When Song Baochang saw his son, he didn't care about his old arms and legs, so Sa Yazi rushed over to try to pull him, but he was still not as fast as his young and strong eldest son.

Song Dayou, who was devastated by Song Xinglin, was suffocating with anger in his heart.

But the nephew who can't help the meat of the hob, can't he still not control the younger brother who has always been stupid and clumsy?

Angry in his heart, Song Dayou ran fast, quickly passed his father and went straight to Song Sande, and directly stretched out his hand to attack Song Sande.

The speed was so fast and the movements were so big, if Song Sande hadn't had the strength to work normally, the two brothers would have been smashed by the big bag on his shoulder.

At this point, Song Dayou was still only concerned about pulling Song Sande's elbow and refusing to let go.

"Third son, you bastard, selfish, you escaped from the corvee, why don't you tell me at home after the matter is settled, it made me and my father worry badly, third son, you are really not a thing ...", blah blah blah...

Song Sande, who worked so hard, never expected that the family members came so quickly, and it was his own father who brought his elder brother along.

He didn't think about how his father and brother came to the pier, but hurriedly waved away his brother's hand holding his arm, and hurriedly unloaded the sack on his shoulder.

It wasn't until the bag landed safely that Song Sande looked at his brother and his father who was about to rush to him in a naive manner.

"Father, brother, why are you here?"

Song Dayou fell on his back in anger.

Feelings just yelled for a long time, this unlucky younger brother thinks he is farting?
Facing the honest third child, Song Dayou resolutely couldn't bear it, and spit straight on Song San's face.

"Bah, good you third child, you still have the nerve to ask me why dad and I are here? Why, if we don't come, you are planning to cause trouble, and after scaring your parents, you don't care about it. From now on Won't you go home?"

It has to be said that Song Dayou's hat is a bit too big, and Song Sande, who is used to being submissive, even if he has awakened in his heart, he can't get rid of his weakness all the time.

Being reprimanded by his elder brother, Song Sande suddenly shrank his neck, his voice was weak, and he still wanted to explain.

"Brother is not like this, I, I, Erlang helped me, the corvee was solved, the name, my name was crossed out, no need, no need to go again, no implicated, implicated family..."

But Song Dayou looked down on such a clumsy third child the most. Seeing that he couldn't speak well, Song Dayou interrupted impatiently.

"Hmph! What about me? What about me? As an older brother, I scold you for your own good! And third child, what you call solving the corvée issue is to take Erlang out to borrow money as a shame, and then let The family came to pay you back the money? If so, you are ashamed to say it!"

The weak Song Sande shook his head in a hurry to argue, "No, it's not my elder brother, it's not the money from the family, I earn it myself..."

"You earn your own fart!"

Song Dayou was very angry.

"My father and I came from Da Erlang just now. Erlang said that he borrowed your money from Catcher Zhao. He said that from now on Erya's wages will be credited to the account until the deductions are exhausted! Boss Three, old three, your abacus is really good!"

"Erlang asked Catcher Zhao to borrow the money?"

Song Sande, who only knew that Erlang helped him solve the corvee matter, but didn't know where Erlang's money came from, after listening to the reprimand of Song Dayou, a "good" elder brother, he instantly felt that he had "truth".

The more he felt the truth, the more determined Song Sande was to make money and pay off debts.

As for the elder brother's claim of deducting his daughter's wages, Song Sande didn't take it to heart at all. His focus was all on the fact that he had borrowed money from Zhao Butou for his corvee work.

Poor Song Dayou, who is flaunting his power and showing off his big brother's score, he has no idea that he has picked up a rock and shot himself in the foot. It's okay if he doesn't mention this experience, but mentioning it like this makes the idiot in his eyes The younger brother rebelled.

Regardless of his brother's wandering murmurs, this guy is still relentlessly warning him.

"Third, let me warn you, the family hasn't been separated yet, anyone who earns money, even if it's only half a penny, has to be handed over to your parents, why do you promise half of the second girl's monthly wages to yourself? A debt? Damn, third child, if you dare to hide your secrets like this, you are disobedient..." Barabara...

The eldest brother reprimanded him one by one, dragging Song Sande out of his thoughts, seeing his elder brother talking endlessly, spitting stars flying straight, Song Sande has never felt like this moment like this, that his elder brother The face is particularly annoying.

And he doesn't understand, what does it mean that his abacus is really good enough?What does it mean that he dares to hide his secrets?Is he disobedient and unfilial?
Could it be that he, Song Sande, is not from the old Song family?Didn't you work for the public to earn money?
Song San felt aggrieved in his heart, and couldn't help turning his head to look at his father next to his elder brother, "Father, don't you think that's how you look at your son?"

Song Baochang...

"San'er, your elder brother is right. Our family hasn't separated yet. Everything in the family belongs to the public. The second girl's monthly money should, should, should..."

In the heart of Song Baochang, a selfish ghost who cherishes feathers extremely, the whole old Song family is his own and should be in his own hands, and he has done this all these years.

Seeing that the third son wants to fly now, he is so happy that his elder son rushes ahead, so that he can teach him a lesson for the third son who wants to fly solo. Therefore, his heart is naturally towards the eldest son, and his words naturally follow the eldest son Said.

Song Baochang spoke carefully, seeing his third son staring at him for a moment, and the veins on the back of his hand were still bulging along with his words, Song Sande suddenly realized that not good.

Song Baochang paused, swallowed his saliva, and hurriedly swallowed the words of instruction that came to his mouth. Subconsciously, he wanted to touch the cigarette stick pinned to his waist, and the voice was loud.

"Three, Saner, daddy, daddy, your daddy and I are also for this family, for the good of everyone! But since the matter is over, let's not talk about this for now, just right, now that the corvee has been resolved, Saner you There is nothing to do in the city, and there is a lot of work at home, so let's talk about anything, let's go, Saner, you quit this job..."

In line with the idea that family ugliness should not be publicized, and that it is not easy for him to teach his son a lesson and brainwash him in this crowded wharf, Song Baochang plans to take a step back first, take this stupid son home first, and then give him a good wash Brainwashed.

As soon as Song Baochang said this, he fully expected that his stupid son would obey his words and follow him home honestly as he had done thousands of times before, and he would come as he wanted when the time came.

Unfortunately, this time he was disappointed.

Song Baochang never expected that his confident waiting would turn into subsequent shock and anger.

I just heard him shake his head resolutely, "No father, my son's job at the dock is very good, the owner is kind, and the wages are not bad. Didn't the elder brother say that the son is a drag on the family?"

What did Song San have to think of, probably because he was more sad than heartbroken, right?
He snorted, and then said: "Since that's the case, since the family doesn't want me, and they refuse to exempt me from the corvee even though they have money, and they keep accusing me of being selfish, then I have to work hard by myself, so that I don't have to worry about getting married." The girl has to keep supporting my useless father, and I have to work and pay off my debts until I get married, I'm afraid I won't even be able to pay it back... It's for the children; it's for the sake of paying back the debt Zhao Butou lent to Erlang as soon as possible money; as a third uncle, I can’t always be a drag on my young nephew, can I? And if I don’t pay back the money, I’ll be scolded for the death of the whole family, father!”

Song Sande's expression, attitude, tone, words...

Seeing this, Song Baochang choked. He covered his heart with one hand, took two steps back, and looked at the stupid boy in front of him in disbelief, "San, Saner, what do you mean?"

What's the meaning?Song Sande laughed at himself.

"Brother and dad, don't you all say that I am selfish? This son is selfish for a while, so as not to bear this reputation in vain, and make you look unloving and unloving. I will not quit saying this anyway. Don't keep half of the second girl's salary and send it home, the son will ask Erlang to keep it together, including the son's salary, and keep it all to pay off the debt first! Until it is paid off!"

"you you……"

Song Baochang was stunned by the attitude of the third son who suddenly learned to resist;
Song Dayou also stared at his stupid brother in disbelief, with surprise in his eyes;

Seeing his father's angry appearance again, Song Dayou was furious, and wanted to slap Song San twice.

"Third son, look at the good deeds you have done, and see how angry you are with your father. You are going to heaven!"

Song Sande: He doesn't know if he will go to the sky or not, but he is not prepared to accept the big slaps coming from the whistling wind.

Seeing that the slap was about to fall on the face, Song Sande turned his head sideways to dodge in time, and at the same time he stretched out his hands and pushed directly.

On weekdays, he is diligent and does the most homework. How can his strength be compared to that of his elder brother who is lazy and shy of the hard work?

Song Dayou was immediately pushed back and staggered, almost falling down.

After finally stabilizing his figure, he subconsciously turned his head quickly, raising his fist angrily to fight Song Sande, but was stopped by Song Baochang next to him.

Song Dayou became anxious, and stared at his father with blood-red eyes, "Father!"

He thought to himself why his father didn't distinguish between the inside and the outside, and still stopped him?
The desperate Song Dayou didn't know what his own father was suffering at the moment.

Song Baochang, who cherishes his face and feathers, sees his two sons fighting in public, can he bear such a thing happening in front of his eyes?

Feel the sizing eyes cast towards me from all directions;
Looking at the ears of the pair of high-pitched ears who are ready to listen to the excitement and watch the jokes of their father and son;

Seeing the attitude of the stupid son and the third child again;

Song Baochang was startled, flustered and angry.

Grandma, it seems that the third child in front of me can no longer be treated with the old eyes and the old way!

Knowing that he couldn't use force, Song Baochang immediately changed his tactics to deal with Song Xinglin.

He stopped his eldest son, and then looked at Song Sande with eyes full of love and disappointment.

Song Baochang was hoarse and sighed deeply with a bitter old face.

"Oh! San'er, you misunderstood, you misunderstood...As a parent, why would you just watch you have something to do? Your elder brother is also worried about you, so he has a bit of a temper. San'er, you are really Misunderstood..."

He said soft words in his mouth, and looked at the attitude and emotion of the third son calmly with his eyes. Seeing that the other party did not soften his heart, Song Baochang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately sighed.

If this is not treated well, this son... I am afraid that he will really fly!

Thinking about it this way, Song Baochang felt bitter in his heart, and his face also showed sorrow and discomfort.

"Come on, San'er, you're still angry right now, you might not listen to what Dad says.

Sigh! Forget it, Dad is getting old, you are too annoying, and you don’t want to hear what Dad said, so Dad will stop talking, but no matter what, San’er, Dad will not harm you!

As for the fact that you won’t go home for the time being to pay off your debts, if you don’t come back, then don’t go back, your father’s family will tell your mother;
As for the second girl's wages? I will discuss it with your mother when I go to my father's house;
But San'er, it's not easy for your mother to give birth to you and pull you up to grow up. You also know your mother's temperament. She is rather picky. Since Erlang said that the second girl pays half of her salary and keeps half of it, don't make up your own mind. I changed it again and again, after all, you also know Erlang's temperament, he is a stubborn one!

San'er, even for the sake of Erlang helping you solve troubles again and again, you, an uncle, can't refute your nephew's face, can you? "

In this life, Song Sande has never received such soft words, good words, and easy explanations from his own father, especially when he heard his father get involved with Erlang, Song Sande's honesty has become a heart-to-heart again, In my heart, I agreed with this, but I didn't insist on asking my daughter to pay back all the wages.

After all, it's my own fault, isn't it the debt I owe?
So, Song Sande didn't say much, just gave his father a nod and nodded indiscriminately, "Well, then I'll listen to my father."

Seeing the big brother next to him open his mouth angrily and want to say something else, Song Sande didn't want to talk nonsense with his father and big brother anymore, plus his job is a lot of work, and he owes a lot of debts, but not so much Time is wasted with the person in front of me, and when I am busy, I send people in a rough voice.

"Let's just say this first, the foreman is watching me, Dad, you go back, my son has to work."

Song Sande, who didn't want to make any more entanglements, turned around and left.

Song Dayou next to him was furious at Song Sande's attitude, stared at Song Sande's back, stomped his feet, and called for daddy loudly.

But Song Baochang was bitter in his heart, very disappointed, he simply ignored the ignorance of the eldest son beside him, and only kept shouting at Song Sande's back as if to save him.

"San'er, San'er, stay here, take it easy, don't be reckless, add clothes when it's cold, don't starve yourself to save money, San'er, you have to take care of yourself , if you are too tired from working, you can go home, if you have daddy, you will always have a bite of food at home..."

The words of concern that seemed to come from the bottom of the heart came from behind, and in Song Sande's ears, the honest man couldn't help but soften his heart, and his walking pace unconsciously slowed down, and then slowed down...

He wanted to turn around, and even soft-heartedly thought, why not just go back with his father, after all, it is not easy for his father and mother to be old, and it is rare for his father to be so 'sincere' to him.

As a result, as soon as he felt regret, his elder brother's loud words came from nearby, and his father's seemingly reprimanded but actually defended words, Song Sande's heart that was still regretting just now-it cooled down in an instant, and finally returned to calm……

"Father, father, look at the third child, look at him, this guy is so capable, he dared to resist, father, the third child is amazing, he won't even listen to your words! He is going to rebel, father! !"

"Shut up for me! Go, go to my house!", Seeing that the eldest son was embellishing the situation, Song Baochang couldn't help but glared at the idiot.

Song Dayou was stared at by his own father viciously, he choked suddenly, rubbed his nose embarrassingly, and muttered in a low voice, "Father, it's the third son who offended you, not the son, why are you attacking me?"


At this moment, Song Baochang only felt bad, but what made him feel even worse was the big boy beside him.

Seeing passing by a sesame seed stall, the aroma was overbearing, and the father and son went to the city overnight, and the few pancakes baked by Mrs. Zhou and the daughters-in-law were eaten up by the two of them in the early morning. Until now, running at both ends of the east pier, their stomachs were already hungry.

Attracted by the overbearing aroma of sesame seed cakes at this moment, Song Baochang had something on his mind that he couldn't think of or eat, but Song Dayou didn't.

He rushed to the sesame seed stall in two steps, tried his best to inhale the aroma of the sesame seed cakes, and was reluctant to pay out the five dollars he brought with him, so he directed his idea to his absent-minded father beside him.

Song Dayou rolled his eyes and beckoned to the stall owner to bring him four large sesame seed cakes with meat and a pack of tung tree leaves. He first handed one sesame seed cake to Song Baochang, who was still distracted.

"Father, after driving all night, you must be starving, dad? Dad, don't be as knowledgeable as the third child, don't think about this disobedient guy, come on, your body is important, dad, you can eat a pancake pad to fill your stomach. "

The pancakes were too fragrant, and Song Baochang was distracted, so he subconsciously reached out to take the pancakes, bowed his head and took a bite.

In an instant, the smell of meat and pancakes filled his mouth and nose, and Song Baochang hurriedly lowered his head and took a big bite to chew.

Seeing that his father had eaten it, Song Dayou stacked three big pancakes in his hand, and Ah Wu killed half a circle in one bite, then he muttered to his father: "Father, you give money to my son, but I haven't paid for the pancakes yet." Woolen cloth."

Song Baochang, who lowered his head and wanted to bite the pancake again, suddenly stopped, and Akaka looked up at the mouthful of pancake in front of him, trying to chew it so big.

At this moment, Song Baochang only felt that his heart was so tired, so tired...

Then look at the stall owner, Song Baochang, who is smiling attentively beside Da'er, waiting for his own money to settle the bill...

With trembling hands, he took out a purse that had changed color and lost thread from the lapel of his chest, counted out the eight big coins that the stall owner gesticulated, and handed it tremblingly.

When the stall owner walked away with the cake money, Song Baochang looked at the big boy in front of him who was still smug and gnawing on three sesame seed cakes, Song Baochang...

"Boss, you are not too young anymore. The third child is enlightened now, and he knows that he can find a job to earn money. Your eldest son spends money on studying. You, a father, can't just ignore everything, right? If you don't Why don't you just stay and work on the dock with the third child? Father doesn't expect you to earn a lot of money, at least subsidize Da Lang, and buy him some pens, ink, paper and inkstone on weekdays!"

Song Dayou, who gnawed on the biscuits, tried hard to swallow the biscuits in his mouth, and looked at his father very strangely.

"Father, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you were confused by the old man?"

He looked his father up and down.

"Father, don't say that there is a lot of work at home. You just coaxed the third family to do the work. You just said that you and my mother are at home. As the eldest son, my son naturally wants to serve your two elders at home. !", what kind of work did he come out to do? "Father, you are probably confused by the old man and have a fever?"

Song Baochang...

Spicy egg!What crime did he do in his previous life? Only in this life did he encounter such three bad people!
The eldest is reckless and selfish;

The second son is not stingy, poisons and gambles;
The third son is a little stupid, but he is honest, obedient and filial;
But now, even the stupid son has learned to resist and be disobedient, what can I do in the future?Can he still see the prosperity of the family, repeat the glory of the Song family, and become an old man in a glorious way?

Song Baochang's eyes couldn't help but faintly cast towards the east of Tongyang County, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes...

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