win the hairpin

Chapter 281

Chapter 281
There was a cool breeze, and the coolness in the hall made Su Ting's sweat dissipate all at once, and he felt comfortable all over his body. He was wearing court clothes layer upon layer, and he didn't feel stuffy.

He remembered that when he was on duty in the palace in winter, it was snowing like rain outside, but inside the hall was always warm like spring. He thought that just the warmth in winter and the coolness in summer would make people think about the wealth of the heavenly family, not to mention the emperor who lives and kills power.

No wonder the two princes punched like black corns.

Today he was fully dressed and wanted to eat and drink. Seeing that Su Ting had no intention of saying goodbye, he asked again, "Is there anything else?"

Su Ting said: "Return to Your Majesty, the Fengxiang Army seized a batch of stolen goods from the Jiang thief in Minzhou, including two boxes of Chen Wang's relics. The Fengxiang Army was supposed to hand it over to the Minzhou governor, but Minzhou did not accept the two for some reason. Instead, let the Fengxiang Army dispose of the things themselves, Fengxiang Army did not dare to specialize, so they sent them to the ministers."

King Chen's body has rotted away, and Li Jun didn't jump around in front of Jinshang. Jinshang no longer gets furious when he hears the word "Guogong", instead he has compassion for the losers.

Hearing that the relics of King Chen fell into the hands of the Jiang thief, he was about to say that he would hand it over to the inner treasury, but suddenly his mind moved and he felt that something was wrong.

When King Chen fell, all the high-ranking officials in Prince Chen's mansion were moved away and sold. There were so many relics left outside, how could the Fengxiang Army deliberately send them to the state capital?
Besides, why doesn't the state government accept it?
Could it be that he hates King Chen too much, and the state government is afraid that he will be blamed for being contaminated with King Chen's relics?

It seems that his prestige is getting worse, and the state government is afraid of offending him even for such small things.

"What is it that must be handed over to you?"

Without hesitation, Su Ting asked Wei Qiao to bring in the box he left outside the hall.

There were two boxes in total, and Wei Qiao asked his servants to carry them into the hall, and put them lightly in front of Su Ting.

Another two servants stepped forward to open it to see if there were any violations, and after looking at it, they stepped back.

The things in the box are not expensive, the most valuable thing in it is a celadon scripture vase with plum blossoms in it, the glaze is emerald green and bright, just like the green plums, it can be seen from a famous kiln at a glance.

Su Ting took out the plum vase from it, Wei Qiao hurriedly stepped forward to take it in his hand, and presented it to Jinshang.

Imakami held the plum vase and turned it upside down, wanting to take a look at the inscriptions underneath, when he heard a "click" from inside the vase, and something rolled from the bottom to the mouth of the vase.

He was startled, and hurriedly glanced at the inscription on the bottom. It was indeed Chen Wang's monogram, so he turned the bottle around and looked inside the bottle from the small mouth.

The plum vase was long and slender, with a narrow mouth, and when it was illuminated by a candle, one could faintly see Fang Sheng inside.

The paper is soft and easy to stuff in, but takes time to get out.

Jin Shang raised his head and asked Su Ting: "What's inside?"

Su Ting replied: "It's a letter written by Zhang Xiangye to Chen Wang. It was originally sealed with oil paper, and then glued to the inner wall of the plum bottle with swim bladder. When I discovered the clue, I poked out the isinglass with chopsticks, took out the letter, read it, and put it back.”

What happened to him, he only heard the first sentence: "Zhang Rui wrote to the rebel King Chen?"

Then he handed the plum vase to Wei Qiao: "Take it out, let me take a look, and take it here."

Wei Qiao hurriedly ordered someone to get the chopsticks, grabbed Fang Sheng, took it out with a corner in his hand, and carefully disassembled it, and handed it to Jinshang.

Imamami took the yellowed letter paper and looked at it carefully.

Su Ting had already read this brief letter, and now he stood there, tensed up, preparing to endure a thunderstorm, but the result was unexpected. After reading it today, he didn't say anything for a long time.

After a long while, he put the letter on the table and said: "Thieves' methods, when the Zhang family was attacked by thieves, didn't they just lose Zhang Rui's documents and seals? I already knew that someone would use these things to make a fuss. in this way."

His hands trembled slightly, and he retracted them into his sleeves. His palms were slightly sweaty. He didn't believe what was written on this letter, let alone believe it.

In the past, when King Chen rebelled, the Pei family defended it desperately, and there was no faction in the court. Even though King Chen rebelled, the state system never wavered.

But now how many people in the forbidden army are sincerely protecting him is still hard to know, most of the people in the court are members of the Zhang family, if Zhang Rui wants to rebel, how can he stop him.

Thinking of this, how can he not be afraid, how can he not be shocked.

Not to mention that Master Zhang wanted to rebel against King Chen in the past, even if he knew that the Zhang family was going to rebel against him now, he could only not believe it.

He looked at Su Ting again: "Master Zhang's things must be retrieved as soon as possible, and don't give other countries the opportunity to cause chaos."

Su Ting was a little unbelievable——Ji Shang actually trusted the Zhang family so much?
Believe it or not, the Zhang family did not lose their seals and documents at all, and if he was ordered to look for them today, he would have to bear the name of incompetence, how could this be possible.

So he earnestly said: "Return to Your Majesty, the theft of Zhang Xiang has been found out by the prefect's yamen. This letter has been checked by many calligraphers and painters. It is indeed an old thing. Whether it is ink or ink pad, it is old. , not a forgery."

Imam took a deep look at him, took the letter in his hand, read it carefully twice, and then stuffed the letter into his sleeve: "I see, this is a big matter, and I need to investigate it carefully, don't ask me for now. Make a statement, so as not to startle the snake, I have my own opinion."

Su Ting saw that he hadn't had any seizures today, so he retreated in response. He kept exiting the hall, looked at the gold bricks under his feet, and was about to step on them one by one, when he saw Concubine Zhang rushing towards him, and the ostentatious red umbrella turned into a golden brick. It has become gray, and the people and things accompanying have become the rank of imperial concubine, no longer exceeding the rules.

He stepped aside and let Concubine Zhang go first.

The steps stopped in front of the main hall, Concubine Zhang stepped down, and walked to the gate of the hall, the servant guarding the door hurried in to report, Concubine Zhang was full of fighting spirit, and wanted to cry King Jin down.

The fragrance outside the hall was very fragrant, so she picked off a few jasmine flowers and put them in the corolla.

Today, her flower corolla is full of red precious hairpins, the jewels and emeralds are dazzling, just like her people, she is smiling, waiting to meet today.

However, the next moment, her smile froze on her face—she was not seen today.

She thought to herself that Jinshang must not know about King Jin's presumptuousness, so she immediately waited outside the hall, and only waited for Jinshang to come out to court, and went up to complain.

The scent of flowers still lingered on the tip of her nose, the servants carried the food box past her, one after another, food was served in it, and after four quarters of an hour, Imakami rushed out of the hall.

Jinshang came out from the inside, Concubine Zhang Guifei went up to meet her, with two cut autumn waters shining, she looked at Jinshang with a smile: "Your Majesty..."

However, Imam didn't look sideways, as if he didn't hear, he got on the step.

Concubine Zhang Guifei's words and touching expressions stopped abruptly, and she froze in place, apparently not knowing what was causing the current indifference.

Just when she was in a difficult situation, Jinshang leaned out and looked Zhang Guifei up and down. Zhang Guifei felt relieved, and first asked Jinshang with a smile how he slept last night.

Imakami didn't answer, just waiting for her to continue.

As a result, water glinted in her eyes, and her expression changed, half wronged and half angry, she said about King Jin beating King Yan.

"Your Majesty, they are all your sons. You can't favor one over the other."

(End of this chapter)

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