win the hairpin

Chapter 340

Chapter 340
The house is small and crude, the snow is knee-deep, and no one has shoveled it. The dry branches could not bear the weight of the snow and broke on both sides.

The snow is falling tightly, and in such a cold season, if you sit still, you must have a fire, otherwise the night will be difficult.

No need to lead the way, just look at those places where there are lights, and you will know if there are people.

Song Huiyue led the people to kill in, and soon heard Lord Kuan's voice.

Master Kuan was tied tightly, and he still didn't change his original intention, trying to influence Bao Qing, and talked about the truth from the sage's book endlessly, just like chanting scriptures.

The two boys guarding the gate outside made him feel drowsy, and almost plunged their heads into the fire.

His voice has been practiced for a long time, and it is as soft as a spring breeze. If he becomes a monk, he will be shaved on the spot.

It's a pity that he went on the wrong path and committed a deed that is beyond redemption in the world of mortals. At the same time, the person who tried to influence was a thug like Bao Qing, and the response he got was a crisp slap in the face.

There was a howl in the room, the power of this slap can be imagined, Bao Qing reprimanded him violently in Xiazhou dialect, and complained a few more words.

Then Master Kuan became angry in surprise, even Sven forgot: "You are crazy! Even if you kill the guests, the rich man will never come again! You will kill all the people in the market! No money, Are you all going to drink the northwest wind? You bastard! You bastard!"

Bao Qing laughed nonchalantly: "I have a big buyer who can support all the salt merchants in the market, but it has nothing to do with you."

"Where did you get the big buyer?"

"Don't tell you."

"You're going to break the rules!"

"What rules, who made the rules, old thing, you have enjoyed enough, let us keep your bullshit rules..."

When Bao Qing got excited, he began to babble in Xiazhou dialect, but when Master Kuan got angry, he responded in Central Plains dialect.

The two were spitting and scolding each other, when suddenly they heard two "poof" sounds from outside, two bloodstains splashed on the door, and flowed in through the crack of the door.

The scolding stopped abruptly, Bao Qing raised the knife immediately, and leaned cautiously behind the door. Before he could get close, the door was kicked open, and it slammed on the wall with a bang. And the light of the knife poured into the door.

Bao Qing didn't have time to dodge, so he picked up the chair beside him and swung it towards the front. When the knife in front was retracted, he immediately slashed his head and face.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was not one enemy, but a group of them, swarming in, and only a few moves forced him back to the corner.

There was no knife in Bao Qing's hand, and a huge gash was cut on his face, like a second mouth dripping with blood.

He was full of anger, but he had no choice but to let go, still swearing in Xiazhou dialect, stalking his neck and refusing to show weakness.

The guards gave way, and Song Huiyue walked over with blood on the ground, staring at Bao Qing: "Who is the big buyer?"

Bao Qing snorted coldly, shut his mouth tightly and said nothing.

"Who is it?" Song Huiyue stepped forward and asked.

Bao Qing still didn't say anything, Song Huiyue sneered, took a step back, turned her head and said, "Xiaotian, get rid of it."

Tian Jiguang stepped forward with the saber in hand, and stabbed at Bao Qing's heart. Bao Qing saw that the saber was really going to kill him, panicked, and immediately yelled: "I say!"

The knife almost stopped in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's Zhang."

Before the rest of the words were spoken, Song Huiyue had already held Tian Jiguang's hand, sent it forward abruptly, and killed Bao Qing without hesitation.

It was clear that Song Huiyue's hands were cold, but Tian Jiguang shrank suddenly as if being scalded, and lowered his eyes, not daring to look directly at Song Huiyue.

The dead Bao Qing's eyes were wide open, and he looked like he couldn't believe it.

Song Huiyue withdrew her hand, looked around calmly, saw that only Lord Kuan was left alive, and motioned for him to untie him.

Tian Jiguang stepped forward and untied Grandpa Kuan.

Master Kuan tied the rope into a cauliflower snake, stood up staggeringly, with a sleepwalking expression on his face, and after a brief lucidity, he fell to his knees with a "plop".

A layer of cold slowly surfaced on his back, he didn't know if it was because of back fear or something else, in short, he was sweating, and his hands and feet were all cold, so cold that he lost consciousness.

Song Huiyue stretched out her hand to support him: "Master Kuan doesn't need to perform such a grand ceremony."

"Yes, yes, yes," Master Kuan didn't dare to hold her hand, he stood up with effort, "I will definitely repay you for saving my life."

Song Huiyue waved his hand and asked Tian Jiguang to lead the people out to search, and the gold and silver obtained would belong to him: "Master Kuan should be able to deal with the aftermath."

Master Kuan nodded numbly: "I'll call someone."

He wanted to squeeze out a smile, but he couldn't squeeze it out, and went home with both hands and feet.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that all the servants in the family were trembling. Looking at the bloody scene at home, he couldn't help closing his eyes, and ordered someone to wash the floor with water, and then went to the courtyard under Bao Qing's control to remove traces.

He hadn't seen blood for many years, seeing him now, he suddenly felt back to the days when he first came to Xiazhou.

When Song Huiyue washed off the smell of blood, Grandpa Kuan's mansion had gradually returned to calm, and Grandpa Kuan himself had changed from sluggish to amiable, with a pleasant smile. He lit up the clean courtyard with lights and put At a table, Song Huiyue was invited to eat and drink, and at the same time, he gave his life money.

The guards each received [-] taels of silver, and even Guanshi Wu who hid in the house and did not show up had [-] taels, and Song Huiyue himself could not be measured by money, so he gave away his treasure: a bean green Ru kiln jade pot and spring vase.

"After the rain, the sky is clear and the clouds are **, this color will make the future," Master Kuan showed the bottom of the bottle very reluctantly, and the word "Fenghua" was engraved on the bottom of the bottle, "The treasures from Fenghua Palace in Kyoto, Li Wife, this time I forgive someone for making a mistake, which disturbed the little lady."

In fact, he felt that only he was shocked and disturbed, and the little lady in front of him was completely absent.

Song Huiyue took the spring bottle with a smile, and put it into the brocade box with care.

This time she has no worries at all, her heart is very peaceful, and her smile is brighter than that of Master Kuan.

The next day, the snow stopped, it was an excellent day to go out, Song Huiyue and his party could finally go back home.

In the Dingzhou military camp, Commander Zhongrui and Commander Tingzima are having a competition.

Yinxiao's position as the head of the capital came too quickly, and no one was convinced, so with this competition, no matter whether it is a hall horse or a soldier in Zhongrui, within today, as long as he can beat Yinxiao with bare hands, he can do it. This is all head.

Yin Xiao stood in the middle of the martial arts arena, without emotion or expression. Standing opposite was Liu An from Ting Mali. When he was most brave, he killed eighteen people in one battle.

Liu An clenched his fists, stared at Yin Xiao, and changed his legs back and forth, looking for an opportunity to make a move.

The crowd around the audience waited with bated breath, waiting for him to move, while Yin Xiao stood up straight like a gun, without even moving his eyeballs.

Liu An was waiting for an opportunity for Yin Xiao to relax, and just when he thought it was hopeless, he saw Yin Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked out of the crowd.

Outside the crowd, Li Jun ran down from the watchtower, beaming with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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