Chapter 130 - The First Exam
I don't know if it's because the words are simple, or because the young man is really smart and hardworking, anyway, Yu Su Xiaopang pointed his fingers one by one, and everyone in front of him could answer them fluently.

Yu Su was surprised, and thought that this guy was quite smart, but he was actually good at every word.

He just wanted to praise him, but as soon as he looked up, he saw the person who was looking at him triumphantly with raised eyebrows. Yu Su just felt that something was wrong.

But what is wrong?

Yu Su thought about it, and finally remembered that when he saw this guy learning characters in the daytime, he had to recite the Three Character Classic in his mouth from beginning to end. Yu Su understood a little bit, and immediately changed his method.

She didn't take it word by word, and let Song Xinglin recognize it one by one. Instead, she began to pick and interrupt the order, pointing to mothers and people, anyway, she didn't have a clue.

At first, Song Xinglin was a little caught off guard, a little stuck, and a little slow, but luckily he recognized them all in the end, and none of them were wrong.

Yu Su hissed, and thought to himself, could it be that he was thinking too much?
But looking at the man in front of him who raised his eyebrows and raised his head, Yu Su still felt that something was wrong.

Naturally, she would not know that the person in front of her was already happy.

Song Xinglin: He already knew that his family's guest would not end the assessment easily. Fortunately, he taught that brother San every day, and he had already memorized the first few words of the Three Character Classic.

Now the guest just messed up the order and asked himself. With his speed, he went through it in his mind a little bit, recited it, then compared the order, and then compared it with the book. How could he not know anything?It's a piece of cake.

His Yuyu underestimated himself too!
Song Xinglin was like a wolf with a big tail, secretly proud of himself, his invisible tail was raised high, and he had an expression on his face that I wouldn't be afraid, which made me feel more and more wrong.

After getting along for so long, Yu Su, who thought he had some connections with the young man, saw that this guy was so arrogant and complacent, after thinking about it, he guessed the truth in his heart.

She turned her eyes, then smiled, stood up abruptly, patted someone's shoulder with a small slap, Yu Su looked at Song Xinglin with a smile like the wolf grandma who only coaxed Little Red Riding Hood.

"Little brother, you are awesome, you know and remember these twenty-five characters completely, right?"

Song Xinglin raised his neck, "Of course!"

"That's good!" Yu Su smiled, closed the book decisively, put it on the dowry box under the window, and pulled Song Xinglin to go out, "Come on, little brother, come with me."

Song Xing, the second monk Linzhang, was puzzled, he secretly felt defensive and uneasy, he took a peek at the three-character scripture on the dowry box, but followed Yu Su out the door obediently.

When he came to the front yard, Song Xinglin saw his guest dragged him into the firewood room, picked out bamboo branches, and then pulled himself back to the door of the back yard, but he didn't enter the door again, instead he pulled himself and stepped on his feet. On the muddy ground soaked by rain, the little girl grabbed the bamboo branch and began to draw on the muddy ground. After a while, a guy she was familiar with but unfamiliar jumped onto the ground.

Song Xinglin felt guilty, and before he could figure out the reason, he heard the guest beside him smiling and asked him maliciously, "Come on, little brother, what is the word Ni Kangkang, please read it to me." .”

Kangkang is Kangkang! Hmph!
Song Xinglin bit his head and lowered his head to look down. Seeing the character "Xing Naiqian" capitalized on the mud floor, Song Xinglin couldn't help but groan, and quickly recited the Three-Character Classic in his mind. Unfortunately, he had learned this word earlier, and he had forgotten it. Right now there is no book to compare, and he is alone on the ground, which is both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

Looking up at the face of the guest who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Song Xinglin became more and more unsure.

The court guest smiled dryly, moved quietly, and quietly retreated to the door. With his hands behind his back, he wanted to quickly reach into the door, grabbed the three-character scripture on the dowry box, opened it, and took a good look to identify it.

As a result, the person in front of her seemed to be a roundworm in her stomach, just like she knew what she was going to do.

With one hand on his hip, Yu Su tapped the bamboo branch unceremoniously, with a threatening tone.

"Why, little brother, you can't recognize a single word? Also, where are you going to touch that hand behind your back?"

The person in front of him smiled very warmly, but Song Xinglin felt that there was a knife inside, and his scalp was numb.

He repeatedly smiled apologetically in his heart: "Hehe, Yuyu, um, um, by the way, we haven't eaten the morning meal yet, or we can continue after we eat?" Immediately execute and probation, he decided to choose probation, after all Slow things down.

It's just that his guilty conscience of bargaining immediately made the guest change his face, and immediately turned into a tigress and yelled at him.

"Quickly admit it!"

Song Xinglin choked, his eyebrows twitched, his neck flinched...

The result of this assessment is that the relationship has been messed up for a long time, simple people, Ben, no, Song Xinglin remembered;
The one that often recurs, sex, he also remembers;

Only those with a lot of gestures, such as Xi, Yuan, Move, and choose a neighbor, these complicated fonts, this guy actually didn't remember any of them;
With such a result, Yu Su was also speechless, feeling that his teacher had failed a bit.

In fact, it wasn't just Su who was annoyed and felt that he had failed, Song Xinglin also felt that he had failed.

Obviously, I spent a lot of effort to read, memorize, memorize, and write, not to mention, but also to teach my friends every day, and to repeat the effort, why these people, I know and remember them together, separate them , confusion, he can not remember it?
Is he kind of stupid?
Annoyed, Song Xinglin was so annoyed that he even hated himself. He got up early the next morning, and with the little teacher's insistence, he didn't learn five new characters today. Instead, he followed the twenty-five characters he had learned before. Su read it dozens of times before he became depressed, and went out to have a meeting with his friends under Yu Su's urging.

Thinking of the failure of yesterday's assessment, I was suffocated. Song Xinglin, as the second teacher, didn't think he had such a failure, so during the lunch break this day, the four brothers were in the woods, and Song Xinglin also came for his friends. There was an examination.

As good buddies, good brothers, they should share the blessings and share the same exams.

Moreover, in order to test the true level and prove that he can't be that bad, he also wanted to test and accept his achievements as an Er Dao teacher. Song Xinglin was also frustrated, and imitated Yu Su's assessment method to assess his brothers.

The final also a horrible sight.

There is no need to mention Wu Bisheng and Wang Cen. For these two, Wang Cen can still remember the four or five words of simple people, Zhi, Ben, and Xiang; but what about Wu Bisheng?That is, apart from people following him, this guy didn't remember anything, which really satisfied and frustrated Song Xinglin.

Satisfied, he said that he couldn't be that bad. Twenty-five characters, except for the ones that were too many to draw and difficult to remember, he could memorize them pretty well anyway;

The frustrating thing is that these two turned out to be students taught by himself, and he spent so much time and experience in vain, why are these two guys so unmotivated?

So frustrating!

However, what made Song Xinglin even more frustrated was that when Lin Zongcai was admitted to the exam, he found that Lin Zongcai knew more words than himself, and he even memorized the words that stumped him. , and can it still be written?
This is too much!

Obviously everyone learned it together, but it turned out that he alone led the show, so angry.

But Song Xinglin will not admit defeat!

Song Xinglin, who was suffocated in his heart, worked hard. This day, he didn't even care about receiving the goods in the afternoon. He was still unhappy until he finally delivered the goods to Wang Cen's vacant warehouse room and went home.

(End of this chapter)

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