Ballistic Silence of Special Years

Chapter 34 Victory is in sight!

Chapter 34 Victory is in sight!

Now, Hou Jun is only one step away from success—as long as the latter two projects maintain his due standards, then his dream will come true!

Hou Jun's dream is very simple to say, that is to participate in an international special forces competition and win glory for the country.

This is, of course, a relatively grand statement.

In fact, the beginning of this dream was a little romantic and full of youth hormones.

Before joining the army, Hou Jun had a crush on the village flower in his village, who was named Miao Xiuxiu.

One side of water and soil supports one side of people, and the loess high slopes in Shanxi and the old vinegar there have raised many young girls who are juicy and slick.

Miao Xiuxiu's skin is particularly good. She is rosy and rosy, and it feels like water can be squeezed out with a pinch. As long as she smiles, she will show her characteristic little canine teeth on the upper jaw.

Miao Xiuxiu and Hou Jun have known each other since childhood, from elementary school classmates to high school classmates, they can be described as childhood sweethearts.

After graduating from high school, Hou Jun with mediocre grades chose to join the army, while Miao Xiuxiu was admitted to a university in the province. Although it was not a famous school, she was a college student anyway.

The love hidden in Hou Jun's heart began to sprout from junior high school, and by the time he graduated from high school, it had already grown into a towering tree.

On the day before leaving, Hou Jun felt that if he didn't confess his love, he would miss a good opportunity. He was going to a university, and the provincial capital is a world of flowers and flowers. Who can guarantee that he won't have such a romantic relationship on campus?
So he asked Miao Xiuxiu to go for a walk by the river at the entrance of the village, and wanted to use this opportunity to do what he had always wanted to do.

After meeting, the two chatted a few gossips on the edge of the small river ditch at the head of the village.

Keep walking along the river, keep walking.

After walking for about half an hour, the trees in the village were all gone, so Miao Xiuxiu stopped.

She turned around and looked at Hou Jun, and said, did you ask me out just to take a walk?My leg is about to break...

Hou Jun was flustered and embarrassed when he heard it. He hid at home and rehearsed his confession for no less than a hundred times, but at this critical juncture, he slipped away like a mischievous child, never came back, and couldn't find it...

He hesitated and hawed in a panic, his face turned into a pig's liver, and finally he said something inexplicable: "Xiuxiu, I will make a second-class meritorious service and show you when I get to the army!"

Got it!
Hou Jun made a mistake that every man would make, that is bragging.

Haikou is bragging, but if he can't get this second-class merit back, his face will fall to the ground.

Miao Xiuxiu seemed to understand second-class skills, so she asked, "What is second-class skills?"

In fact, Hou Jun himself didn't quite understand it, so he was stunned for a while before he said, "Anyway, it's a very arrogant kind, and you can only get the honor if you do good grades."

Seeing that Miao Xiuxiu was still confused, Hou Jun explained in a hurry: "Have you watched the programs of CCTV 6? Only special forces go abroad to compete in martial arts, and if they win, they can make second-class merit!"

CCTV 6 is a mixed agricultural and military channel. Most people in the village like to watch the story of how to get rich, and they watch military programs along the way.

Miao Xiuxiu didn't understand what second-class merit was and what it meant.

But she had seen and admired the special forces in the documentary programs on TV that competed abroad.

That's the real man.

So she finally grinned, showing the two canine teeth that Hou Jun was fascinated by when he saw it, and said, "I see, those soldiers are awesome!"

This sentence "awesome" immediately made Hou Jun a little elated, as if he had really won the second-class merit medal, and he dug himself another hole with complacency: "Don't worry, I, Hou Jun, will do what I say and do it." I will never come back to see you again!"

Got it!
This is another mistake that men often make. Not only do they like to brag in front of the person they like, but they also like to dig holes for themselves.

Only when he got to the army did Hou Jun know that second-class merit is so easy to get?
There is a joke among veterans that the third-class merit is obtained standing up, the second-class merit is obtained lying down, and the family members of the first-class merit will help you.

Although these words are more or less exaggerated, it shows that it is not easy to receive awards for meritorious service, especially in peaceful times, if you want to make a second-class meritorious service, it is as difficult as a dick going to Fan Bingbing.

Hou Jun still has healthy limbs and can still stand, so he has only won the third-class merit twice after serving as a junior soldier for more than nine years, but there is still no sign of the second-class merit.

The promise made in front of Miao Xiuxiu by the small river at the entrance of the village has not been fulfilled, but Miao Xiuxiu, whom she had been thinking about all those years ago, married another man and became the wife of a civil servant in the county.

Even so, Hou Jun still had a knot in his heart.I always feel that if I don't get the second-class merit that Xiaohebian promised back then, I won't dare to go back to the village to raise my head and be a man in this life.

With nearly 10 years of military experience, Hou Jun had two chances to realize his dream—going abroad for competitions, and returning for meritorious service and receiving awards.

As long as you get the ranking in foreign competitions, you won't run for second-class merit when you come back.

At first it was for second-class work.

But later on, he gradually became less interested in second-class merit. He just wanted to go out and compare with foreign special forces to see who was better.

There is such a chance in a lifetime that I can close my eyes in peace before lying in a coffin in the future.

It's a pity that fate made people, he had two chances to go abroad to compete, but he missed them perfectly.

The first time was because I happened to go to attend the non-commissioned officer training and failed to come back; the second time was because the Tigers were dragged to other places to participate in joint exercises, and Hou Jun was on a mission and failed to come back.

This is the third time Hou Jun participated in the selection.

International competitions do not always involve the selection of Army Group D. There are seven major military regions in the country, so many army groups, and each army has reconnaissance troops and various special forces. Not bad.

So for Hou Jun, who has been in the third stage, this may be the last chance to realize his dream on the stage of international competition.

The 300-meter dash was completed in an instant, which was simply too easy for a veteran.

Now, across the front is a barbed wire or driving.

The height of the barbed wire fence is only 30 centimeters from the ground. Because they are selected for overseas competitions, the requirements are very strict. They are all real guys with thick ballpoint pen cores. The spikes on them are extremely sharp. If the tactics are not standard, the spikes will easily hook Living in carrying equipment and entangled people under the barbed wire, once this happens, the chance of winning will definitely be lost.

Hou Jun rushed in front of the barbed wire, leaned over and made a nimble movement of lying down on the ground. Like a snake, he slid on the ground for more than two meters, and slid under the barbed wire in a cloud of dust.

Partner Zhang Ao also moved in one go, not much slower than Hou Jun.

"it is good!"


Some of the soldiers of the various brigades of the group army who were watching nearby couldn't help but shouted hello and clapped their hands for this beautiful tactical move.

As soon as Wu saw this situation, he began to brag about the bravery of the old squad leader to the recruits.

The commander at the scene quickly turned around and pointed to the row with the loudest applause.

The applause soon fell silent.

This is not allowed during the competition, and it is easy to interfere with the performance of the players.

But there is no doubt that in the eyes of everyone watching, Hou Jun will win this time.

After climbing over the barbed wire, Hou Jun and Zhang Ao came to the designated shooting ground.

The instructor in charge of the referee had already raised the stopwatch and stood beside the two of them. The bullets had already been placed in the ammunition box on the ground—four bullets in total. Hou Jun and Zhang Ao needed to shoot two bullets each, and each acted as the main shooter once. and a watcher.

The two quickly reloaded the bullets. This time, Zhang Ao was the first to get down on the ground and act as the lead shooter. The plan of the two of them was as follows-as a sniper, Hou Jun was obviously better technically, so he stayed behind for the finale. Zhang Ao fights first, which has a psychological advantage, because if Hou Jun fights first, if any mistakes are made, then Zhang Ao's ability to resist pressure and technology may not be able to withstand shocks, and there may be a terrible incident of missing the gun and running the target under great pressure. .

Zhang Ao fought first, and even if there were mistakes, Hou Jun, as an old sniper, had a stronger psychological quality and ability, and was absolutely capable of turning the tide—even if Zhang Ao missed a shot, Hou Jun could guarantee two shots.

This involves a technical problem-this time the G military region received an order from its superiors to select three sniper teams with a total of six people within the group army to go abroad to participate in the competition. That is to say, even if Hou Jun's team missed a shot, If other teams have the same problem, then they are the first to arrive and shoot in terms of time, and they have an advantage in time, at least they still have a chance to qualify.

Zhang Ao lay down and raised his gun.

Hou Jun on the side could only wait.

Because this subject stipulates that the laser rangefinder cannot be used.

He glanced at the distance, Zhong Rui's team was still running, and there were still about 20 meters before they entered the shooting position.

"Left cross wind, wind speed 8M/S, full correction..."

Hou Jun pulled out a grass leaf and held it in his hand for a glance, and immediately got the environmental parameters.

According to the rules, it is 350 meters, so there is no need to report the distance, and the shooting is set according to the distance of 350 meters.

Just as Zhang Ao's index finger started to increase force and was about to pull the trigger, Hou Jun suddenly stopped: "Wait!"

 Ask for collection!Ask for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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