win the hairpin

Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Tian Jiguang quickly stood up straight, and at the same time lowered his head a little shyly, as if his paw was scratched gently in his heart, which was very strange.

"No, no, just drying some dried vegetables, it's all trivial work."

"Trivial tasks can save lives," Song Huiyue walked in. "Next year, let me try more."

"Yes!" Tian Jiguang grinned, feeling that he was ordered to dry the vegetables, which was very different from his sister-in-law and the others. His own dried vegetables had the beauty of romance.

He got carried away for a moment and wanted to keep up with Song Huiyue, but he and Yin Xiao got stuck at the door side by side - the door only opened on one side, and only one person could enter at a time.

Yin Xiao glanced at him blankly, he took a step back suddenly, his heels tripped on the threshold, he fell straight back, and the back of his head hit the ground crisply.

His heart and head trembled violently and ached. He turned his head to the sky and met Li Jun's hanging head.

With a teasing smile on Li Jun's messy scar face, he stretched out his hand to give him a hand.

Tian Jiguang touched the back of his head and stood up, his face became more and more terribly red, and he wished he could bury his head in his crotch.

He embarrassingly followed Li Jun into the discussion hall, which was bustling with excitement. The younger brothers hadn't seen Song Huiyue for a long time, and they were suspecting that she would die of illness. Seeing her at this time, they were all refreshed, Qi Qi He came up to greet him and bowed to the end: "Big lady."

Then he said to Li Jun who was standing behind: "Brother Jun."

As for Yin Xiao, they were very afraid, but Yin Xiao was Song Huiyue's private subordinate and had nothing to do with them.

The bustling merchants stopped bragging when they saw Song Huiyue, and prepared to greet Song Huiyue warmly.

Li Jun entered the stage with a smile on his face, greeted and saw off, and embraced Zhu Yiqun: "Brother Zhu, I heard that you got rich last night, and the rhino horn was sold for a good price?"

Zhu Yiqun was very proud: "My rhino horns are all high-quality goods, and those who know the goods will know that they are worth the price."

Li Jun let go of his hand: "Next time you have a good product, think of me."

He turned his head and shouted to a few people in the corner: "Brother Quan, don't think about our Bodhisattva!"

The people in the corner suddenly laughed, and they also stepped back a little, revealing Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

"It's a pity to put it here, sell it or not, sell it for a good price!"

Li Jun said loudly: "Not for sale."

He turned his head and said to Zhu Yiqun as usual: "There are many Bodhisattvas carved in ivory, but none of them can compare to this Samantabhadra Bodhisattva."

Zhu Yiqun muttered, "I'll find someone to carve one later."

Li Jun let go of him: "Such good candidates are all in the palace, yo, isn't that your regular customer?"

He greeted the other side.

Zhu Yiqun looked up and saw that it was indeed his regular customer, so he hurried over.

Li Jun squatted down, and the fragrance medicine merchant smiled and said: "Brother Jun, you are an expert in pinxiang, come on, tell this new customer whether my potpourri fragrance tablets are authentic."

Fragrance medicine business is as deep as the sea, and acquaintances dare not buy or sell it lightly, they have to check carefully before making a move.

Li Jun took a look at the incense stick, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and then put on a posture to speak.

Three or four people soon gathered behind him, and they all listened attentively to his lecture.

Song Huiyue led Yin Xiao into the miscellaneous room inside. He Jianghuai came in a hurry before his buttocks even touched a bench, with a huge swaddle hanging on his chest, Niuniu lay on his chest like a frog, and fell asleep soundly .

"Big lady!" He Jianghuai hung a sixteen-pound girl, so he crossed his hands because it was inconvenient to salute, "Are you cured?"

Song Huiyue reached out and touched Niu Niu's chubby face, Niu Niu's nanny was full of milk, and she was very fat.

"Okay, why did you bring Niuniu here?"

He Jianghuai took off his swaddle and handed it to Tian Jiguang: "I just got the news that Hu Jinyu teamed up with Zhao Ziyi to kill Huang Xianjue. I was worried that my family would be unsafe, so I brought Niuniu out."

Tian Jiguang took the snorting Niu Niu who was sleeping, and opened his mouth wide in surprise: "He joined hands with Zhao Ziyi? It shouldn't be, Zhao Ziyi and Huang Xianjue were friends for many years. Make a stumbling block for the Hu family."

He Jianghuai glared at him: "You don't need to interrupt, go out and change diapers."

Tian Jiguang didn't wink for a day or two, so he didn't care that He Jianghuai stared at him, and walked out with a smile.

Song Huiyue asked He Jianghuai to sit down: "When the Wan family came, I remembered that you touched Zhao Ziyi's gambling room."

He Jianghuai nodded: "There are many people under his hands, and the plate looks small."

Song Huiyue poured a cup of hot tea for him: "Zhao Ziyi didn't want us to swallow it, instead of looking for his old friend Huang Xianjue, he found Hu Jinyu who had a grudge against us, turned around and dealt with him together with Hu Jinyu Our old friends for many years are truly heartless, how will the Huang family react?"

He Jianghuai said in a low voice: "Huang Xianjue's third son is not mature, so there is nothing to worry about, but there is a very powerful daughter who married Zhao Ziyi's son. When I came out, I happened to run into the eldest sister of the Huang family crying Wangliu came out from Zhao's house with her son and more than a dozen cages, Zhao's family stopped her, she drew her knife and chopped it down, and she should have returned home by now."

Song Huiyue was thoughtful: "How did this daughter Huang Xianjue get the news? In terms of time, I'm afraid it was faster than you, and she packed more than a dozen boxes and came out."

The Huang and Zhao families can be called family friends. The Huang family never expected that Zhao Ziyi would do such a murderous thing. The son of the Huang family has not yet reacted, let alone a woman in the back house.

A thought flashed through He Jianghuai's mind: "You mean, Hu Jinyu tipped off the daughter of the Huang family to deal with Zhao Ziyi?"

Song Huiyue nodded.

Hu Jinyu used Zhao Ziyi to kill Huang Xianjue. Naturally, he wanted to swallow up the flower tea houses, prostitutes, private nests, and courtyards controlled by Huang Xianjue in Dingzhou City, and become the new protector of these places.

But Zhao Ziyi won't contribute in vain, he also wants a share of the pie.

The Hu family lost their game, and when they needed money, how could they be willing to spit out a piece of fat that was in their mouths and give it to Zhao Ziyi to eat.

So Hu Jinyu used the hands of the powerful daughter of the Huang family to make a mess of the Zhao family, so that Zhao Ziyi couldn't spare the money to share the spoils—a woman with means, who has been in the Zhao family for so many years, should have a lot of Zhao family handle.

When Zhao Ziyi straightened out the family affairs and looked back, Hu Jinyu didn't even have a mouthful of soup left for him.

However, it is not certain whether he can successfully eat the Huang family.

He Jianghuai frowned: "A dog bites a dog. If there is a hair on the mouth, I'm afraid it will bite us."

Song Huiyue felt that Hu Jinyu might take advantage of the chaos to attack her.

It might be a merchant, or it might be younger brothers who have nowhere to use their strength, but he should only dare to make small troubles with his hands. If he really wants to fight Song Huiyue, he may not be ready yet.

"Let everyone stay awake, don't touch the things of the Zhao family, I opened a Jiaozi shop in Zhending and Wanjia in partnership..."

He Jianghuai suddenly raised his head: "Jiaozi shop?"

At the same time, Li Jun was chewing a piece of rock candy that he didn't know where he came from, and was walking to the door. He was dumbfounded when he heard this, and a large piece of rock candy rolled out of his mouth and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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