me, let the young master go."

Qi Huan nodded in thanks, went out to explain to Qi Yuanchen, and left Yun Xi to help take care of him.

Qi Yuanchen still wanted to go with her a little bit, but after observing her words, he felt that she would definitely not want to take him with him, so he didn't insist.

Qi Huan took Xing Luo into the carriage.

Lao Jing originally thought that it was time for her to return home, but when he saw Qi Yuanchen being thrown in the medicine hall, he couldn't help being surprised: "Miss isn't going back home?"

"Don't go back yet." Qi Huan said, "Let's go to Taixue."

Lao Jing was still puzzled, but he didn't say any more. He drove towards Taixue, and the guards following the car looked at each other inexplicably.

 Gu Shizi: Nani?I was rejected by my mother-in-law? ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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