win the hairpin

Chapter 251 Terrible Remonstrance

Chapter 251 Terrible Remonstrance
At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Before King Jin could ask who it was, the outside answered by himself: "My lord, it's me."

After that, Xie Zhou pushed the door open with one hand and barged in with a food box in the other, like an uninvited guest, without being invited by King Jin.

After entering, he put down the food box, turned around and closed the door, and picked up the food box with a "hey" again, as if the food box weighed a thousand catties, enough to feed an elephant.

King Jin pointed at him and nodded twice: "It's outrageous to come here uninvited."

Xie Zhou opened the food box and carried the snacks from the inside out: "I was afraid that the prince would drink too much and hurt his spleen and stomach, and I didn't have a red sleeve to add fragrance, so I came here in person to cheer for the prince."

He put all kinds of snacks on the table, then lifted a wine cup, filled a glass, and took a sip: "Sister Yue really got the letter?"

As soon as Song Huiyue came back, he sent him to the Song family to report. After he returned from the Song family, he circled around King Jin again, knowing no more than King Jin.

King Jin nodded: "Today is really..."

He was terrified.

Xie Zhou took another sip: "Where did you find it?"

After drinking, he lifted the jug and wanted to pour wine for King Jin. King Jin covered the wine cup, so he put down the jug, and gave King Jin a piece of puff pastry.

"In Zhang's glass house, the glass is inlaid with isinglass. Chen Wang stuffed the letter in the isinglass."

"Maw glue?" Xie Zhou was speechless for the first time.

These years, he followed Xie Chuan to serve the King of Jin. He thought that he lived in the soul of his old father, and looked at everything in the court through the eyes of his old father. At this moment, he found that he knew nothing about Chen Wang.

It never occurred to him that things could be hidden in isingas.

How can a person's head hold such whimsical ideas?
"Sister Yue smashed the glass greenhouse?"

King Jin nodded: "With her temperament, if she doesn't find the things, how could she get out of the Zhang family?"

One muscle, admit death.

"Does the Zhang family just accept that? Will they find trouble with Sister Yue? Or let Sister Yue go out to avoid it?"

"As long as the Zhang family is not stupid and knows that the things are in my hands, they won't go out of their way to deal with Huiyue. How about Mrs. Song?"

"What Mrs. Song, that's your mother-in-law," Xie Zhou laughed. "It's good. I said that Sister Yue is in the palace, so Mrs. Song was relieved and said that she would break her leg."

King Jin laughed when he heard him joking, and then said seriously: "Don't say this in front of others. The situation is still chaotic now. Your Majesty actually intends to hand over my marriage to Concubine Zhang. At this time, the Song family should not show up to compare it is good."

Xie Zhou also turned serious: "You are so confused today? Don't worry, the outside world also knows that the Song family has saved your life. We haven't said much else. If Concubine Zhang makes a fuss about your marriage, we will kill you." It also messed up Zhang Xutang's marriage."

King Jin looked at Xie Zhou, and suddenly felt emotion in his heart—Xie Zhou was also old.

Old people and old things are very important in his heart, because they all bear the marks left by Empress Dowager Pei and Queen Pei. Although these marks are gradually changing, he still feels good.

It was so good that Xie Zhou talked nonsense in front of him all day long, but he still thought it was good.

These old people are like fragments, and together with the new people, they form an indestructible him, and Song Huiyue hides in his soul, there is me in you, and you in me, which is the most important thing.

Thinking of this, he lifted the jug, poured half of the glass himself, and said to Xie Zhou: "I, idiot macaque, also go to change clothes."

His tone was flat, as if he was laughing at himself, but also seemed to be indifferent to Master Zhizhen's Buddhist gatha.

Although there was not much wine, it was enough for him to lift his spirits and regain his radiance. There were two twinkling lights in his peach eyes, and he smiled.

Xie Zhou asked behind him: "What idiot macaque, why are you talking about monkeys all of a sudden?"

King Jin smiled but didn't answer, he just walked to the sleeping hall, and the journey was easy.

On the fourth watch, before dawn, the officials all hung a white paper lantern and entered the Xuande Gate. More than a hundred lights flowed in the dawning sky, illuminating the golden nails and vermilion lacquer and the dragon and phoenix coat of arms on the gate tower, waiting to be leaked. There were a lot of people in the hospital, and they were all discussing that Xiangye Zhang's house was stolen last night, and Xiangye Zhang's private seal and some copybooks written by Xiangye Zhang were lost.

Then there was the dispute between Su Ting of Daxiangguo Temple and King Jin, and even the words of King Jin accusing Concubine Zhang came out.

Everyone went to see the Taiwan adviser present, and they all guessed that there would be a storm today.

Especially Fang Weichun, who had an old grievance with the Zhang family, and Sun Yan, who disliked the imperial army, these two people will definitely seize this opportunity and lash out.

When it came time to go to court, these two people really went up to Jinshang, asking Jinshang to punish Concubine Zhang Gui and Su Ting severely. There were also Taiwanese admonitions that King Jin ignored the law and prevented the imperial army from arresting people, so that the thieves escaped. King Jin should also be punished.

The fact that King Jin had something to do with the thieves was not mentioned—after all, King Jin was first stimulated by Concubine Zhang, and then he went to pay homage to his deceased mother, which had nothing to do with the thieves.

When Concubine Zhang Guifei encountered Taiwan's remonstrance, Master Zhang did not change his face and did not speak out to defend himself. Even the members of the Zhang faction were silent.

After listening to it today, I don’t accept the remonstrance, thinking that the matter between the King of Jin and Su Ting was a misunderstanding, and Zhang Guifei’s usurpation was also due to the negligence of the etiquette officials, which has nothing to do with Zhang Guifei. Salary in March.

Just when everyone's interest was waning, Liu Baoqi suddenly came out.

"It is already a great honor for me to see the profound grace of Concubine Zhang Guifei, which is incomparable. However, Concubine Zhang was lucky enough to be here today, so she acted recklessly and stole the rituals of the middle palace. The world is full of discussions, your majesty is so wise, and your concubine has an elder brother as a prime minister. If your majesty has given you the best favors, people will say that Zhang Xiang is a vulgar talent, because he entered the harem. Your majesty should demote the position of concubine this time as a punishment. Otherwise, the etiquette and law of the world will be chaotic,

Then there is Commander Su who has no reverence for his subjects, and Taiwan's admonishment has always been admonishment. Last night, he killed two guards of the Jin Palace. Everyone was shocked. The Imperial Army is a sharp weapon in Gyeonggi. Worse than the Privy Council, the ministers dare not keep silent when they are involved in the affairs of the state. Today Su stops killing the guards of the palace, and in the future he can kill the courtiers' privates.The minister thought that Su Ting should take the blame and avoid it, and get rid of the commander-in-chief of the three yamen, so as not to panic the loyal people of the court.
What I said, I hope your Majesty will follow your advice. If your majesty does not accept your advice, please demote me. "

After finishing speaking, he took off the black gauze hat on his head and held it high above his head, the hall was silent for a moment.

After a while, Fang Weichun, Sun Yan, and Liu Fengzeng, among the admonishers, also came out, begging for mercy.

Sitting on the throne today, I have a headache.

He has never been able to do anything about Taijian. When the Empress Dowager Pei was there, Taijian was forced to carry a knife, but he still allowed Taijian to write a letter. He is not as courageous as the Queen Mother Pei. noodle.

(End of this chapter)

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