win the hairpin

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

There are many passes on the narrow path, and the village is like a chess grid, but most of them have been abandoned, and the walls of the village have collapsed, leaving only steles.

Xie Zhou couldn't take his eyes off it, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "This should be the Taihang Xing among the Taihang Eight Xings. If you go northwest from here, you'll be at Tianjingguan, and if you go southeast, you'll be at Hulaoguan!"

Tianjing Pass is a dangerous pass, and Hulao Pass is a powerful pass, both of which are important passes for competing in the Central Plains. Although the confidant is now stable, it was once a place where wars continued. Just looking at these villages left behind can give you a glimpse.

Xie Zhou was very moved by the abandoned roof tiles in the distance, and had a lot to say.

But Tie Zhenshan and Song Huiyue are both here, and there is Yin Xiao as a thug, and the three of them are not as fond of him as King Jin, so they quietly controlled their mouths, and stopped talking nonsense according to their temper. He just sighed: "Iron Master, your long spear should have been used in such a place, it will be powerful and majestic enough."

Tie Zhenshan rolled her eyes: "It's like I'm an ancestral Jiang thief. Is it because I am willing to do it? It's like I don't sleep with the prince. Is it because I don't want to sleep? I have to tell you about everything. I wish?"

Xie Zhou hurriedly went to see Song Huiyue. Seeing that Song Huiyue was smiling and not shy at all, she felt ashamed of the two young ladies and said, "It's been so long, why haven't you heard the whistle? Could it be Have we gone too far?"

When he mentioned it, the other three realized that they really hadn't heard about King Jin.

Just when Xie Zhou wanted to ask if he wanted to go down the mountain, he suddenly saw Yin Xiao move and leap forward. He had gained experience this time, so he quickly stepped aside a few steps.

Turning his head to look, he saw a strong man emerging from the place they had just walked by.

Although this person is strong, his footsteps are very light. He stepped on the fallen leaves lightly and Yin Xiao didn't hear the movement. kill over here.

Under the background of this mighty assassin, Yin Xiao was a little smaller, but his movements were not slow at all, and even faster than the strong man. He grabbed the strong man's right hand with one hand and restrained his left hand with the other. At the same time, he lifted his knee up sharply and hit the opponent's crotch hard.

The opponent's posture stopped, his face twisted instantly, and he let out a scream of unknown meaning.

Yin Xiao let go without using a knife, just clenched his fist with his right hand, hit the strong man's chest, and pressed down hard, this time everyone heard the sound of bones breaking.

Blood gushed out of the strong man's mouth, and then he fell to the ground without a word, without breathing.

It was Yin Xiao who broke the strong man's ribs, and then used the ribs as a blade to pierce the strong man's heart.

All his killing moves seem to be without thinking, neat and clean, deeply rooted in his mind, never to be forgotten, once in danger, they will immediately appear on their own.

After Yin Xiao dealt with this person, he walked back to Song Huiyue.

When passing by Xie Zhou, Xie Zhou subconsciously covered the lower part of his abdomen, and decided to tightly control his mouth, never giving Yin Xiao a chance to do anything, so as not to be beaten.

He looked at Song Huiyue: "Sister Yue, it seems that things have changed. Whether we should go back to find the prince, or continue walking, you decide, and I will listen to you."

Dare not to listen, Jin Wang is not here, he is afraid that sister Yue will not be able to restrain Yin Xiao, and Yin Xiao will beat him.

Song Huiyue thought for a while: "Keep going, this way the prince can deal with some of them."

If it is unfortunate that someone is killed, there is no way to do it.

To kill and to be killed, you can only choose one of them.

Tie Zhenshan has no objection to this—she is more knowledgeable about current affairs than Xie Zhou, she thinks that without the presence of King Jin, Song Huiyue is like a runaway wild horse with a murderous weapon around her, she still Be honest.

The four of them didn't bump into each other like headless chickens this time, but went directly to Taihang Xing.

Both sides of Xingdao are high mountains and deep cliffs, ravines and ravines. The gravel on the narrow path is hard, and the ancient cypresses on both sides are towering. Tie Zhenshan killed another assassin who was chasing up here.

Just when Song Huiyue was about to find a big wooden stick to light a fire, when she was returning the same way, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, and the mountains and forests on both sides of the blowing lined up like waves, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, covering the bright moon that had just appeared. It was dark in front of the four of them, and the sky changed suddenly.

The Xingzhong was originally narrow and deep, and the wind was caught in it, making a piercing whimpering sound.

Xie Zhou yelled at Song Huiyue in the wind: "It's going to rain! Find a place to hide from the rain!"

Song Huiyue nodded and pointed forward: "Go to that village!"

The village she was referring to was still in good condition, the walls on all sides had not collapsed, and the gate didn't look too dilapidated, it could withstand tigers and wolves.

The four walked forward against the gust of wind, Yin Xiao walked in the front, Song Huiyue was behind, Xie Zhou was behind Song Huiyue, Tie Zhenshan was behind Xie Zhou, and they reached the gate of the village in a row.

The stone steps are full of gravel, more than the road, and there is almost no place to step down. The door is half-closed, allowing the wind to jingle.

Stepping on the sharp gravel and walking in, there is a large courtyard with weeds piercing through the knees, and two weapon racks are upside down. It looks like a place like a martial arts field. If you walk in, you can't tell what it is The room is empty inside. Judging from its location, it may be the main hall.

The four of Song Huiyue went in, shaking off the sand and stones from their bodies, and Yin Xiao went out to drag the fallen weapon rack back, and hacked it with a knife to start a fire.

As soon as he took out the fire folder, he suddenly jumped up, rushed out the door, and approached the courtyard door he just entered and exited.

Song Huiyue chased them out: "Keep the ones alive!"

She originally wanted to see who was instigating these people who were chasing and killing today, whether they were coming for her or King Jin, but when she went to the door, there was a thin and weird man standing at the door, wearing a phoenix-winged helmet on his head , wearing a pair of black oil chain mail, a fiery red robe, suede boots under his feet, and a flying fish bag on his back with a bow and arrow in it.

Yin Xiao's sharp knife was pressed against his neck, as if he hadn't seen it, he only glared at the people in the room, and shouted: "Who are you waiting for! How dare you break into my Nanshan stronghold!"

Xie Zhou supported the wall, and said to Tie Zhenshan, "This ghostly place, it must be a ghost."

If it weren't for the hell, a young general appeared out of nowhere.

Song Huiyue stepped forward, the sky was dark, no matter how closely she looked, she couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, so she said to Yin Xiao: "Even if it's a ghost, let me bring it in, set it on fire and interrogate it."

Under Yin Xiao's control, the young man had to throw away his helmet and armor, entered the house and let Tie Zhenshan take care of it. As soon as the fire started, Tie Zhenshan suddenly let out a "huh".

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the young man's face was covered with burnt scars, which spread almost half of his face, which was very frightening.

Judging from the remaining half of his face, it should be a handsome face with sword eyebrows and stars.

Taking a closer look, he found that the red robe on his body was very tattered, the cuffs and neckline were washed out, and the suede boots on his feet had several holes.

Seeing Song Huiyue sizing him up carefully, he snorted coldly: "I told you to arrest me today because I am not as skilled as others. You can fight or kill him as you like! I will never surrender!"

(End of this chapter)

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