win the hairpin

Chapter 371

Chapter 371
The patrolling soldiers got up from the ground, yawned and began to patrol, with knives dangling at their waists, their footsteps were slow and heavy, and they talked and laughed as they walked back and forth, all sounds were clearly audible.

Lei Tong blinked his eyes nervously—sweat covered his eyes, but he didn't dare to wipe them off.

It's too dangerous, there are only three of them, and they are going to break into the thousands of troops, which is more frightening than fighting on the battlefield.

He looked at Yinxiao from the corner of his eye, and saw that Yinxiao was motionless, even the sound of breathing was inaudible, and all the natural ups and downs of the body were reduced, becoming as lifeless as the grass.

Lei Tong also followed suit, slowing down his rapid breathing, suppressing the thunderous heartbeat, and forcing himself not to look or think.

Soon, Hou Er flashed out like a ghost. At the same time, he shivered in fear, and then nodded to Yin Xiao.

There are many people in the barracks, and if he is not careful, he will be tied into a sieve.

The three of them continued to crawl on the spot, waiting for the soldiers in the barracks to pee together. Soon, two Liao soldiers came out with a knife in one hand and a trouser belt in the other.

The two put down their knives, turned their backs to the wind, and took off their belts. Just when they were about to have a hearty drink, someone suddenly covered their mouths, received a heavy blow to the back of the head, and fell limp to the ground.

The three of Yin Xiao quickly stripped off their clothes, and let Lei Tong put them on first—Lei Tong is a big man, even if he is hungry, he will make a rustling sound when he moves. A set of Liao soldiers' armor for cover.

Yin Xiao also changed into his clothes, watched Hou Er go in first, then he and Lei Tong picked up the long knife, and walked in with shoulders and backs.

He walked calmly, and Lei Tong swaggered along, but on the surface he was calm, but his heart was beating wildly. Beads of sweat had flowed down from his forehead and into the skirt of his clothes.

I don't know how long it took, Yin Xiao stopped, put his shoulders on his shoulders and turned into a granary, where there were piles of wheat and dried meat. There was only one person holding the hand, and he also looked drowsy.

No one regards the endangered Central Plains people as a danger, they are not even as good as voles in the field to harm food.

Therefore, when someone entered the granary, the soldiers guarding the granary just looked up and said, "What are you doing?"

Yin Xiao let go of Lei Tong, walked lightly and quickly to the side of this person, swept his neck off with one leg with lightning speed, stretched out his hand to catch the corpse, and gently put him on the ground, scratching his head. In the end, the sound of bone breaking was the loudest "click".

Lei Tong felt that Yin Xiao was both light and fierce, which was really scary, but he had to bite the bullet and approach, whispering: "How to take it out?"

Yin Xiao let out a "shh", hid the body behind the grain pile, and began to tie the bags of millet together, making a bundle of four bags connected with a long rope in the middle, making a load of eight bags, weighing two hundred catties.

After ten loads were tied like this, the barracks in the quiet night suddenly let out a scream, and then the flames shot up into the sky. With the strong wind, the flames quickly licked the other tents.

The barracks suddenly became chaotic, and the soldiers swarmed out and rushed towards the burning place. While fetching water to put out the fire, they shouted to tie up the horse, and the horse ran away!

The place where the fire escaped was a stable. The horse neighed continuously, broke free from the reins and galloped wildly, fleeing like crazy.

The turmoil spread like a tide, and soon the tents of the Chinese army were disturbed, and Yelu Qizhen's personal soldiers rushed out, yelling loudly with babbling words.

At the same time, Hou Er dodged left and right, quietly drove the frightened horse in the chaos, and drove the horse to the small granary.

When the sentinels were still in a hurry to stop the horse, grain bags were thrown out one after another from the granary, and they were hung on the horse's back without missing a beat. Behind the grain bags, two figures flashed out, riding on the horse with Hou Er, and kicking their legs vigorously. Clip, swagger away.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Come on!"

Yin Xiao ran very fast, with only the sound of the wind in his ears, lying on the horse's back to avoid the arrows shot from behind, and urged the horse to go faster, the three of them rode the wind to drive the horse, ran into the vast night, and successfully shook off the arrow. pursue soldiers.

When they returned to the camp, it was still dark, and the soldiers woke up one after another when they heard the roar of the horses. When they saw Yin Xiao and the others driving five or six war horses and dozens of bags of grain, they were stunned. Eye.

Someone reached out to touch the grain bag and squeezed it hard: "It's millet."

"Really, there is also wheat."

"And jerky."

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers, wishing they could hold Yin Xiao in their arms and rub them together. However, Yin Xiao's face seemed to be blown by the wind, and his expression was completely lost. People dare not get close.

So they rubbed Hou Er, slapped Lei Tong, and happily went to light a fire to cook meat, but before the fire could rise, Yin Xiao had already interrupted their carnival.

"Break camp immediately and rest at noon!"

The four commanders immediately yelled, telling everyone to clean up quickly, don't wait for the Liao soldiers to catch up before running, and then wait to be starving ghosts.

Yin Xiao's sudden move to seize the food exposed his whereabouts, and he would soon be followed by the Liao soldiers.

The team moved out quickly, and this time they had food, so they had confidence in their hearts. They even walked faster, and when the heat was too hot, they had to stop and camp for a rest, and they had already walked twenty miles.

Lei Tong buried the pot to boil the broth, thinking that the reason why Xi Zhang's injury worsened was because he had nothing to eat and his body was weak. As long as he ate well, he would recover.

He made the broth thicker, and the commander sent brown rice. He made a big bowl of broth and brought it to Xi Zhang.

Xi Zhang was sitting in the barracks, with one leg hanging limply. He was numb from the pain, and he was scolding Yin Xiao at the top of his voice: "Nonsense! If you dare to go to a camp of [-] people alone, do you know that it is a narrow escape? If it gets inside, who dares to save you! Who can save you! If you are gone, the brats below will have no backbone and will be in chaos!"

Yin Xiao let him scold him, looking at the shoes with lowered eyes - the shoes were torn, and if he moved his toes, the toes would open his mouth to drink the wind.

Seeing that he didn't eat oil and salt, Xizhang was so angry that he had a headache. Turning his head, he saw Lei Tong standing at the door holding a rice bowl: "Get out! How old are you? I thought you were so stable, but ended up messing around with him ! Next time, I will peel your skin!"

"There will be no next time," Lei Tong said with a smile, "This time we took advantage of the unpreparedness, Yelu Qizhen will not give us such a chance again."

As he spoke, he carried Xi Zhang to the table.

Xi Zhang picked up the chopsticks and weighed the bowl: "I can't eat so much, go get another bowl, you eat."

"You eat," Lei Tong looked at Yin Xiao, "you go and eat, Penghu called you."

Yin Xiao nodded, and walked out wearing his big mouth shoes.

Xi Zhang picked up the spoon, ate half of it, and then pushed it to Lei Tong: "If you don't eat, keep it for me. I will eat it at night. I won't move or be hungry."

Lei Tong pushed over again: "You eat, you're already skinny, besides, you need to heal your injuries, so eat more."

Xi Zhang thinks that thinness is the right thing to do, but if you run for your life outside, can you still be fat?
But he didn't know that he was terribly thin and out of shape. The wound on his leg tortured him so much that he couldn't sleep at night. The flesh on his face disappeared, his eye sockets were sunken, and his skin became a thin layer of paper covering his bones.

(End of this chapter)

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