win the hairpin

Chapter 263 Xiao Zhang is Scary

Chapter 263 Xiao Zhang is Scary
Song Huiyue kept her eyes on Yinxiao's room.

But no matter how she looked, she didn't see any traces of fighting or struggling. The yard was wet. If someone went in, they would definitely leave footprints, but the porch of the inverted house was very clean.

Through a door, she could even hear Tan Ran's snoring, which was sleeping peacefully.

Although there were no traces of fighting, but Yin Xiao didn't show up, so he wasn't there. Where did he go?
She was full of doubts, her heart sank slowly, especially Zhang Xutang in front of her,
"Are you afraid?" Zhang Xuzhang smiled, "You should be afraid, because King Jin has no skills at all. If you are dying, if you are hiding, if you are hiding, there are still people who want to run outside, so no one can come to rescue you, King Jin and You both thought that your guard house could protect you, but they never thought that tigers would also nap."

Song Huiyue sat down without changing her face: "Yes, the prince is very busy, because he is busy with the important affairs of your Zhang family."

Zhang Xuzhang was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the "big thing", his expression changed slightly, and he and Song Huiyue hurt each other: "Don't you want to know the origin of your nursing home? What kind of devil did you raise by your side? You can turn back at any time You, kill you, let your family have no bones left."

"I don't care about his origin," Song Huiyue said nonchalantly, "whether he is from a pile of evil spirits or raised by wild animals, whether he is a man or a ghost, good or bad, he is my younger brother .”

Then she grinned: "You are very envious, because in your life, it is impossible for anyone to love you like this."

Zhang Xutang's expression changed on the spot, his eyes were gloomy, and he gave Song Huiyue a vicious gouging.

He has lived for more than twenty years, and no one loves him so recklessly, so he also loves his family reluctantly.

Unlike Song Huiyue who loves Yinxiao and always carries it with her, Yinxiao follows Song Huiyue and flies around, almost becoming Song Huiyue's shadow.

Because Song Huiyue's words were like knives, which pierced his heart too much, he simply turned expressionless and said to Old Wei: "Change the chair for me."

This low stool has no backrest, the legs cannot be stretched straight, and there is nowhere to put the hands. Even the back can only be straightened uncomfortably. He could bear it before, but after Song Huiyue swears at each other, he can't bear it anymore.

There were no chairs in the yard, so Lao Wei went straight into the miscellaneous room and pulled out a chair from it.

As soon as the door was opened, Zhang Xutang saw a large white porcelain vase inside. There were many bamboo dragonflies, bamboo grasshoppers, and a shiny black feather duster hanging inside. He immediately pointed out, "Bring it here."

The big white porcelain vase was brought over, and he looked at it coldly, and then teased the thrush in the corridor to wake up, grabbed the wings, and forcibly pulled a feather from it.

The thrush was in pain and angry, chirping in the cage, almost taking off on the spot with its wings flapping, its shrill and shrill cry piercing the sky.

The thrush's scream made him feel happy, and he wanted to disturb the Song family more and more.

He not only has to move, but also to eat.

Lao Wei moved out of the Eight Immortals table from the kitchen, and then transported all the food that could be eaten in the kitchen to the table, opened a jar of Jinhua wine, took out a clean wine cup, sifted one, and even lit an oil lamp to facilitate the opening of the table. Xu Tang looks at the dishes.

Zhang Xuzhang took a sip of the wine, picked up a sheep's head stick with chopsticks and ate it, then picked up a chicken stick with chopsticks, stopped in mid-air, took a sip of the wine, and stuffed the chicken stick into his mouth.

Putting down his chopsticks, he whistled at the thrush. The thrush had already made him dizzy with anger, lying motionless in the cage, like a dead thing.

So he threw the cage into the stagnant water and looked at Song Huiyue: "Why are you dressed so ugly?"

While eating, drinking, playing with the birds, and looking at Song Huiyue's clothes, he alone can fill this small courtyard with his voice and breath.

Wherever he went, he would leave thick and colorful traces, making everyone struggle and suffer in his traces.

The bean-green gauze shirt on Song Huiyue's body was old, but it was comfortable to wear, and every silk thread was soft and tolerant, and she didn't feel ugly, so she ignored Zhang Xutang's words.

And Aunt Lin pressed her face against the window, she was already half-dead in shock.

Zhang Xutang's movement resounded throughout the little Song family. Mrs. Song and Aunt Lin were light sleepers, and they all woke up with a start. Only Yuan Yuan and Tan Ran, who had nothing to worry about, slept soundly.

After Aunt Lin woke up, she immediately got out of bed with bare feet, and her toes stumbled on the foot of the bed. The pain made her cry. She gritted her teeth to hold back the pain, and stuck to the window. When she saw Zhang Xutang, she was frightened out of her wits.

She was afraid of Zhang Xutang's actions in her dreams. If she saw him during the day, she would still have the guts to scold him, but if she saw him at night, it would be the same as seeing a demon.

Did he come to kill again?

He said that the old lady's clothes are ugly. Could it be that he wants the old lady to look more beautiful?
The more Aunt Lin thought about it, the more frightened she became, she stuffed her fist into her mouth in horror, blocking her increasingly chaotic breathing.

And Mrs. Song stood behind the window of the main room without lighting the lamp, just staring closely at the people in the yard.

Her toes were facing the door, ready to rush out at any time, but she saw Song Huiyue shaking her head slightly towards the main room, so she could only stop.

Can't add to the chaos.

Although she was in the room, her eyes were always looking at Zhang Xutang nervously——Zhang Xutang was smiling, and her single eyelid was thin, almost unable to cover the evil in his eyes.

And Song Huiyue saw Zhang Xutang scrutinizing her with food and drink, so she smiled: "I'm ugly, what does it have to do with you?"

"You're not ugly, it's your clothes that don't look good." Zhang Xutang ate lotus duck and spat out many tiny bones on the table, "I want you to look good in your clothes."

"No, I think your clothes are beautiful, and you are also beautiful, but it's a pity that when you peel off the skin, there are flesh and blood made of maggots inside."

Zhang Xutang glanced at Song Huiyue again.

For some reason, sitting at Song Huiyue's house, he always felt a good appetite, as if these things were delicious, but when he really ate them, there was only that taste, which was still not as good as his own cook.

Although the taste was not good, he still couldn't stop eating, because these foods nourished Song Huiyue's flesh and blood, and they were the light flowing in Song Huiyue's eyes. What he ate was not food, but a part of Song Huiyue.

It amused him and gave him an appetite.

The small courtyard was quiet, only the sound of Zhang Xutang spitting out duck bones was left, and he stopped after he finished eating half of the lotus duck: "I always want to have a meal like this with you, or drink Cup of tea, but you torture me every time."

Speaking of this, his tone became more gentle: "Actually, your brother Song Qinghui, I like him very much and treat him very well. You really shouldn't take him away by force. If you hadn't taken him away, he wouldn't have ended up like that." This is the end."

Song Huiyue lowered her eyes, lowered her head and smiled sternly.

"Actually, you are the same as me," Zhang Xutang said again: "Everything I love belongs to me."

Song Huiyue shook her head lightly: "It's different."

For the rest, she didn't tell Zhang Xutang, but said in her heart: "Everything that belongs to me is what I want to protect."

(End of this chapter)

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