Chapter 84
Xie Dong couldn't see Hou Jun's lackluster appearance.

Sometimes he really wanted to scold himself, a soldier of the same age, but what Hou Jun often said was rough and not rough, and every sentence hit the point, and he said it accurately, and it came to his heart.

So, after thinking about it, there is still no criticism.

"Yes, but before that, what about the review I asked you to write?" This time, it was Xie Dong's turn to reach out.

"Review?" Hou Jun seemed to have heard something that surprised him.

Xie Dong said: "Two recruits fainted, what's wrong with asking you to write a self-criticism? Didn't I make it clear to you that day?"

Hou Jun said "Oh", as if he just remembered it suddenly, he reached out and fumbled here and there in the pocket of the camouflage uniform, and finally found the self-criticism in his trouser pocket.

He handed the review to Xie Dong.

Xie Dong took it and didn't read it, but when he saw that there was only one page, his face turned dark immediately.

"Only one page? I asked you to do a deep review, but your depth is only one page?!"

Hou Jun said: "Li Bai's poems are only a few words? They will be famous forever. What's wrong with my one page? The review is not long, but deep. No matter how long the writing is, if it doesn't touch the soul, it's a bunch of nonsense."

Xie Dong held the self-criticism, rubbed the thin letter paper with his fingers, and sighed: "I see, why are there so few veterans in this army? There is a reason. Look at you, you have been in the army for more than eight years. The company commander like me doesn’t pay much attention to it, and if you are allowed to serve for a few more years, I’m afraid you’ll even bark your teeth when the regiment commander comes.”

Hou Jun said: "Isn't this normal? According to the old rules of our army, the position is the position, and it is only counted in public and formal occasions. In private, it is the age of the soldier. You let our regiment leader see a first-level The sergeant major has a look, can't he also call the old squad leader?"

Xie Dong could only surrender in the end.

Although Xie Dong's cultural foundation is better than Hou Jun's, since the two recruits, he will never be Hou Jun's opponent when arguing about anything.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Talk about something important."

Hearing that he was talking about business, Hou Jun's expression immediately became serious.

"Well, I know what you're going to say. Now the backbones of the various squads are having ideological fluctuations. You want me to help you stabilize the morale of the army."

Xie Dong had to give in.

Sometimes Hou Jun understands himself thoroughly.

"Well, I have to admit, you are the roundworm in my stomach."

Hou Jun was unhappy: "I don't want to be a roundworm."

Xie Dong said: "You also heard about the adaptation?"

"I heard about it." Hou Jun replied casually, "I just happened to meet him."

Xie Dong said, "It looks like you don't care at all, are you nervous?"

Hou Jun said solemnly: "It has nothing to do with me. You see, I just signed three terms, and I have to finish the remaining two years as a soldier. If you let me go now, then I will go. It’s because I have been a soldier for so many years, and I have the consciousness. Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, including retiring. Secondly, you also know that I have nothing to think about. I didn’t get selected. What do you mean I'm nervous?"

Xie Dong looked at Hou Jun, and he could see that Hou Jun didn't tell the truth, so he said: "Since you said that I am your eight-year old comrade in arms, then you should know that your little thoughts can't stand against me, you It's definitely not that Hou Jun doesn't care, it's just that you want to act like you don't care. Am I right?"

Hou Jun snorted, but didn't speak.

Xie Dong continued: "Hou Jun, Hou Jun, when did you become inappropriate? You don't care, are you not nervous? If you don't care, you will secretly talk to Wu Yi, and if you are not nervous, you will put a row of training Grabbing like a top training team? Don't tell me this is your style. You didn't work so hard a few years ago, especially after Zhong Rui left our company. I remember at that time you still came to me to complain about bitterness, saying that you were blind, and you put all your heart and soul into bringing out such a good soldier, and the cabbage he just planted was beaten by his special brigade? You scolded Zhong Rui for not Conscience, I'm sorry for giving you all the money. What's wrong? It's only been a few years, you kid has eaten the water of forgetting love, have you forgotten it all? I won't say anything else, just say that you recently told Li Zheng and Zhang Jian I have seen the training methods of a few good seedlings, and you have already had a hunch, so you are in a hurry to find a successor!"

Hou Jun ignored him and continued to smoke his cigarette. After he finished smoking, he took another one, lit it and continued to smoke.

Xie Dong snatched the cigarette case: "Hou Jun! Comrade Sergeant!"

His loud roar shocked Hou Jun, and he froze on the spot.

Xie Dong said: "You boy, don't talk to me! I'm telling you that it's business. What kind of old soldier airs are you putting on with me?! Believe it or not, I won't give you a bastard after crushing my cigarettes and throwing them in the cesspit smoke!"

Hou Jun was stunned for half a minute, and finally grinned suddenly, and said: "Okay, okay, Mr. Company Commander, I respect you, I listen to every word you say, and remember it in my mind, okay? "

Xie Dong said, "Be serious!"

Hou Jun had no choice but to sit upright, holding his breath and concentrating.

Xie Dong said: "Tell me what you think. You are the oldest non-commissioned officer in the company. As soon as the news of this adaptation came out, I heard a lot of negative comments in private. There are veterans and recruits too!"

Hou Jun sighed and said: "Okay, you can give me a leave of absence. If you agree, I will privately find the squad leaders in the company to sit in Lao Chen's small shop and drink a few bottles of beer. If you dare to approve, I will give it to you." Do their ideological work well."

Xie Dong said: "What the hell! Do you want me to grant leave to let you drink beer in Lao Chen's shop? Do you think my place is a vegetable market? Talk to me about a deal?"

Hou Jun did not retort this time, but said seriously: "The role of the veterans is that sometimes the company cadres can help you when they can't do something well. I don't brag, our recruits These dozen squad leaders, I know exactly what each squad leader is thinking, you can talk to them one by one, reasoning with them is good, and it’s good to make daily routines, anyway, I really didn’t go with them to those bottles in Lao Chen’s shop Sitting down with a beer and saying something heartfelt works."

Xie Dong didn't speak this time.

He had to admit that what Hou Jun said had some truth.

It's not that he, the company commander, doesn't understand the situation of the company, he is also very familiar with it, but there are some things that the company cadres do, which is really not as suitable and effective as an old non-commissioned officer like Hou Jun.

Non-commissioned officers are the lubricant between officers and soldiers, and so are veterans.

As a captain and company commander, it's really not good for me to take a group of squad leaders to a small shop to drink beer, talk about things, and gossip. It's obviously against discipline.

But the old non-commissioned officers are different, as long as you turn a blind eye and close your eyes, they will go to a small gathering, complain, talk about what is in their hearts, and when they finish talking, it makes sense, and their emotions will naturally straighten out.

Sometimes this kind of thing really can't be solved by sitting in the company's small conference room and talking about the big truth.

Hou Jun stood up suddenly, walked to the window and stared out of the window.

After a long time, he returned to his seat and sat down again.

"Xie Dong."

This time, he didn't call Xie Dong's position, but called him by his first name.

It shows that what he said next is speaking as a comrade-in-arms to a comrade-in-arms, not as a report of the ideological situation of the superior and the subordinate.

"I have been a soldier for more than eight years. You know, when I first joined the army, I wanted to make meritorious service. Later, my only thought was to go to the international martial arts arena to show my skills. Now..."

He smiled wryly and shook his head self-deprecatingly.

"Now all these thoughts are gone. The only thing I still care about is the fourth company. I was in the fourth company when I came in as a recruit. The fourth company is my second home. This is not too much. At the end of the day, even without this adaptation, I still have to get out in two years or so. However, over the years, I have been the number one in the training of the Fourth Company, the number one in marksmanship, and the number one in the sniper professional division. He is the best soldier, but the side effects are also obvious. You company cadres point to me for my achievements and to bring out a group of good soldiers, but for so many years, I have dominated the company and even the entire battalion. The division is number one in the marksman list, and the disadvantages are obvious. No one dares to challenge me, and no one thinks of succeeding me. I have retired from the army. Let’s see who can take my place? That’s right, we The four-company marksmanship is quite good, and the training is also quite good, but it’s not me, Hou Jun, who is bragging, you can find someone with the same level as me? Can you find it? I’m leaving, relying on them?”

Having said that, there was another long sigh.

"So, it's a good thing for me to get out, and I have to make way. It's not that I never thought about finding someone to replace me. Zhong Rui could have done it, but he was poached by the special brigade again. Sniping and shooting are all about talent. Efforts were in vain. Now it’s alright, I found this group of soldiers really interesting. It’s been several years, and I didn’t find any talented shooters among the recruits of the fourth company. Quite a few. Including that fat man Wei, don’t look at his black bean eyes. This kind of eyes can focus light and see clearly. Not to mention Li Zheng and Zhang Jian, I can see it. So you say I It is nonsense to train the recruit platoon as a top training team, but I don’t think it is nonsense. Good steel is made through thousands of years of tempering, and the sky will not fall in vain. How do I train, who knows better than you When I practiced guns, my elbows were swollen, and the camouflage uniforms were worn out a few times before I got to the level I am today. I have to leave. Anyway, I am a veteran. I am not afraid of others criticizing me, and I don’t need others Give me more honor and praise, I already have enough, I only care about one thing now, which is to train a few good soldiers who can catch up with me before I leave the army. , whichever unit you go to, they are all top-notch existences."

In the last few sentences, Hou Jun seemed a little excited, and his voice was trembling.

As Xie Dong listened, he felt that the corners of his eyes were burning.

What Hou Jun said was the truth, he heard the truth.

No one loves Silian more than this seemingly sparse veteran in front of him.

He understood and was relieved.

Hou Jun is the backbone of the veterans in the company. If he expresses his position, the matter will be settled.

Finally, he said to Hou Jun: "In order to cooperate with the reorganization, it is said that these recruits are required to leave the company early. You are right to hurry up. I heard that there will be an exercise after the company, a big exercise, and our entire army will go. I heard a message that the performance in the exercise will be used as a reference for future adaptations, so, for the sake of the Fourth Company and the Tigers, you have to work harder."

After a pause, he continued: "I don't think I know about the fact that you went to Lao Chen's place to drink beer, so just go."

Hou Jun stood up and saluted: "Yes, I promise to complete the task."

After finishing speaking, he took out another cigarette from the cigarette case and wanted to take it away with a smile.

Xie Dong stopped him: "Come back."

He picked up the pack of cigarettes on the table and threw it at Hou Jun.

Hou Jun caught it, a little stunned.

Xie Dong said: "Take it all!"

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(End of this chapter)

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