win the hairpin

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

After Dong Tongying answered, the hall fell into silence.

The line of white smoke from the incense burner is still floating majestically, becoming a gigantic monster, unceremoniously devouring other smells in the hall, taking the refreshments, inkstones, papers on the table, tables, chairs, and people in the hall, all into one piece. Own, unified into a rich fragrance.

With the doors and windows closed, the aroma became more intense, making one feel a little uncomfortable.

Dong Tongying was old and could not stand such influence, almost felt the pain of suffocation, and couldn't let Jinshang open the window to breathe, so he could only open his nostrils hard and take a few more breaths.

While suffering, he sensed the intention of today's question.

There is no major change in the yellow book, and salt is still eaten as usual. In three years, why is there only a salt tax of Zhangde's [-]nd year, which is nearly [-] taels less?

He began to keep thinking about what happened that year, whether he caught the earth-shattering private salt dealer, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out.

Private salt is hugely profitable, and there are no private salt dealers. There are private salt dealers every year. Why did the salt tax drop so much in that year?

He was silent all this time, and after a long while, he asked the two of them to retreat, and asked his servant Wei Qiao, who had been with him for many years, to summon Su Ting.

Wei Qiao led the decree away, and now I am alone in the Wende Hall, looking at the writing on the paper: "In the [-]nd year of Zhangde, bittern, damp and evil, less than a catty, but the price is [-] yuan, Mr. Zhang Instigated Li Lin, deputy envoy of Duzhi of the Third Division, to collude with private salt dealers, steal Xia Guoqing white salt, and scatter it in Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Chaozhou, Guizhou, and Liuzhou for sale. Ten thousand catties, with a total of [-] taels of money, handed over to Zhang's mansion, private salt dealer Jiang Zhong, Jiang Li drowned in the river in the [-]rd year of Zhangde, Wu Yang moved to Qinfeng Road, and disappeared after that. Since then, there has been no news. , if you want to find out the truth, you can start with Wu Yang."

This is an informant letter sent to the imperial army Su Ting on the Dragon Boat Festival, and what he copied is only one of them.

The original letter paper is just a piece of ordinary bamboo paper, which is everywhere, and even the handwriting is a copy of the "Chunhua Secret Pavilion Fatie", so there is no way to find it.

The informant letter was sent to the study of Su Ting's mansion quietly while Su Ting was on duty. After seeing the letter, Su Ting did not dare to conceal it, so he presented it to Jinshang that night.

After Jinshang read the letter, he immediately asked Su Ting to shut up, not to tell anyone about it, and took the letter out to find out who was behind it.

Before Su Ting took the letter out, he copied the first paragraph himself. He was full of doubts and stayed up all night. After he went to court, he immediately summoned Dong Tongying and asked about the difference in salt tax for three years on the grounds of asking about the annual tax.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the difference came out, he found a difference of [-] taels.

It can be seen that Li Lin was not the only one doing this that year, perhaps the Zhang family also instructed other people.

It's just that the informer only knows about Li Lin.

Could it be that the informer is related to Li Lin?
Li Lin is dead, there is no way to verify.

Thinking that the Zhang family was behind his back and instigating his officials to pry into his wall and earn money from his treasury, he was furious, and thinking that Xia Guo had already broken off diplomatic relations, he became even more angry and almost gritted his silver teeth.

However, no matter how angry he was, the broken teeth could only be swallowed in his stomach.

The Zhang family was raised by him in order to suppress the Queen Mother Pei.

Empress Dowager Pei is his biological mother, but since he succeeded to the throne, the relationship between mother and child has gradually weakened. Empress Dowager Pei knew that he liked Zhang's daughter, but forced him to marry Pei's daughter as queen, and even suppressed him and Pei's daughter. have children.

After the birth of King Jin, the birth of King Yan, and the rebellion of King Chen, most of the Pei family's children were injured. The Queen Mother Pei always thought that King Chen's rebellion was instigated by him, and the mother and child became strangers after that.

The Zhang family is in full swing.

Up to now, the Zhang family has no checks and balances. The Zhang and Yue families insist on getting married. He has not let go, but in the end he let go and let the two of them make an engagement.

He thought it was a good idea to raise King Jin to check and balance the Zhang family.

He thought that the Zhang family was indeed forced to retreat by the King of Jin, but after reading this informant letter, he realized that the retreat of the Zhang family was an illusion, and the entire court had reached the point where the Zhang family could do whatever they wanted.

If the Zhang family wants to rebel with King Yan, and force the noble concubine and King Yan to death, his Li family's world will become the Zhang family's world!

Imakami broke out in a cold sweat in the dull hall.

However, he still hesitated.

The investigation must be investigated, but after the investigation is found out, who will uncover the cover, and who will be interrogated to get rid of oneself?
After hesitating for a long time, he suddenly thought of King Jin, maybe he could let King Jin play the lead.

He sat in a chair and drank a cup of tea slowly, still hesitating in his heart.

Jin Wang Li Shouming, like the Pei family, has many similarities with the Queen Mother Pei in temperament.

On the night of the New Year's Eve, I heard from the servant that there was a dispute between the two brothers, King Yan and King Jin.

Just this once, I got a glimpse of King Jin's side like Empress Dowager Pei - being justifiable and not forgiving.

This made him feel that there was a layer of separation between father and son, with Empress Dowager Pei in the middle. Under the influence of Empress Dowager Pei, King Jin would sooner or later become out of his control, and become as domineering and unreasonable as Empress Dowager Pei. Make him the emperor.

Thinking of this, he even regretted a little - he regretted that he had pulled King Jin out of Tanzhou too early and allowed King Jin to enter the capital of the three divisions.

Looking at it now, if you can't control the tiger to drive the tiger to devour the wolf, the tiger will do more damage than the wolf in the future, and there will be endless troubles.

But after he thought about it, he couldn't help it. The Zhang family was so powerful that no one would dare to compete with it except King Jin.

As long as two county kings can support one, he will not be like this.

Fortunately, Jin Wang still has the love of father and son in his heart, and he has no support from his wife and family, so it is too early to become a tiger.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind and said loudly, "Wei Qiao!"

Wei Qiao had already returned, and seeing Jinshang was deep in thought, he didn't make a sound. When Jinshang called him, he immediately stepped forward, "The villain is here."

"Is Su Ting here?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, it's just outside the palace."

Today, he ordered Chuan Su to come in, and asked the servants to open the doors and windows. As soon as the doors and windows were opened, the warm wind rushed in, dispelling the strong aroma in the hall, making people refreshed.

Wei Qiao informed Su Ting to come in. Su Ting was tall and lean, tall and lean, with high cheekbones, a sharp face, two eyes shining like a falcon, and wearing armor, he walked in unsmiling.

After five steps into the main hall, he knelt down on the ground, even kneeling meticulously.

After saluting, Imam ordered him to stand up, and asked him: "Have you found out the clues?"

Su Ting lowered his head and said, "I am incompetent."

Jin Shang was silent for a moment, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if the sender can't find out, I have already understood his purpose, what matters now is what is written on the letter, you have to lead the people to check these things out one by one, Check as you want, don't be vague, the more detailed the better."

"Yes, I understand."

"Cha wants to investigate quietly, I don't want to hear any rumors about this matter."


After Imam gave the order, he suddenly asked, "Do you think what is written on it is true or false?"

(End of this chapter)

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