I just want to be a salted fish

Chapter 427 Episode 5: Traveling Through the Past

Chapter 427 Episode 5: Traveling Through the Past
Feng Jiuyue's voice has always been cold and free of any emotion, but when she talks to Ling Lingqi, it always contains all kinds of tenderness.

The voice flowed through Ling Lingqi's heart like gurgling water, as if it possessed a powerful magic power, driving Ling Lingqi's feet to lift up involuntarily, and leaned towards him little by little.

Feng Jiuyue's eyes were as tender as water, and she gently stroked that pale and bloodless face with her right hand, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I made you suffer."

Hearing this, Ling Lingqi's soul trembled slightly, and a warm current was rushing through her whole body.

In the next moment, Feng Jiuyue gently hugged her into her arms and pitied her whole body.

Feng Jiuyue, what's wrong with you?
Ling Lingqi was a little overwhelmed, but her body was honest, she couldn't help but leaned against Feng Jiuyue's arms, and then slowly closed her eyes, greedy for this unexpected tenderness.

For the first time, Ling Lingqi felt that her love had been answered.

After that night, when Ling Lingqi was purifying her soul during the day, she no longer felt conflicted and struggled to resist as before.

She became unusually well-behaved, accepted the purification quietly, and stopped speaking ill at each other.

Seeing this, Feng Jiuyue, who was casting the spell, frowned, feeling very comforted in her heart.

After completing the purification task of the day, Feng Jiuyue withdrew the spiritual power in her hands, and sat down on the edge of Tianchi a little tiredly.

He lowered his voice and said to Ling Lingqi with his head held up: "Sister Qi, you finally stopped fighting with me. Let me read you a story book to relieve your boredom, okay?"

Although Feng Jiuyue's speech during the day was not as gentle as that at night, Ling Lingqi still felt very satisfied, put her hands on the bank of the pool, and listened carefully to her telling her stories.

The other Feng Jiuyue who was hiding in the dark smiled comfortingly, his little Qi was finally willing to let go of her hatred and accept the purification obediently.

But he didn't dare to relax, and still stayed every night to talk to Ling Lingqi instead of himself in the previous life.

Accompanied by him, Ling Lingqi's eyes gradually brightened, and she began to reveal a bit of her reincarnated spirit temperament.

But the one who should come will still come.

Since the evil energy in Ling Lingqi's soul was almost eliminated, Feng Jiuyue finally agreed to Fu Qingyun's invitation to stay and play chess and chat with him today in order to express her gratitude.

During this time, Ling Lingqi's soul was secretly pulled out of Tianchi by an evil deity, and thrown into Zhuxian Terrace ruthlessly.

He wants to use the power of Zhuxiantai to wipe out that dirty soul.

Feng Jiuyue, who had been guarding Ling Lingqi, wanted to stop her, but she was powerless.

He could only touch Ling Lingqi, and the others couldn't touch it at all.

Seeing the soul of her beloved being put into a bottle and taken away, and thrown into Zhuxiantai to be destroyed like garbage, Feng Jiuyue wished she could kill the murderer immediately.

"It's you, so you were the one who threw Xiao Qi's soul into Zhuxian Terrace!"

General Wan suddenly felt a gloomy cold air coming from behind him, so he couldn't help but glanced back.

Seeing that there was nothing behind him, he looked at Zhuxiantai again, and said with a ferocious expression: "You devil has killed countless people and done all kinds of bad things. I don't know what method you used to confuse Fox Mountain Empress, so that she would willingly put down her figure and beg Qingyun Dijun let you dirty thing into our heaven."

"Your Highness Diji, how can a beautiful and noble celestial beauty like you commit such a foolish thing! You actually tried to use the water from the Tianchi Lake to purify the filth from the female devil's body, so as to help her gain a new life."

Speaking of this, General Wan was heartbroken, and looked at Zhuxiantai with disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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