win the hairpin

Chapter 380

Song Huiyue got on the horse and sat down next to the leader's back: "We're just taking your path for a while, and when I find someone, everything will be over."

She spoke softly, but her hands were unambiguous, and the sharp knife pressed against the man's back. As long as she pushed forward hard, he would die: "Let's go."

This team of Fanren moved again, but this time, there was no cheers and laughter.

The Han people who appeared suddenly mixed into their team and were silently holding them hostage.

The night road is not easy to walk, and there is no starlight tonight, so it is easy to get lost. However, Song Huiyue has no intention of stopping to rest, and keeps walking forward, going through this large continuous dome and entering the highland.

Under the faint skylight, a group of people turned into black shadows. The women who were bound together could no longer walk, and the soles of their feet were covered with blood blisters. However, only the pregnant woman with a distended belly was taken care of and was able to sit On the Taiping car, he was pushed away by a boy.

The rest of the people left full of complaints. They were full of hope at the beginning, but now they don't see the intention of this group of Han people to save them, so they can't help but feel resentful.

They didn't hate when the Fanren arrested them, because it was their fate that fell into the hands of the enemy, but their compatriots didn't save them, so their resentment soared to the sky, pointing at Song Huiyue.

Seeing that the guards who guarded them stopped touching them, they got some food and water again, their energy was full, and they began to abuse Song Huiyue in an outrageous tone.

However, no matter how much they cried and cursed, Song Huiyue was hard-hearted, she didn't move at all, and she didn't even look back at them.

It was a peaceful night and nothing happened.

With these few people leading the way, they walked unimpeded, and any vault would treat them with more courtesy. Not only did they not have to send out tea, but they could even receive the blessing they brought to the King of the North Courtyard.

Song Huiyue accepted the dried meat, milk skin, and shortbread that were decorated on the blessing, discarded the sincere and pleasant words, and even the people and horses were full.

After walking hard all night, there was still no trace of Yin Xiao. The exhausted group of people had to rest where they were. The boys clamped the Fanren from left to right, handed over their weapons, and began to drink some wine. refreshing.

Song Huiyue's head was almost bitten by mosquitoes, and Mrs. Song didn't even know her when she came back to life.

She sat on the ground, still had no appetite, and the dry food was still dry and smoking, only water could be swallowed.

The girls continued to scold her, but she seemed to be unable to hear her, she buried her head and scratched her hands, scratching, her expression suddenly changed, she buried her waist deeply, put her head in the grass, and smelled it. To the smell of blood.

There was not much blood, only two or three drops on the ground, and soon there were no traces, and there was half a very shallow footprint beside the blood.

She stood up abruptly: "It's Yin Xiao!"

Only Yin Xiao would not let his blood drip all the way, he would quickly tear off a piece of cloth from his clothes, strangle the wound severely, and then continue to flee.

He Jianghuai thought that Song Huiyue might be stunned. He lay down on the ground and looked again and again, but he didn't realize that Yin Xiao's name was written on the blood. …

Besides, if Yin Xiao was around here, he would definitely come out to meet them, so they don't need to worry.

However, before he could speak, Song Huiyue had already put the leader on his horse and rushed straight ahead.

But here is the grass, and there are few things that can identify the direction. The only thing that can be recognized is the east. There is already a golden light in the east, and the sun will soon emerge from the ground.

It was useless for the horse to run fast, no one knew where Yin Xiao would hide, Song Huiyue sat on the horse, looking around with her eyes, feeling her heart beating violently in her chest.

Yin Xiao did not erase the traces left by him, was he hunted down or met wolves?
He can't make a fire, what does he eat?
Survived by Yelu Qizhen, was he seriously injured?

There is no medicine, and the weather is so hot. Once the wound festers, he himself will have a high fever. How can he survive on this vast grassland?
Not only was her heart beating wildly, but even her eyelids began to twitch, as if seeing Yin Xiao's corpse.

The leader of the Fanren sitting in front of her seemed to have noticed that she was out of her mind, and was about to look for a chance to escape Song Huiyue's shackles. He Jianghuai chased after him, grabbed him onto his horse, and surrounded him with a knife neck.

"Miss, where are you going?"

Song Huiyue reined in the horse, her eyelids were still twitching, so she turned her head and asked He Jianghuai: "Did the right eyelid come from jumping for money or jumping into disaster?"

He Jianghuai was waiting for Song Huiyue's order, but she asked such a question without thinking, and immediately said: "Jump disaster."

"Oh," Song Huiyue nodded, "Don't believe this, it's strange to say nothing."

She was determined to treat herself as Yin Xiao. If she were Yin Xiao, where would she hide?

If He Jianghuai really wants to get rich, then you can believe it.

He just thought, didn't dare to say it, stared at Song Huiyue, and then saw Song Huiyue pulling the rein and starting to go to Shenshiling.

Waqiaoguan is a salt land, barren and nothing. The land here is fertile, but it is not an endless grassland. There are also large pieces of different stones stacked in the grassland, and the more you go to the higher ground, the more stones there are.

She walked to a dark place where there were many rocks and the sun couldn't shine. The horse walked very slowly, she suddenly got off the horse, threw the whip to He Jianghuai, took the knife, and walked towards the stone ridge alone.

He Jianghuai immediately pushed the man in his hand to Tian Jiguang, and ordered him to stay in place with his men, drew out his long knife, and followed Song Huiyue closely.

After walking for a while, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

The stones began to increase, became taller and bigger, and became a small stone mountain. Between the strange stones and mountains, it was silent and dark, and the sun could only shine into these places at noon.

Dangers lurk everywhere.

Liao soldiers, wild beasts, crumbling stones, and Fanren grazing can all hide in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to deal them a fatal blow.

He Jianghuai heard his heavy breathing, quickly calmed down, and followed Song Huiyue through the path between the two piles of rocky mountains.

Song Huiyue held the knife and was going to a darker and more unknown place.

She walked faster and faster, and at the end she started to run, jumping over those high and low, messy stones, stepping over several puddles, He Jianghuai chased after her, the sound of her footsteps was already heavy enough to startle any wild beast.

Her eyes turned black as she ran, and finally reached the end of Shenshi Ridge, and there were only large boulders in front of her eyes.


Song Huiyue stopped, looked around in a daze, then turned to look at He Jianghuai who was out of breath: "No."

He Jianghuai nodded, thinking it was impossible, maybe those few drops of blood were left when the sheep were fighting.

"Big lady, go back first and look for it later."

As soon as the words fell, a hand full of blood and wounds suddenly stretched out from the gap in the large stone, grabbed Song Huiyue's skirt, and dragged her into the stone, and then the stone was like a closed With a big mouth, Song Huiyue was swallowed.

"Big lady!" He Jianghuai was so frightened that he almost died on the spot. Just as he was about to step forward, he heard Song Huiyue's cry from inside: "It's Yinxiao! Don't come here!"

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