Chapter 200: The Tale of the Octopus

With so many people helping out, a simple kitchen and stove can be cleaned up in a blink of an eye.

Before everyone went to the reserved restaurant for dinner, the one-meter-wide alley to the south of the entrance of Dongpiansha rented by Yu Su became her new kitchen, except for the lack of a table for cutting vegetables and a place for storing things. The cupboards, as well as miscellaneous things for starting a business, are only the stove hole with two big mouths open, and an iron pot is urgently needed to make up for it.

"It's okay, go home, I'll build a cupboard for you, the height is comparable to that of Erlin's house, it's just right for chopping vegetables on weekdays, don't worry about the chopping board, I'll bring it together when the time comes."

This is what Second Brother Wang Cen said to Yu Su and Song Xinglin before work was over.

"I'm not in a hurry for pots and pans. I'm most familiar with Caishikou. When I turn around, my aunt will take you to buy them. It's good for keeping things and the price is low."

This is something that Aunt Zhao patted her chest and embraced.

It can be said that this home, Yu Su and the others have officially settled down.

Coincidentally at this time, Catcher Zhao also left the Yamen, and was hurriedly dragged by his own son Zhao Xiaoshan.

Zhao Butou came in and saw that the two children had finished everything, even the straw curtains that his wife told him to do last night had not only been weaved, but had already been nailed to the door and window beams. It's over, Catcher Zhao kept telling Rao that he was late, Song Xinglin naturally exchanged warm and polite greetings.

After everything was settled, Father Lin and the others were still rushing home, the road was not convenient, and everyone was hungry after working for half a day, Yu Su heard that Father Lin's stomach was growling, his eyes rolled, When I was busy, I interrupted the greetings of the big guys, and hurriedly greeted everyone to go to the restaurant for dinner.

On the way there, Yu Su also greeted Zhao Meihua, the eldest girl from the Zhao family next door, and Zhao Xiaohe, the younger son. The group included himself and his wife, a total of thirteen people, big and small.

Fortunately, I shrewdly asked for a private room on the second floor before, because I didn't know what dishes should be served in the good seats in Tongyang, so Yu Su didn't listen to what Aunt Zhao said blindly, the two of them were young , the cost is high in the city, if you want to save money and find a cheap restaurant, you can just set a table and eat at will.

Yusu was recommended by Aunt Zhao, and in the end he chose the most expensive and best one among the three, and under Aunt Zhao's painful stop, the master and the shopkeeper ordered a warm-house banquet with fixed dishes.

Although the asking price is a bit high, a full two taels of silver, but fortunately there are many delicious things in it.

Two taels of silver includes three catties of wine on the table, two pots of good tea, and a large tea tray made of glutinous rice for tea, candied dried fruits and other refreshment candies. These things are served for the guests to grind their teeth before serving. There will also be wedding banquets, birthday banquets, and three-dynasty banquets at home.

Today's shipment, I even brought the goods with the car, and I received a total of more than one hundred taels with the cost. Yu Su, who had money in his hand and was not in a panic, simply waved his little hand and directly ordered the high-priced seats for two taels. noodle.

Eight fashionable dishes, eighteen hot dishes, among which there are eight special dishes of this place, including meat dishes alone, such as roasted blood duck, stewed black chicken, braised trotter, sour roasted carp, pickled vegetables Meat, tiger skin claws, double-cooked pork slices, steamed pork ribs, stewed rabbit meat, etc...

Yu Su and Song Xinglin, a young couple, politely led a large group of people to the restaurant, and went to the private room on the second floor. No one had yet entered the door. Uncle Lin and others walked all the way behind them, and they were constantly surprised. When they got to the back, they didn't know how to step forward.

It's no wonder they look like they haven't seen the world, it's really poor and hard in the mountains, and they can't come to the county a few times throughout the year, not to mention the two little kids who brought them here today are actually from the county The well-known restaurants and restaurants bluffed them.

"Second son of the Wang family, Wu Xiaosheng, I'm afraid we've come to the wrong place? This, this..." Could this be a place where poor people like them can set foot?

The second elder brother of the Wang family and the younger brother of Wu Bisheng also looked at each other, and then they wanted to nod their heads in agreement. They wanted to grab Song Xinglin, who was leading the way, to ask a question. Yu Su, who was leading the way, had already followed Xiao Erer , stepped into the open door of the private room.

The walls inside the house are white, and there are thin white gauzes hanging on the windows facing the street, fluttering in the wind. Not to mention the silk tablecloths on the tables inside, there are also flower and fruit bowls on them, and incense is burning, and the cigarette smoke is curling up. There are beautiful pictures hanging on it... What do you say?
Oh yes! As Song Jiazu's brother often said, this place is antique and magnificent (magnificent), and Father Lin and the others are even more afraid to set foot.

It was Yu Su's greeting from inside the room that brought them back from their shock.

"Uncles, aunts, older brothers, older sisters, and younger brothers, please come in quickly, everyone is tired, please work hard for me and my little brother, please sit down and have a cup of tea and some candy, I'll serve the food right away, the big guy opened his stomach to eat today, the wine and meat are quite expensive!"

When the voice fell, the three old fathers behind were shocked, followed by shock in their hearts, and without any hesitation, they grabbed Song Xinglin who was beckoning people to enter the door with an eager expression on his face.

"Er Linzi, are you insane? We're in the same village, we can just eat whatever we want, why are you and your wife wasting money like this..."

Song Xinglin didn't think it was wrong for his family's guests to find this place to arrange meals;
Similarly, he also knew why Uncle Lin, the second elder brother of the Wang family, and the younger brother of the Wu family were acting like this;

Song Xinglin's heart was sour, sore, warm and moved, but he smiled and comforted Uncle Lin and the others.

"Uncle, today is a big day for my nephew's new residence. Even if the uncles don't come, they have to eat a good meal to celebrate. So uncle and two brothers, don't take it to heart, just open your belly and be bold." Eat, don’t worry if you’re full! And Uncle, you know that my nephew got a dividend today, didn’t you guys just forget about it?”

Uncle Lin slapped Song Xinglin on the shoulder, "You can't eat and drink like this even if you pay dividends. You spend a lot of money in the county, and you still need to study, so you have to..."

"Uncle, we know, we all know, this isn't something that only happens once in a thousand years, it's rare that everyone is here, don't worry, it's just this once."

Seeing that the three people in front of him opened their mouths and waited to say more, Song Xinglin's scalp was numb, and he hurriedly shouted at Brother Wang Cen who had already rushed into the box.

"Brother Bisheng, Brother Zongcai, Brother Wang Cen, Uncle Lin and the others are still outside, hurry up, come out and greet Uncle Lin and them to the table! Take Uncle Lin and the others to drink some tea and eat some fruit for a cushion Hurry up! My Uncle Lin must be hungry!"

Seeing the third brother who was still circling around in the room looking around just now, Song Xinglin quickly patted his forehead and let go, "Oh yes, yes, I have to go down and have a look, tell the shopkeeper to serve the food quickly, Uncle Lin will leave it to the three elder brothers..."

Well, actually Song Xinglin is hiding.

He ran away quickly after finishing his speech. Fortunately, there was Zhao Butou who had something to do, and just now he greeted Wu Bisheng and his third brother. Scalply asking someone to come down, Father Lin and the other three resentfully walked in timidly with courage and heartache.

Later, when the dishes came out, the three of them were startled again. Subconsciously, they couldn't help but glared at their sons (younger brother, older brother), Father Lin, Second Brother Wang, and Little Brother Wu. It is the hatred of one's own relatives that cannot be turned into steel.

It's true, why are my cubs (younger brother, older brother) so unbelievable, they don't know how to think about their brothers, they only know how to eat and drink?
See if they don't treat themselves as outsiders!Show them what they can!

After receiving the death stares from his relatives, the third brother's scalp was numb, and only then did he realize that his father and the others stared at him for what he said.

When the dinner was held later, when Zhao Butou and his wife still gave Yu Su and Song Xinglin the housewarming red seals under the pretext of having a housewarming banquet, the third brother felt that the gazes from his family were almost murderous.

The third brother smiled wryly, you look at me, I look at you.

(End of this chapter)

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