win the hairpin

Chapter 289 Quiet Room

Chapter 289 Quiet Room
King Jin stood up and wanted to go out, but he was still worried. He stretched out his hands, leaned over and clasped Song Huiyue's shoulders: "It will be over soon, don't go out to take risks, understand?"

Song Huiyue asked him to press his shoulders tightly, unable to move, she kept her mouth shut and did not answer. Seeing that the worry in King Jin's eyes was getting worse, she said, "I listen to you, and I won't take any more risks."

King Jin knew that her promise was a thousand times or ten thousand times more important than other people's promises, so he was relieved: "Let You Song take you back."

Xie Zhou hurriedly said: "I'll go too, Sister Yue, my father hired a good doctor for your aunt, who came from Fuzhou, and he specializes in treating cough."

Song Huiyue stood up quickly, and walked out together with King Jin. King Jin stretched out his hand to straighten her skirt, and went to shoot with her, "I heard that Qinghui moved his finger?"

Speaking of this, Song Huiyue's heavy heart slowly relaxed: "Well, Aunt Lin saw it, and when she didn't see it, she might move more."

She thought that Qinghui might be waking up soon, and when the Zhang family collapsed, and Yinxiao was brought back, they would be able to live a solid life in the capital.

The footsteps of the three became brisk, Xie Zhou and Song Huiyue watched King Jin leave, and then they walked along the street, Xie Zhou had a stomach full of things to say, and pondered over and over again in his stomach.

Xie Zhou is an only son and has no brothers or sisters. His parents are careless and open-minded, allowing him to grow up to be a bitch. Apart from being mean, he is also very worried. Seeing Song Huiyue die because of Yin Xiao In a trance, physically and mentally exhausted, she wished she could replace Mrs. Song and immediately marry Song Huiyue to King Jin.

Because he has a biased eye, he sees Song Huiyue as a peerless beauty and intelligent, if he marries King Jin, he will be a couple, adding brilliance to each other.

But he has no feelings for Yinxiao, he just thinks that he is a little friend of Song Huiyue, and he has been thinking that once Song Huiyue marries King Jin, this little friend will have nowhere to rest. It was a pity that his partner disappeared, because Song Huiyue was really sad.

Xie Zhou's feelings for Yin Xiao are so complicated, so complicated that when he is looking for someone, he sometimes puts his heart into it, wants to dig three feet into the ground, and sometimes doesn't put his heart into it, which is very negative.

He took a deep breath, and thought that King Jin would talk about the marriage after the big event was settled, so he could only suppress the chaotic emotions in his heart, and said casually: "Nowadays, women in the capital are getting married later and later, An Le Hou's granddaughter, she's nineteen this year, and she's only getting married."

Song Huiyue looked at him suspiciously, wondering what his nonsensical words meant.

Xie Zhou originally wanted Song Huiyue not to be in a hurry to get married, but when she saw Song Huiyue looking at him, she touched her nose again and felt that she had said something wrong—she probably hadn't thought about it at all.

At the same time, he thought: "My lord is so pitiful, what I love is a stone."

The king of Jin rushed to the prison of Tixingsi and went straight to the men's prison.

Zhang Xuling was half human and half ghost already, but he was terrified, even the sound of footsteps made him tremble.

King Jin did not torture him severely, but his words were sharp, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through him. His every move, every word, was all in King Jin's expectation.

King Jin didn't use a knife, but cut him open with his eyes, even he knew clearly his fear of Zhang Xutang.

The indifference, humiliation he received at home, and the fact that he could be given up at any time, all became a sharp knife stabbed at him by the King of Jin, killing him. , Let alone a confession, he even wanted to commit suicide.

Returning from the torture room to the cell, he wanted to find some comfort from his second child, but the second child raised his eyelids and only said two words to him: "Idiot."

The second child's consolation was like a critical blow, hitting him like he fell into an abyss, and he never wanted to speak again.

At this time King Jin arrived, he opened his eyes before Zhang Xutang, turned his head to look at the gentle and gentle King Jin, and buried his head in the straw.

And Zhang Xutang was eating shortbread, coughing loudly while eating.

Drowning caused great damage to his internal organs. Even with an imperial doctor treating him, he felt oppressed for a while and couldn't breathe. If he took a deep breath forcibly, he would feel pain in his chest. He tried his best to recuperate. The Zhang family even brought food in three times a day, Zhang Rui was still standing in the court hall, so he ate and drank with peace of mind, no matter how the criminal minister questioned him, he didn't open his mouth.

Today, the attitude is unclear, the purpose is ambiguous, but he does not say to let people go, the king's heart is unpredictable, and the criminals are not released, nor are they interrogated, so they simply throw this hot potato to King Jin.

The king of Jin knew that Zhang Xutang was not convinced, and he never moved a finger from him except for whipping him for talking nonsense to Song Huiyue.

However, the King of Jin had another way. He often locked him in an empty room with only one door. There was no sound or light in the room. There was only a dark scene and no sound. It is an old tomb, and even the owner of the tomb is unknown.

What Zhang Xutang is most afraid of is such a dark night and silence, without a single sound, and the ghosts and monsters in the darkness appear in various shapes in his mind, and can devour him at any time.

In the first hour he entered, he could barely get through it, even counting the time, but after this hour passed, he became terrified and started dragging his sick body to slap the ground and walls in all directions, yelling, but no one paid attention, All around are the echoes of himself.

No matter how much he screamed, King Jin was cruel and would never pay any attention to him.

After another hour, he was almost drowning in the darkness, sweating profusely, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water.

Roaring feebly and slapping weakly, ten fingers scratched the floor with a sharp sound, stinging his ears.

In the end, he couldn't bear this fear, and made a trembling voice: "I... I said... I said everything... Let me out..."

However, as soon as the door was opened, he returned to his head rationally, crying and refusing to confess anything.

The longest time, he went in during the day and stayed there for a day and a night. When he came out, the cock was crowing.

After King Jin's rectification, he became extremely pale and haggard. No matter how much he ate and drank, his body was losing weight rapidly. Not only did his internal organs not rest, but he became more and more painful in fear. All this made him see Looks like a ghost.

Seeing King Jin come in, he shivered at first, then spoke hoarsely: "My lord is really a dutiful son, he even cares about the private affairs of today's bed."

King Jin looked down at him, unmoved by the crime he suffered: "You are also very filial, and you love my aunt."

"It's not distressing, but she is from the Zhang family." Zhang Xutang stood up a little bit, coughing violently, "Are we talking here?"

King Jin nodded: "You can also go to the quiet room to talk."

Zhang Xutang was stunned by what he said, and then shook his head: "Let's go to the Temple of Prison, just the two of us. Except for the prince, I am afraid that only the clay statue will dare to listen to what I say."

(End of this chapter)

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