Ballistic Silence of Special Years

Chapter 31 The handsome hunter camouflage

Chapter 31 The handsome hunter camouflage

It was fine when we assembled in the morning, but the weather changed when we went to watch the selection of snipers in the afternoon. There was light rain as thin as a cow's hair floating over the comprehensive shooting range of the E division teaching brigade, and the wind was blowing. There is a bit of chill.

Fatty Wei stood on the lawn, reached out to catch the light raindrops falling from the sky, frowned and sighed with prophetic wisdom: "Looking at the sky at night, it's not good, it's not good..."

Li Zheng reminded him: "It's not dark yet, what kind of fairy are you playing?"

Fatty Wei said: "I feel that our platoon leader is not doing well in today's game..."

"What a mess!" Wu Yi, who came out of the row room, just heard these words, and saw him wait and see, his two eyes shot green light like a wolf, staring at Fatty Wei and said: "What did you just say?" coming?"

Fatty Wei hurriedly said: "No, no, monitor, I mean the weather is very good today, I counted it, it's a good omen!"

Wu Yi knew that he was playing tricks, so he didn't care about him, and said fiercely: "If you don't know what the situation is, don't talk about it here, be careful, I will go to exercise with you later!"

Go to exercise together?

Fatty Wei couldn't help shivering.

"do not……"

Wu Yi didn't bother to talk to him, and shouted loudly: "The first row is assembled!"

The shooting range of the division teaching team is one kilometer away from the recruits, and it takes only ten minutes to walk along the cement road in the mountains.

When they arrived at the venue, they could see a large group of people lined up neatly in the grass beside the shooting range from a distance, ready to observe.

"Dear me!" Ma Teng stuck out his tongue, "There are at least 2000 people here, right?"

In fact, he was right.

Such a high-level international sniper qualifying competition has gathered experts from various armies of the military region, and they are all the top ones out of ten thousand.

This kind of grand event may not have the opportunity to watch it once as a soldier, so as long as the surrounding regiments are not far away, they will organize new veterans to come and watch the game live.

First, let the recruits open their eyes, what is a master.

Secondly, it is also to cheer up the players of my own unit, to be strong and majestic.

In addition, soldiers from the Blood Wolf Brigade of Group A participated in the selection for this training camp. These are first-class masters, veritable special forces soldiers, and naturally attract attention.

"Do you see it?"

As soon as he arrived at the reserved venue, he put down the small bench, and before he sat down, Wu Yi pointed to the front and said, "Did you see the man wearing the lightning sword armband and the rank of corporal?"

The recruits stretched their necks and looked in the direction pointed by Squad Leader Wu Yi.

But most of the recruits don't know how to distinguish military ranks, and they all look the same, so they all shook their heads.

"Which one? The monitor?"

Many people are asking.

Wu Yi became angry, pointing to the military rank on his neck and said: "The one with the same military rank as mine! Black and thin, and about the same size as me!"

The recruits were confused again.

Because the veterans are all dark and thin, they don't have the body of Fatty Wei.

"Sniper rifle, did you see that he took a sniper rifle? It's not the one in the observation mirror next to it!" Wu Yi continued to add details: "See if our platoon leader is there, count to the right, the third one! Right! Not left... ...Wei Guoxing, which side is left and which side is right?"

This time everyone finally saw clearly.

Li Zheng discovered a characteristic, but everyone who stood in the shooting range with this lightning sword armband on his arm was different.

Not only are the armbands different, but the camouflage uniforms on their bodies are also different, and the helmets are also different...

No matter how you look at it, it's different.

"Why are their camouflage uniforms different from ours?"

"Yes, it seems that their camouflage uniforms are much more beautiful."

When Wu saw the surprise on the faces of the recruits who had never seen the world, he couldn't help but said: "It's special warfare camouflage, also called hunter camouflage, ours is ordinary woodland camouflage, can it be the same?"

Ma Teng asked: "Squad leader, their sniper rifles seem to be different. I remember, isn't it called 88 Sniper? It doesn't look like this."

Wu Yi snorted again before he could say anything: "Huh! What do you know? Can the 88 sniper compare with it? This gun is the latest model, and we don't have any equipment. The ones used by the team members are said to cost 26 yuan just for one, and dozens of yuan for one bullet!"


Wu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately gave Zhang Jian a thumbs up: "Not bad!"

He also said to others: "Look, what is professionalism, this is it! You have to be like this when you are a soldier. You must be familiar with the parameters of all weapons and ammunition, and you must take care of your own weapons and equipment like your eyes, so that you can develop your level!"

Li Zheng was not as interested in guns as he was in people, and his eyes were always on the soldiers of the special brigade wearing hunter camouflage.

He saw that the special soldier Wu Yizhi seemed to have been secretly peeking in the direction of his acting platoon leader Hou Jun, and then looked at Hou Jun next to him, sitting on the grass without looking sideways, with his sniper rifle leaning on his shoulders, Eyes half closed, like an old monk in meditation, he doesn't seem interested in everything around him.

After watching for a while, Li Zheng asked curiously: "Squad leader, how can I become a soldier in the special brigade?"

Wu Yi glanced at Li Zheng, and said with a hey smile: "Then we have to talk about it. There are several types of soldiers there, some recruited directly from the local area, some specially recruited directly from the local area, and another ..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the special soldier he had just mentioned.

"He used to belong to our fourth company. He was a soldier of the same age as me. His name was Zhong Rui. He was a sniper genius. He won the top medal in the competition in the first year. He participated in the military shooting competition in the second year and won it with our platoon leader. The number one in the double sniper was picked up by the Special Forces and transferred away."

After finishing speaking, he took another look at Li Zheng and said, "I advise you to stop thinking about it, don't think about it, and work hard in Silian. Don't you go back to study in two years? Why do you think so much?" ? If you go to the special brigade, you will either be promoted, or you will be a non-commissioned officer until the third term, do you want to do that?"

Li Zheng was silent.

He did not plan to stay in the army for a long time. He came to serve as a soldier for two years, just to fulfill his own dream, to wear this uniform and become a soldier for a while.

But he had to admit that the hunter camouflage looked really good on him, so handsome!

Fatty Wei's questions are always so direct to the soul, he suddenly asked: "Squad leader, don't keep talking about your comrades in arms, he is the same age as you, and he went to the special brigade, why are you still here?"

Wu Yi looked at Fatty Wei with a smirk all over his face, wanting to have a seizure but not being able to.

Dog day!
Which pot is not open to mention which pot!
"Sit down! What are you talking about! The recruits don't know any rules!"

Fatty Wei had achieved his goal, so he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and immediately became more honest, sitting more upright than anyone else.

The trials kicked off quickly.

There are a total of [-] small teams, and three groups will be selected in the end, with a total of six places.

The rules are completely in accordance with the rules of the "Golden Eagle" international sniper competition, two-person team system, one sniper and one observer, but some subjects require two people to switch roles, so the requirements for the members of each sniper team are very high. A top-notch individual soldier is useless.

Li Zheng had seen some reports about snipers on the TV of the military channel before, but after all, it was through the TV screen, and the experience of watching it on the spot was completely different.

When the first shot was fired, many recruits subconsciously covered their ears, and frowned even if they didn't cover their ears. The sound of the gunshot was as crisp and piercing as if it had exploded in their ears.

 Ask for collection, ask for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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