win the hairpin

Chapter 385 The Happiness of Xiaolou

There was a sound of killing outside the city, and the Liao soldiers retreated again and again, and withdrew ten miles away in one breath, and re-camped ten miles away, while writing to ask for help, while waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

Mozhou has won temporarily.

The gates of the city, which had been imprinted with countless marks by swords and fire, were opened wide. The two military commanders were dealing with the aftermath. They ordered people to drag all usable armor, swords, buildings, etc. into the city, and don't let go of all usable ones.

You Song is busy, while Tie Zhenshan is dragging Bai Yu and yelling: "What the hell are you doing smashing your helmet! Prodigal bastard!"

Baiyu begged for mercy, and ran so fast that only the sound of cursing could be heard everywhere.

Wan Tengxiong watched the battle from the top of the city tower, laughed loudly, and said loudly: "This bird's breath has finally come out!"

He turned his head and patted Yin Xiao's shoulder: "Xiaolou, let's go back to the camp with me! I promised Xi Zhang's military control, and I will definitely get you one!"

When Xi Zhang was mentioned, he was inevitably depressed, but he quickly pulled himself together and walked to the camp first.

Yin Xiao entered the camp, and briefly explained how he had killed Yelu Qizhen. The lack of words made his fight even more boring than killing a pig.

Wan Tengxiong couldn't squeeze a word out of his mouth, so he could only ask Lei Tong and Yu Tongye.

The two told the truth that they didn't see Yin Xiao's heroic figure of killing Yelu Qizhen. After they jumped into the river, they lost consciousness and were rescued by traders in the underground market.

Li Jun in Xizhang's army never followed him into the battle because he injured his arm. He arranged for the people in the field to rescue him this time, and Yin Xiao was also rescued by the people in the underground field.

This Li Jun and Yin Xiao are close friends, and they have been inseparable since they joined the army.

Before the two of them finished speaking, Yin Xiao couldn't help but wanted to leave. Seeing that his butt could not sit on the bench, Wan Tengxiong thought that he was going to meet his best friend, so he immediately allowed him to go out to camp for a day.

Wan Tengxiong didn't remember who Li Jun was, and he didn't ask why Li Jun got involved in the underground discussion field—a lot of things don't need to be investigated, just like iron swords and swords, it doesn't matter where they come from, as long as they are easy to use.

Yin Xiao walked out of Mozhou City quickly, and when he reached a place where there was no one, he suddenly started running.

He has always been unsmiling, young and mature, but now he suddenly couldn't help running, the light and heat between the sky and the earth rushed to him through the clouds, the green grass on both sides of the road brushed past his legs, and the sound of war drums in the distance The sound continued, the shouts became higher and higher, the eagle spread its wings above his head, and the shadows cast and his shadow were all galloping.

Song Huiyue opened up a bright and upright road for him. Standing on this road, he felt that this road was better than he had ever thought of, and it was simply a road to the sky.

He thought that he would be dormant in the dark forever, never thought that he would have such a moment of attention.

He has followed his misery and bad luck since he was born, and he has been away from it. With this moment of reaching the summit, what awaits him will be a smooth road.

He ran back to Song Huiyue - the caravan was stationed not far from Mozhou City. Before entering the door, Li Jun stopped him and escorted him to wash up.

There was fresh cool well water in the bucket. He took off his shirt, took off his shirt, buried his head deeply in the bucket, held his breath for a while, then raised his head and shook it vigorously.

He washed himself and went back to the room to change his dressing. The wound on his palm was still grim, and the flesh was turned out, but he didn't care, and changed into decent clothes——Hu Jinyu's clothes were very decent.

He didn't go out until he changed into a decent person, and before he reached Song Huiyue's room, Li Jun asked him to eat: "Yue told you to go eat when you come back, she wants to sleep for a while."

Yin Xiao turned to eat.

There were steamed stuffed buns and rice tea on the table, and there were only him and Li Jun beside the table—everyone didn't know that Yin Xiao had changed his mind about the baby, and He Jianghuai carried the baby to go to the sheepfold to nurse.

After a meal, he sat outside Song Huiyue's room and waited for an hour, and finally Song Huiyue's breathless voice came from the room: "Damn it!"

Followed by a crisp slap.

Yin Xiao heard the weakness in Song Huiyue's voice, and smelled the faint smell of blood coming from the room, so she stood up immediately and walked to the door: "Ma'am?"

Song Huiyue said "hmm": "Go and rest, I will sleep for a while."

She slept until the evening, and then opened the door sleepily, and asked Li Jun to bring her in food and drink.

She is sick—it can’t be considered a disease, it’s menstruation, I don’t know if it’s because she’s been depressed for too long, and now she finally found a place to vent, the menstrual blood is as fierce as a flood, flowing out continuously, dripping away Her spirit made her pale and dizzy.

She knew that she needed a long rest, and it was best to go back to Dingzhou and find a doctor to get a prescription, but the matter of Yin Xiao had not yet been settled, and she could not leave Mozhou yet.

Yin Xiao carried the food box into the room, smelled a stronger smell of blood, and saw Song Huiyue sitting in a chair.

Song Huiyue had already become thin to the bone, but within a day, she suddenly became weak, even her lips lost their color, and her hair hung behind her head like withered grass. On a hot day, wearing a cloak He wrapped himself up tightly, but there was no sweat on his head.

She shivered as if she was suffering from the cold, and looked at the rice porridge and meat that came in. She almost lost her appetite, so she took a spoonful of rice porridge and swallowed it. She asked Yin Xiao in a hoarse voice, "I have to go to the city tomorrow." Barracks, don't let anyone catch you."

Yin Xiao nodded: "You are very uncomfortable."

Seeing that there were only the two of them in the room, Song Huiyue put down the spoon and said weakly, "Headache."

She doesn't get sick very often, and she seldom suffers from headaches. Unexpectedly, when her head hurts, she feels so painful that she wants to bang her head against the wall.

Yin Xiao walked behind Song Huiyue, stretched out his hands, and rubbed her forehead. He was not afraid of pain, no matter how many injuries he had on his body, but Song Huiyue had a headache, and his body and mind would also ache.

Song Huiyue didn't eat any more, and fell asleep again drowsily. Yin Xiao hugged her to the bed, and when she stretched out her hand, she saw that her hand was covered with blood, and when she looked at the chair, there was also blood.

He washed his hands before going to clean the shelves, covered Song Huiyue with a quilt with his clean hands, twisted the handkerchief and wiped the chairs clean before going out the door.

When Li Jun saw him, he said, "I can't call you Lou Dutou from now on..."

Yin Xiao interrupted him: "You go to the barracks to find Hou Er, and tell him to go to Dingzhou City to invite a good doctor right away, the eldest lady is sick."

Li Jun was taken aback: "Sick? No wonder you've been sleeping all the time. Can't a military doctor do it? It's a waste of time to go back and forth to Dingzhou."

"Military doctors can't heal," Yin Xiao glanced at Li Jun sharply, "go right away."

Most military doctors are good at treating trauma, let alone women's diseases.

Li Jun made him tremble, and hurriedly led his horse to find Hou Er. When Hou Er heard that Song Huiyue was ill, he ran away to call for a doctor.

When Li Jun rushed back to tell Yin Xiao, Yin Xiao disappeared.

He asked He Jianghuai, and He Jianghuai didn't know, but Song Huiyue ordered him to go back to the quiz with Hu Jinyu. There were only a few boys left in the quiz, so he had to go back and have a look.

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