
Chapter 56 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 56 The Unexpected Incident
"Okay, don't worry about other people's affairs, today will be very busy."

Zhang Kun waved his hand and took Li Xiaowan to the street.

This time I'm not going to buy some clothes, nor is I going shopping to see the scenery at this time.

It's actually nothing to look at.

Although it is the best place in the capital.

The urban planning here is still extremely poor.

Sewage flowed everywhere, fishy smell, stench, and all kinds of rotting garbage smells, filling the nose all the time, making it hard to breathe.

In addition to the bad smell, the streets are also piled east and west, full of sundries, which makes people feel irritable.

There was a foreigner in front of him, wearing a suit and white lining, walking on the street with his head held high...

Accidentally, I stepped on a ball of yellow and white, and vomited out on the spot.He got into the carriage as if he had fled in a hurry, quit his business, threw away his shoes and ran away.

A pork guy next to him chopped up a large piece of meat, weighed it, threw it into the hands of the buyer, and wiped the blood on the table with his hands.


Pig blood water, mixed with the smell of pig offal, drifted by the wind.

There was another black and red wet stain on the ground.

Zhang Kun carefully chose a dry place on the ground, walked past with a dull expression, and kept urging.

"This time we are going to open a medical clinic by ourselves. It doesn't need to be too big, but it can't be too remote, especially in an area where poor people gather, and it's okay to be noisy."

"Yes, I know my cousin has the common people in mind, and he doesn't want to open a clinic just for the dignitaries, but to treat diseases for the common people."

Li Xiaowan's eyes were full of stars, and she looked adoring.

"That's not..."

Zhang Kun laughed twice, and almost didn't know what to say.

I'm actually not that noble.

I just think that the poor people have no food and clothing, no money for medical treatment, they know the hardships of life best, and they are most grateful for the kindness of others.

If more people are governed, the source of dragon energy will be guaranteed.

Zhang Kun understood very clearly that the life-saving grace of curing a wealthy family is not worth mentioning.

People may still think that letting you treat illnesses and earn money and fame is to give face and think highly of you.Kindness, does not exist...

As a doctor, isn't it natural for you to treat illnesses?
The common people are different.

You may be their only lifeline...

Curing a patient may bring a family from hell to the world.

Under such a huge psychological impact, there will always be some people who will secretly contribute the dragon energy value.

In Zhang Kun's view, it is actually gratitude.

The ancients said it well.

Every time a dog is slaughtered by justice, it is mostly a scholar who bears his heart.

The true meaning of this sentence is not to say that those who slaughter dogs are more virtuous than scholars.

In fact, there is not much difference between good and evil when people are born, and they are easily affected by the environment.

Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to vermilion are red. This is the reason.

The reason is that dog slaughterers are often more able to keep kindness and uphold principles than scholars.

In fact, it stems from their ignorance.

The more you know, the smarter your brain is, the more you will weigh the pros and cons, and seek good and avoid evil.

This is determined by human biological instinct.

Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck, in other words, is actually "selfishness".

In Zhang Kun's view, selfishness is not a heinous bad character. People are selfish, and they love themselves more than others.

There are very few truly selfless, morally perfect people.

'The source of dragon energy is a big problem. '

If it weren't for the difficulty of getting the dragon's energy, Zhang Kun wouldn't have made the idea of ​​opening a medical clinic.

In fact, this approach is a bit slow to come to "money".

It also means watching "God" eat.

The process of the "free clinic" last time gave him a taste of the feeling of being separated from the belly.

Even if it is a "dog slaughter generation", even those poor people who are about to starve to death tomorrow...you may not be able to be grateful to you for saving him.

Are you grateful, and will you contribute dragon energy points?

It's actually like a stroke of luck.

Zhang Kun didn't need any verbal gratitude.

He reckoned that the mechanism for obtaining dragon energy points is actually a bit like the pious belief of burning incense and worshiping Buddha.

Here, it is divided into "hypocrites", "shallow believers", "true believers" and "fanatics".

Whether it is gratitude, trust, dependence, admiration or goodwill, there is an invisible percentage value.

I can't see it myself, but the dragon energy point will appear.

Just like Li Xiaowan, not to mention full of favorability, it should have reached 90.00%.

Therefore, once her mood fluctuates greatly, she will contribute dragon energy points.

As for Wang Jingya, the satisfaction rate can almost reach 80.00%, and if she doesn't pay attention, she will send a little dragon spirit.

As for people like Wu Zhongda, Yuan Guangyao, Du Fengjiang, and Tian Qianli, the emotions of admiration and trust should be relatively high, so they can be shown.

'Actually, from this aspect, one can tell who is a friend and who is an enemy. '

Those who give dragon aura must be friends.Those who don't give dragon energy points are not necessarily enemies, maybe they are neutral.

'I only have 32 points of dragon energy now, and I need [-] points of dragon energy to advance to the next level. This difference is really too big.You have to think of ways to improve it. '

Going out of Beijing to kill thieves and act chivalrously, the risk is a bit high, and the price-performance ratio is not too high.

When you really can't find the time to get dragon energy, you can go out and make a few votes to kill bandits...

But now, Zhang Kun still wants to improve steadily.

There is no need to not want to go out.

In addition to the next realm improvement, the dragon energy value has quadrupled again, and there is another not-so-good status quo.

That is, with his five points of dragon energy, he dared not even move at all.

Neither dare to add medical skills, nor dare to add marksmanship.

Because, after he tried it, after his physique broke through [-], adding a little more physique would require two points of dragon energy.

'To make matters worse, in this way, I have to keep at least two points of dragon energy to save my life. If I get injured in an accident, I can add a little bit of physique to continue my life. '

'Also, Chen Fengming was fooled for the time being, but it was not so easy to deal with the inner court and inner guards.Sooner or later they will get over it.After all, the place where Luo Wei lived and the traces of the confrontation could not be hidden from others. '

At this time, it is just a leaf blocking the eyes and not seeing Mount Tai.

If there is another person who boldly thinks that Luo Wei and his son are dead, he may follow the clues and find their enemy.

'Danger, never far away. '

The two walked past with the flow of people, and after a while, they suddenly stopped, "I think this place is very good."

Zhang Kun saw a silk and satin shop, the front door was actually not very big, compared to Taihe Restaurant and An Ren Tang, it was considered a small shop.

However, compared to the one-bedroom, two-bedroom and one-courtyard that I am renting now, it is much bigger.

Except for the front door, at first glance, there is a continuous space behind it, which seems to be a shop converted from a Sanjin residence.

However, the owner of the shop did not know what to think about opening a silk and satin shop in a place where "mud legs" came and went.

Glancing at the words "Wangpu Transfer" written on the wooden board at the door, Zhang Kun stepped in.

He didn't bargain too much, and spent 500 taels of silver to buy a silk and satin shop that was about to close down.

In addition, they invited people to renovate the store, bought medicine cabinets, and recruited two honest and hard-working guys. The rest is the source of medicinal materials.

In this regard, Zhang Kun didn't have any channels, so he entrusted Wu Zhongda and these senior bodyguards...

They have been in the capital for many years, and they know some things much better than themselves.

After three days of busy work, before the clinic opened and Zhang Kun's "Dragon and Tiger Zhuangyuan Soup" had not officially started to be prepared, I heard a very bad news.

Li Xiaowan walked in from outside, picked up the long-necked pot, poured a cup of light tea and drank it, her face was a little dazed, and she stared at Zhang Kun who was reading medical books in a daze.

"Cousin, Luo Wei and Luo Qi, their bodies were brought up..."

Zhang Kun's fingers trembled slightly, without raising his head, he just put down the scroll slowly, and asked in a deep voice, "How did you find out?"

"It's a skinny man from Dongtou. He is very hungry. He likes to fish in the river. He went down the river again this morning..."

(End of this chapter)

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