Wearing the cannon fodder little koi in the imperial examination essay

Chapter 286 Enjoying delicious food in the examination room

Chapter 286 Enjoying delicious food in the examination room

The speed of the team's progress was not slow, and several gates were opened for search at the same time. After a short wait, it was Song Xinglin's and Wang Shuisheng's turn.

When Song Xinglin unloaded the huge pannier and put it on the inspection table, the inspectors and soldiers were all stunned by the pannier in front of them.

Song Xinglin saw it, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you so surprised? Could it be that you are not allowed to enter the examination room with a backpack?"

The guards shook their heads, "That's not true."

"Then why do you have such expressions?"

The guards and the soldiers in charge of the press looked at each other, thinking, why such expressions?
Just kidding, they don't do this job once or twice. In the past, when candidates entered the arena, they had seen those with bags, book boxes, test baskets, and even rich kids with boxes. , but I have never seen such a huge back basket. Is this something that farmers usually hold pigweed? And it is so full.

It's just a five-day exam, and with so many things, those who know are here for the exam, and those who don't know that they are here to move!
However, there is no order from the top that candidates should not be allowed to bring more things, they just ask that there is no entrainment, as long as the scholar can recite by himself, what did they say?
These people in front of you are all scholars, how do you know which one of them will be successful in the future?
Based on the idea of ​​not offending others and forming a good relationship, as long as the other party is not involved, they will not be troublesome.

"Don't worry about it, scholar. We're just afraid that you won't be able to memorize too many things. It doesn't mean anything else."

Song Xinglin nodded, "Oh, that's it. Thank you so much for your concern. The boy has been strong and healthy since he was a child. The weight is trivial. Besides, it's the kindness of his family. No matter how heavy the boy is, he has to take it with him. Please let the boy start. Let's check."

Hearing what Song Xinglin said, the guard nodded with a smile, "That's right, that's the reason, then we'll start."

After Song Xinglin nodded, the other party quickly came up with a few people, and started to inspect in an orderly manner. When the cloak above to keep out the cold was lifted to reveal the things underneath, the inspector was speechless again.

This basket is full of good things, and even water is brought. Is it because they are afraid that they will run out of water in the examination room?
Also, and, what are these pieces of golden curls, and this fluffy and fragrant thing? In addition, the rest of these... the guards and even the soldiers holding spears next to them can only feel their eyes. Can't use it.

A group of people pointed at the things in Song Xinglin's back basket, and Song Xinglin, who was undressing and waiting for inspection, frowned, "Excuse me, sir, but what's wrong with the things below?"

The guard shook his head again and again, "No, no, no, it's... well, this scholar, it seems that your family treats you very well, and they prepared these things for you with great care, and they look delicious. And it’s clear at a glance, saving us from having to pinch, mash, and check one by one, you’re very happy!”

Song Xinglin was in a better mood when he heard the other party praise his Yuyu. He didn't feel tired of being touched after taking off his clothes. He nodded with a smile, and said with Yourong, "That's right, my guest is the best. .”

The guards and soldiers... "Hehe, yes, yes." This is still an unflattering person, so hurry up and let him go after checking him out.

A group of people quickly completed the inspection of Song Xinglin.

With Song Xinglin Zhuyu in front, when it was Wang Shuisheng's turn, it would be much easier for the yamen soldier in charge of the inspection to face the same big basket again, after all, he has experienced it once.

When they checked the contents of Wang Shuisheng's back basket, which was almost the same as that of Song Xinglin, several people couldn't help feeling, "Hey, you two have the same things, don't you belong to the same family?"

Song Xinglin, who was getting dressed, fastened his belt, carried the basket on his back, pointed at Wang Shuisheng and smiled heartily: "Yes, we are brothers!"

Ya sent soldiers?


Wang Shuisheng, who was being stripped for inspection, also smiled, and agreed with a smile, "Yes, sir, we are brothers with different surnames."

The guard and the soldier looked at each other again... exhausted, he waved the two of them away, "Okay, okay, the inspection is over, please pack up quickly, gentlemen, and enter the arena."

After tidying up, Song Xinglin and Wang Shuisheng hurriedly carried their backpacks and entered the examination room, they were well aware of the process.

They came to the second Yimen, where they drew the number of the examination booth. It was also lucky that the two were assigned to the same area, but in different rows. The two looked at each other, because they could no longer whisper after entering the examination room. The two of them didn't speak, they held their number plates and started looking for their own test booths.

Seeing the two of them successfully entering the examination room, Yu Su from the outside felt a big rock in her heart, and shouted cheerfully to the people around her, "Brother, sister-in-law, they have all entered." Inside, Yu Su withdrew his gaze, ducked into the carriage, and said to the elder brother outside, "Okay, elder brother, let's go back, and we will pick up people after the examination hall opens in five days."

After Yu Su and the others left, Song Xinglin and Wang Shuisheng in the examination room also found their own examination booths one after another.

Naturally, the conditions of this prefectural examination cannot be compared with that of the provincial examination and the gongyuan of the general examination, or even that of the county examination.

Not to mention the small size of the huts, they are all built with simple bamboo mats and wooden planks, and the roof above them is just rice stalks in autumn. It is conceivable how poor the examination room conditions are in this government examination.

Fortunately, both Song Xinglin and Wang Shuisheng were lucky this time, they were not assigned any stinky numbers, and the test booth looked neat, with no wind leaks or anything. As for whether it leaks rain or not?Well, we'll have to wait until it really rains.

It's still early at the moment, and it's not even the time for the exam to start. They came early and entered the hall early. At this moment, there are many students outside the exam room waiting to be identified and enter the exam, but the people who came in couldn't speak. cannot exchange information with each other.

Song Xinglin raised his hand to greet the patrolling sergeant, and learned that the water in the two large wooden buckets placed in front of each row of test booths could be used by himself, so he simply put down his things, fetched some water, and took out his silk handkerchief , Wipe all the crude seats in the test shed, after all, I have to stay here for the next five days.

After tidying up, Song Xinglin set out the five-gengar chicken, poured oil on it, put a special thick wick on it and lit it, put a small copper pot matching the five-gengar chicken on top, poured clean water prepared by his own fish in a bamboo tube, and prepared to boil some water for soaking Cup of tea to drink.

It's still early, and I have to endure it, so I have to take my time.

Boil the water, make tea, and taste a cup. Thinking that there is plenty of time, Song Xinglin simply took out the wooden bowl, put two slices of thick soup treasure, poured boiling water, scooped two tablespoons of fried rice into it, and Song Xinglin ate a bowl beautifully. , Physical and mental comfort.

After eating a bowl of thick soup soaked in fried rice, a gong sounded in the examination room. Song Xinglin knew that this was a reminder to the candidates that the examination was about to start.

Song Xinglin quickly rinsed the bowls, chopsticks and spoons, tidied up his examination shed, and wiped away the water and oil stains accidentally splashed. Passing by, because Song Xinglin's test shed is close to the main road outside, the angle is wrong, and the eyes and ears of martial arts practitioners are sharp, so he can see the coming people very clearly.

Seeing the familiar fat figure leading the way, Song Xinglin's clenched fists creaked.

He told himself to calm down and never be impulsive. The other party didn't know that he had a grudge against him at the moment, so he couldn't expose it, let alone drag Yuyu and brother-in-law down.

Right now they don't have the ability, so they have to hide themselves well and secretly strengthen themselves.

If he couldn't control his emotions in the face of Qian Zhifu today, how would he deal with the biggest enemy in the future when he went to the examination and faced the biggest enemy - the Governor of Yuezhou Prefecture?
Song Xinglin kept comforting himself in his heart that he was not in a hurry, not in a hurry, and tried to calm down, gradually suppressing the hatred in his heart.

All the examinees were called to gather on the main road by the guards. They stood behind a group of officials and worshiped the sage Confucius first, and then heard the dead fat man standing at the top muttering for a long time. Song Xinglin and other candidates were put back into the examination booth to wait for the official examination. start.

Different from the county test, Song Xinglin was not in a hurry to answer the test questions when he got the first test. After all, there was only one test a day, so he had plenty of time. , thinking about it, and after answering in his heart, he spread out the straw paper and began to answer.

According to the quick composition method that Yuyu once taught me when writing essays, put aside distracting thoughts, put down the words that I can’t think of for a while, and write them in one go according to my thoughts, and finally return to reading and checking, filling in the gaps, correcting loopholes, and after repeated confirmation, He just took the answer rice paper that he bought according to the regulations a few days ago, and then handed it in collectively, and then sent it out after being inspected and stamped by the government office, checked it left and right, and finally copied it.

After transcribing and checking again and again, Song Xinglin spread the test paper to dry. Thinking of Yuyu's previous instructions, he also put a paperweight on the test paper, and then covered it with a piece of clean toilet paper to prevent it from being damaged while drying. Beware of dirt.

Song Xinglin heaved a sigh of relief when the gong sounded in the examination room, the time had come, and the acceptance officer came to seal and collect the test papers, staring at his test papers safely in the bag, and had time to comfort his empty internal organs.

On the first day of the exam, there are plenty of supplies, so you need to eat something good.

Song Xinglin ignited the Wugeng chicken again, and boiled a pot of water. After the water boiled, he first brewed a bowl of oil fried noodles. After eating it fragrant and pleasant, he then used the remaining water to soak a cup of honey and grapefruit water, and then a bowl of instant noodles. Add a handful of marinated and sliced ​​quail eggs, sprinkle some dried coriander and chopped green onion, then put on two slices of pork jerky, and spoon a large spoonful of pork sauce, um...

The stuff is delicious!This five more chicken is also very good!It can not only boil water and cook, but also illuminate, which is a good thing!Well, his Yuyu is really great!This thing can be bought by her.

When Song Xinglin was enjoying the delicacy, Wang Shuisheng, who was standing in front of the Wugeng Chicken and eating instant noodles soaked in delicious spicy pork sauce, also felt this emotion.

The two of them didn't know at all that the aroma of the food in their hands spoiled all the students in the surrounding test booths, some of the candidates who were chewing dry fried rice, dry pancakes, and dried steamed buns crushed by the guards felt aggrieved Those who are jealous even scold their mothers.

(End of this chapter)

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