win the hairpin

Chapter 334

Chapter 334
The men full of masculinity scared this figure into a hairless sweat, and even the night looked gloomy.

Hu Jinyu looked back for a moment, and always felt that the outline was somewhat familiar, with a straightness and toughness that was different from ordinary people.

He is very good at remembering people, as long as he has a second look at people who have been to the venue, he will recognize them no matter how often they come back. Now that the shadow is blurred to such an extent, he still feels familiar. , and then turned around to look at Song Huiyue.

Song Huiyue's expression was calm, seeing Hu Jinyu looking back at her, she turned her head to meet Hu Jinyu's gaze: "Is there something wrong with the young master?"

Hu Jinyu listened to her talking, one by one, but if she discerned carefully, she felt that there was a kind of momentum in her tone that was used to giving orders since she was a child, making people have to answer her words.

"That person," he turned and pointed to the shadow in the distance, "is that your brother?"

All eyes turned to Song Huiyue for a moment.
Song Huiyue nodded coldly.

With this nod, all the accompanying men felt chilled out, and even Song Huiyue became a ghost-like person, very difficult to mess with.

At this time, the men thought that Yin Xiao was worried about Song Huiyue and wanted to escort him for a while, but Hu Jinyu suddenly asked, "Did Lao Pan kill him?"

Song Huiyue didn't nod, but she didn't shake her head either, she just glanced back thoughtfully.

The already quiet team became dead silent. Song Huiyue's eyes shot out from his big eyes, and there were clusters of calm and cold lights. Wherever his eyes fell, the standing people and horses took a step back silently.

They thought of that exaggerated joke, and at the same time secretly wondered if they had said anything nasty.

Hu Jinyu looked at the black shadow, thinking that the old man might have missed it this time.

They only knew that Song Huiyue was short of money, and at the same time courageous, was a military household, and the man who always picked her up was a soldier.

They peeked down a little bit through her kind face, imagining her as someone who could be tempted, manipulated, and controlled, but they didn't expect her to be a deep pool, bottomless, and she and her follower were both A ruthless wolf cub who kills without blinking an eye.

Lao Pan just used his quick tongue, and died tragically under the sword. If this little lady died in Xia Guo by accident, would her tail wipe out their Hu family?
Hu Jinyu thinks so, this tail has this ability and this scheming - being able to hide for such a long time, kill them with a single blow, leave no trace, and follow them quietly, has a sense of inscrutability.

He also thought that this kid killed Lao Pan not only to teach Lao Pan a lesson, but also to frighten himself, so that they could bring Song Huiyue back safely.

His thoughts went back and forth between Song Huiyue and Yin Xiao several times, but in the end he didn't come to any useful conclusions, so he stopped talking and just walked away with a dull head.

And even though Song Huiyue put on an honest image, the others did not dare to act rashly, avoiding them like snakes and scorpions. After starting again, they all shut their mouths tightly, separated Song Huiyue by a certain distance, and turned their heads frequently, wanting to see Is Yinxiao still there?

Yin Xiao didn't follow behind them all the time, he disappeared when the sky was light, and after he disappeared, this oppression gradually disappeared.

From Dingzhou to Daizhou, in the wilderness at the beginning, all the weeds withered, leaving only the rough roots half buried and half exposed. The horse ran very fast, and then there was a mountain road, which began to be rough. The horse shuttled through it, and the speed changed. very slow.

After entering the mountain, the forest blocked the raging wind, but the snow was heavier and the water vapor increased. The treetops in the forest were covered with ice ridges, and even the hot air exhaled condensed in the air.

The wolves are skinny in the cold winter, wandering around with a hungry mouth, hungry for food, earth dragons, mice, and rabbits, even eat corpses when they are hungry, but anything with flesh and blood cannot escape their fangs.

People and horses were a big meal, and they flooded into the forest, making the hungry wolves restless, staring at them from a distance and coming in to surround them. They didn't expect that the people who came were even more vicious than them. After killing two wolves , The wolves retreated, but did not leave, but followed from a distance.

As long as they turned their heads, they could see the fierce light in the wolf's eyes.

As long as anyone who has walked this road has seen wolves, Hu Jinyu is obviously common, but seeing the size of the wolves getting bigger and bigger, he still feels a little guilty.

Like the rare drought, this winter is also unusually cold, and the number of wolves is far greater than before.

After walking for almost two hours, the sky finally brightened. Everyone's legs and hands were stiff and unable to move. The wolves still followed at a distance. Down.

Hu Jinyu kept riding his horse forward, and kept urging everyone to follow, and finally reached the first resting place.

There are rocks on three sides here, which can shelter from wind and snow.

Everyone dismounted awkwardly, lit the fire, took out the frozen cakes, and planned to bake two to satisfy their hunger. Butler Wu went to get the dried meat from the package, and when he came back, he narrowed his eyes and bent down Look at the pile of things in the col.

His eyesight is bad, he looked at it for a while, then suddenly turned his head and asked a guard beside him: "That is?"

The guard took a look and said in a low voice, "Don't look, it's nothing."

There was a dead bone lying in the depression, the skin and flesh had been completely rotted, leaving only a skeleton, half hidden and half exposed in the mud.

Everyone glanced at the words, and then turned their heads away.

Because of the appearance of this pair of bones, everyone dared not take it lightly. They picked up branches and burned the fire even more vigorously. They also set up an iron pot on the fire, boiled snow water, and threw the dried meat into it to cook.

Butler Wu took out the countless packages he brought, and took out a thick porcelain tea bowl and chopsticks. Song Huiyue took a bowl, broke the cooking cakes and put them in the bowl. As soon as he raised his head, Butler Wu scooped up a A large spoonful of soup was brought to her bowl.

Song Huiyue picked up the big bowl of solid broth to soak the cooking cakes, and started to eat it while it was steaming. She drank most of the soup, then put the bowl to her mouth, and used chopsticks to draw the juice dripping into her mouth. Meat and pancakes, and then chewed fiercely with puffed cheeks.

She is not a person who eats a lot, and she is really hungry after this meal.

After swallowing, she picked up the bowl and took another big mouthful. After eating, she put down the bowl and chopsticks, and Butler Wu quickly picked it up and scrubbed it.

He had already quietly received Hu Jinyu's instruction to serve this little lady as his master.

The others had no objection to this, and wished they could build a shrine on the spot and consecrate Song Huiyue, so as not to lose anything - her brother is haunted, who knows if he is still there, if Song Huiyue breaks a little oily skin, he will Not to blame?

After eating a full meal, we arranged to take turns to be on duty, and everyone fell asleep, only waiting for the night to fall before setting off.

Traveling night and day like this, when they arrived in Huaizhou, everyone lost a lot of weight.

The mountains in Huaizhou are getting higher and higher, the sky is getting colder, and there is a group of thick snow on the ground. After everyone rests for a day, Hu Jinyu and Song Huiyue explain the people who are connected and some things that Xia Guo should pay attention to.

(End of this chapter)

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