win the hairpin

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

Wan Yunjun walked away anxiously, and Song Huiyue took a deep breath and got into the carriage.

Before she could stand still, she was dragged in by a pair of hands, and fell into a cold embrace. King Jin tightly imprisoned her, bit her lips without hesitation, and rubbed her back vigorously with his hands, He wished he could press her into his body.

Song Huiyue was dizzy and dizzy, the alcohol floated in her body, she sometimes lost her sanity, and finally struggled to raise her head: "My lord!"

King Jin stopped his movements, his breath was short, his hands were still strangling her fiercely, his whole body was tense, and he sat back a little.

He's crazy.

Seeing Song Huiyue and Wan Yunjun being so close, he went crazy with jealousy.

A Yin Xiao who is far away in the sky is enough for him to be jealous, as long as he sees the letters sent back from Dingzhou, he will feel sour, and now there is another Wan Yunjun who is no different from a man.

He used all his strength to control his hand and not strangle Wan Yunjun to death.

After a while, he raised his head, his voice hoarse and low: "Why don't you come see me when you're back?"

He still refused to let go of Song Huiyue, hugged her and sat on his lap, letting her head lean against his chest tightly.

Song Huiyue's mind was in a mess, and her thoughts were scattered, and she couldn't lift her head. She twisted her body, trying to get up from King Jin's lap, but she couldn't, so she opened her mouth, and she asked back: "My lord, what are you doing?" How did you find me?"

King Jin held down her small struggle: "Dingzhou is now my world, Zhang Xutang is looking for you, follow me."

Song Huiyue smiled nonchalantly: "I'm not afraid of him, the capital is so big, and he'll kill me wherever I go."

King Jin hugged her warm body, smelled a trace of alcohol on her body, and thanked the wine in his heart, Song Huiyue, who was so clear, would not talk to her like this.

She either ran away, or tortured herself mercilessly, in short, she would not give herself any chance.

He stretched out his cold hand and touched her face: "I'm sorry about the tiger talisman, I was at that time... the cause of my mother's death... I have no choice, I really have no choice, I don't know what to do... Even better, I don't know Mrs. Song would either. Can you forgive me? We are still as good as before."

Song Huiyue stared at him blankly, the blood in her body rolled into molten iron in the furnace, burning her soul until she lost her mind.

She never thought that they would have such a moment of decision. The cold wind was blowing outside the carriage, the curtains were rolled up, and snowflakes blew in from the outside, hitting people's faces.

King Jin waited expectantly, but had no tears—Hanshisan burned his life and dried up his tears.

Song Huiyue's eyes were big and her tears were shallow, but looking at King Jin, her tears were also dried by the cold wind.

She opened her mouth softly: "My lord, I want to go back to Dingzhou, and I have to do my own thing."

She thought of the thrush bird that King Jin gave her. At first, it hopped around in the cage and sang loudly every day, but then it sang less. When you poked it, it still protested fiercely. In the end, the bird He stopped making noises, was indifferent to human touch, stopped jumping around, ate and drank every day, and the whole bird became fatter.

King Jin's palace, ambition, and wisdom are destined to ascend to a high position in the end. At that time, his ambition will be an invisible prison for her life.

She will live by relying on his goodness, if he is not good, then all the solitude she has insisted on in the past, the hardships she has struggled, and the peace and peace she has looked forward to will all disappear in smoke.

And there are so many lives between them, if one day he remembered that the person next to his pillow was so ruthless, wouldn't he be afraid?
That magnificent imperial city, the position of empress, and the supreme power cannot let her block her life.

There was a "hum" in King Jin's mind, as if the string was broken. He hadn't eaten Hanshisan since the Mid-Autumn Festival, but at this moment, he really wanted to eat a pair, otherwise he couldn't calm down.

He breathed desperately, hugged Song Huiyue tightly, thinking in pain.

The farther you go on this road, the more lonely you will be. Holding Song Huiyue's hand, you can't speak out the hardships that weigh on your heart. It's suffering, it's all in pain.

"Go to Wangfu to see Qinghui. Qinghui is much better. Occasionally, he can open his eyes and move his eyeballs."

Except for Song Qinghui, he couldn't impress Song Huiyue with anything else.

Song Huiyue was worried about Song Qinghui, but knew that Zhang Xutang might be provoked by going to the palace at this time, she was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said, "No, thank you for taking care of him, and I will go to see him next time I return to the capital in a dignified way. "

After finishing speaking, she struggled out of King Jin's lap, and said goodbye to him in a low voice.

King Jin stretched out his hand to straighten his lapel, thinking: "Next time, I won't let you escape again."

He got out of the carriage with a chill in his body. Wan Yunjun was not far away, and the guards around him were heavily guarded. As long as there was any movement in the carriage, she would lead the people to rush forward.

King Jin gave her a cold look, turned and left.

Wan Yunjun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, unconsciously his palms were full of sweat—this man didn't look like a person who used force, but his whole body was terrifying, his eyes were like knives, and he cut people's hearts and livers, blood spattered Three feet.

She strode towards the carriage, opened the curtain and got in.

"Are you okay? Who is this?"

Song Huiyue didn't answer, just said: "You can't hide me here anymore."

Wan Yunjun whispered: "You are right not to come, I didn't expect the situation in Kyoto to be so complicated, was that person an enemy or a friend just now?"

Song Huiyue thought for a while: "It's not the enemy. You prepare some short brown and silver clothes for me. It's the time when the imperial guards are tight in the night. It's hard for me to leave. When the day breaks, you send me to Beiwa."

Beiwa is the largest tile house in Kyoto. There are foot shops, restaurants, restaurants, and teahouses. There are also thirteen Goulan seats for performing a hundred operas. Every day, you can watch social fire, puppets, play with insects and ants, play tricks on various palaces, and gossip. There is an endless stream of people who ask questions, business riddles, and fruits, and there are nearly a thousand people in a colorful shed at most.

These playful people come and go, disintegrate when they go, gather and disperse, enough to hide Song Huiyue.

Wan Yunjun nodded, and when he returned to Wanzhai, he gave her large and small silver coins, but before the copper coins were strung together, there was a sudden shout outside.

Song Huiyue stood up abruptly, walked quickly to the door, Wan Yunjun also dropped the copper coin and cotton thread in his hand, his heart was beating wildly in his chest, he walked forward with dry mouth, opened the door for people to check outside situation.

The two looked at each other, feeling uneasy.

The guard came back quickly, with a flustered look on his face: "Prince Jin was assassinated, and the assassin is being hunted outside."

Song Huiyue shivered for a moment, and several copper coins fell from her hand, making a crisp sound on the ground.

"Is the injury serious?"

The guard shook his head: "I don't know."

Outside, the imperial guards and the guards of the palace came and went like the wind, and no one was allowed to come in and out at will. After he inquired, he learned that something happened to King Jin, and he didn't know about the rest.

Song Huiyue closed the door, thinking it was Zhang Xutang.

When Zhang Xuzhang does things, he will always be shocked - kill King Jin and force Song Huiyue out, killing two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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