What is a carry-type top order?

Chapter 2 has never had such a great start! !

Chapter 2 has never had such a great start! !
"??? This Titan is a stateless fan, right? Deliberately engaging in a puppy mentality?"

"The environment of the national server is really outrageous, is the crew so blatant?"

"Fuck, the blasting team is ready! Scold this dog B actor to death!"


The barrage exploded at once, and the titans criticized the actor's behavior one after another.


What happened next made everyone shut up!

Both sides chose to help the jungler in the bottom lane, and the duo on the red side chose to go online in the direction of the river, so they didn't realize that there was a Titan hidden in the bushes on the line closer to them.

When the female policeman A-shot the soldier twice to get a headshot and press forward to move forward, an iron anchor was suddenly thrown out from the nearby grass.

In the next second, the huge figure of Titan came into the eyes of the red Fangxialu duo.

The female police officer was directly hit by Q, and then passively pinned in place by Tai Tanping A's trigger.

Because Niutou wanted to cooperate with the policewoman in the oppression at the beginning, he stood parallel to the policewoman and did not stand together at all. At this time, he could only flash Q directly, interrupt the W of the small cannon to prevent the policewoman from being hung up and slow down, and then sell himself Come and help the policewoman run.

W's forward cannon was shot down in mid-air, and the policewoman flashed away immediately after the passive control of the Titan ended, and the bull's head also consciously moved to block Morgana's shot angle.

But Morgana also decisively flashed across the line of soldiers, and the female policewoman in Q in an extremely tricky angle left her on fire and hung it up, and the small cannon also flashed directly to keep up with the forced output.

The female policeman hurriedly handed in the treatment, but because Morgana ignited the serious injury buff first, the effect of the first-level treatment was negligible and then halved, almost equal to nothing, and the health bar was directly cleared.

First Blood!

Seeing that Titan's Ping A was about to take the head, he just canceled it with an S to let Xiaopao take the head.

This time the bull head was embarrassed.

After Xiaopao kills the policewoman, he refreshes his W and directly jumps on his face to hang up to slow down. Titan's skills flashed over without realizing it, and a flat A trigger passively left her behind.

The scene reappeared again. When Tai Tan could win the head with a flat A, Tai Tan canceled the shot again and gave the head to Xiaopao!

Double Kill! !
After killing the red duo, Titan didn't even take the toll, and went straight to the road with TP.

At the beginning of the game, two heads were forced, and Uzi smiled crookedly. After quickly clearing the line of soldiers, he quickly pressed B to go back to the city and prepare to update his equipment!

On the way back to the city, he cut the screen again to glance at the frenzied barrage, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

He raised his hands in a pose of a strong man, and shouted excitedly, "There has never been such a wonderful start! Cheer for me only! Cheer for me... Cheer!"

It may be that the emotions are too excited, so that the phenomenon of 'stuttering' actually appeared in the end.

The barrage is even more fanatical!

As for the Titan who was sprayed as an 'actor' and helped Uzi get the head?
At this point no one cares.

After TP returned to the road, Li Hansheng cut the screen and looked at the two-level pickaxe. He went home and took out the small cannon of the pickaxe.

"Some people die within 2 minutes of the start, but it takes about 20 minutes to be buried."

There will be good news on the next road.

Facts have proved that Uzi, who got the advantage at the beginning, is really fierce, and the opponent does not have a hot man in this round, so no one can target Uzi at all.

Soon the opponent's two-person road was beaten into two 0-3!

In the middle lane, dopa and the excavator also cooperated to catch and kill the little murlocs, and in the top lane, Li Hansheng resisted the pressure steadily.

So what if you lose part of your experience? ?

You are a big tree and want to kill my titan?
Why bother the Phantom God, let's A-A [Grip of Immortality] with each other to get some output.

The overall situation is going well. It is estimated that the opponent will not even last for 20 minutes, and maybe the game will end.

Wuhu Uzi: Lord Dog, you can eat the second red buff. It will snowball for you all. If you win, I will give you a friend seat. I have been a dog fan for ten years.

Koreans are all monsters: Haha, then I’m not going to be polite, there’s no problem with being a friend.

Uzi grinned and interacted with his fans in the game, while not forgetting to interact with the barrage, "This excavator is someone who can score big points, and the red buff should be given to the ADC earlier."

"Hey, the road of this excavator is wider."

"If I get to Lord Dog, let alone the second one, I can't wait to give him the first red buff."

"?? I can't wait to give the 500 yuan from the beginning to Lord Dog, if the system allows, I don't mind if Lord Dog makes me a soldier."

"Good guy, the brothers are all people who can make a difference, this face of a slave."


Uzi came to the wild area with a smile on his face, ready to collect the freshly baked red buff, and then continued to suppress the opponent in the bottom lane.

In fact, it has not yet entered the team battle stage, and now getting red is nothing more than adding a little bit of laning suppression, but this jungler's attitude makes Uzi very useful.

He returned to the lane, only to find that the Titan, who was supposed to appear on the top lane, ran to the bottom lane at some point, and the cat was in the grass on the bottom lane.

It was Li Hansheng who came again. He lost experience in order to help the bot lane, so he has not yet reached level 6, so he deliberately stuck at a time point of reaching 6, and returned to the city in front of the opponent's top laner.

This way the opponent's top laner won't be as alert because he hasn't reached level 6, thus giving him a chance to gank other lanes.

Run down the road to get experience to 6, and help Uzi catch a wave, this game can basically be won, and the system task is successfully completed.


Because the pawn line was basically under the opponent's tower, the opponent's bottom laner didn't notice the arrival of Titan at all.

After gaining the experience of three soldiers, Li Han was promoted to level 6!
But Uzi and the assistants couldn't suppress it, so the policewoman and Niutou didn't stand so far back. Li Hansheng in the grass keenly captured the moment when the policewoman walked forward to replenish troops.

Q shot!

The iron anchor flew out of the grass and hit the policewoman accurately, AW supplemented the control, and then directly opened R to adjust his position, and knocked the policewoman and the bull head into the air at the same time!
Xiaopao W forwards, hangs E, turns on Q, and shoots explosive output. After killing the policewoman, W is refreshed, and W jumps on the bull's face again. Morgana Q makes up the control, and kills the opponent's bot lane duo again.

This time Li Hansheng didn't deliberately give up his head. To be honest, the heads of the two people on the opposite side were worthless for a long time, and Xiaopao didn't lack the money for these two heads.

Luckily, he was the one who got two heads by leveling A.

Direct Double Kill, he originally forcibly lost the line to help the bottom lane gank lose money, and got a little supplement.

Unable to win the head, Uzi's original smiling face immediately collapsed, staring at the screen without saying a word, obviously very upset.

When he saw that Tai Tan used his skills to make up two soldiers, the anger in his heart reached its peak.

K head also charged tolls?

There seemed to be a sound in the void.

Li Hansheng didn't intentionally steal troops, the main reason was that he almost paid Xiao Riyan for the money. He gave up his troops in two waves to force gank, which is equivalent to releasing his own blood to nourish the bot lane. At this time, it is not too much to let the bot lane give him some feedback. ?

He still has to go on the road to line up with the big tree, even if the equipment is too poor.

After eating the pawns, he remembered that God's temper was not very good, and he had to type and explain quickly, "The money was almost paid for by Xiao Riyan."

As a result, at the same time, the silent time of Lambo Red Wen ended.

"Fuck, is this person mentally ill? It's fine to take the head, and still dirty my army line? You must be sick."

Uzi, who was burning with anger, directly sprayed, and the last thing he could tolerate was dirty lines.

Not only spitting, but also typing, he didn't care what Li Hansheng explained.

"Are you sick? It's okay to grab the head, and you're still a dirty soldier? Who is disgusting? If you are an actor, just play it directly and don't mess with my mentality. It's really disgusting."

Why is this like a gunpowder keg, and it explodes so inexplicably? ?
Li Hansheng replied directly by typing, "Who is an actor now? Didn't the fuck tell you, I almost paid for the equipment? I can be called an actor after eating a few soldiers? Why don't you tell me that labor and capital help you to play such a big advantage in the bot lane?"

It's okay if he doesn't reply this time, Uzi is even angrier when Li Hansheng is so angry.

Especially when Li Hansheng said that the advantage of the bottom lane was helped by him, he directly laughed out of anger.

"I fucking need your help? Choosing a pure J8 bastard hero is just waiting to lie down?? I need your help when I have such a big advantage in the bottom lane? Do I need your help when I have an advantage in laning? If you don't come, I will Why don’t you just kill the opponent casually? When did I need someone’s help when I smashed the opponent’s bot lane?”

Li Hansheng laughed.

Didn't he help out in the opening game?

It's not his character to swallow his anger, the more he thinks about it, the more he gets angry, why not fight back!

"Ah, yes, yes, the Void has an advantage in laning, right? Labor and management will help you when you lose the line at the beginning, otherwise how the hell would you have such a big advantage?"

"Stupid dog actor, wait to be banned, shit, the first live broadcast will be disgusted by a dog, it's really bad luck, you like villains, right? Let's disgust each other."

Uzi put down this sentence and didn't hang up, just kept following Li Hansheng. He probably remembered that today was his first live broadcast. If he really hung up, it would be embarrassing. A bad way.

Everyone else on the field was stunned.

The excavator was the first to react.

Wuhu Uzi: Titans, are you fucking sick?If you gank, just gank. What are you doing with a pawn whose head is still dirty?You are a J8 bastard hero with dirty ADC pawns? ?
Specially kill the superior dogs in the first area: Licking the dog will not lead to a good death.

Wuhu Uzi: NMSL, WSND, Laozi surfing on Nima’s coffin board, drifting with Nima’s hearse &*¥%&….

It's just because of this reason that such a good game has a huge advantage?

Uzi didn't do anything afterwards, just followed Li Hansheng, Li Hansheng went on the road, he also went on the road, and even grabbed soldiers, and when he saw someone coming to arrest Li Hansheng, he didn't help, he hid far away, and stood out.

How can you win when your fattest point is playing around on the field?
Li Hansheng had experienced what it was like to open champagne at halftime.

(End of this chapter)

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