win the hairpin

Chapter 113 Pervasive

Chapter 113 Pervasive
This rich and luxurious Forbidden Palace has a cold and murderous air, the glory belongs to others, and the murderous intent is for King Jin.

With the constant thoughts in his mind, he walked faster and faster, even passed the servant leading the way, and went directly to Funing Hall.

These servants with their heads bowed were all curious about the comeback King Jin.

They looked at King Jin from the corner of their eyes.

The king of Jin was wearing a purple coat, lined with white flowers and Luo Zhongdan, tied with a leather belt, with emerald jade buckled in the middle of the lock, a jade sword and a goldfish bag hung on his waist, and white silk socks and soap-colored boots under his feet.

The radiant colors in the palace shone on King Jin, as if he was born to be the lord of the palace and wanted to be bowed down by everyone.

King Jin didn't care about their gazes. When he reached the end, he almost ran up. Ignoring the call from the servant behind him, he lifted his robe and crossed the high threshold before stopping.

In the warm spring hall, today he is dressed casually, just like the portrait, with light brows and long eyes, and a calm demeanor, as elegant as a literati.

Concubine Zhang Gui is sitting next to Jinshang.

Concubine Zhang Gui is just like Jin Shang, she is as elegant as a refined scholar, looking in amazement at King Jin who suddenly barged in.

King Jin stared blankly at Jinshang, his eyes were red with tears, and he walked a few steps forward before kneeling down on the ground: "Father, the unfilial son is back."

After kneeling down, he lowered his head to the ground, his forehead touched the gold brick, and the pain of longing for his relatives was condensed on his face. Although there were still tears in his eyes, they did darken inch by inch.

Concubine Zhang Guifei is wearing a scarlet shirt with large sleeves and a red skirt, which are the common clothes of the Central Palace.

His eyes became colder and darker, and finally turned into a dragon, about to overturn the clouds and rain here, and overturn the river and the sea.

That night, King Jin stayed in the palace.

At five o'clock on the second day, chickens and chickens sang, the timekeeper rang the bell, and Toutuo announced the dawn along the street. Song Huiyue and Yin Xiao were already fully dressed, looking like young masters and nurses, and went out in the cold wind.

It was cold and snowless, but it had been frozen all night, and the thin layer of snow on the ground had turned into thin ice, making it difficult to walk. Moreover, the sky was still dark, and there were few pedestrians on the streets.

Song Huiyue didn't carry a lamp, and only used the faint skylight to identify the road. The two walked to Junyi Street in one go, and found a foot shop to eat wontons.

Yin Xiao picked up the bowl, held the spoon, and drove the wontons into his mouth like a duck, and drank the soup with his head up.

The store owner served the wontons, and smiled at Yin Xiao, "This little brother may eat it."

"Make him three more bowls," Song Huiyue also smiled, "Your place is delicious, did Mr. Zhang also eat at your place before going to court?"

The shopkeeper smiled brightly, and said modestly: "No, but the servants in Master Zhang's house come to eat a lot."

After Song Huiyue heard this, she stopped talking and only looked at the bowl in front of her, but her ears were sensitive to the conversations around her.

When Yin Xiao stacked four bowls in front of her, Song Huiyue suddenly stood up to pay the bill, and Yin Xiao quickly got up and followed.

They followed the purchases from Zhang's house all the way to the pier.

Buyers pick and choose at the pier, wearing the skin of the Zhang family to show off, and the people in the fish shop are all smiles, buy one get two free, and send the freshest fish to the palace and Zhang Xiangye's mansion.

After buying and picking fish at the fish shop, it was still early and the sky was still not bright, so he turned around and went to sit in a small house on the pier for a while.

Yin Xiao ran to listen to the corner for a while, then came back and said to Song Huiyue, "It's his son's family inside."

Song Huiyue stared at the two huts with some doubts.

Even if the son bought by Zhang's family can't afford a big house, why do they only live in two thatched huts?

Seeing Zhang Xutang's generosity in spending money, the servants of the Zhang family are not so shabby.

She continued to stare, and after a while, a woman's cry sounded in the room, and a young man came out and entered a foot shop.

There is a big wine vat in the foot shop, and cooked meat is also sold, but people only come in, but no one comes out, as if the house cannibalize people.

Yin Xiao went in to have a look, and when he came out, he whispered something in Song Huiyue's ear.

"Hey," Song Huiyue said with a smile, "This is your business, it seems that there is a connection."

She led Yin Xiao in, and said to the wine drinker, "Brother, can you show me the way?"

The bartender took a look at her and saw that she was unfamiliar, so he hesitated and didn't speak.

Song Huiyue patted him with a fan: "Have fun, what are you afraid of?"

Only then did the bartender smile, and led her in, opened the curtain and entered the backyard, opened another door, walked dozens of steps in, and opened another door, it turned out to be a darkened gambling room.

The doorman looked at her, although he didn't see her background, but he was not a familiar face in the yamen, so he let her in.

There are two thugs in the field, and they are not afraid of accidents.

The people inside are all rough people who come and go on the wharf. Song Huiyue's skin is fair and tender, so she has a bit of an eye, Zhuangtou also took a look, and didn't say much.

Song Huiyue didn't care, she walked over to see that she was rolling a dice, and stood aside to watch.

The son of the buyer grabbed a handful of copper coins, put back a few more, and handed the man who picked up the silver coins: "I'm a big one."

Others laughed and said, "Why is Xiaoni so stingy?"

Niu Xiaoni snorted, unmoved.

Zhuangtou looked at Song Huiyue: "Young master, why don't you make a fortune?"

"I just came here, and I don't know how you guys play, so just guess one, Yin Xiao, take the money."

Yin Xiao took out a small piece of broken silver, about less than a penny, and threw it into the small pile.

Everyone has bought it, Zhuangtou left his hand to see that it is really small.

Three times like this, Song Huiyue won all the guesses, not many bets, not many wins, but Zhuangtou set his eyes on her.

After winning ten games in a row, Niu Xiaoni couldn't help approaching her: "Little brother, take me to make a fortune."

Song Huiyue said in a low voice: "There is also a secret here, you can play whichever you see is less."


"More real than real gold."

Zhuangtou said: "Young master, why do you always guess and not bet?"

Song Huiyue grinned: "I've always been an eagle shaker in Tanzhou, and now I just want to relieve my boredom, so I can't really place a bet."

"Oh? You can shake an eagle?" Zhuangtou put down the chip, "Come and sit a few."

"I won't, I won't," Song Huiyue waved her hands again and again, but sat on her buttocks without hesitation, "Yin Xiao, shake it, I don't bully people."

Zhuangtou asked: "Shake the size too?"

"Guess red," Song Huiyue pointed to the six grids, "Shake first, then guess."

Six dice, each with a "four" on it is red, the highest color is a full house.

Yin Xiao stood behind Song Huiyue, took the chip, shook it emotionally a few times, and placed it in front of Song Huiyue.

Everyone looked at each other, but couldn't see anything strange from Yin Xiao's face, even his gesture of shaking the chip just now was very casual, as if he was here to amuse them.

Song Huiyue urged: "Place your bets, everyone."

"Okay, since the young master lets go, I'll plant a flower." Zhuangtou couldn't figure out Song Huiyue's origin, and heard that she came from Tanzhou, and she should be a merchant from afar, so he just wanted to have fun.

He has a lot of pens, one tael of silver when he makes a move, and puts it on the first grid.

The others pondered, not knowing how to make a move. Someone took out ten copper coins and put them on the second grid: "I'll bet on Bing Tilian."

(End of this chapter)

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